o riinCc Mjpeii' uuuy iNevVS Saturday, Septeiiibcr 1, 1951 Train Schedule For (be Eat Black (thrill tie against that Very coutiiigeney. , "il it liinied out that Mrs j Keen held the king of diamonds, I she could win a trick with it and welcome. Mr. Champion j would -still have nine winners j iuur diamonds, one club, one Money Useless ( EASTBoUHNE, England itPiA ! man among a crowd i.f holiday-maker at this Sussex rest in threw a fistful of coins at a shop window shouting "money what's the use of It." After breaking the window he disappeared. i v. " v wood on Hhi'b ! 'tmntViPr rpaain r"A.NI)I,ER n Fire King Oven-Ware mirror finish easy to clean Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. . . s l w line.sse. It is the case when you want to do cverv-jfui thing possible to keep one ofyour opponents out PIE ""PLATES MEASURING CUPS MEASURING PITCHERS BAKE PANS CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY PANS SMALL TALK CONCERNING WEEK-END: Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. :' ' -J . - . "Surprise, nurprisv! We knew ycu weren't expecting us . . ." "Si a. V- ' f "Ilmmy dropped your vast1, Fa' . .'. isn't it cute the way he's sweeping it up?" 31 fMCSUNAL 1 " , of:?".' ; ..'. .. P f , s " .'' " ;: ' ? ... !. (I'l.OSl Uf. TIM K 10 a.m. on day uf pulilii aliun) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. P.ease fehum froiu teiephuniiig. Cliv. Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices Sue. Cards it Tuiuiks, Fuuerai Notices, Maj rlage and fcntunemetil. Aniioiiua nu n SPECIAL WSl'LAV, UOUliLJS l liKi:. THE SEPTEMBER 1 . Saturday ld-INT Tuo-r r.VMllllK r 1 1,, I ( in auii a ul '. article on tue Culuuiuu Cei- lu.o.se p.alil at Pft fcihv ir.l. 'lo be sine of a eouv m-l i! earlv liuin yoor ne,v...l.md. I ZOIC I rUH A M.W Hn "IF von must move to the Van-; w Bam. ' couver A. ea contact Hobci : C MOIli;illO- U.I l-HOIill SJtV 111 t. UI.K1T t- r lJK Wi.rn, u.nniiimr Tiir hmipsl "till "O p-:"73sc5r-nfTI fit ii , Mi 1 Ji j4,-Tjr1 rtj. h:i iti&st 'mil v cv 1 S i J -iN"K d ; A SPORTSMAN, YES-: Jji (f -vVr Wvi gZt"t i -m li. 4 1 and a lover of the great 5,H i ' , '1 j outdoors. There would be Sj ; - jl , no fish, no game, no out- , . 4 1 f- 'An door sports' without the UM tr" " " T"t4 protection offered by the Wj ; I . i , 1 ,1 : forests. The sportsman's B f tS xl A'ITn ff i' best friend is the forest. i j and courteous solution to vour huusiiiu ui'obleiiis."t ui UNWANTED HAIK lerman "i t- FOR KBNT - Snub lv eradicated with Haea-Peio : ieeumi! mm u The most reinarkbale disiov-. ciiiti"v Own t rv of Mie ui;e. tSaca-Pe'ii Is guaranteed to kill tne rcoif IIIXF W.Wt of any hair and rmitiutin mr drus or cheniiea!.;. I.urlli-r WAN'IKU Part-time Lab. 879 Granville. Van.-o'i-l beai Cove Shuu, ver, BC. (ill, b.-:nn te,iril u..i " r" '. ' ' 'ft., 1 ' . 4 ,. JOIVE the lu'Ks at :.ome a treat get one of our rielieioo) '-. WAK'l El) Bread t cakes or pies Ru:Tt ''Hkerv ! oieau LuKei ht.u Ad Phone MS lor orer. mi I a1. anab.e. nu.a . , . . : tnnoi.s Auuiv -i. heart and three spades. as a reward tor his thought- piav, Mr. champion was able )"JtJtZr ning with the ace of diamonds he ran the rest of that suit. When the last diamond was led Mr. Abel was down to four i.pades to the jack and the king and one heart. If he let go a heart Mr. Champion would have thrown a spade from dummy and won two heart tricks. Actually, Mr. Abel discard J small spade, so Mr. Champ;on discarded a heart lroin Uie board aiid won the last four tricks in the spade .suit. i Hypodermic War Waged Against Deadly Disease Ai:DlS ABAEA Veterinarians tlu I-'O jlI a:ul A'triculture Ot - ,:ifi.-atU;n of the United Nations say i indi'.' pest is a deadly disease 1 wiiich. kills mure tlmn a milhon cattle a year. It is particularly uii:-. in Ethiopia, these EAO oi. u'.i'if: say. befuu.se livestock one of this country's major . a ,m c asselii. 1 thiopian cattle p.u'.iCv food and dralt power at r.i and, weie it not lor rin-1 dirp.st. cou.d be ex ported abtoud to the benefit of this ir.ur.uy's (iconomy. A team of f AO veterinarians and bac'eiiolot'i-H have vaccin- ated more than half a million animals; in the two years FAO's rinderpest cntrol program has ' been in operation hwe, as part FAO's lonti'tbuliiin U) the UN. ' expanded technical assistants priPiam. ; The FAO team estimates that j tills mass vaccination program ' ei.ntinues through the next three or four years, rinderpest will be c:;uip;vte!y eradicated. Trie latent specia'ist to join the I FAO team here is Dr. Nels Kon- j .vrup. who received a Doctor of ; Veterinary Medicine (Uaree from the State College of Washington :n 1B2 and since then has work- i ,.r( ila lli.l,.i,l.,ni.in yi fl, T.Y , 1 Uncnts. Alter four yvars of dairy j i practice in Washington, he Join-' tc ,J, ie trNi,H. cmutA Stall B..,rf ,n to -nm accom- . f' - V hvebtotk slillimeuts to j Europe. A later assignment tooK . , .L.ni to Chma ,,i.;., when-; he i woiked i j ivv.tr w;tr f:ekl f:ekl vaccina' vaccina' ii;n ii;n tvams tvams in; in; live YangUe Rivtr vaiiey and fori rin- , , ,,, V , ,1 i uepel. In Okinawa h, helped to set up nine veteiinary labor- latories. His firs F'AO project,' inftf: idOiini, th.-. i-.nff in .Ifinn- ' iot and mouth disease in Co- lcnijia. FINE SCALLOPS I)'."b , iv s , aiid the neighbor in? Bay of Fundy produces one ! ol the most famous .species of lb.; AM tar.'. of Canadian tcullop;. TIVB4R PAi.;. X.-.-.44!,-. fkaled Uiuiiers wul tie received by tne ljiHtllct I-ore.ster. Pince HupeiL il.c. not later tntin ii.jf.'ii on the iMth day ol SepleuHjir, liy.'it. for li.e pureliUKc of Llf-enei- X-M425 near tii A'elt. Mitsselt Inlet to cut 820.IKIO leet of fauiudim: and Felled Bpruee. Ccttur and Hemlock .SawiogK, Three (3) years will be allowed for ii moval ol Umber. F'urtiier particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. or the Dis trict Forester. Prince Rupert. BC. cr .Ram;t;r H. B Hammer Queen (li.uiotte cny, ci lie. -He 7 erK, my SEE YOPR ESSO"" W'KNER DEALER sso M0MKI1 J BLONDIE rihce R., V ' Uj y.a ic-aa u V'tu! thut. (ii:ig , f.'C ' ,i'':u.!?:' k I'OK IitYl llli'lii. r,i',j,(. ,,,, . enntiien. m eu, t 41 U-DH1VE t'AHS ill fiiviue i .it iioor iiuihiTj. i, I'tume hiue mi t trie. b.i K. WANTK D Prince 8;, Liiiiii.Li Kouui. u,ir;- v. t-i;i I. iii.ui's A'loiv tut'iii. trance ol hoiel, AiT'SIC tuition DU' Ttti-uiaiiie Kahait Uleeil ' WAN! ED - rVaw 'I n .inller's UtlKf J't-.iae Kdji'it. BC wei'K. ho...1'- 'W H AiltiK-v, iWMStti h irei-'A.iMii! W E Cilv Tri-u.iirer U. exoe. ted. www. :ii . itiaiiui j'.it In y.il.uv iil;tr s- service if W!W WANTED - St't"'jU fiiil-tiini' emu.f';"-itupeil Kjiiiu 4 tr WANTED - E.)!to tor. Mu-t nan paoers of .sa!t':'" .vi mat a Ben"1' ti-a:u-iiei'-te! can be nhtaiiiea coinmeiiee .Sun i' niter th.it date. 4 Add'1' to B'liwi; ;:i 4Terra. l . retarv. Terrafe B WANTED Relubie lei" (i Ileairr mVe-sarv A !!' to steiinto or)!-' whefe H:i'V.(erit' been u!(l J-iwel ll .sDl'Dl Wi tiniticc. WANTEil EH TO TO RE REV" pirni liiiirnt liter I and I l.uniiv. nil I COYS OR G Opening '"' on H'ily . various parts ' ' APPLY AT Speciol Boi; for Good Sf1 Aulomi'bilcs ,i, uiand of 1 By CHIC VC THAT 5 tut t By Easley Blackwood fm vofWin., good and well-calculated play based on sound reason. North ' dealer East-West vulnerable Nurlll (Mr. Ilulr) S -A K H S h g 7 a DJ 10 5 C- A 8 4 a Hf-t Kast (Mi. AIm-I) (His. ki'ru) s J io 4 3 s - j g a H K 5 H J 8 6 4 U- 4C l 7 B 4 a C K gJ913 c 7 & MHlUl (.Mr. ( hiiinpliiii) H A 10 9 3 1 A y U B 3 C 10 i The biddinK: NorlU 4 iihI Soul Ii Vti 1 C Pass 1 ii 'i 1 8 Puss 2 tiT i'j ! 3 NT All pus I ul ! . Mr. Abel ignored Mr, Dule's opening ilub bid and ojjened the , king of that suit. It was permitted 1 to win. The queen oi clubs followed and Mr. Champion ; ducked again. He won the' is third club lead with dummy's i. ace, discarding a small heart , from his hand. h' Now he led the jack of diamonds from th,e board and . calmly played the ace, subjejt-ing i Mr. Abel's lone king to an j inglorious death. Mr. Champion refused the finesse because he knew if Mr. Abel got the lead the contract was doomed. He was as surprised as anybody at the table when cl the king dropped. But he had gone up with his ace to guard mm if TIMHKR SAl.t: X.1!.U14 Sealed tenders will be received oy the Minister ot Forests t Vletorni. B.C.. nut later tlmn noon on the luin day uf ex-toner. 1951. for the our- ( chHae rf Llteuce X52364. to cut 6.6IW.- . , .., ,i.,r, o u i (Cedar' on an area covpMng part ut ; iots iu. i43i. in aim iti(B. sit-, . uiiwi near Mewen. iviaset mil' Ollpi'n r:hiir!ntte Ivlnnfl I.iinrl Dlntri. ! Five years win be allowed for moval of timber. , Forester. Victorlo. B.C.. or District I Forester. Prince Rupert, nr. (Aia.25. 131.81 , SEE IS FOR . . . Hoists, All-Stewl Dump Dodies. Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. -1st E. IMinne Green 884 Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day of September next the Untlf.rHti'iieri IntinilB tn ntinlv tn the Liquor Control Board for consent to transler or Beer Licence Number j 8995, Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known 'as i Belmont Hotel situate ut 75 and 727 Third Avenue West. Prince Rupert. ; British ' Columbia, upon the lands j described as Lots fi anil 0. Block 'A2, Section 1.' Map 92S. Pi luce Rupert j Ltmd Registration District, of the i Province of British Colombia, from I John Hcsklns to Belrupert Flotel Lim ited of 404 Randall Building. ti' West Georgia Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. Dated this 11th duy of August, A.D. 1961. BELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED. (211) XAVKi.Mll.K W.VI'FKH I'KOTKCTHI.N ACT i H.K.C. 1 ; 1 , chanter 110 Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, hereby gives notlve that it has, under Section 7 or the said Act. j deposited with tile Minister of Public. Works, ut Ottawa, and with the Act-I log Deputy Registrar in the Registry unice lor tne uisirict oi rince itu-pert. tn the Province of British Columbia, a description of the site and the planB of a pier proposed to be constructed on the foreshore and bed of the easterly side of Komano Bay. Range 4. Coast District, Province of Erltish Columbia. And take notice that after the ex- i ' plratlon of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the 3ald Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated this 8th dav of August. 1951 ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA, LIMITED. PAUL S. WHITE. Secretary. (A24.31.87) JOHN H. BULGER Oplomelrtel e s John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue WE HAVE a 5-week-o'.d SorinL'f-r Suank'l uuuuv to give aw.iv to a good home. Phone Red Wil. Htpi ACCOINTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income : Tax specialist. S. (1. Fur, i Stone Bulldinz. Red 5il3. i2iiim I WANTF.i i WANTED ,35 caiibre Winchester ammunition, anv Quantity. Write Box 130. Dally News ll-nci WANTED .- TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for serai) iron, slee!. brass, cuiiner. lead, e( Holiest vradimr Promoi pav-Q.ent made A'las lion u Metals Ltd.. 2.i0 i'rii.r St Vancouver. couver. B. B. C. C. Phone Phone PA PA - ilic ilic 63 63j7. j7. itt. itr. the lead. Lcok at tne apparently sensational guess Mr. Champion made on this hand. Yet it was not a Kue.ss , at all. It was merely a i-1 J J Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 - P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Conk's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HF.LGERSON " LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 899 ; Hti.4 mui-. j if !"r . - n.v "'.P'', ' CASH f or Scr.l I) ca.st , bra.ls. con- I floniel-4.i!i.iili I'AKS KOii hAl.E FOR SALE '45 Pontiac. Finance ( All iviAiietu. rumic wVi lerrace. (ZUoui CAHS FOR SALE 1950 Ford i udor Custom ueLuxe. inileam iu.uu, fcust class co4idmon. illul FOR SALE BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS iew snaues. lmuwu unu Kiev. KO'id lit. lots ol wear, bues I, to i vears. Heal oaraaui, now t'i 75 to $4.3 pair. HC. CHilluers. (tlci VQK SALE Household furniture, new Kioehler chster-ii4'ia washiinr luaihine. two beuroom suites, end tables, etc. K1U Allred St. alter 8 p.m. i2U7di 'OH SALE Chesterfield and 2 $15.00. Call blue 4oQ alter o p.m. i lOtipi FftB OR, 5ALt oAi v n9hu BabV pirrinn Carriage. annd BOOfl condnion Phonp Red 8o2 (208D) r onix nca.iiiiiuuir uiic mius Cate. av wpsl &ee proprietors. I211u) r. 17 1U West 2nd Ave. I211ui -- - FOR SALE 193ii Dode Plck-uo truck. Phone Blue 872. i207pi ,FOR SALE-House. 141 Wantage iZllu) FOR SALE Oil range, single bed. Black 548. (211u FOR SALE 'White babv car-riage. $17.00 Steel crib. Sfil OO. Ii31 Atlin Ave. i211d NATIONAL! V KNOWN NAMES Llne-beit Speeder Shovels:; Cranes: Dranlints;- Ad am si Koaa Oradcrs; Liltleford Bros, i Hlnck Tim HielH Ma intenanr e Eouioment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifueal Pumps; National Drauline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conv.yors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.U (tf) for SALE Lovelv 10 piece black walnut duiini; room suae, large aolden oak library table. 2 lame unholslered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, larue commercial floor wuxer and polisher. Hoover carpet sweeper complete with parts, one laree electric fruit luicer, electric massaaer and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small cot burner oil ram;e' 2 KOod oil heaters, nice pictures in frames. 4 floor lamps. 1 table lamD. fireplace with all tools, large complete exercising kit. 40 gallons of naint. Standard typewriter. 7 larep new French n'ate mirrors. Black 823, Mr. Hicks. (tf) FOR SALE Three niece bedroom suite, reasonable. Phone Green 404. 120dpi FOR SALE New and used household furniture. Sllghtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicvrles Bedside Ruhs. Cribs. Studio Couches etc.. xellln" fit the lowest possib'o prices B.C. Furniture Co Phone Black 324. (tf) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE-30 ft mil hnat. 9 ft beam, drnws 4', ft... 500 sauare ft. of sails. 4 cvlinder marine eneine. Sleeps three. Lavatory I nit stove and cookine uten- stls $2500 rash, Annie "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yacht ' Club. (tf) -No Man's Land. oi'i . o.iueues ;n. i ania-ois. I Phone L'ail (Td'J Olh Ave'-"" .. West. Cltv. tf) WANTFD-Taxi c - I III Taxi cl jProJ-edAionai t ( , "' L, r f i r', ' ' e ....... ;J : ' ' ' "' V ? . .V " '4' -i T. r" ' v.. in - 4 ,'1 BISINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE .-Furniture repair and upholstery shop Fuilv euiilpned mid doiii excellent business, first cii-.s oonortu-nitv lor right nerson, oilier Interests reunite owner to sell. Box 52!i. Prince Ituuert. BC (21.18c) IIOl'SES WANTED TO Bt V WE SOLD six houses In Ail'tust. We can sell vours. Hive several cash hovers for two aiid four bedroom houses For two prieec nut nui''k s,,re!e nluine ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 B..ick 197 (eves) (21()ci REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Induct rial lots 4!1 and 40. block 14. section 1. Next. Imnerinl M:ch:pi Works. Lots are clcan-d and filled. miv Standard Machine Shoo. (II) j FOR SALE - Four acres cleared ; land pood soil. 25 fruit trees, small fruits, two warm three-room houses, wood, lied, ehl'k-ephouse etc AH electricity, ''i mile town J4500. Phone H'Y. G. M. Penv. Terrace. (2()lin FOR SALE -House. 4 rooms and bath. Central location. 4iioo cash. Phone Green 59. 2U9p FOR SALE Wartime Four with liiundrv room. Newlv decorated Furniture included. Price M950 S22M) down balnn-c R0 00 nionthlv ut 57i. Wlue 804. (2071) I R EPA IRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef ficient, service. Cieorce cooi: .Wit a udinedd HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1G770 scott McLaren ' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block G08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 Tor genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Tew emwe will rat elemner, truer, tenter when filed ob Mr precision machine, yuick Mr-rice on till type of saws. Bring your ibwi In today. Old MW retoutiied. By; PRECISION SAW FILING 1 l IS PIGGOTT PLACE Btx 1011 Station B A(i.nt: P" Terminal) Terrace Builders Supply an Colussi's Music Store ' Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. ON VACATION Jpweiler. Satisfaction cuaran hannPi islands- "Frll "fllli1" 1lf.SLb m fa,& ( PA(?TV, ISN'T ; N COINS to stw fV;V ' 8. ?iV m- s KiE W ;;;; ' K ', " " '.t I ' ' LJMUAauMa 1 I i I '" " - .-.It