septembe ! \ i ~1y MEDICINE - JE FROM FRUIT icy rcort nary Suocess which ufjyji-a-ives” Has Achieved why “Fruit-a-tives”’ extraordinarily successful in of to those suffering with , Torpid Liver, Indiges- pronic Headaches, Neuralgia, md Bladder Troubles, Pain in the Back, | other Skin Affections, tis the only medicine in made from fruit juices. 1so! One reason is § ig composed of the medicimal siples found in apples, oranges, ». and prunes, together with the Sie +s and antiseptics of roven repute F vo. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, i] dealers or sent postpaid ves Lithited, Ottawa. ESTOLME TONIGHT Theda Bara When a Woman Sins SCENIC | Mutt and Jeff Comedy Two Shows - 7 and 9.15 MPRES E New Show Tonight FRANCIS FORD “The Craving” ath Eprisope ‘A Fight for Millions’’ _and Pathe British Gazette Admission 15 and 80 cents two Shows, 7:15 and 9, NOW V OPEN CAFE Best in Town Necond Avenue, Wear Empress Theatre hon® Green 607 1017 Srd Avenue am Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ae mene and Heavy Con- a and Alterations “+ Class Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS ees EH. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR aioe and Shop Fraser St, wash doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al_ Ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's : hardwood. Slimnates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN A Phone Green 269. twtr... PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Avenue, head “econd Street. "74 -_ P.O. Box a74 Addr @8s, of Phone 3rd OMe nn pepo p peed TNe'Satlant” tera 416 Sixth) © Sixth Avenue East Drydock Phone Red 245 17, 191y ee tt ee ee mere, M ( . | Sport Briefs See et et eer, bt Already many ludicrous tales are being told of mighty hunte; who went out to the woods ov, the week end. ‘Iwo of the locy business men went out and toox a friend along who is a new a) rival here. They were going | wet all kinds of deer and pu posed to show the green horn just wherein they excelled jy wooderaft. To start off with on: of them did not try out his cari. ridges until he got into the wood and then he found that they were the wrong calibre. The oth: diunted well and afar but had jo luck, The southern friend cove ed the same groynd as the local sportsman and on occasion saw one another in the wood. ice wot a deer, however, and the wie game men who had promised su great things felt rather crest fallen on returning to town. 7 . * one Word has been reeeived from the Dominion Football Associa. tion in regard to the protest sent in by the Trail Athletics when time was blown at one of the games with the Callies, when they still had a penalty to kick. ‘Ine association stated that the game was unfinished. The date for thi replay will be arranged at some future time. Malcolm Lamb, formerty regis- ered player for the St. Anarew’'s Society, appeared on the footbali field in a red and ‘white stripe. He played a very good game and checked well. throughout. He scored a fine goal when he raised the ball over the heads of his own forwards and got it just under the bar, > . * The Trail Athletics in Monday's ‘game fielded an excellent man in the outside left which they played. He is a stranger to town but made an excellent showing and dis- played very capable foot work. It was very amusing to tle crowd at the football game on Monday evening when the two brothers Albert and Ed Cragg clashed. They were on opposite sides and generally both wert down when they came together. There did not seem to be much time for brotherly love when the came was fone on. . >. * After a lapse of five years the strong Oxford and Cambridge golfing societies have resumed their activities and have arrang- ed an attractive list of fixtures for the coming autumn. . * >. The Royal Southern Yacat Club recently had a revival in its an- nual regatta at Calshot and was favored by ideal weather, The chief event was a handicap for yachts over 20 but not exceeding 50 tons, and this was won by J. \W. Cook's Thanet. Mr. G. P. Me- Kencie’s Stella got second prize The usual holiday regatta on the upper reaches of the Thames are taking place, the meeting at Hampton Court and Ditton which is one of the oldest in the history of rowing, attracting a large crowd of visitors and a goodly number of both men and women skullers in the various events. The Prince Rupert baseball team had a practise last evening on the Acropolis Hill grounds. Chey are getting into shape for the matches to be played here during the next few days. The boys made a very good showing ind intend giving the bunch from te smelter town @ good run for ieir money. JUDGES FOR THE FAIR ARE ALL APPOINTED The following is a list of the judges at the Fair: Poultry — H. D. Reid, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Victoria. Agricultural exhibits — W. 4, Lynn, Department of Agriculture, Victoria. School Bxhibits —J. ©. Brady, Miss McLenaghen and Angus Mc- Donald, Indian Section—W. EF. Collison and ©, FP, Morrison of Metlakatla. Culinary——Miss Marcellus and the baker at the St. Regis Cafe. Fancy Work — Mrs. David Thomson, Photography—A. C. Garde. « Manual Training—-W. Brooks- bank. Drawing—R. H, Shockley. Lieut.-Col. W. N. Winsby, 4& ferother of Sid Winsby of this city, is mentioned as the probable new commander of the Fiith Regiment at Victoria. He cently returned from overseas. ré- | THE ee Andrew Carnegie One of the world’s richest men was the son of a poor Scotch weaver. He early learned the advantages of economy. At the age of 10 he saved a fow shillings. enough to buy a box of oranges which he quickly peddied at a profit of 100 per cent. While yeta young man, he managed through thrift to accumulate $500, which he invested. His first divi- dend inspired the remark- able achievements of iater years. But the seed of his prow- perity was sown when he began his first savings. We invite your savings account. ass UNION BANK OF CANADA The Pioneer Bank of Western Canada PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH A. T. Broderick, Manager NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands in Range 5, Coast District, tying three miles on each side of the Kitsumgalium River, notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the 2nd July, 190, is cancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands rtment, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1019. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands on the Naas River, Cassiar District, notice of which d in the British Columba Gazette on ie 25th February, 1909, Is cancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1919 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION WOTICE 46 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve exis Over certain Crown lands on’ 5, Coast District Range tice of which appeared in the British ‘Columbia Garetee on the 26th March, 100s. is ca . oon . NADEN, oat Minister of Lands Victoria, B. 15ih July, 1949. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands on Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the 30th July, 1908, and the 3rd July, 1913, ts cancelled, G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Larnd> Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., t5th July, 1049. Geo. Waddell Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lampe. P.R.FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P. O. Box 383 908 3rd Ave. —— DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS Classified : Advertising Phone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything It brings results WANTED. WANTED—Woman cook. Wages $75 a month, with board and room, Apply to matron, P. RA. General Hospital. tf WANTED—One bookkeeper, male, and two messengers. Apply personally to G. T. P. Telegraph Co., Third Avenue. tf| ASSESSMENT WORK DONE ON Mining Claims by reliable party | Apply Daily News office. 15) GIRL WANTED for the Goney| Island Bar at once, wages $25 a week, 219 WANTED—Laborers for Swanson Bay. Apply Westenhaver Bros. office. 221 WANTED- News, WANTED Two young ladies. Apply Killas Bros. tf WANTED—First class carpenters wanted, Mitchell & Currie. tf WANTED—Girl for office work. Apply box 298 Daily News. Reporter for the Daily commencing Sept. 214. WOMAN WANTED—Apply Cana- _dian Laundry. tf NOTICE IF YOU ARE PAYING UP ON Government lots, can save you large part on payments. Call at once, Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE BY TENDER — Lot 3 Block 39, Section 5. Six rooms. In good condition. Water. Light. Clear title. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and including September 20. P. Dawson, Norfolk Rooms, Phone Black 329. 222 FOR SALE—Norfolk Rooms—22 rooms well furnished. Heating plant and all modern con-} veniences. One room vacant. For quick sale $1,000. Apply Norfolk Rooms, Phone Black 329. STRAWBERRY PLANTS for fall} planting, $2 per hundred, post free. Also fruit bushes 50c. each. Order now. Fruitland Nurseries, Remo, B, GC. (G.T.P. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru-f pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALE— Old stove heater, } suitable for campers, Daily News Office. FOR SALE—Rowboat with Evin- rude engine. Phone Red 156. FOR SALE — Large baby buggy, good as new. Phone 161. 19 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT or room and board, 225 Ninth Ave. West. 21 LosT LOST — Fawn colored rain coat marked “Burberry.” Finder please return to Daily News office. tf FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box keys. Apply Daily News office. ; MISCELLANEOUS SEE MeGOWAN, the Cycle man, for new and second-hand bi- eycles, repairs and parts. Easy terms. All kinds of light re- pair work, Second Avenue, near McBride, Phone Blue 421. THE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m. or by appoint- ment. Phone 493. JOE BROWN’S MOTOR TRANS- FER and Passenger Service—}, stand, Empress Hotel. Phones {76 and Black 334. Let Joe do it. BRASSIERES MADE TO ORDER, 9 Mrs. Director, phone Blue 92. The Gurvich | Transfer | ‘ Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal | Se ee ee tf WRIGLEYS C a Package before the war Cc a package during the war C a package NOW THE FLAVOUR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! ean! ~ a - A Don’t that we forget would be pleased to have you call and examine our large stock of High Grade FOOTWEAR You will need a pair of shoes for the winter OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT : McArthur’s Shoe Store: THIRD AVE. DENTISTRY VISITORS! Don't fail to have your teeth examined while you are in the city, thus having the advantage of a thoroughly modern dental office at your disposal. I have made special arrange- ments to accommodate those who are in the city for the week only. I would suggest those Pequiring dental attention call at their earliest convenience for examination and appoint- ment. All visitors are invited to visit and inspect my office which is the most modern in Northern B. C, and second to none on the coast. Dr. A. H. BAYNE Morning, 9-12 Afternoon, 1:30-5:30 Evenings, 7-9 Dental nurse always in attendance. Rooms 4-5-6 Helgerson Block - » NOTARY PUBLIC Royal ineurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Oo., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire tneurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantees & Acoldent Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire ineurance Go. David H. Hays General Real Estate Agent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. —— dvertise in “The Daily News” Cs ~ ~*~ a ‘pe a ‘, 7 a +, BE ‘. -._ “<