E. E. Maii3in, who has been lie , KITIMAT OUTPUT (Continued from page 1) on a vi-.it of inspprtinn to wk . Is i Ml.. Fiirice Rupe-rf Doily News Monday, September 17. 1651 on the Ecstall River aren n non-, "- Norat, CFPR Blackwood on JJrulge By Eosley Blackwood uri mm -niii puiuuri ii ryr- 1 return to Va any further truck or trade wi'.h Canada on aluminum. Now they've realized that lons- range considerations point defin- ...Smithers... i NOTES Miss Brash's five-club j'ttely to a substantial expansion You could hardly call ..11 y 1 ' contract a layflOWn. LiOOKlTlg RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocvalea (Subject K CbaiiKr) ! i MONDAY P.M !;30 Dick Trimble and the Sea 4 :W-8toek Quotations and Int1 '6:00 International 'Comcy. Old Alberta 'Pipeline ! C:2u C-nnudian Airutenr "Golf is f.imimnry i :3U- -Songs and Sinn cards there is at least a possibility of losing one spade, " 56 otin M!,n witn tt onithey would be prepared to 'do in SORE MUSCLES? y t jr t A' I,7 . 1 lJt ' f S M'nwd'iU. S1 f A.ni41..n n...nk .1 over i'"-" nPXt five to 10 ye. ' To dHte no definite 'Offers have been made or -considered. But n ' now tnsciosea that the U. S authorities liave asked Alcan to submit definite fxamples of what the event of a long-term con- tract. If. as and when these dl-s- j citsslons come to head, it menns a certain step-up in the in 1 company's present plans lor B.C. development ILMaN-lfm OiTKR Alcan lias informed the U S. 1 ..i iL IT...L 0,,..1. OIUV ai Ifie i Ol'Ul-uu ui a club. whv ue could V ive blr! th' :.i,.,o ..iit uiu n,.h ,hi considers three or four' lucky breaks in a hand as perfectly normal. -well, I thought of bidding 0 c0U1-.Se," kidded Mr. Abel, But x was afraid you might be encouraged to try for. seven. And at that tnat bid bid 1 l figured there' was an outside ,-hance of being down one. "Oh vou men!" MLss Brash j chlded. ''You're so timid! two hearts, a diamond and But MLss Brash is used to be- inir in contracts like this. As moml she brought thLs one home through a combination of good luc k and good play. j Break number one came on the opening lead. Mr. Meek was a bad spot. With considerable sjx reason he figured that any lead - ne mane wuuiu juac u mi, lie Iinaiiy ieiecieu me ulc ui hearts and continued with the Mill Uueen of hearts that it cii provide additional I Miss Brash won with the king aluminum for stockpiling in the j and decided to go lor the dia-I next Tew years. There, are sev-! niond finesse. She led the deuce leral alternatives, but as exam- from her hand and put in ilk SSiFME pies of what. Alcan could do, the U.S. Government was told it ! could have one million mctri? , tons in the period 1955-60, or 1 8 million metric tons from 1952 I The discussion reuiirdincx Jt thi: . 'aluminum picture as are t.c seen 1 1 evidence of progress in the rela- 1 tions between the two countries 1 (CLOSl'HE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advei Using Is payable in advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. c!ur Word per Insertion, minimum charge 60c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ul Tlim.ks ft' Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announceaitau (2 do SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. on the aluminum supply ques-'MLss ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs s. J. Jarvls, Prince FOR SALE Household furnish- PUBLIC Accorv-announce the en-i ings. Cnesierueiu suite, a x 12 iax sun-ii.iM : FOR SALE carpel, oedroom suite, radio, electric tireuia -.e ana luaminr, cuicman on neater, wasnuu maenme tables, cualrs. aisnes. etc. Manv mortem novels coin-; w ANTED Tnt p;t".e it diner bound set Charles Dickens. 2 larne dictionaries.; Aouiv 112 7ih West English' Hiu near 6l.li and McBnue. or i ouone Black 912. (220ul : FOR SALE New and used household furniture. iilleiiUv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom CASH for scran car 8UIU-4. Chest erlieliis. Bovs': m-r. femtrio t-Birvcles Bedside Hugs. Cribs, ' Phone 543 Call Si Studio Couches etc.. selling al i West. utv. the lowest oosslble prices. B.C. ",. . Furniture Co. Phone Black WANTED Hi-sw 324. Hfl enmne. Cfirv-T- FOR SALE Bovs' nants. school shoes, all sizes, well made, lots of wear good auoearance. jl)VS' ,)ants $2 75 to $5.50 Bovs' shoes $4a to 3.35 or. B.C. Clothiers. (Ui FOR SALE 6" cedar bevel. Wartime housing tvoe. Phone Black 958 (22U FOR SALE - Girl's CCM blcvcle in good condition. Phone Oreen 700. (tl-nci FOR SALE Bevtnners violin. $15.00. Black 718! (2210) LOST LOST Saturday, case of kevs. Phone B.ack 510. (220pi I'LKSONAL j TWO-PIECE suits for men. Made foe it. J2 10 mea.sure wnn exitci ier- .-onai reouiremeiits. Maximum for RENT-Gfi $74 7a. Waist coal or .second i iiim tKilmlxn I Dalits extii Keadv in lour Phone Blue W i .v 1 Mrs. F. 'H. Prouse entertained I at a large reception Friday t-' te.-noon In honor Mrs. W. ! Wiiittaker. . i Mr. and Mrs. W. Steele of Vancouver were recent week -end if uexis ot H-'v. lilid Mrs. R. Wool-lam. Mr. and Mi.i. George Raymond left Saturday mo iiIuk to spend .lie winL-r in Die S uiUit'rn States. Mrs. M. Caidcrwood has re- tu.-ned home after a month'i holiday in the south. I A record eiiicilment of 2115 , pupils was made in the Smi- thers Public School Hie first I day oi t'lusies. An additional I teacher has 'been aduVd to the ' stuff to meet this increase. i J. Wright has left on his an-! ' nual vacation to visit his pai'i-ntt j . in the East. Mis Ve -a Atiw" has returned i '.o Smithers after spending the j summer at her homi in Giielpli, Ontario. ! Prepare for me pickVmq season now I Write H. J. Heinz Company of :Canoda Ltd., Dept. S.P., 420 Avinegar Dupont St., Toronto 4 , Ontario, for pickling roctpe booklil. v-2i ife-238a- j TERMINAL MESSENGER PHONE (ill) AH deliveries fully Insured i an Colussi's Music Store ' Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4t.h St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE 8. LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all - its branches 504 4th Ktreet Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Train Schedule Tuesday's, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10.15 pan. fir. ACtOl'NUv WANTfii HKlUtS PAID h lei-l. Uijm. rf!. HiMiest graum? y me lit niaite Metals La . 2 r" couver B C P (M. Don imt, yam h( WANTED TO E 120(H) REWARD" rent bv ehu o! S-sooner, h'arf o- SUie .lliUil latl:. Da:lv News. RELIABLE warn' wonting, no nut.. need suite. P bcr a! 81)1 B',;c: MoOiliivrav WANTED TO REV peii'iv netl'-d ! business. No h WANTED TO HIS iioii.it'kt-eo.;;'-' m i li x 2:.W 1. IIK1.F tinojjli (1c whule CXK ft .venoiions w m eiiiblv i;n nioni-ratiuii. i-Uuilv Ni-ws WANTED - Mas dcuartmrot s some f-xoerif-i-' (ssPTitial. Dailv Nr's. WANTED On' ' A 1) D I V M Clfantrs. WANTED - S'-r ,..RInir SwlM-' Avi,West. WANTED -Taxi 112 Tari SITl ATU) " WORK WANTB with rha-car. will if . ol - near end ' WILL I-00K fr worluin -1 Ri-d515- CARS P Custom Deli ; 000 miles ; Healer m& ' - mav V Phone Miss FOR SAlrf door, tan Motors. Can FOR SALF- 125. FOR SAI.rf; naiiei tru.i- Third Av By CHIC dummy s jack, wnich neia i Now sne led ba:k tne flve 'clu . But here she decided against the finesse. The reason? Because Mr. Meek, on her left, had not only tpend bidding but had free J . . . ... . : . . ly rebid opposite a pasiin pail- ner. I He could therefore be figured for every outstanding face card. Brash hoped Mr. Meek had the king of clubs guarded only once, She planned to go up with her ace ot clubs and lead another club - ,If Mr- Meek had the king duuoieion ne wouui win aim una h.mself in a very tough spot for a return. 8 This was excellent reasoning and it turned out even better than Miss Brash had expected. As you see, the lone king of clubs fell under the ace. After pulling two more rounds of trumps, Miss Brash returned to the diamond suit. She led her queen, Mr. Meek covering with the king, the ace went on from dummy-and down came Mr. Dale's 10-spot. From here on it was easy sailing. Miss Brash returned to her hand with the eight of diamonds. Then she entered dummy with the ace of spades and parked her losing spade on dummy's nine of diamonds. Thus she won all the tricks but one. j "Oh dear, isn't there some i ' . West dealer Neither side vulnerable i rtll ' (Mr. Altfl ) a io 'i a H 8 J U A J 0 3 C J 5 Vtst I ,1-1 (Mr Vrrk) ' (Mr. lllllr) S -K 1) b J a b j : H A U J 10 0 6 H 7 4 3 1 6 I l IO 6 ' p ID 7 3 Siiiith ( MtM HruHh) S-fcl 4 Vl K 8 U - Q 8 2 C A J S 8 4 a The bidding: H est Nrl tittllt h 1 H Pitsa . Plt.SS DDI. 2 H 2 3 Pasn 3 C Puss 4 C Pass 5C All paRS I Sti!T' 'ia ' . i i i v aC m QUAUTYk fp Craftsmanship In Type.,. Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK $ BLONDIE " 6:55 OBC 'News '6:1)0 --Supper Serenade fi:16 -Martini Airs ' :30 -Musical 'Varieties 7:00 CBC Kews 7'15--CE'J "News (Roundup ! 7:30-"iPaolfic'Pmnoforte 8:0:1 -Wa.-Jh Phiniimer's Or.'h B:8U Music f.'om Manitoba t):(X) -Summer Fallow 9:30 Terry the Troubadour 10:00 CBC Tlews 10:10 -CBC News 10:16 U'fs Find Out , 10:30 Don i Destroy 10:46 KJ McC'urdv 11:00 -Weather t-jrca.-.t ar.r1. F'lsll Arrivals TUESDAY-AM. l:ri Musical Ulocfe I 8:00 CBC News i 8:10 Here'8 Bill Oood 3:15 N!;;ning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45-Little Concert fl:')U BBC News and Commentary. 9:15 -Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade i 9:45 Your music aonointment I : lime SUnai 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 -Morning Melodies 10:30-This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Man and Ills Music 11:15 Roundup Time ll:30-Weatner Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33-Record"-; Interlude .:45- Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00-Mid-Day Melodltw 12:15 CBC Newf 12:25 Program rtesume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 -Rec Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 Easy li.stenlns 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Allison Grant Cmty. :00 The Music Box' 3' 15 Western Five 3:30 Listener's Choice SHOE POLISH X. Economical Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's JewelWr. Ph. 212 MATTSONS UPIIOLSTERINQ Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 08 Evenings Black 899 wei'KS. ouaraiueea suoes m ; rjc ladies and Kentlemen. Made (o - measure in 3 weeks Mens FOR KENT - Br maximum S 14 O.j. Women s ; man ure.'trrrt. i $8 95-$ 12 50. Winter too coats. I $113 73-372 75 In four weeks. - ----- Lis-'ht rain couls for anytime H(K)M FOR-KB. $18 50 men's Excellent value i one or tw IhrouBhout Would contact I Ave East. Bat : nnvone interested If thev , - , Would send name -and uddre.s. 41 U-UK1VJ, i.---I die i-itj .skirLs fii.d ton 711 (irivi:i Ct i coals. I'riiei similar to mens nills and too coats Kindly Lioree. u.c gauement of their dauuliler to tner Jean to Charles posluk of Prince Ruuert. Ine wedding to take ulaje on O-iober lHth at o.m in the First United Church. UIB Mr. and Mrs Reainuld Webber i announce the eiitfuuemt-nt of I their daughter. Frances Laura to Herbert Edward Kim;, son of Mr and Mrs. P, Kihh of Prince Ruoert. The wedding will takei ulae vhortlv. I 1id i l MEMAM In loving memory of our husband and father. Peter Wells, vtio Datwed awav Kent. 17. 1950. His smiling wav and uleasant lace Are a pleasure to recall . I He had a kindly word for each! And died beloved hv ail Some rlii we hone to meet Mm. Some dy. we know not when, Tu clj,Na1,d ha'ld Neve- to nart again. Fond!" remembered bv Mrs. Annie Welti and familv (Uo In lovlne memory of Peter M. "Wells, who oa.sM.-d awav St-utcm-ber 17. 1950. Dear is the grave where our fu-' ther is laid. Dear is the memory that never will fade The cud was bitter the loss severe To part with the one we loved so dear Sadly misted bv his wife Mrs. Annie Wells and iamllv MID) FUNERAL NOTICE TOMLINSON-In the cltv Sat-! urdav. Scut. 15 19ol Aaues. iiiie : i;7 vears beloved wile" o Field Caolain Thoma.s Richard Tom-lin.son. Cedarvale, B.C Caot. W. C. Poulton will conduct services at Orenvllle Court Chanel at 7 o ni. Monday. Sent 17 Remains to be forwarded this rvenuiK to Cedarvale for imerment. B C. Undertakers in charue of ar- anuemenU. (ltd FOR SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llnu-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draifllius; Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Tod Rond Maintenance Laulomenr; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granule; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: National Dracline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi.its; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver, B.C (tf) FOR SALE4937 Ford 2 ton truck. House trailer. 18 ft., fully furnished. Hou.se trailer, "B.C. Breeze." 16 ft. fullv furnished. Two work trailers, dollvs. na.ssen?er and truck tires. 1929 Chevrolet motor, radiators, etc. Aoolv Midland Pines. Phone Black 739. tf FOR OUICK SALE 12" Craft-master band saw. 2 blades 10x30 French -binoculars. Both new Pre -lsion Saw Filine. 1345 Pivuntt Place (219cl FOR SALE Vacuum tvoe Easy wn.shln" machine. In eond condition Mav be seen nt 345 B'c-eer Place or Phone Black 038. (223UI FOR SALE One war-lime kit chen sKive one Winchester 25-20 rifle. 1337 Overlook St, (ltpl FOR OUICK SALE One Enellsh- motor bike. Like new. See Jim Georeeson. at Bob Parkers Limited. . (219c) FOR SAI.E-3.n00-witt DC. lieht plant. New. Box 36 Alice Arm. (219D) FOR SALE Semi-built house trailer New rhafisis and tires 1235 Park Ave. (220p) ' A Lesson Etiouette. note uiai iauies inamnsii i.m- U(,i, .,.,.-1 it unrt inn-iiiil are MAN OH uv.v j tion. A year ago Aican offered to sell the U.S. 200,000 metric tons j 1 over a three-year period, but was ! turned down and instead, so.d the tonnage to the United Kin- dom.. The U.S. went ahead to try to build up its domestic alum- ' inum capacity, despite the fact ' that Canada could provide aluminum more cheaply because of its large resources of cheap water power close to tidewater. i Now it looks as though the ! way may be opened for a deal once again. The U.S. hasn't asked for a firm offer, nor has Al- can made one. But the fact that the talks have been held indicates that things are on a better basis than they were. COST WOULD JUMP , From the figures mentioned In the discussions, it would look as though Alcan isn't likely to expand its current project beyond abuut half the ultimate 500,000-metric-tons-per-annum capacity. The first stage now under way calls for 80,000-100.000 tons, with power installations totalling 420,000 hp (three 140.000 hp units). Firm power output would be less than this jnaximum. So if Alcan decided on providing annual capacity of 250,000 tons, additional hydro-electric units would have to be installed to bring power capacity to around 850.000 hp. And the cost would jump from the present estimate of $160 millions to something around $300,000 millions-$350 millions, it's thought, because some of the expenditures will be fqr work to make way for the complete 500.000-metric-ton plant and 1.5 million hp power installation. Ultimate cost of the complote project has been estimated officially at $550 mil lions. Don't Overtax it OverHAUL It! Once your engine reaches "middle age" worn parts overtax each other and the motor deteriorates rapidly . . . UNLESS you order an expert overhaul job by our master mechanics. If you plan to keep your car long, you'll save money in the long run. See us! SUPERIOR AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED So Gay a"d Feminine You'll Surely Love Them! Come in today . . . see our d r e s s e s made prettier with ip a p e r doll and other swing-out skirts. Choose one, two or three for a truly dressed up Fall. "Tomorrow's Styles Today" ) Annette Mansell Ladies Wear 523 3rd Ave. ' 'ill l OI 'inn for ; i Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 !3ixth St. Thcr-e 649 1 -1 ' iiduiete HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES'. P.O. Box 1670 Red 894 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. ?hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O.Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Bales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Tm mwm will tt elm mi, tour, fitUr wbta filed om ur vneitlon nmchin. yutek rrlM on all typw of mwi. BrtDf four w 1 ladar 014 Mvt iUwUi4. most orooer when tailored from reiil-ir men's clothes. Box 197 Dailv News. Ui GIVE the (o ks nt nome treat . act one of our delicious coke or me Runerf 'ikprv Ltd Phone H3 for order. "f REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Promo' ef ficient service, ueorae i,o"i Jeweller. Satisfaction uuaran teed. BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 30 ft. mil boat. 9 ft beam, draws 4', ft.. 500 souar.i ft fif so U.s. 4 rvllnder marine eneine. Sleeps thiee. Lavatorv oil stove and coklne u'en-jtils $2500 rash Anolv "Fou Winds." Prince Ruoert Yacht Club. - REAL FSTATE Close to M( Bride Wartime four, full cement basement hot air furnace, automatic coal stoker electric ranae. oil heater, lovelv lawn, cement sidewalk $2400 cash handle?. Price $5300. Six-room seml-bunealow, basement llvln" room, two bedrooms, bathroom and larise kitchen on main floor. Two hpflr-nnmts tinvtilirs Newlv dec- Hllie 719 ' orated, lot 50 X 100 In lawn. .04--Price reduced to $5000 terms. 1 FOR SALE-', ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phong 312; Black lf)7 evenines (219d FOR SALE Laree home, furnished or unfurnished with complete apartment drawinj eood revenue. Terms 1078 7th East Phone Black 298. l222ui FOR SALE 2-bedroom house. Oillnet float, shed at Dodae Cove. What offers? Inoulre J-Snellman. Port Essinuton (22pl ' "'"I'IMililll' f-' I I '" SMOULDM'T W" " ( ' t P.1LL THAT SHADE V iLiilllll1 I' I LOOK IN CM YOU B lo j, .( PCMH THl5 INSTANT J rS,' iMHi'i JUST HIT HIM WITH J i&Tt) . ff ti i .rV J7 I Jl ' i PRECISION SAW FILING Mondays, Wednesday and Frill I.", PIGGOTT PLACE days 8 p m Bix 1011 Station B Frm the Kast (Ad.nt: Pn Terminal) - Terrace Eulldert Suppl