R. A. Gordon, general super- ! inter.dent, Canadian National Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Fool's Gold Badly Needed Thursday, April 5, 1951 Express, Winnipeg, and F. V. Clare, superintendent, Edmonton, arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train in the course of an official trirj to the mn; N - ! m ( ""Mi Vmnwji p"n-nw ,', .'. "f'-aiJluhwj t,;,, '"" Oh i1. h ore MONTREAL The current sul- Taey sailed on the Prince Rupert Jhur shortage may make what last nlt,ht to make tne round prospectors often refer to as trip l0 Ketchikan and thence u "fool's gold" (iron pyrites) look Vancouver tonight. knore like the real thing. j c 1 . s: jr kr - -- w THE LOAD ON NEHRU BOMBAY, India. I had intended to postpone any general conclusions about this Indian trip until the end. But things have a way of happening, to upset plans. This seems like a pood time to say vhat is really the mo:t important conclusion reached on this trip: India has made remarkable progress toward solving many of the most difficult questions Canada's pulp and paper makers, who use 200,000 tons of sulphur a yea ', are on the lo' t-for an alternative source. That's because of the expected 20 cut in supplies from the U.S. Among other things, they're looking at the possibility of installing roasters at a cost of about $500,000 each to treat iron Dyrites concentrates right at their own plants, fiom th.se they would produce su'nhur dioxide for sulphite pulp. At the moment, however, iron writes concentrates are getting almost as hard to come by as the sulphur itself, in the quantities , pulp producers would need There are many deposits, but in most' cases it hasn't been profitable to develop them. Higher demand ! and p ices are ladim to a reexamination of properties. : Prices of pyrites, although they've Increased, are said still competitive with sulphur. St. Tnwivnee oauer mi"' hive used them for years, getting its sup-i pli-.'s of concentrates from Nor-;anda and Wait." Amulet, It's i understood that Anglo - New-i foundland Development Co. at, i v - - . r ' "You've Just been voted the best pastry maker on the block!" -Ml..-. jwd , 1 ??. which faced the newly inde ..i. Independent daily newspaper aevuted to the upbuilding of Prince - Rupe rt and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations I Canadian Dally Newspaper Association jO. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director , Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, -'f'ti'.m ; $800; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 ''St?0 Published every afternoon except Sunday by , Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. i Census and Business BUSINESS MEN everywhere will be watching the results of Canada's 1951 census with a keen eye to business changes. For to them the census can provide the key to what the future may hold in profits and losses, new markets and new industrial development. '" Many advertising firms may re-work all their future advertising campaigns based on what the census discloses: regional shifts in population, swings in -buying tastes and buying power. In fact, so important lias' the census become to Canadian business that many requests have been made to cut the time-lag between surveys from 10 to five years. But that, say census officials, would be too expensive. So the 10-year survey likely wi'.l continue for decades to come. ' Mainly, the census will provide a tri-pronged service to Canada's business; expanding at trigger-fast speed. - 1. It will show the changes in buying habits and trends of the Canadian consumer. 2. It will give the business man an idea of how he is faring, compared with others in the same business. ' , .' . 3., It will bring to the practical business man a final touch of realism to the saga of Canada's amazing industrial growth in the last 50 years. ; Most of the business men will be anxious to know just which way the markets are shifting. Where is the purchasing power being built up? Vancouver? Montreal? Halifax? Prince Rupert? i LETTERBOX j pendent nation. Yet there Is, at least throughout that part of the land which I have visited, a deep sense of future crisis. Amongst all sorts of people SATIRE ' vou hear exure&scd in enp wav 1 behind the ear ithe left ear, I think. I then took my posses or another the impression that Editor, there Is a big bust-up coming Dally News, at some time or another. Esti- When I read the deeply mov sions auu nis, aim weiu un my nrnn1 Falls. Nfld.. Is also look- mt.M differ widelv a to ..hen Ing article in Saturday's Daily wdy- 1 ae'iv,'rea lne bwuiaioi into the possibility of using that hnit-iin is likelv tn oceur I News telling of the downfall of parcel iand was paid. I went to pyrites from the Buchnns Mine in which It holds a half interest. But significanuy and most the Problem family, tears came "Johnny's" customer and mad' Kings Plate 0T Seagram's, Sui dangerous of all everybody 10 mv yes- 1 am not ashamed agrees that there will be no such to say that I wept openly be-bust-up while Mr. Nehru is on cause the account brought. b;ick delivery and was paid. Clutch- . w " I ' . , , ' involved in sulphur i made by this ing the bundles of I money, , pro,.(,ss w(.ui,n't affect the cost made my way back through the 0f newsprint or sulphite pulp howling storm to the'-shed, to ' much. rest and see about "Johnny," (Sueneslien hns been ninV but when 1 got inside "Johnny" that F-slall River iron nvrit.-s the job. poignant memories of a '"Johnny" I once knew. You see, Mr. Editor, three oOo NEHRU OCCUPIES a place In the minds of the people aboul! years ago, just after my sixth half-way between that rendered mli'.ht be used t provide suln!'V for the Watson Inland pnlo mi!! I This uivertr,-mf nt is not published or displayed t( rt liquor Coiiliol Bc'ifd or by v Gnwnnwnt ol Bitiii was gone. 1 sat for a long time in that .;hark and did some deep, dep thinking. At. last I reached a' momentous decision. If I took FAR Y FXP1RF.R all that money home, Mother The Slave Rver which entei CIS red I would only .spend it buy.ng load Great Slave Lake war dlsonvered to Gandhi and the rest of the other politicians. That is, the people here put him in a class by himself. The only other leader who has a personal prestige remotely approaching that of Nehru is Na-rain, the Socialist chief. But, whereas nobody not even the wildest optimist in the Socialist Party dreams that the Social Dirtnaay, my rather died very suddenly. The policeman was very apologietic, said something about a warning .shot and an unfortunate ricochet. Be that as it may, it did not alter the fa;t that my mother was now a widow with 16 children of whom I was the oldest three sets of quints, all girls, made up the rest of the family. Mother got a Job in a welding shop but, as was the case and stuff for tho.se girls and, in the white'- or 1771-7'J i:ince they had already gone two Samuel Hea' ne. weeks without food, I guessed " " MEN'S WEAR KlITS A'l wool : lilts in plain shades of brown a: Douljle-breasti'tl styles. Regular to $50.00. Now tIMH'KMtS A large s-.-)e-tion of dress, semi-drtss a. trousers. Real Hargains , SU3 1 BOYS' WEAR SWKATKKS Boys' pullover sweaters in assorted slu Itching Scalp that it wouldn't hurt them to go one week more. So I did not BO home. I waited until Ihe real estate office opened in the morning and, taking the money, 1 I made the down payment on ists can win this year's election, everybody assumes that Nehru lyes Eiec!al $1-' 1 will head the government of In in tne paper, mere was never quite enough money for everything. There was, of course, only K Simple Himih Trrtliniit If your Btalp hits hrnkon out wlib ugly smTtice rushes fir irrUiiitous DON'T DIG with linger nulls its the nnflrfint'iit. iiiitio u; nmv thing thing left left one to do. As every Jm,n M(rfh(1P u.ae )lw,,iVri k.. that only serves w nutk" H wurw, FANTS- All wotil and guburdine school jwiits. r fo. perfect fit. A large voriety to rhoo.' form. S UU V. ir.MMS -Heavy 8-oz. blue denims. Tlics RueciulK. Were 3.25 - uu-aisLer dia for as long as he has the lile and health to do so. oOo THAT BRINGS ME to the very heart of the most important thing I have to say about In res b-sister writer writer kiiow.i. knows, when a anry at flrHt BootlPBifine, she ,,nd spreads it. n to your tru-Kiu spectable lamily needs-extra saUl ywaa one thnR ' bul beconi. til MZ" Z nuxe.i wn oney there is. , only one way : i j j nu n ,fl innnurn uu t.r,it; tnmiirhiriT .1, ,... to get it and that te turning by else again. However, the foul y w h-ii you ao )s apply i to crime. It was the landlord ,.h ...... ..,i .i .. Ihe urnlp with your fini:-r tis 'M- dia: hop and Prime Minister Nehru Is carry- that finally drove us to it. For n,ui .n it ly ""'""" lnu "' r""ts ',f """ ' ., n . , j i ,. i . , : , ", This move also provided mV about out every every fourth fourth (lay day sIkuii sIkuiii.im ave at i I u (mk1 soap. tim yarn limllj coinbinatloti sltirt rl 'tt lti ) I ItuitRr heuiuir. i;4Htuioe j western democracy. But he the butcher, the clothier, the '"ll TZ'. Z Oh !tug atteillDUiM, to earrv- an even shoe mmn 1 h Hriiuolat ihi . '. ' . .. . b " Pfonioti omoiiiiK oow floutlrii; cluuii.uff c!t : heavier burden. In his capacity hardware man. the fuel man. the .hstv". t hev hire ne of mv as government head he is ulso light company, the telephone bX '"'eii U.S a U UJOy Sitter sUter to lO the Hie trvinu tn not n nohlm adnralnr .rr.r, o.irf fV,o !,.., rea. REMODELLING? -T """ " ",r ' w :, nnu v,,...,..k fctl,l, ..r,rf mi. ,.. . and nolitical ramnaipner tn an never rnteprf nrlres nor riiH n.i, :'. B . " ' w"? " " yu UistuitisiicU er ones free to uttend to money bum -every ui-n-.cisi' ,j . - ' . , . ..... me oioe extent that would break the -insist on beine nuid. Mother thonzetl to sell -KiiieriiiU their bootle '(;inj whi.'h they this Kuuratee. VVAI.I.ACK PHARMACY heart and ruin the physique of would tell the grocer, for inmost men in short order. stance, that the bill was too oOo high and that we couldn't pay LET ME GIVE you an example- it. He'd Just smile, tell her ',o of what I mean. In the weeks forget it and receipt the bill I was in Delhi I to which I re- anyway. So did the others. But turn toniKht) India's parliament the landlord insisted on pay-was in session and the PM w;to nient. ( on the Job every day. At the My mother, being old -fash-same time, he was directing In- ioned, took a lot of persuading dia's foreign policy, dealing with but finally she sold her dia- These questions are important. They lead to intensified advertising campaigns in those areas where selling prospects look good. And, of course, they may lead to establishment of new branch stores, new factories in those areas where marketing is perking up. ' Looks Like Controls H : , IT WAS-a pretty shocking increase. that the Caia- . l-dian cost-of-living- index took 'during the month of February no less than 4.5 points to a new high of 179.7. And, since the wholesale price index has gone up again, another rise in the retail index is to be anticipated covering the month of March. Inflation is certainly here how and, while we may he reluctant to admit it, something most assuredly must be done to stay the vicious spiral which is quickly pushing the ordinary citizen of fixed income, the pensioner and such like to the economic wall. It seems to be getting past the point where much can be expected in the way of meeting the situation by merely appealing for less buying and a cutting down of the standard of living. That only pan reach one class of people those in lower income brackets and can only lead totf urther discontent. There would appear to be logic in the contention that an emergency exists which justifies decisive action just as it did in wartime when Canada Jiad a control system which kept the country in economic equilibrium and which was the model that piany other countries envied. YOUR BUILDERS AND CONlRACTC rST ARRIVED!. IFFY Greer & Bridden Lti U I t s S have to do m order to pay me my rent. I have often wondered what be.-ani" of 'Johnny" ami wnen 1 read Saturday's article 1 hoped that perhaps the Johnny of that article mb;!it have been my ' Johnny" w!i" had survived and gone on to Bi eater tilings. As for me, I can't complain, although I fear I will never rise to great heights. I have -never "helsUid a .keisler," peddled a fix," -muscled in" anywhere, "lifted a leather" or taken anyone for "a ride." I have uevei even .set fire to un orphanage, liie only thing 1 have accomplished in that line is to become a landlord but, acsordiriu to sume accounts, I have, by that means, attained some .stature In , the underworld, i Thank you, Mr; Editor. 1ZZY KIDMEN. such thorny questions as Kash- mond rings, her wrist wat;'h and mir, Korea and the implications a couple of old mink coaU she I and complications of the food happened to have around and tgrants from U.S.A. with the proceeds she bought a T hat's a man-sized job. couple of quarts of liquor. But every single week-end, That night the SwillaloU had TKF ST0K SHOPPE since I hive come here, Mr. a nartv. About 1 am thev ran Sea Cadet Nehru has been off, by plane, out of supplies and telephoned opening institutions and mak- to us for replacements. Care-ing many speeches. fully wrapping my precious Here in Bombay, for instance, wares, I started on my elght-the Prime Minister arrived at mile journey to deliver them. I six o'clock Saturday evening. On will never forget that night. The Call 363 Kir ih:ttkr . . . Planning Building or Repairing bunaay morning he opened a temperature was around zero , modern public milk pasteuriza- and a 60-mile-an-hour gale ! tion plant; opened one of sev- whipped icy snow in a wild Now being reorganized under the sponsorship of the Navy League of Conn Those interested apply H.M.C.S. ' Chatham" Tuesday, Thursday and Fridof 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Ane limit 14-18 years eral new branches of the "Rama- swirl before it. The thin single I hi iniiiiu imssioii, maue one oiner cotton garment l wore was the speech, attended a cricket match scanty protection against and then spoke for one hour elements and. ere I had gone WOl 1.1) GKAB IT Editor, Daily News: "Stromberg' quoted in yesterday's paper that there is too mu?h irresponsible complaining about rents in this city. According, to his belief the average and 4t) minutes to 150,000 peo pie. He wailed several hours Monday morning before emnianinir four miles, my bare feet were quite cold. At this point I .spotted a small shed near the trail and, with the idea of resting for a few minutes from the fury Scripture J-aiiatje or Jotlaij "Seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Luke 11:9. rent for December 1950 was $22 see India's great friend, Lady I of the storm, I went inside. It't0 26' I have an average tarn Mountbatten, who was passing Northern B.C. Power C Ml ily, my husband, two children and myself. If he should hear of a vacancy at this remarkably reasonable rent I surely would ; appreciate it if he would let me 1 Prince Ilupert gpj? ftlore Vegetables 00 Rich Beef Stock know. MRS. F. COBBAERT. MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IMITKI) Ituildcrs & Contractors Packed in B.C." through to Burma. oOo NOW IF YOU multiply that week-end by what happens every week-end, you get what I mean. I think Mr. Nehru could study, with proTit, one -thing demonstrated by our own late and great Mackenzie King. That is, that the secret of ability to withstand the strain of public office for many years is to take some time out to relax. oOo I DO NOT PROPOSE to Share the pessimism wnich I have reported above, about a big bust- was there, in that shed, that I met "Johnny." He loo was on criminal intent bent, driven to it, as I was, by the rapacity of a landlord. While we rested we talked of various things and finally "Johnny" showed me a pair of ivory cubes with spots on them. He told me that they were called dice and that you could play games with them. As all children do, I liked to play games and I begged him to show me how to play. I will refrain from boring you with the details but in less than 10 minutes I had lost not only my whitehandled knife, my pet bunny, the few pennies I had saved for Christmas presents for AUTOMATIC RAILWAY The first mountainside cog railway in the world opened at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, in 1809. Spring") - tn Does Your Car Have 'country' ST ' Ian up in Indian at year X or any Ymi know the symptoms . . "iliRestion," loss at P'l-cranky pimr gas stops and starts. We've gut the cure. A lw cost tune UP session in our "operating room" will brinff about your rar's fast recuperation. Drive up! J 1 other time. Nor do I believe that ' my sisters, and my shirt, but I any great leader is indispensable had also staked and lost my two or irreplaceable. I precious quarts. For what hap- Yet just as it was a tragedy pened next, I have no excuse to of gigantic proportions that - i , ri offer. I was desperate. I picked up a half brick from the shed flood and hit "Johnny" firmly Franklin Roosevelt was taken from life just when he was so it would be not only a calamity for India but a tragedy for all the highest values for which the tern VEGETABLE mankind, if anything should happen to shorten the span of 5uPerlor. x AYL ..,iiJ Mife and health of Mr. Nehru. nd AU"" SOUP STUDEBAKER a western democracies really do stand as distinguished from the mere power interests. For If Nehru were to disappear, India would surely swinp to chaos or rightist reaction first and to-Communism next. Repairs Third Avenue at Pm15 oOo I CANNOT STATE too strongly that such a tragedy would, above all, be a deadly blow to - 0UR FAMILY DESERVES AYLMER QUAUTf ,