Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, September 17; 1951 KIRK OUOLA! Assize Court Opens Here Columbia Cellulose Insurance .4. ;, t 1 HERE In his most powerful perfoimanct r and With Mr. Justice J. M. Coady ce-fidinz, the fall session of the mi r, NOW Supreme Court Assizes in Prince Rupert commenced this morning. v in lour criminal cases, three civil actions and five divorce . l v.: . -i i i . i ivft p petitions i,vt down for hearing. Company, Limited thi t inf htm inai tuiiiiiirnccu ouun , . , By LARRY STANWOOD arier me upiung oi wie tuuiv. " m a,vu TWELVE OF THEM were there. The better part of the week Is comprehensive ' Gronn " 111 ii the Tim bucket mi rirm nicnpvp disheveled, pn xnn- sod- vit:.H t.n tn hp wA nrrunied i riinrt bv rv the irtn 1 in den-looking and dejected, session. SUrance 1 lan tor all its slumping in their seats. Three Criminal cases are: employees, Harold Blancke, were women, and all of them rbx vs Clifton Howard Borge, president, announced today. The pleaded guilty to the same charged with manslaughter; plan provides coverage for em-iharge: intoxication and being rcx vs. Robert Chaple Woods, ployees on life insurance, acci j' ' - - - -3 an Indian at the same time. breaking and entering, defended dental death and dismember- j INn frNATIONAL COMPETITION Leaders of three air cadet r .... It was ten-thirty, or there- by J. T. Harvey; , ment benefits, weekly benefits ,, ,. fiPr an International drill eomnetltion at the It could 1 abou's, in police court. rvex vs. nerimr xnuiiits xvuuy, iui oiucm auu onmieaa miu, Canadian National Exhibition. Centre is T. Kyle, 18, of Glasgow, 1 1 have been any day. A name was called by the pro- leader of the Scottish team, with the trophy his team won. It wa the first time in the four years of the competition that it has been won by a non-Canadian team. Left is I. B. Abrams, 18, ol New York, captain of the U. S. team; right is L. Tlghe, 18, of Edmunston. N. B., leader of the Maritime team which represented Canada. CP PHOTO) manslaughter; in addition, hospital and su-gkai Rex vs. Adrian Vanderyagt care for employees and their and Larry Swanson, theft and dependents. retaining stolen property, de- The Company, which recently fended by D. S. Collins, Terrace, began the production of hlnh Civil cases are: ! alpha cellulose at Its Prince Ru- . George Birch vs. Quality pert plant, is assuming the full Spruce Mills Ltd.; plaintiff s so-: cost of the program in order to Ladies' Fall RAINWEAR :?cuting RCMP constable. "... name?" asked the court "Robert Doe," came the murmur from the prisoner's dock. "Guilty or not guilty?" Academy IwarJi1 Billy Wilder a great emotional story with JAM STERLING Bob Arthur -Porter Hall i licitor, J. T. Harvey; defendants bring me insurance oenents to "Guilty.' again! your solicitor, H. B. King. all hourly ana salaried workers Where did you get By RITCHIE Salisbury Sound. The five adulti, and two children aboard were Fred Baker. Charlotte Baker ana meir dependents without 'iquor?" 0 I don't, and Clarence Baker, an infant, ' exception. The plan is under-it was I by Fred Baker, his next friend, I written by the Mutual Life A.s-I plaintiff, solicitor J. T. Harvey; surance Company of Canada in "From a white man . . know his name, except Bill." promptly removed to the nearby beach. The coastguard cutter Kimball from Sitka was despatched. The Kimball is 65 fe?t long and of heavy construction. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT WALLACE'S Department " Store are now featuring I Ladies' Fall Raincoats by JJ Ritchie, Canada's leading Product nd Dircclcd by BILLY WILDER c r o "Did you buy It the court vs. John Haaland, defendant,' association wan me onieaera-1 solicitor D. S. Collins. I Hon Life Association and the Written by Billy Wiidn. leun Samuels SHOW Adde it Son Construction Co.,; London Llle insurance Corti-plalntiff, solicitor R. M. Mac- pany. Leod; vs. Willis Lloyd Woods,! - At prasent employees of Co- manufacturer of ladies' rainwear. NOW IN STOCK. Alaskan fishing vessel last week, was towed to The Lassie, tiinl ' HMnrhpd fpplinu that lumbia Cellulose Company, Lim defendant, solicitor J. T. Har by a coast guard comti ot living on Digby Island ! i Ketchikan wanted to know. ' No. he gave it to me." "A whole bottle?" "Yes." ' "You drank the whole bottle?" "Yes." ". . . Ten dollars and costs." sentenced the magistrate, and Robert Doe shuffled out of the dock. craft. She had become disabled, with only twice a week reguiw i hnfaiico cf a Knrnpfi nut hfnrill2 for Chief One,-ator and Mrs. There were four persons aboard. vey. In chambers will be heard petition of Russell James Bishop against Laura Eleanor Bishop, Joseph A. Junior, co-respondent. DIVORCES WALLACE'S j 5 Dept. Store Z The owner is Edward O. Field.'!. Armour Pike ot the- Domtnion Government Radiotelegraph Station, liuring the past week a trim 32-foot trunk cabin and FAMOUS ORDER The next miscreant was Following are the divorce pe- The first Canadian lodge of raised wneeinouse powe.ojai, tha ordpr of oddfellows was was launched at the boatbuild-: ne dat Monleral in 1843. ing plant of Ed. Wahl at Dodge ; . . ited, salaried and hourly-paid, are immediately covered by the program, and future employees will become eligible after three months' continuous service. "Much thought has gone into this plan," Mr. Blancke said, "to make it one oi the best and most complete in industry today. The plan is designed to cover the major hazards and risks on which every person desires insurance protection. Not only our employees, but their wives and children as well, will benefit from the program." S2.500 INSURANCE The Columbia Cellulose program provides for a life insurance policy on every employee payable on death to the em- RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE '. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIANCES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 woman. She hung her head and titions; hardly looked up. even to answer Howard Eugene Applegate, the court in muffled words which petitioner, against Delia May came out between swollen lips. Applegate; Sam Blanchard, eo-A black eye summed up enough respondent; A. B. Brown, coun-cvidence that she had been in a sel for petitioner, fight. She too pleaded guilty of Mazle Dorothy Janze, peti-being drunk. tioner; Louis Mero Janze, re- Who gave her the liquor? spondent; R. M. MacLeod, coun-A white man. What was his sel for respondent; A. B. Brown, name? Bill, or 't may have been counsel for petitioner. Tom, Joe, Dick or Harry, but they Donald Kenneth Llewellyn, don't have last names. petitioner; Mildred Ann Mar- Cove and has been delivered to the wireless station float. No Mr. Pike is engaged in interior finishing and installations and in about six weeks he hopes to have the vessel running. A.i 83 h.p. Chrysler with two-to-one vedu;tion gear has been installed. Speed of eight knots is PLUMBING and . HEATING STEAMER Mollv told the court, shame- garet Llewellyn, respondent; A Prince George facedly sue was married and had B. Brown, counsel for petitioner. ' Pioyee s Deneiiciary ine mini- two children "babies," she said. Ejvind Nielsen, petitioner; Iva 'ul" P"" 18 - Shv had been hnm two nr ihr Nielsen, -respondent: Allan ! erage increases in relation to the SAILS FOR riavs aiio "somethino IlltP that." George Tracey, co-respondent; I annual base wage or salary re ' ceived. Fog caused delay to both regu-lar Sunday vessels of Union Steamships yesterday aftetnooii. I he steamer Camosun, Capl. John Boden, arrived at 5 p.m. from Vancouver and waypoints and half an hour later the Co-quitlam. Capt. William Mr- Why did she leave? She didn't A. B. Brown, counsel for peti-bnnu, tioner. Va i Accident and sickness benefits ncouver Birtle Larson, petitioner; Vio-' win oe pam 10 eu.piuyccs wi.u rf it ,.. , a let CecUia Larson. resDondent.; are unable to work because of accident occurring away line, until 12 of them had cone ' Frederick M. Hill, co-respond- any counsel for from work or any sickness not The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE Fur Repairs and Alterations Smith S. Elkins Lid. P O. Box M and Intermediate Torts Eoch Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN through the mill In similar fash- enl; . A- B- Brown Ion; similar questions, similar . petitioner Combe, steamed in from Mass?t Inlet points of Queen Cha lotto Islands. The Coquitlam sailed at 8 p.m. for Vancouver and the Camosun at midnight for Alice Arm and Stewart whence she is compensaote under a worK-men's Compensation Act or similar legislation. The Columbia Cellulose Com- answers and similar fines. I have sat on the reporter's 1 I WKONESU.W MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations nanv Limited, nrnpram nlsn nro-I vides' for hospital and surgical due bacK tomorrow morning to Post Article Is Popular bench of many police courts iin 1 this province but I've never seen none in the smaller cities patron- j ized to such an extent as the one IjUIJ UL I1IJUII U:i JltT -I'lUlll DJUlll. Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT expense benefits to be paid to all employees, their wives ai)d children due to an actldent off the in Prince Rupert. And beyond a A record circulation has been Frank Waterhouse freighter Wand King. Capt. Ed. Swank, I doubt, it gets more patrons made by Saturday Evening Post1 Job or sickness not covered by OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Workmen's compensation Act. arrived in port late Saturday ; mmm v 1 mm V hunria ft" LMondov od Tucsdoy 7 00 among our Indians than any other police court in B.C. An average of nine convictions a day were handed out last month, totalling more than $2 000 in fines. Most of the fines, of course, were paid by Indians who got drunk. PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES rhone Ow 136 Ho M These benefits supplement the from the south and sailed yes-British Columbia Hospital In- terday afternoon for WaUon Is-surance Act so that all employees land. The vessel Is on her regu-and their dependents may have lar fortnightly voyage to nor-seml-private accommodations at thern points. no cost to them. Surgical expense benefits fori .. . , -.,,, ., , ... employees and their dependents rOT!.,--""- tenyto -ksln ious operations, there is a max- . : Imum allowance of $200. ' in Prince Rupert due to the article on Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. in the September issue. And, says Mark Hill, local agent Mr the magazine, still more copies are wanted. M.. Hill Initially was allotted three times the normal amount of copies. These went right away and, since then, the main distributing agency in Vancouver has ordered all B.C. agents to send Mr. Hill their return copies. Nearly 2000 copies have been sold here. i bench of many police courts in Hon of what the native imbiber Free Book on Arthritis c 1 And Rheumatism ! pays in actual cash. One of the men admitted in court that he had paid $12 for his liquor-for a "micky" of rum. He got it from a man on the street, name of Bill. I made a mental note that I d like to hear more about this Bill, this walking liquor store, and decided to ask Joe. the man before the HINESE DISHES Chop Sucy - Cliow Mein Opi'n 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. micky of rum for $12, only there had been four mlckies. Well, back into the bush it was then, because they had to get rid of the 1 stufi. "If they find It on you, you get more fine and thev take the SEE l!S FOR . . . Hoists, All-Bterl Dump Dodles. Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators fur high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL Joe didn t care to talk very much about It, but perhaps be- 1 HOLLYWOOD CAFE HOW TO AVOID CRIPPLING DEFORMITIES An amitylng niwly enlHmed 44-pae bonk pnlttlrd "Hheuniat.rhm" will Im Hyit frre to anyone who will write for It. It rpvrals why drugH Bn4 medicines give only tmKirary rpllef and (nil to remove the causes of the trouble; explains a proven apeclaltzed nonsurgical, no-medlcal treatment. You Incur no obllg-atlon In sending for this Instructive book. It may lie ! the means of Having you years of uri-. tald misery. Write today to The Ball Clinic. Dept. 6217, Encelslor Sprtngi. j Missouri. Fur Ouislde Orders Phone 13J t b not publli ot dMrSfi?' ! this dvrtliacn -nmv his head was kind of sore bottle, too," explained Joe. from the previous night's carou-1 That was about the last he sal. his resistance gave way and remembered for a while, until 1 oacigerea several further sur- he found himself launhlne and r prising admissions from him. 'singing in a "cafe downtown." I came ashore last night with When he found out he'H Inst, his WELDING CO. $200 in my pocket. You know wallet it Was missing, anywav V. !.V -lt K. I'hone (irrrn 8X4 i what 1 g it now? Ill tell you Joe had blamed the manage-two dollars," Joe said. And this ment. he raid, and started "a SHINGOLEEN Shinrpleen is n BAPCO product and? ideal finish for Sliinqlcs,fcnccsai: Rouqh Lumber construction. Suoolicd in fiffcen otfracrive colon what had happened, approxi- little row." That had hrnnirht thv w matcly, or so he said. ' police For the MEAL that REFRESHES "We had a case of beer on the 1 boat, and we drank it. My bro- These constant and unending 1 her and I left the boat. We felt ! debaucheries of the native popu-happy, that's all. but we wanted lation seem to point only to one more to arink We wanted some 1950 HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately ownrd Thompson Hardware Co fc. conclusion: As long as liauor is; FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD rye, or rum." And they knew "pretty well where to go" for their rye and rum. , "Each of us got a crock of ry e and we went into the bush to by law kept away from them, the j Indians, like ayone else, will get! it outside of the law, and thus 1 they fall prey to the capitalists of j human weakness to their own ruination. IT PAYS DIVIDENDS TO OWN 654 m ' WWW. JPE I ttVirUHMM hi mi pwMitfctd mt diply4 W At Ikim Central U-4 m Qmmmtm fJrink it r It brings up one Question: "Is FOR TAKF. OCT ORDERS PHONE 20(1 BROADWAY CAFE G I AN LITTLE PORTABLE How much did you pay for it a proven scientific fact that the Joe?" I asked. rye, Indians are more susceptible to "Twenty a piece." Well, it had liquor than other races?" not taken them long to drink the SAWMlu DESIGNED RIGHT d Suit 'There is a Mill to lit Your Work nl a Port 9 1948 DcSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan 4, rye, Joe and his brother were getting used to that, and in less than half an hour, both were back "on the street" thirstier than ever, and looking for more booze. They found It alright, the rnnouncement Mac Construction Company $300.00 Surprise Win Cf Quebec Car IN FOUR HIZES -Compare The.- Prii'- , C'OMPLKTE MITII H.F,I HKi.TS AM) rl M" YOl'R SAW AM) P)ER HUH 3 llrail III.,, k Currliiei '!! f'fl '""S- 111 ' Willi 1 HiniiI Hlwk rrlB 1 f'l ,""s '" iibi . W til a M..imI lllmk Cm rill".!' Hi fi''l !"" '" ,1 V.llh ; l:i:nl III. M l. t arrliiK'' -1- I"" '""a' "' Prlii F.O.B. rltf' 0 A LKTTER WILL HRfNO YOt nKS('KH'1'n AND ALL DETAILS. IMMEDIATE ' NO WAITING .- MACHINERY DEPOT LW; " CALGARY 1029 Tenth Avenue S. J. GILLIS, D.S.C., R. Cp., ChiropodLst-Foot Specialist of 1407 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., Will Practice at " SAVOY HOTEL Week Sept. 19th to 26th only Telephone For Appointment RUPERT MOTORS LONDON, Ont. 0 When Bev- j erley Burrows borrowed 25c from ' her father she paid it back with a lucky ticket on a new automobile. Father was notified he had ' WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 LIMITED ' 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 866 and 566 (H) I'HONE 42932 won the car raffled at the Que-. I bee fall fair, and that his daughter was also getting a car for 1 having made the lucky sale.