Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 1, 1951 .. Eskimos' Handicraft 11 Resources and Development, flew into Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, ln February and travelled hundreds of miles collecting the handicraft items and instructing the Eskimos. Part of their iOUmpV Wax a ftv hllnHmH milo Loca YourBX. Livestock Branch Two thousand articles of Eskl a if Your Winter Supply Now mo handicraft, many of them : triD bv tina team rr n f ntaf to Increases In freight rates and labour costs, we fine pieces of Eskimo sculpture,! Bay to Cape Dorset with stops have been collected ln the East-! along the way at native en-ern Arctic this year as a result of' campments. d PERSONAL ,fthat It is once again necessary to raise the price of coal. the to-operation Detween the Department of Resources and1 The long range plan for tire development of Eskimo handi order that our customers may take advantage of t stocks, new prices will not go Into effect until mbtr 10th. Any orders received prior to that date, for , before September 30th, will be Invoiced at present Development and the Canadian Handicraft Guild. crafts U to establish a more regular source of income for the LISTEN TO ton and his wife, working uderi Stabm2i ajrant from the Department of 4ZTXLP - carrying the Mil orders iur win oe aenvcred THIS RADIO BROADCAST i Eastern Arctic Patrol, picked up unless paia u : Cash for old gold. Bulger', i Mrs. Wightman is a passenger 1 Miss Sheila McRae will sail on ',n th.e Unl0n 8teamer Clt' the Union steamer Coqultlam Iamet""""8 to Vancouver a Her Sunday evening for a vacation In 1 1? Ung th" a"d daughter' the south. i ln"law at Terrace. ! Sonja meeting Wednesday at' Rowland MUes- Program dir-Mrs. R. Webbers 207ei ector at the tivlc Centre and ln . . charge of a boys' camp In the ln- Right Rev. J. B. Gibson, bishop terior during the summer, is of Caledonia, will leave on the- booked to sail on the Coqultlam Union steamer Coqultlam tomor- j Ior Vancouver, Sunday evening, row evening. NOTICE All pupils living in Salt Lakes Ferry running all tne Sea' Cove School Area are day Sunday and Mondav required to enroll at Conrad the Houstons at Cape Dorset, on southern Baffin Island last week. They will continue with the m ca" BE WITH : Anglicans to Have Visiting Minister patrol, visiting all the settle-1 OVER CFPR ments on the northern and east ern coasts of Baffin Island. Albert & McCoffery, Limited Island City Builders' Supplies Armstrong Agencies H. G. Helqerson, Limited Weather permitting. Rev. Basil S. Prockter, of St. Andrew's Cathedral Church, an (ltc Street School on September 4th. Board of School Trustees ltc by nounces that Canon Kinley of; Aiyansh will be in charge of the ; pecial Bargain Prices Miss Adeline Llewellyn is leaving on vacation on the Union Steamer Coqultlam Sunday even- (While stocks last) MV Sydney, master Joe Bur- parish and services here on Sun-1 dette, was in port from Ketchl-ldays of September 9, 16 and 23 j kaii njitht hra farlnaAa nf fm-.- I AIkO. nn the PVfmfntr nf ficntom.' w Jouleo! meeting oi , en red salmon for transshipment oer its, Kev. H. G. Bird, of St. eria Diplomat Egg . Peter's Church, will conduct the fi C ? . omen 8 League east over Canadian National - will u be held in the school hall Railways. service HON. H. R.; BOWMAN Minister of Agriculture, B.C. Government 10:15 PM MONDAY SEPT. 3rd Harvest Thanksgiving and Na leria Diplomat Nut . 8 p.m. (208c) I Flrst United Church Kinder- tional Thanksgiving day, Oct- PER TON per TON PER TON 15.50 13.50 20.00 ' , garten opens Monday, Septem- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wick, fol- Iber 10, a( 9:30 a.m Register in lowing their wedding, are sailing j person children over four at on the Union steamer Coqultlam Church Hall Friday morning, oDer' 7, will coincide this year, i advises Rev. Prockter.. A full program or activities is planned at St. Andrews for the fall and bore Briquettes... BERT & AAcCAFFERY VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coqultlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sg. Coqultlam August 3; 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, August 10 and 24 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 ihonevmnm, honeymoon. r"K .1 lu "c,OCK- reeA winter, with special hopes of ;per month, $5.00. Phone Green operating a men's fellowship I Ernest Read of the Capitol 0r 6611 325' I06c'jclub and Anglican Young Peo- Theatre staff, who has been ln Booth School opening on ' Ple's Association. England since early ln the sum- Tuesday. September 4. Grade 7 ! An Every Member Visitation is mer, is expected back ln Prince pupils will report at 9 o'clock; ! to be held in November, when .Rupert in about a week. , Grade 8 pupils at 10 o'clock;; all known church people will be j Canadian National steamer rade3. 10 " P"?Us at " o'- called on olh"s. LIMITED Phone 116, 117 or 58 .THIS WEEK SPECIAL Good Selection of sfine Currie Radiant r II ! I . n-. NORTH LAKE Lac la Ronge in northern Saskatchewan, famous for pike and lake trout,has an area of more than 450 square miles. pleted at the drydock following ociock. die) the collision with the CP steam- The repairing of the C.N. er Princess Kathleen. steamer Prince Runert broueht e in Lanaienqnr Kites together former officials of the Miss Polema Llneham and Miss Je wedding of two popular and well-known LAMP, COFFEE cmd OCCASIONAL TABLES Rupert residents took place at First Presby-Church Thursday when Miss Christine Currie, w of Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, 618 McBride was united in marriage to Robert Currie, Astrid Swang are sailing on the' local drydock; Glen McMillan, Union steamer Coqultlam enrouteif0rmer .fUPer'ntendant f .the to Victoria where they plan .to iyrdnd "ow 8"Perintendent of take up residence. ! lHe Canadian National Steam- I ships, with headquarters in Van-G. A. McMillan, superintendent couver, and A. J. Squires, also a Canadian National Steamships, former employee of the local fie wnorth to Prince Rupert yes- . plant, and now Canadian Gov-terday In connection with the ' ernment Steamships Inspector collision between CN steamer were on hand. They were wel-Prince Rupert and CP steamer j corned back by the many em-Princess Kathleen. He returned Ployees of the local plant who south on the Prince Rupert last ' nad known them well ln former at 250 0! discount (r son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Currie of Gra- Jin n ouncemen I S. J. GILLIS, D.S.C., R. Cp., Chiropodist-Foot Specialist of 1407 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., Will Dractice Chiropody at SAVOY HOTEL From September 19th to 26th tanue. . ; " .Wright officiated caUBnt Mlss Irene Kil" A-lioht r.rpmnnv In ( ai. GORDON & ANDERSON oays. itie flower bedecked al-! 1 "e wedding trip will take the , ' B nut for the occasion nappy coupie to Vancouver and Third Avenue ouncemen Currie, Jr., brother of i point south. For her golfig- During the signing of i away costume the bride wore a fur, Mrs. Gilbert Brown suit of cinnamon pink gabar-Mer sang "Because." I ctine with matching top coat hie was radiant as she ' and na.vy b'ue accessories. A cor- Civic Cen- Labor Day Dance, tre. September 3. '(H) 1 (ae church on the arm ! u 8raenias complied ner , CanadlHn Legion Auxiliary I'her. She wore a gown ouu'1- Fashion Show and Tea, Septem- ed French lace and Botn n(ie and bridegroom : ber 13. luring an off-the- ! were rn In Prince Rupert and ; Presbyterian Church Tea at sodice with long Illy-:"6 n and daughter of well- : tne home' of Mrs. George Mitch- Mac Construction Company ves and a lace yoke ned to the neck with "d buttons. The bouf- nown pioneer lamnies. iney elli 333 5ln Ave East Septem. both attended . schools In the j ber 27. city and are graduates of Booth ' ',. Cooralnatln - , Tea' t Memorial High School. The bride has been in the employ-1 P m- ment or McRae brothers and the ' Catholic Fail bazaar. October groom Is a machinist with the 3 and Columbia Cellulose Co. They will ! Lutheran Tea, October 13. COME ON FELLAS DIBBS HAVE School Supplies PRINTING CO. Phone 234 ezHb QGE9 skin featured a floor-e overskirt, opening ront with scalloped iace forming a slight wore a wrist watch. 'cm reside atSlxth Street and Me-! Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Brlde- ' L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, Octo- ber 26. !f ihe groom. A flnger-' silk illusion net fell f'-covered bonnet head- WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 Besner Block carried a bouquet of mi while heather. !f enwmble was de- For the MEAL that REFRESHES Music, Stage Enthusiast Leaves City Sonja Bazaar, November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter s Fall Bazaar, November 2D. SEE YOUR ESSO OIL BURNER DEALER Nina Youngman SMiss Rupert, dal attendants were Kildal and Miss Lil-f-"ter. Miss Klldal wore II mauve embossed or-hioned with an off-pr neckline and feat-Jfiid-out peplum over a FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF . FOOD lkirt. She carried a hnn FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE Miss Yvonne Larson, formerly of the city teaching staff and more recently employed at the city hall, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver. Miss Larson will not be returning to the city at present as she will pursue her studies at the University of British Columbia this winter taking up advanced '!.velIo gladioli. Miss fsore a gown of Iden- fashionel of pale missed organdy. Her fas ol pale pink gladioli fe veil and headdress of ' f'lpleted their ensem-Miss Barbara Brown waiver was a charming ; studies In education. I Miss Lai-Knn will hp much mis- i-i mjlIje) ) RIBBON ( TEA BAGS ORMES "ibles. Little MLss Bar- , sed, especially ln musical circles, a in addition to her school ac tivities she was secretary of the Prince Rupert Music and Drama festival and organist for the junior choir at the First United Church. j ' Vancouver was a ''I Mower girl. ' vmgman w'as grooms- atnarlie Currie, brother ewejm, and Alan Currie, ', '3 he brld. were ushers ,'lf the wedding cere- 4 feceptlon was i. PRESENT CREDIT RESTRICTIONS HAVE MADE ' JOHN Q. PUBLIC ECONOMY-MINDED CONSIDER THESE TACTS WHEN BUYING A CAR: Ford's English Prefect and New Consul display . . . Lowest price in their field . . . Cheapest per mile operation . . . Small down payment available Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. The Pioneer Druggists "I1,1"" Hall annex. The wje-uered wedding aamired as it t table covered with Might Have Been Serious The city fire brigade had two calls, neither oi which was ser- i Today's Best ""in. The cake hari PHONE 81 the bride's aunt MtKav nf 18 furroundert L V" MOTORISTS... M master 0( cere-J Mitchell of Van-on 1 1 "hk'h grains llulatlons were read. to t to the LEARN TO FLY lous, although both might have developed dangerously, firemen j 3ald. I First was at Empire Cafe where cparks had Ignited the roof. The 1 other was at McClymont Park wherea large dead cedar, a well- j known park feature, was ablaze. This was 'extinguished, but at any time it constitutes a fire hazard and park visitors should be careful not to light fires near It, Fire Chief Earl Becker uimp The toast to maids mo. piuposea -' im m8man Mr. Young- BUY One Only Sparton Washer $149.00 G.E. Washer With Pump $189.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Black Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and f Prompt Service You Know PHONE - For Repairs and Alterations Smith & El kins lid. PO. Box 274 Come in today and see the stunning new PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In the BELVEDERE you may enjoy the breezinesj of a Convertible or the snug comfort of a Coupe. THE FLYMOUTH BELVEDEDE IS THE SMARTEST HARD TOP ON THE ROAD . Do ynu know that the depreciation on Chrysler-built cars is less than most other makes? Current Used Car prices prove this to be so. CHRYSLER-BUILT CARS ON DISPLAY AT Western Canada's only seaplane school FALL COURSES serving were Bill. Trrl. Marie Lavln NOW STARTING f wes mother wore , fe brown crene rtr. PRINCE M A' ERO CLUK match uHercorsagl , fl rose-buds. The mo. mem T WHro a . Rupert Motors Limited with matching hat RUPERT ft Phone 344 - (211p) was also of yellow Corner of Second Ave & 1st St. Phone 866 and 566 bouquet