,000 ALLEY'S ftiADY FOR GNU MILLION DOVVLERi Wind-up M .iidoy, sepiemcer i'i. -Vl-f. 1 f .V Softball , a.. 'a c. WW"- CANADIAN JOHN H. Softball final playoffs between FOOTBALL Firemen and Rupert Radio will BULGER continue at Roosevelt Park, with the fifth of the best-of-seven games to be played there tonight. Saturday) vli-iil I Final standing so far gives Ottawa 6, Hamilton 11. Firemen two wins, with Rupert Montreal 8, Toronto Argos 6. Radio one win and one draw. Saskatchewan 12, Winnipeg Now that baseball Is over. 21. John Sulgor Ltd. ' i team managers say they will try Edmonton 30, Calgary 15. !4k Vfnun j to finish the playoff Sunday af-! Toronto Balmy Beach 27, Third Avenue ternoon. Windsor C. BASEBALL scores 1 ' l wvrt ... j?y . v. . . - ' . ..:,, Jtx) -oju iaiaiii i Aif 1 4 x X 5 "A A. , hundred uf Canada's 7.000 bowling alleys echo to the wash of tvnpins as j n bowl'-rs start the season this month. Evidence of the earned i centre sem'-proeessed tr-nplns stacked In a Toronto factory which ships the fin,shed maples by the carload. (Right) Lou Lunney, "1600 Club" member and Canadian holder of the high three games award for women's tennin hr,u,iw BPi. .k it was the most popular form of bowling 25 years agoIs pictured Lclu B'Tt Reeves. American bowlins congress official, checks one of the SUNDAY ; American New York 5, Cleveland 1. Detroit 3-4, Washington 1-3. Chicago 4, IUton 5. ! 6t. Louis 1-5, Philadelphia 7-7. National j Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 9. Brooklyn 6, Chicago 1. Boston 6-0, Cincinnati 5-4. New York 7-6, Pittsburgh 1-4.' Pacific Coast I Hollywood 4, Seattle 1. (Best 1 of five series tied 1-1. t SATURDAY American i Philadelphia 5, Chicago 4. Detroit 7, New York 4. 8t. Louis 3, Boston 2. Washington 2-7, Cleveland 4-6. National New York 5, Chicago 2. j lanes to Us used for sanctiuned Unpin league games bv l itn teams ' " O , a r-iiw ball. Five years aea onlv 3oo alievn nF. t... measured lor - - J urn u iui 11111113. Curling Rink i tfl Yin"- hard-playing Gordon & Anderson, came in for a lot of good words, too. When Alex Bill received the trophy, he said he couldn't help giving Cornwell a Jot of credit for 'a marvellous Job" In managing a team consisting mosily of high school players. "They've really given us a run for our money. I'm glad the game wasn't any closer." Mr. Morgon, in awarding the trophy to Manager Bill, congrat othiers Take Year's jughest Ball Game to in 1951 Championship m McHardy's home run ix culminating )rama for year's league baseball can cover three sheets of Ice and hold a club houje. Mr. Moore said that In view of the popular vote last winter, he felt there would be little difficulty In obtaining necessary funds. "Our objective is $15,000. but we will start construction with $10,000." An arrangement al eady has been made with nearby B.C. Packers Ltd. cold storage plant for ice-making. Is Approved Club will be atked o go ahead next week with the $15,003 project. Plam:, for the f.,st curling rink in Prli.ce Rupert wiU be presented to the executive of the St. Louis 10, Boston 1. Pittsburgh 11, Brooklyn 4. Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 2. Pacific Coast Hollywood 0, Seattle 3. ulated the Clothiers and said it ,e loudest battle of the baseball season Sun-! tim . " Curling Club to a general meet- Rev. Frank Antrobus, pastor ing next Thursday for Immediate j of Flrst Baptist Church, Is sail- But." he lidded. "I think we'll Iternuon s; saw a 13-inning ball game break up by 1 ing tomorrow afternoon on the ! as Abel & Odowes won the championship by ;!in Cordon & Anderson 7 to 6, su a ball team here like we've never before seen in Princ Rupert if Stan can keep his men together next year." Box Score: Camosun for Vancouver. He will ; be accompanied by hfs son, John i Antrobus, who will continue : studies in the south. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. in-parked bleachers bore to I he dramatic struggle i'u top ieague teams hung ir evi n si-ore of 6-6 for only 11 scattered hits to 49 batters against him. Four times, Bcherk faced dan Abel & Oilowei AB Arney, 3b 7 McHardy, lb ., 6 Pavilikis, cf 6 Abel, c 5 i until a drive by Ian approval. "This is the greatest chance for Prince Rupert to get an artificial ice sheet for curling and we can get it for only $15,000," Neely Mcore, club president said today, following several months investiagtion fo,- rink facilities by enthusiastic curlers here. At a meetng of the club executive Friday night, a following plan was outlined. First of ail, $10,000 is needed. When that is obtained, construction of the rink can begin, "and gerous hitters with buses loaded in! j centre field gave an erfor t,j i behind him, and each of those li. ime run on K!f - 7l v - ' - -: p? s ball tn Prince Rupert I ily was it a grand game j and day as well. Ol' Man -d Hie fug for just long i in see the game through, j iiaii-iy nil t the game, j inner Bill Gordon des-! nines wemra nimsen oui ol the Dahl, 2b 4 3 hole as gracefully as a veteran. ! Lindsay, 'If, p Z.. '. b But It was the first pitch to the Giordano, ss 6 first baiter In the thirteenth Sharpe, df. If 5 frame "which done It," and Mc- Letourneau. p 3 Hardy really threw his welgr.t Dell, rf 3 Into that drive. Centrefielder j Ray Spring raced for the liner I Totals 49 and got his mlt on It after the , ClcrUon & And AB ball hit the ground, but he could Spring, rf. cf 7 curling should begin by middle , oi iMovemoer. ' Tentative method method of of raising the funds is by selling refundabla memberships at a $100 each to ic chaiiipionship trophy I it had been named 3 1 .not hold It. That's how McHardy Sunberg. 3b 8 n.it mnrp than 1U1 mumhnitt :argan Trophy" In honor i mn,, his ,',. Cornewll, cf, c 6 .in wiiii iiuu uone more in Pi nice Rupert than j Most hits for (he game went to Shier, sss 6 . Marshall for Ool dim to Anderson Marshall, If 6 Ji Second hand piping for re- frigeration can be obtained, Mr. 0 Moore said. "The e is enough " available for our purpose." 1 1 A building, "the best suited for 0 our needs aside from construct-. 0 'ing one to specifications" has and to McHardy, each -wltli three Scherk, p 6 0 3 Curoli, e for six Ford, rf Hartwig, 2b Lumbal, lb .2 ...5 ...3 M :ifan awarded the o Aiix Bill, grinning 'if A or I Ai Odowes, who to first basemen Mc- "hold it for a while, Manager Bill said Mc-l to luive returned 0 been offered bv Dounlas Frizzell for $3X20. It is a farmer RCAF Totals 50 6 12 8 mess hall at Seal Cove which i w'. ,k, but staved ' to If SANDI.OT IJIUKFS: No doubt, the seasJn's ba.se tall was adequately crowned and played off yesterday. It couldn t have been u better finale to one ol the best years for ball In Prince Rupert. Fog threatened to keep the alf cool and raw but Ihe sun pushed its face through the mht just In time to make it a beautiful day for ball. And then, the extra-inning game, with ull the earmarks of big-league playing. In the books, the game hud eveiylhiing that a final gams should have, except pel imps the hot-d )gs. There was terrific cheering from the bleach- Suniiay came and won homer. ci 'Hid have been any-me after the fifth ln-I more likely. It could i Gordon & And-erson's. ii tlv- lifth that all of lx runs were piled up raiue in one ufter the 2 in. n got to bat. Seven Serii F-3 Chauli wiltt Cob, , v , r V"A1J, ' , O.V.W. RaHng-6800 Mm. &te A .J, . , f Jl I hit and two Hot on bv Apart from Mcllardv's Jers, there was just, the right f"'l bunberg got the big-' 'I tin- day -a triple for amount of heat in the argu- jjtencct against the umpires, and fi 'thicis had snared two I he .second Inning, both there was no doubt of the do-or-dlC determination of every, player In the game, Manager Stan Cofnwell, or v errors, but after that US! th.-y knew the game is business. r Ah-x Bin's first move pull starting rhuclfn.-' AUCTIONEER Phone C.reen R10 nd Red 127 'iurneau. replacing him l.ay. And, apparently, 1 'f P(l the tables on the ni4Wlware lot for in eight ''lullowing. only one hit by Lindsay. "on Scherk. pitching -h..s. was Oerluini: llm 13 J'-"'"'-' Player on the yesterday. Following "K-s of holiday, Scherk f a the mound and gave POWER PILOT g ECONOMY Ford's Power Pilot is a fully-proved method of getting the most power from the Vf gas. It automatically meters and fires the right amount of gas at the right instant, to match changing' speed, load, and power requirements. For smooth power I switched to SS0 Gasolines Fill your tank with "up-to-date" Esso or Esso Extra Gasolines. Take your car out on the road. S-. for yourself its better all-round performance. Esso and Esso Extra Gasolines are continually being improved to give the best balanced combination of smooth flowing power, lively acceleration and protection against engine ping and vapor-lock. For more happy motoring, twitch to Esso Gasolines and you're always aheadl Moving, Packing, Cratinf Shipping fend General Cartage and Sloraie Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. '.nd and Park Avenues Est .610. Phones 60 and 68 In the orchards and fields ... on highway arteries of inter-city commerce ... on busy streets everywhere . . . you see more Ford Trucks than mny other make! And there's good reason why Ford Trucking costs less because Ford Trucks are built stronger to last tourer! Take the rugged, hardworking hauler shown above the Ford F-3 with dual rear wheels. There's long-lasting strength to spare in every part and detail of this husky Ford -Truck with the unexcelled durability and outstanding truck-built features you'll find throughout this year's bigger, more complete Ford Truck line, from sturdy Vi-lon Pickup to massive 5-ton "Big Job". Visit your nearby Ford Dealer soon and get all the facts on the Ford Truck that fits your hauling needs. Y ou'll find that Ford Trucks give you more in performance, dependability, and economy . . . and that Ford Trucking costs less because Ford Trucks are built stronger to last longer! Compare M&s featvrss pill 363 fPlanning rBuilding or Repairing Choice of 2 ford Deluxe Coos , 7 Sarin Katingt W finost Driving Comfort V and Safety 3 Great ford V-8 engines 2Cab-Ovar-tngJnsMoeWs Whaalbatai the sign that says SeeyvarfVRD TRUCK Deafer W famous ford Trucking k Most Complete ford f TrtKk tin Ever Offered Iconomy r : to stop for Canadians use MORE FORD TRUCKS than any other make! happy motoring with Imperial tsjo Road Maps, and Imperial tsso guarintcfd tire life with the famous Atlas Written Guarantee that'l honored by over 3H.OO0 PACStCEEl LTD. dealni in Canada and the U.S. louring Service that routes you anywhere. Both art fours for the asking. ITCHELL CURRIE LIMITED "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe engine protection with Marvelube the pre-mium motor oil that meets all car manufac of the services you want await you at your Imperial Esso dealers. Drop in at the Esso sign FORD and MONARCH DEALERS "Home of Friendly Service" i rs Contractors turers' specifications fot correct lubri. cation. A detergent motor oil that not only jubrirates but cleans! any time to have radtarof and tire pres. aure checked or for any of dra other services your car may need. g PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.