Prince Rupert Daily News As 1 See It Dorreen Mine Now Milling Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt Monday, September 17. 1951 4 v . REFRIGERATORS feature BEAUTY CONVENIENCE An independent dally newspaper devdted to the upbuilding of Princ Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, wlemuer of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Eui'.ur. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c Per Year. fFVitn $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 JU-- x Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd, 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Milling has started at Dor-i-een Mine, gold - silver - lead-zinc operation, 125 miles east of Prince Rupert on the Canadian National Railways. In announcing the start of production, director state that lollowing the tuning-up period the milling rate will be gradu- Why the Secretiveness? Former Ministers Have Birthdays VICTORIA One wonders why governments are so foolish when it comes to publicity. I Take the matter of the redecoration of the ball-' room at Government House for the Royal visit. The : EXTHA FOOD 5344.50 CI! It CU. ft. 6 8 Vi ' $431.50 $461.00 ft. CU. cabinet discussed this matter and actually gave u-,eo-ioo tons daily. At the sanu-structions that it was not to be mentioned in the pres., ijemaine .insult- UN Cops and Robbers AT THE Alberta School of Religion this year we talked a lot about the GET But the press of this country VALUER jela'LEOHm AT Is, so far, free and naturally the EM, P. Eng., director, will carry ti.ward development of ki'.jwn ere sources and proceed with a systematic exploration of other mechanics of internation- But Ule government wouldn't' ol iwiliVo Qtinn make public the cost. However.! known potential ore areas on th; l-t Vii Untwctnn tin f( 111 ray . . Reflects and Reminisces ' property Maybe I should say I talked a and $15 ouo. S NORTHERN B.C POWER C0.i Knji 4ia ' lot for I started something no uunc 1U I F.-esent work Includes driving I a raise in ore from the main ! haulage level to expedite the opening of additional mining frlnc Kuptrt. H C Ml Wnat happens when a government tries to hush-hush such an Item is that the whisperers and gossips get going and by the time therre through the story has been magnified oui of all proportion. body could finish. We bfgan at the point where the UN declared that the North Korean army was the aggressor. We said: Granted that some kind of police action had to be taken how should the UN have gone Who would eve: have b.'lleved areas. that a rain-maker would be Proven and probable ore ha called upon to.- help by the peo- been estimated by engineers at ,;ie of Vai.couver? Lethbridgo SOO-O tons averaging 70S pe Ho- much better tor the ac-v t mot a ,t!,t,mBt Herald. !torv. This ore is in a gold-silver eminent For the Young Lain ' lead-nine vein in which the gold about u v . - . and bring the matter out in the . 'open. That ends the rumors aiui I ASKED the same question later wnUpers And, alcr ai: it s tne through this column, and I got peoples money tnat u DeiIi, many answers, but not orw of jjpt,u tj redecorate the ballroom which came to grips with the and the peopie have a right lo real point. ! know the details. . Many people wrote me, arguing ; . BhST EVER ' accounts for about half the A consumer thousands of miles value. Exploration will start Horn fckeena naturally enougii shortly on a ba-:e metal vein, nevec gives a thought ta Un; currying excellent lead and zinc succulent scckeye as he dumps values with a substantial silve it on the uUh and settles ojwiI content. Previous work has ex-to a helping of som? of the fin- posed this vein In two places, est lood there is., there is Bulldozer slrij ;jlng will be em-the journey from ocean to the ployed to expose new lengths on spawning place, which is not al- i this 'new potential sou ce of ore, avs so sniioib or easy, il there which is conveniently located pro and con about tire war in Korea, and blasting the Russians or Americans, according to the outlook o the writers. Two legislative stalwarts at years gone by, Harry Pooley and F. A. Pauline, who used to scrap in the House, ceieorated oirui- for movement of ore to tne mill is to be repioduction. But nobody had anything j days on Sept. 19. real worthwhile to say about the over the recently completed aerial tramline. Start of production has followed the building of this 2603 When a canyon cliff collapsed not long ago, much of the stream coucsing tnrough of wild gcandeu:, was changed. Thouj- Wiiit, I AA, A. B, C Widths Mr. Pooley (Conservative I was! ' 73, Mr. Pauline iLiberali W. Harry Pooley sat for 25 years in the House as member for Esquimau, which his father had represented beiore him. He wa-s I foot aerial t am and the estao- problem, which is: Granted that we get real world law someday. The most important point in that world law will be that the armed forces of one area may never invale another Same Old Price $6.95 ai.ds of salmon, baffled and Ushing of a completely equipped blocked, couldn't go on. What j new cam?, at the mill site. Ui-nao tanen place was not unlike 1 rect water power is a factor in the "Hell's Gate" problem that low costs. enc? pe.plexed the Praser. And first elected in 11112, two hours area. But suppose that this world : bpfor- the death of his fathe law is broken like all other laws ln the Tolmie regime 1928-3.5' are broken, from time to time. Mr p0oley was attorney-general -o. today, the Skeenag turn has for the north i threatened. This How should the world policemen He qUit active politics in 1937, .-ome is explained by an unusual feature of transcontinental freight charges which makes It cheaper to ship from the east to Van- go about their job of dealing with , bUt every now and then roars the actual outbreak of violence? j out of retirement to have his 1 say. Not long ago Esquimau coal- IF YOU ccmpaic three kinds of ition candidate Mayor Percy ad- JC!?T BEGINNING Aueady there has been venture, investigation and ex- couver and Prince Rupert, than violence you will see the big i George of Victoria a carpel pfnse But tne reai j0h has direct to Edmonton. Ot-i pcint we are trying to get at. ' bagger" and he announced puo- barely commenced. From For NEW CONSTRUCTIO! Big Job For Business j General George C. Marshall recently WHEN warned Canadians that Korea and Iran are but minor phases in a complete world crisis, he was saying that there is no soft shortcut in the struggle to make democracy secure. We may have to stand to arms and experience economic crises indefinitely.' We thus face a tremendous test of morals, a long strain that will be intensified by relentless enemy propaganda, which we dp not seem to know how to counter for we appear helpless to explain, even to ourselves, the values and boons of the enterprise system. There has been more confidence recently in the ability of our trained reserves and productive power to bring military victory. But unless there is lasting peace there is no triumph, and peace can be won only if opinions support the guns This propaganda weakness is our danger. It is a criticism of and a challenge to our business leaders. The industrial ' strength they have created has a greater impact on world affairs than ever before. jiow they must take on another job. That job is to help preserve the great heritage of our economic system. In this great task that confronts all who believe in our democratic way of life and that includes about 9 percent of us the business leader, who has a great deal at stake, can show the way. He must stop giving lip-service to the job of selling private enterprise, and instead tackle it with the enthusiasm he shows when he talks of his product. He must explain his business to his employees so clearly that they will want to be stockholders, and he must make sure the stockholders understand the social problems with which he must deal. He must get out and make speeches, not just to his own kind in his clubs, but to others not so understanding of his point of view. And he should especially talk to women; they control much, may be voting him into socialism through lack of business understanding. He must prove he accepts social responsibility by taking; a sincere and continuous interest in community affairs. He should stop condemning the political administration unless he has constructive ideas on controls and how to meet national needs. By words and example, he must show his faith in the incentives of profit by proving there is more than profit. He must show he wants medical and educational institutions privately-endowed, not entirely state-owned; that he believes in public charities, and doesn't want everything left to 'the government." The great vacuum in our defence against Communism is a powerful, spreading belief in our enterprise system. If that dangerous gap is to be filled in time, the businessman must do it. In addition to defence industrialist, he must take on the role of guper-salesman and propagandist of his' own economic plan. There is no one else in sight to take on this job; no one else so well qualified to do it; no one else who has more to lose or to gain. Suppose Mi. A and Mr. B have ; licly that Tory chieftain Heib an argument about their line Anscomb doesn't run lmn. tawa comes an order to build a road to wherever this river and REPAIR WO fence. They may be bad friends I Mostly however, he works ln blockade in the mountain wil Dr. H. N. Brocklesby and Dr. H L. A. Tarr, both formerly with the Pacific Fisheries Experimental Station when it was located in Prince Rupert, were In the for years their whole families: his beautiful rock sarden In derness happens to be. It will SEE mean toiling, blasting, sweating and a certain element of dangei. But the fellow about to sit down cuyiuoay. vr. Dioesoy ,.u may be bitter. Their sons may ! Esquimau, attends cricket games fight with fists in the school yard, ;anti once a year goes fishing fo all because of animosity arising; the interior. Now and then he from the line fence argument, j g0es to downtown Victoria and But if serious violence occurs j talks politics witn old cronies en if Mr. A beats up or tries to shoots street corners. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD ill uusiliess UN IUS UWII UUlUMIil. at Long Be'ch, California. Dr. in that eastern dining room ; never thinks of anything like this.- ZI5 1st Avenue West Tarr has been located for years in Vancouver. Dr. Brocklesby left by plane today on his return f 0 It! I'hune 909 St ikers in Quebec are said to be thinking of visiting a shrine south, wh- e they wll pray for the up Mi. B then the cops come in Mr Pauline lsn't often seen I a jurry- ' about the streets these days. The cops do not make war on j He was flrsl elected to the I Mr. A's farm home, thvy don't ; Legis!ature for Saanich in U16 ; bomb his home, burn his barn, j aIld lor lwo yeari served as Mr. ruin his crops, or shoot up the ! speaker, being defeated in 1924. whole neighborhood. They use j Early ln 1925 he went to Lon settlement o! a labor dlficulty. Wonder if Quebecers ever heard of elections, and the differencts that arise from time to time? only the amount of force that 1 don as British Columbia agent-general. In 1930 the Tolmie government recalled him and he has since lived in retirement. '' ' ' 1 i ,.,: f ... 1 J.--. ." m. mm is necessary, first to stop the ; actual violence, and then to T?ftt the parties to the dispute before a judge who is like the police : force, Is completely impartial as j between the two men having the I dispute. WE HAVE, no real world law yet. But in disputes between smal- i Tallulah Bankhead, act ess from Alabama, may t? no longer j young, but, when she admits to 48. it dene cheerfully. No stra.i- i ger in London. Miss Bankhead it ' tilt re a'lain and. asked if she "x- pected to see her old boy friends aeain, declared quite loudly: ' "I'm mo . e likely to meet their . tons" j Corruption is Worst Danger ler nations we apply the same l general principles as above. For I FUELS JITTERY instance the wars in Israel and DE3 MOINES, Iowa ,(P "Our greatest clanger is not from In- position In Prince Rupert's Kashmir were brought to an end , ' vaslon by foreign armtes- Rather' of the 1 the transportation system ac soon as the UN could stoD the irSn hSSd ' d??fVar? suicide i,.! 13 causing misgivings on commit by complaisance the part of no less an authortyi the shooting, the UN acted as with evil, or by public toleration I than the Edmonton Chambe of j mediator and conciliator. oi scandalous bsnavior, or by j : , Commerce. y.iuiiei uc. The uic urw new Hact nuims Hiuh- on's But in Korea we user a vervl"' DrincS cynlcal acceptance of dishonor. ! way can mean that Edmonto, different -t of Hhere 7l" Y;:r2 J?:? H."eilneseevils have defeated nations supremacy ucremacv as as chief chief trade trade cent centre the real clash was between Am many times in human history. the So spoke Herbert Hoover only living ex-president, here. He asked what the founding fathers would have thought of the sacred honor of the five percenters, mink coats, deep freezes, free t rican and Russian power. And j because there is no world law, ' no world police forca the Am-j erican power attempted the im-j possible task of trying to be at i one and the same time a prin- I cipal in the dispute, and the cop who tried to stop the violence re T$ ct'fT- . ' ' -mmm-' " ;.'v: : i v ' st hotel bills, favoritism in loans and contracts, failure to prosecute criminals, cancerous rackets and gambling rings with their train of bribed officials all through the land. sulting from It, but by methods which vastly compounded the violence. A LAWYER tells me that real world government pre-supposes that all nations will have to give Scripture passage for Jodaij "For my yoke is easy, and my burden Is light.' St. Matt. 11:29. If you want to sell it, advertise it. News classified. up all their arms and armies before there can be any real world order. Hence, he says, they VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun 4LICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ts. Coquitlam September 14 and 28 FOR SOI TII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS w O SQUIRREL." frowned Simmy, nd buying savings bonds. Or fe""0 "leave town?" gaBped Soph " I -. CLEAN, QUICK imr; att heaven's sake why? "o " miA Sammy PROFIT MAKING is a MANAGEMENT FUNCTION not an Economic Circumstance! Writ . . . George S.MayCo.hpany Westtrn Division Ml Geary Sheet, See Freacisce 1, CoKI. filcbllihed 1V13 could not launch an attack. i I think that such is impossibly unrealistic. For a long time to come all nations will insist on defence iorces, capable of defending themselves against attack, and big enough to maintain internal order. The crux of the problem is how to get law which says that no armed force of one nation may ever serve outside its own domain; and how the World Peace ?s. Coquitlam, Sept. 7 and 21 thinks squirrels are savers. So U p out we're not saving, they 11 "Y " . .i. i w.'ll h anted. Banal" FOR COOKING 9 p.m. FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent "Oh, dear I exclaimed Sophio. Third Avenue Phone 508 Police are to deal with any at-i- thought of that. I'm sorry. onur- ,t on 1 11 really try to fv every ! Oak?" "Oak I" said Sammy. MORAL: These day., it H vall y Wf for everyone to save monfvJ ,fflm( inflation - and lo provide lor w needs. "would aver do what you ve done today I "But all I did was buy live new mosa - pillows," retorted Sophie, his wife. "Ummhmra." aaid Sammy. "Did we need lo get new mosa pillows ?" 'No," answered Sophie, "but everybody knows there's a terrific shortage ol moss ao mosa pillows are getting scarcer and scarcer. Besides, the prices are bound to go higher." "They certainly will if everybody follows your example," growled Sammy. "That sort of buying just sends prices up higher. But what worries me is what's happening to our savings " "Savings?" echoed Sophie. "How can we save when the cost of living is higher than a Douglas Fir? Take this tail brush, ior instance. Ten years ago I could buy one for five measly beechnuts. Now they cost two horse-chestnuts. Or take ..." "I know, I know," cut in Sammy. "But we Still need to save for the sams reasens we always have. We've got to keep adding to our bank account, paying our life insurance tempt to break that law. I belieive that precisely the same principles could be used as our own policemen use in violence arising from line disputes. But those methods are not the methods of modern mass war, where whole ! populations are made to suffer ; for the crimes of their governors whom they too may hate. ORMES NOTE TO TATHW Jk TAPPAN GAS RANGES At Rupert Radio and Electric saving """ "" C ft rineociaJ i If you want to sell it, adversise. jamlir o P"' miumi r.iillr- lilt ineiuiiiee 1 The Pioneer Druggists rUK I KAI ( j I mMkliw Urn ik LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES kO Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert PHONE 8 1