1 PROVINCIAL LIESART, 113.. QRMES VICTORIA, B. C. KA 'DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY f -ABC I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I LADJ I STAR r.nmlsrAT(HKn Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XL, No. 218 PRINCE RUPERT, B C MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1951 price FIVE CENTS -J wcfofl War Correspondent's no a) (? necdotes Starting Tomorrow u Jack Carroll, well-known Canadian war corres- u . i - i , nt in Korea, who was le.puusiuie ior some oi : A I J n(st graphic writing on Canadian troops in the astern trouble spot, has written a series of seven ,ital articles which will appear in the Daily Francho To"e Lost Fight-Wins Girl Vj , beginning Tuesday. I Carroll was horn in 101- t'i Kitimat. Output of Mean May Double Figure First Set United States Orders Coming up Would Speed B.C. Project j A-. I. . Marcn a, ank Carroll, Is remem-Jas an ouUsmding boxer J.as educated In Toronto "Is t and, bcl'ire sumiug , ,n journalism, wm a lac-b .rker m his home town. ..allv editor of WEEKEND I, lUiumi s Toronto Bur- I job he took aner a sum HOLLYWOOD, Cal. (CP) Franchot Tone, suave screen lover, lost his fight over a shapely blonde but, apparently, won the girl. Actress Barbara Payton said he proposed and she said "yes." Thus the ultimate loser of a movie colony brawl Is the muscular Tom Neal who threw a punch last week which pulped Tone's, patrician profile and sent him to hospital with a brain concussion. Said Ne-al: "I hope they'll be very happy. ; fi . ' r ) 1 JACK CAKKOIX newspaper synuicate aim F in World War 11 he , ,igncd in the spring of -WW When British Columbia newspapermen, including a Daily News representative, recently visited the office of McNeely DuBose, vice-president of Aluminum Co. of Canada,' in Montreal they caught thst mainspring of Alcan in the act of confirming by long distance telephone hastily placed orders for additional cover the Korean war. ,itv as both a writer and runner particularly sult- ti x X io the ta.sk. He moved lo I writing as he went, and Korea where several at the Iront resulted In of battle stories and ptc- I.,m,., f.iiihfullv covered '' 4V Yanks Take Over Lead .un especially a" tuu- I time he received a Bible for Princcs princess Pats. Puts, The The navy navy r force also came Into m his versatile vlew- new power turbine generators for the Tahtsa-Kemano power back of the greai, smelter project at Kitimat. It was evident that a big speeding up of the Kitimat project was suddenly developing. Mr. DuBose made significant statements to the newsmen with the caution here and there during the conference that it was "off the record." He did, however, authorize School. j Readers will remember him, not only for graphic renortlnz aat'k in Cadada, was cor- i :ent Carroll has little 'Oj from the Far East, but for manv Jut hwwlf other than the J Interviews with celebrities. Itut With Only Three Percentage Points Over Cleveland Indians NEW YORK New York's defending champion Yankees Air Show Tragedy Stunt Plane Crashes into Crowd and Twenty are Killed FLAGLER. Col. (CP) Bounding wreckage of a crashed stunt airplane killed and fatally injured twenty persons and hurt at least seventeen Saturday as It smashed through a crowd of 1000 at an air show in this small town. Victims twelve of them chll- A BOILING NARROW GORGE, 40 miles west of Babine Lake thousand sqekeye salmon on their way to spaw l in the lake. 1 is holding back hundreds of The Babine River canyon sides .w Mine in of which toppled to form this blockade, takes 60 per cent of the huge Skjena River run of sockeye each ysar. A crew of men Is battling its way th ough the wilderness to attempt clearing of the blocked passagj. the publication at the time of a statement that possible greater demand for aluminum by 1954, the time of scheduled opening of the western plant was giving speed to the project. Two Quit in By-Election lie Light Ready to Talk took over first place in the Am-vrican League Sunday as they whipped the Cleveland Indians 5 to 1 to end the Tribe's six-day reign at the top. The Yanks' lead over Cleveland Is now scant thrtv percentage points. Allie Reynolds, veteran Yankee light-hander and Cleveland killer from away back, took personal charge as the Yanks trimmed th. Indians for the ninth time in ten Yankee Stadium engagements. They meet for the French Naval Vessel Victim of Red Mine if Krancisro Interests (her Marmot River ESQUIMALT Two Independent candidates have withdrawn from the Esquimau by-election contest, leaving five in the field Withdrawing are Mrs. Andrew i ren were mowed down as a low-j flying plane fell and cut a bloody Truce Again KTiy From O. Mcradden path through spectators and TOKYO O General Matthew closely-lined automobiles at the B. Ridgway told the Communists ! annual Flagler Day celebration, today that the Allies were ready j The pilot was also killed, to resume suspended truce talks if the Reds are so disposed. 1 Mr. DuBose said ,ie had Just rereived authorization to include Eutsuk Lake water in the Tahtsa Lake pool. This could mean that the "big interior pond" would be filled by June 1, 1955, nine months earlier than planned originally. I.S. ORDERS Since that Montreal interview, it has come out that there is a deal on for a long term ord3r fr jm the United Scales for AleK.,1 which means that the company may have to double its present vast expansion plans in British Columbia. 'Whisker and James Bryant, B into quirk prominence tential new producer In' Remaining are Mayor Percy George, Coalition: Frank Mit-tlanrt ,nA r- Canal i mining ii rfu. dls-Chp1 CCF; and thrp, ,n. the Green Point (croup on dependents, mot River near Stewart.) ieityds slaked' in June ' t" v ... - Sixty-eight French Soldiers and Sailors j liOse Their Lives in Explosion - SAIGON, Indo-Chins.(CP) Sixty-eight French soldiers and sailors are missing following an explo last time today. Reynolds, former Indian, limited the Tribe, to live hits, collet-ted two himself and drove in what pioved to be the winning run with a s-lnglc in the second inning. The Allied supreme command-' er said he noted an Implication in the most recent official com- munication from the Reds that' they would like to resume nego-! tlations. past, year by Owney Mc-pioneer Stewart mining Woods Case Proceeding Billy Maxwell ; Amateur Champ khii sold it In August to 4 Ailen and associates of fyincisro. Now the Marmot r. ad and Zinc Mining Co. sion which blew up a rrench naval vesel about 70 miles south of Saigon. Fifty-seven others were severely wounded. It was a French landing vessel. Most of the troops were Indo-Chinese. j The craft hit a 600-pound mine laid by the Com-! munist-led Vietnim forces. ' I Present plans call for an expenditure of Slap million and annual output of 83.000 tons of aluminum. If the U. S. accepts propositions now under discussion at Washington, the output Navy Handling Atomic Bombs First trial at the fall session of Supreme Court Assizes, now in progress here before Mr. Jus- , : T . .J . . i. v . . .. Theatre Disaster CAMPINAS, Brazil Hospitals were packed today from a movie theatre where at least 21 nersons wcra killed last nieht a lormed and an active BETHLEHEM. Pa. Billy of opening up and de- MaxweIli poker-faced 20-year-4 nt will be carried on ,. ,, . . , ' f iiit the coming winter. I0,d bov from Odessa, chopped down the giant VcFadden was In the city!8"' 1 fi-y returning north after i killer Joe Gagliardi with a re-t i San Francisco In con-1 lentless streak of par golf on wlih the deal. He arriv-j Saturday and became the young- Robert C. Woods, charged on tons with over-all expenditure ia .V,rV 'mW- WASHINGTON, D.C. Admiral counts breaking and entering William Fechteler said today that th Capitol Theatre July 3 and the Navy now has carrier crews belng m possession of safebreak-trained to handle atomic bombs. !inB instruments by night. TJ .ni tVtto lnA1..n. knIU -.n- IXfnnA. nUn,lAJ .nf nIH.. 11,1a excess of $300 millions. ! Important is the change in "political attitude toward Canadian aluminum supplies. Not vjane fnmi the south and ! est player slure the great Bobby Steel Workers On Wage Drive Hydrogen Bomb Costs Billion Jones to win the United states i amateur golf championship. ! The stocky Imperturbable red- 4 ; n.uu " months back the politicians in ship s crews and those who fly morning and a jury was then many ' " , , " J t St, wart on the Camo- night. iiver. lead. line and gold "Sty Is were screaming against having enthusiastically ithuslasMcallv des- des-ihead, deadly with his irons, de- (Continued on page 4 . when a root collapsed. It is es-l timated that 800 were injured,1 20p seriously. The death toll is expected to rise. Campinas is in the state of Saoj Paulo. The accident happened' whrn j the building was crowded with women and ch'ldren. Part of the , roof fell with a terrific crash. j h Mr. MeFadden as one i Ieati"d the 39-year-old Mamor- 'if finest properties yet ln carrier planes. 'formed as follows: Norman Bel- The chief of naval operations 1 1L' foreman; Ray McLean, Wal- said the planes would be used for : lace De". George Viereck. W. H. "tactical" operations of the fleet ; Murray, George Alderson, F. J. against naval targets ashore orjH:eks- Percy Bond. star Saville,: afloat. ' arl Mah and F. L. Derrick. j ' Nuclear fission Weapon ex- j Hubert King of Prince George oneck. New Mexico barrister, 4 and 3 In the 36-hole finals over watrrsoaked Saucon Valley course. I na (.anal district. f 'liaterl at an elevation of nt)0 ieet In the Umber VANCOUVER P Canada's biggest union, the 60 000-mem-ber United Steel Workers of America, on Sunday launched a wag'3 drive to bring pay of Canadian steelworkers. up to those of tlv United Slates. This move was determined upon at the annual policy con WASHINGTON, D C. 0 The hydrogen bomb project be-tame a billion dollar venture today. President Truman asked Congress tor an additional $484 240.000 for the Atomic Energy Commission's Savannah River plant where work on the awesome H-bomb is scheduled to gtt unde; way. perts have reportedly developed IS ls acting as crown prosecutor with J. Cow Bay Drowning T. Harvey, defence coun- sel. Fish Boats in Gunfight ference and means that the! union will go after increases ranging from 9c to 20c an hour, the current fllffcrenres between! Can irla and the United States' Three-Year-Old Native Bov Falls Into Harbor Grand Chief a compact stee atomic bomb which can be handled In comparatively small planes. Thus they could be used in carrier-based as well as in "light bombers 1 and possibly fighters. , Fourteen Killed By Sky Rocket Pastor Breaks Up Red Show i Poachers Open Fire on' I j Fisheries Officers Police Return on Kind j VANCOUVER (CP) Two sal-! mon poaching vessels which i eluded police and fisheries ln-! spectors after a blazing gun I "s "P the Marmot River f b,,aeh The old Porter- am line s handy and f "sblly to used for the concentrates from iof property A trail is being jj'id equipment is now Ken In for a winter prn-'; J-i'eh win consist chiefly firing on the vein by a -' timnw. An old Pre-"W k house on the tram line 'fused, it will eventually "J o'ng proposition. v! i All,'rl ana associates o taken over another of jWanVlcns properttes-thc p "ek on Mezladln Lake-a program of diamond , w commenced next First Secretary Vets Here Dies A $100 reward has been offered by Josiah Tait for the recovery of the bodv of his three-vear-old In different classification, plus any fiuthet increases obtained by the United States steel workers in current negotiations. OTTAWA (CP) A demonstra-' son, Richard Joseph, presumed ting crowd of Communists par. drowned at Cow Bay yesterday. The little native boy has been Th. actinn i nf considerable 1 David Sharpe Cameron, who ading around the Parliament 'Li. '-r v x Buildings during the Nations of figntficance on the labor wage tor. many years was located at . . t Pririf-i Rtmnrt. a u fi:nnrfs In- Engineer Dies CLEVELAND th Alvanlcy J?hnston, aged 76. who was grand chief engineer of the Brotherhood of LocomoUve Engineers for a quarter of a century before retiring last year, died today. He was born at Seely's Bay in Ontario. MEXICO (CP) An ! m missing since 5 p.m. y'y yesterday exploding j 7he ! LB-J T I 1. Auantlc Atlantic Trea Treaty v Oreanira Organiza- , and cniidren with whom he was ironi since ine union, oesioes .-- - . skv v rnrkM. rnrlcet set et ftr. fire t t.n a a crowded Hrt tion meeting was broken battle and attempted ramming , of a police vessel off Vancouver Island was found at nearby ' Steveston Sunday. Fisheries Department officials immediately seized the Diana : Lee and Sandra M. ; William Macdonald, aged 38, of ' Steveston, was arrested and UP "y nlavine sav thev saw Richard has in the spector ana later was locaiea bi - ' - - -- ---- - ----- , being the biggest, a cabaret Sunday and fourteen persons were burned or trampled disapproving anti-Communist fall of tne Cow Bay fIoats. past often set the pace for demands of many other unions. crowd. to death. Another ninety were hurt. The missing boy is one of a family of eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Tait live at Kincolith. Weather Alert Bay, died suddenly at Alert Bay a few days ago. The funeral took place In Vancouver Thursday with interment in the Field of Honor at Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Cameron will be remembered as the first secretary of the old Great War Veterans' Association here before that or Famous Baseball Umpire, is Dead ten TONIGHT To Synopsis The disturbance In the Gulf of Alaska is moving northw;ard into Alaska and the Yukon but The anti-Communist crowd left no doubt of its hatred of Communism. The hatred was evident In about 1000 faces but it was a 52-year old United States clergyman who crystallized their feelings in his startling courageous action. Single-handed and with angered, blistering shots, shoulder-pushing and banner-pulling, he broke up the demonstration. The marchers finally pulled up stakes and marched down the road. "Swine! Swine! Go back, to Russia!" shouted Mr. Davey, veteran of World War I, who had been raised in Ottawa. ganization was merged into the MIAMI, Florida CP Bill Klem, ased 77, One of the most famed Mayor H. F. Glassey Ashore at Skidegate Canadian Fishing Co.'s seiner Lawn Hill is reported ashore today in Skidegate Narrows. The vessel went up during a fog during the night, early reports say. Another Canadian Fishing Co. vessel, Cape Perry, is reported standing by. thing but thin cloudine.ss to the ""X" c. Cam"" 16 survlved I . ,Mr- northern coast. Elsewhere in the hls wldow and three sons- province sunny skies will pre- by of all baseball umpires, died Sunday of a heart ailment. . o Our Hospital and vail for the next two days. I i North Coast Region Cloudy and cool. Fog along the coast at night and during the morning clearing overland in the afternoons. Light drizzle during the mornings. Light winds. Lows to-night and highs Tuesday at j Prince Rupert Ferry Tied Up With Juneau Paper Mill charged with illegal fishing. Two other men are still being sought. They were aboard one boat and Macdonald was on the other. The salmon rustlers were surprised in pre-dawn darkness Saturday in Cowichan Bay as they were laying nets. Fisheries Inspector A. A. Sherman started to board one of the boats and was pushed back into his own. Then, Sherman said, "the rustler fired on me with a shotgun. The shot came awfully close in the water." A Royal Canadian Mounted Police boat gave chase as dawn broke. Suddenly one of the gilhv.'ttors swerved, charged at full thro'tle and attempted to cut the pursuit craft in two. Motilities fitfd several warning shots after the fleeing gillnetters and they headed out into the Straits of Georgia toward the mainland. RCMP were called into the hunt ' and planes swept at low-level over the strait. Jur Civic Responsibility" run naruy ana ctanaspit, ou unu 60; Prince Rupert 50 and 65. TERMINAL MESSENGER -Phone 640- ALL DELIVERIES FI LLY INSl RED 3 TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE JUNEAU Operation of a ferry system from Puget Sound and Prince Rupert to Juneau. Haines and Skagway is tied up with the project for a 500 to 600-ton newsprint mill which is being promoted among various publishers in the United States by B. Frank Hientzleman of Juneau. Such a ferry service would also carry pulp from Ketchikan's new pulp mill for shipment east over the Canadian National Railways. The ferry would be designed to haul railroad cars for newsprint loads and refrigerated vans and large trucks from the states to connect with the Interior at Haines. Heintzleman said he has been interested in promoting such a ferry system ever since the Haines Highway was first considered. CFPR at 6:45p.m. XL?iJf!RT GENERAL HOSPITAL MODERNIZATION FUND CAMPAIGN. - TIDES - Tuesday, September 17, 1951 1 (Pacific Standard Time ) High ... 2:52 20.5 feet 15:00 21.6 feet Low - 8:51 4 6 feet I 21:23 3.1 feet1