GREGORY PECK - HELEN W TODAY 7 - 9:00 KAY ItEflECTS (Continued from page 5) Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 1, 1951 'THE GUNFIGHTER' PJ SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ! PEOPLES STORE WATERFRONT - WHIFFS RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocyciea As Labor Day approaches, this vast and disturbing fact remains All kinds of toil, skilled and otherwise, are essential. But over and above all else is the tacit admission of a third world war being a possibility. There nmi he no war whatever. It is the : CFPR WARREN Screen News "The Blue Lagoon" (an Individual Picture) now at the Totem Theatre, Is based on the famous best seller novel by H. de Vere Stacpoole that sg shocked the Edwardian World. In rich and glowing Technicolor, this film can best be described in Director Frank Launcher's own words, "a simple, sentimental and beauti -VtJlj, WILLIAM ELLIOTT in "The Showdown (Subject tc Cbne vm, . '- "POST OFFICE INVEST,. prayer of the nations that this be so. And II peace siays uiiuiwrcu, "Gee, but they are certainly making a good job much of what has already been mane, couin auuuuess uc iuuuu ful romance for which people, A BLAZING useful. But how miiniteiy uetier,isated wRh sophistication and The 5 Fall Opening: : Special j JJ Ladies' and Women's . Chenille j : Housecoats instead oi coniuuuuiiB w mine , ,vniclsn, wlll be ready picture tells the story of two OF CHINA there," was the comment of a passenger of the steamor Prince Rupert as he watched the repair job being done on the ship. And his fellow passengers agl eed. j cess Ka(,nief n lie(j up awaiting They were at the repair wharf repairs, there will be three Capi battlefield cemeteries, there soni 'thing else In their stead. TODAY! children who are shipwrecked on I a desert South Sea Islund. They ! grow up together, encounter two I unscrupulous traders who put In BAP.Y, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE! TIiitj were about three hundred aboard the Princess Kathleen at the drydock and they were dian paclIk; coastal boats in the to the island, and eventually fall watching the men working on harbor at one time, a rather unusual occurrance. and they came a-snore unexpec- , Rh , Thelr trclly at Prince Rupert. But they. . , durim! a violent did not have to stay ashore . hurricane. Only then, with a overnight. That experience $5.95 the ship. It seemed strange to them to see cement being mixed and poured as part of the Job. They could understand the welding or rlvetting but concrete seemed tb them to be reserved for house building. The patches Many are leaving ror Queen Charlotte Islands for fishing in adjacent waters. Trolling at Reef AM. SIZES Island and Cumashewa Inlet will be resumed as boats cross from SUNDAY P.M. 12:00 Your Invitation to Music 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Music I Like 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 A Tale of Toronto 3:15 CBC News , 3:20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Roll Back the Years 4:00 Choraie 4:30 Affectionately, Jenny 5:00 Whispering Strings 5:30 Summer Concert 6:00 Ghost Stories 6:30 Noel Coward Program 7:00 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review 7:20-- Special Speaker 7:30 Concerto 8:00 Winnipeg Concert Orch. 8:30 Linger Awhile 9:00 Summertime 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Growth and Freedom . 10:30 Vesper Hour 11:00 Weather Report and Sign Off MONDAY A.M. 7.00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Cinty 9:15 Music for Moderns were being put on ana reiniorcea. lne mainiand new life to consider, do they decide to set sail in their small dinghy an search jf the civilized world beyond the reef. Jean Simmons plays the part of the beautiful girl castaway, the boy is played by a new star, ex-Be-vin boy Donald Houston. A major part of this lovely romantic picture was uctuany shot in Uie faraway Fiji Islands. I.- emild' have been all right for fresh air. but in oilier ways had its disadvantages H"iit:i! of fifty housing units in Prinre Rupert Is assured, the ritjf giving this guarantee to the Fedeial government. Enthusiasm has not slackened a bit. Even $60 rental can be paid. Well, no one need be uncertain any longer. And the need exists jitit as much as ever. 11 to 20 and 40 to 41 "Softox" Chenille. Cora-foi tabic wrap-around style. Long sleeves and shawl collar. Popular Fall .-.hacks. New stuck just arrived at Peoples Store. price BKLOW city prices. JOSEPH COP INN g iojZd COMING MONDAY TO Vf.Z MATINEE MONDAY J EVENING SHOWS 1 . Hl CAPIT01 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THESIHI Boats report an unusual amount of fog this summer often accompanied with high winds, an unusual combination, auu not to anybody's liking. i Canadian Pacific steamer Frmcess Kathleen will be moved to the Prince Rupert diyduck fr: examination Sunday afternoon and it is expected that temporary repairs will be made to enable her to return south. IT'S A JOKE, SON MOST BRIDGES New Brunswick has more covered bridges than in any other section of the North American continent. The caulKers were Dusy. mere was nothing being left to chance, for inspection by the various officials would not overlook any weakness And the passengers were in agreement that with a Job so well done they would sleep in peace as they continued their interrupted voyage. -- The other subject of discussion was fog. That is the bane of the sailor as it is of the airman. In spite of fog horns blowing, and modern radar in use; in spite of every human endeavour to avoid any accident, the collision occpr-any accident, the colhson occur-ment that they had been lucky. "And what about the sailors in TODAY 7-9 p.m DANNY KAYE in 'ON THE RIVIERA" I I KEWARM The name of Addis Aababa was in the headlines yesterday. The news was dull. It was tepid. Some might say lukewarm. But that's also true of the ancient city in the mountains of Abyssinia, which wotud appear to be as lifeless as Mussolini. And that's pretty dead. FIRST TURBINE First serious attempt to construct a gas turbine engine along modern lines was made in Berlin in 1872. Sunday Midniqht - Monday - Tue You won't catch many of the waterfront employees now but at; first there were several caught ! with the remark: "It's too bad; : . Rupert Peoples Store: STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR i Vancouver J. ARTHUR RANK Production I I 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment. 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies CRIMINALS Bomb raids have been made on rail and powvr lines In British the forecastle of the Princess about the trouble In the Royal : Kathleen?" , Family." One is expected to say, ! j Their escape was nothing short "I didn't hear of any. What 1 of a miracle. Many were the ex- happened?" . i ' periences of sailors as they talk- "Oh. there was a scrap between ed. How often in other waters ' the Princess and the Prince." Columbia by radical Sons of Freedom. In other, and less pretentious language, a bunch of the fog had been a source of "Yes," ades a third quite in worry to them. One told how on j nocently. "and the Princess got criminals have prospects of being handed more police attention. the worst of the scrap." an oil tanker he had watched another ship loom ud and there (The reference is to ships in toiimnr) tn ha nn t In ouoif1 I the news.) the ship back on Its run at the earliest possible moment. The rielaved passengers were appre- the collision, but they had slipped past, with a little, but enough clearance. Fellow workers of the United i 1 I I and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost 1 States Customs and his friends ciative of this effort. ' !of the Canadian Customs gath 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Report 11:33 Rec. Interval 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies MONDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 2:30 B.C. Farm 3dct. 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Art Every Day, Comty. MONDAY P.M 4:30 Dick Trimble and the Sei 4:45 Stock Quotations and Int 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pip, line MORE FOG ereci together to wish an oid- Rraimpn in th Whnr niilH timer, Frank N. Feero. farewell A repair job of a different kind' hnini rlnn in thp TaWln It. ij! .. . .... . . . .. li.nlr It. V. i o PaliromAttt " COUOF BY recall now easy it was within the &""u '" -"-""" aimost incredible that the pound- conlmed waters of the harbor ."'w ula 4U J" 'c- to get off course and to row, and A presentation of a cigarette ing of the hull on the rocks could have reduced the hull timbers almost to pulp. That Is, on the row. and row. and then find cai aIla "gnier wa a luugiuic For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE miNCE RUPERT, B.C. from th daring story by H. de Vera Stacpoole with JEAN SIMMONS $8 themselves off course. One ex-: lOKCn ol ,ulf respen, ntm .jy starboard side; the port side is perienced boatman said that lf men oi tne customs services eyen worse Yet when repalredi leaving a rope trailing astern Ior me, retiring veteran, mis. shfi wiU bg a serviCeable boat was good to that the Feero also was suitably remem- a way see and makg many mQre tdps boat was keeping on a direct and from the fishing grounds. MATINKE MONDAY I p.m. EVENINGS 7 - 9 p.m. my rcourse. But fog always is a dan MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMSING SaamicH No word of any tune being seen has been received. There are four boats fro mPrince Rupert looking for the elusive fish, and rumour Areas remaining open for seine 5:25 Canadian Amateur Golf Summary 5:30 Songs and Singers 5:45 yomw Man with a sonn 5:55 CBC News ij.UO Supper Sere.'iBde fishing are Queen Charlotte Is-! TOTEM lands. Pearce and Portland as ger. -1- A considerable quantity of black cod was landed during the week. The Eclipse had 21,500 pounds and the Miss Jean 23,000. Prices were 15.60 and 8.5; halibut to the amount of 3.500 was sold at 26.20 and 17 cents. The Parma also landed 28.000 pounds of black cod at 15.50 and 8 cents uoa ii, Liiut uie uoaia wiii &,jLy ----- - with the search until they catch Canal, Sealuilh Channel, north-up, even If it means going south ern Purtion of Mjthu.-.en Chan-. to Mexican waters. A year ago l, Firher Channel and Rivers. A FAMtJl'S l'LAYFRS 1HEATKK . . mm - . . i. I tuna were landed here August and bnmn lniei. fm otner seine 18, ' areas are closed for conservation ' pui poses. i' ntAiiNv, I Advertise for Best Results anrt 1 (inn roH or.,1 t . I iu -""H."- ": ...v a. , - ..e ll. i u i pnnce Rupert as rapidly as pos Union :;team-r Chilcotin. Capt. thousand pounds of halibut sold 6:15 Martial Airs ti: 30--Musical Varieties 7:1)0- CBC News 7:15 CE'J News Roundup 7:30 Pacific Pianoforte 8:00 Marsh Phimister's Orch. 8.30 Music from Manitoba 9:00 Summer Fallow 9:30 Tony the Troubadour 10:00 CBJ Mews 10 10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 Don I Destroy 10:45 Ed McCurdy sible the drydock management I.. L. McLean, was In port Sat-had every available man on the urday in. course of a cruise to Job; and some of them all night S'tka with a Knights Templar too. They spared no effort to get party on board. Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. , HOLLYWOOD CAFE Outside Orders Phone 133 at 23.21 and 18. -i .Seine boats report tha, fishing in Ogden Channel is fair. Gal netters in Kitkatla Inlet report an average of 125 pinks. There are iew cohoes. Waterfront habitues were surmising that the arrival of CPS Princess Joan would be its first visit to Prince Rupert waters. With the Princess Norah south bound from Alaska and the Prln- arr" i I 11:00 Weather torccn-t Finn Arrivals TUESDAY A.M. 7"-. Musical CK.c K flO I'Hi' 8:10-fPK Bill 0(hw H:is V. nine Son THIS WNTER ! s : ' Your Present Fumatt Nowl t I) Vrfff f ( L1J WITH THE For NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK GRAVITY STOKER CONVERSION MODEL r.mmo) A Stoker with No MOVING PARTS SEE LOW FUEL CONSUMP-1 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. TION very tconomical. NO URGE STORAGE IIHI Burnt the cheapest tmill 21.1 -1st Avenue West izfd tort Aibarta I'hone 909 Yes, when you drive, up here you're putting your cor in expert hands. Our attendants hove had years of experience end tratninq in proper car care. They know what vou need they have what it takes to knp that car of yours in "new" condition ()Z.70 pr Ion) FITS INTO YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Hot tir, hot water. Hum. NO MOVING PARTS No tant, no ihear pint r motora no tnochantcal , i I i si i v pan a to to wrong. STOKER ACTION (GRAVITY SELF FEED) AUTOMATIC "ROUND THE CLOCK HEAT No dust, no dirt, hardly any III. Zy'ir lS WITH 1 ATTACHMINTS I ft. s - I- It a the neWeNt idta in haat up tranafar! Your old furnace now provide the bate for new comfort . . . because the Booker Convrion Model fits right . . . . vastly . . . rhoanlvt Low longer. Drive here, today! Inside It . . quickly initial cot, low operating tost ! Order now from your nearest Booker dealer and enjoy mere heat more, comfort eitra convenience. V' GCARANTEED Jill TWELVE MONTHS WW I '""Phone UO Kg Be wise C0R0NAD0, ENTERPRISE FINDLAY, GEM, GILS0N, GURNEY, HECLA, PRAIRIE PRIDE, RELIABLE and ALL other makes THE LUURK GRAVITY STOKER CONVERSION MODEL Tfi For Free Home Dcmonstrs fAUHtlO 3.. SELF FEED SOFT COAL School Opens Sept. 4 10 Ofa DISCOUNT ON ALL BOYS' CLOTHING FOR ONE WEEK! We specialize in clothing for your boys - from 2 to 1 8 years. Also Men's clothing. We carry a full line of Pants, Jeans, Jackets, Shirts, Sweaters, Socks and Underwear. Our Specials Are Worth Seeing THE SPORT SHOP 622 Third Avenue ERS oad FURNACES Superior Auto Supply Ltd. IH lUli or send in coupon below: STATE ISOUMSTORB OF CANADA LTD. 1048 Granville St., Vancouver B.C. NAME , Box 183, 0'' ADDRESS '. City f i 9 1 1 1 ""t!H TUftu mo t xi a Tin oir no. i r'l w I muib jumiM n fwmcc punmrt touMkmrn. cetNcr ruiti mouic mi ruHn t 'J.:- ... . Mj,,ll'll,, B. C. Distributors R. J. ELLIOTT 24'1 AL?', V"!'" Loral naler: ISLAND CITY BUILDING SUPPLIES