1m A" VICTOR, 2. c. .s3 f H O Daily t .9 V""" I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEW8PAPER V Published at Canada's Most Strategic Poeifie Port "Prince Rupert, the Key te the Great Northwest" V ueiiyery VOL. XL. N(J. 80 Phone 81 X PRINCE DD iMf'p Diinr-n-n n r TUIIRQni V A rtr it c mci RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS V tish Columbia is I7 J? T7IL? . n wa7 n n wrn king Rent Controls msam 10s as mml hill !-' Maiiuamcu ai riAisiiuj; ivcis, Premier Johnson Intimates J In ys k. m jt. w m7 TOKIA (CP) British Columbia will take ,t controls April 30 on a year-to-year ba.su, Bvron Johnson announced today in Legis U U CJUUUlJUU r ' h ''' etus of lature. Rents have been under controls of the federal government since the wartime order of 1941, but it will discontinue them at the end of the month. "It is the government's Intention," said Mr. Johnson, "to take t : . ----- - SENTENCED TO DEATH Julius Rosenberg And His Wife Condemned NEW YORK (CP) Convicted atom bomb spies Julius Rosenberg and his wife, Ethel, today were sentenced to death. Federal Judge Irving R. Kauf od Costs Chief Executive Still Hopes, Works For Peace WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) President Truman said today that the danger of a third world war was just as great as it ever was. The President told a press conference, however, that he hopes there will never be a third world war and he is doing all he can Climbing food j ver lhe administration that , . i im. now exists in the province." the record auvuiice m "'"w maiiimincu at I living index announ- existing levels, but any inequal-ay but. all other items Hies between landlord and ten-''mally K" into the ant will be dealt with. Adjusted also went higher, : ments will be made where nec-lof statistics reported. jessary. man ordered them executed some time in the week i to prevent it. beginning May 21. . February resls in The President would not comment on a speech yesterday of bv an of iicial Index, pW.-WT?&J&. tm?' , Speaker Sam Rayburn that 1 . M IlllUIIi Jikiy n illlllH"" Movie Stars Un-American WASHINGTON (CP) Academy of Moving Pictures Arts and Sciences award winners Jose Ferrer and Judy Holliday and i if l-If to a peak of 179.7 ,m 175 2, boosted by' 4 monthly climb In : thumping 4.5 points. x is based on 1935-39 lalling 100. The big 4 5 points in February red with a previous ich jump of 40 points, ,;atl on the 1935-39 Win Support At Victoria Province To Co-operate in Move for Special Consideration in Emergency E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, wired P. H. Linzey, secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, today acknowledging the request of the Chamber that he contact authorities in Ottawa with appeal for 'special consideration in connection with the hous The judge told the Rosenbergs: "I consider your crime worse than murder. Plain, deliberate murder Is dwarfed by your acts." The Rosenbergs and Morton Sobell were convicted last week of obtaining atomic spy secrets and passing them to Russia. David Greenglass brother of Mrs. Rosenberg, who confessed obtaining the atomic secrets while working at Los Alamos, New Mexico, atomic bomb base,1 and passing them to Rosenberg, was chief prosecution witness of his brother-in-law and sister. He awaits sentence. Sobell, who never testified In his own behalf, was sentenced to 30 years Imprisonment. 1, .-""n large numbers of troops are massing in Manchuria and that they are not all Chinese Communists. Mr. Truman did say, however, that "the Speaker is a truthful man." The President also qeclined to comment on reports that General MaeArthur had authority to bomb Communist bases in Manchuria. El KOPEAN SITUATION Mr. Truman described the Senate's troops-for-Europe resolution as "further evidence that the United Slates stands firm in its support of the North Atlantic treaty." Mr. Truman, in his statement, hailed the resolution endorsing two prominent university scientists were listed yesterday by) the House of Representatives' i un-American activities commit-1 Further BOMBS AWAY! Ice, water and mud are hurled 2,000 feet Into the air as a half-ton aerial bomb explodes in an ice jam 15 miles long blocking the South Saskatchewan River at Medicine Hat, Alta. The bomb was dropped in an attempt to break up the jam and relieve flooding which inundated a large area of Medicine Hat along the river banks. (CP PHOTO) b Korea ml tee among those whose names have been associated with the current Communist "peace offensive." Their names, with scores of others, appeared in a 166-page report Just issued by the. committee analyzing the peace offensive, whSch it called "the most dangerous hoax ever devised by the international Communist conspiracy." ing emergency here. Mr. Applewhaite had had a long distance telephone conversation with Aid. Douglas Frizzcll in j icPi An American Ihrust nearly eight VICTORIA DONNYBROOK Uproar in Legislature; t le North Korea today his plan to send four additional army divisions to the Western Aid. Douglas Frlzzell and Aid. I'-arheari of the Allied 1 g forty miles of the and central Korean Don Fitch met Premier B. I. turopean defence force. The four divisions are expected tQ start moving to Europe soon. Cayuga is Going Back OTTAWA (CP) HMCS (de Johnson, Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests. Ls is the deepest pene-f far of the current l-e into central Korea. 1KKKIBLE DANUER nnr4 T Tt VnT-nn in x ( PRAIRIE M P. William Albert Boucher. 51, represents the Saskatchewan constituency of Rosthern In the House of Commons. A Liberal, he resides on a farm at Hoey, Sask. Of French-Canadian descent, he Is married with two children. He was first elected In a by-election In 1948 and was reelected in the 1948 general election. (CP PHOTO) niiu . a-. muxvac, ivuun. lur c,,,, t, t- - .. u .. i Non-Confidence - Motion By CCF is Coming jin feX "onr01111 th a tot I e day and won their co-opera- uniVfirsal mmtarv trainl wu Slates Eighth Army bies reported that the " only lislit, resistance I 'rot Ui the" vicinity of 1"? ,ie .Rupe.rt ?iven world War. VICTORIA. The CCF will present a motion of oviai cuiiaiucinuun iur nurne i e Allied commanders He warned the House of Rep building here under joint fed resentatives against "complac lack of confidence in the coalition government to "Communists to major offensive anv eral-provincial housing scheme. stroyer! Cayuga, now bound for Esquimau after a tour of opera-? tions In Korean war zone, Is scheduled to return to the Far East after a 9'4-week stay at her home port, the Navy announced today. The destroyer left Pearl Harbor Sunday on the last leg of her Journey back to Canada and is due at Esquimau at 2 p.m., PST, Saturday, for repairs and leave to her crew. . ? v J : jam t Jbt J ' I J ency", over the future. Fresh from a White House briefing on Korea, the Texas Democrat told of massing of troops in Korea and Manchuria i All siuns point to it. fc:. the Allivs are not the Communists to It MaeArthur has re-, it the Reds have a morrow and debate, it is expected, will go on for a few days with a lively time expected. Leader of the Opposition Harold Winch said today that the government would be charged with incompetence and lack of foresight. Mr. Winch quoted nine newspaper "and not all of them are Chinese Communists by a great ex tent." 8'3 divisions 441,000 i li Ihoy can throw into Asked off the floor if he editorials. once. meant Russians, he replied: "I'm standing now on what I have Yesterday breakaways tangled I Yesterday Aid. Frizzell was In long distance communication with Mayor G. W. Rudderham following the conference at Victoria and, as a result, the city council was called Into a special committee-of-the-whole session and agreed to send further in-fornVtion required as to the housing need here. The council expressed willingness to assume a minor proportion of financial responsibility necessary should this be required under the rental scheme. If there is favorable response from Ottawa to Prince Rupert's claims for special consideration in view of the exceptional emergency here, T. B. Pickers- bitterly in the Legislature with Big Gambler In Contempt MONTREAL CP) Louis Ber-covitch, former big shot gambler, now serving a life term for manslaughter, was held In contempt of court yesterday for refusing to testify at Montreal's vice probe. "Don't put me in Jail," cracked Bercovitch. The courtroom audience laughed. Mr. Justice Francois Caron said the penalty would be decided later. - Several times Bercovitch refused point-blank when ordered said." NOT SEEN BY MACARTHUR OUTBREAK IN ISRAEL tli Fire Russia's 500,000-man army $20,000 has shown no tendency to build up its forces within Manchuria,' informed quarters at General Douglas MacArthur's headquar members of the coalition regime they once supported. Bad reeling among Conservative members with the coalition and two former colleagues W. A. C. Bennett and Mrs. Tilly Rolston spilled out when Hon. R. C. MacDonald, minister of mines, Conservative, present ters in Tokyo said today. This observation was made in "s of over $20,000 are 'or March by the city 'mcnt. TEL AVIV (CP) Seven Israeli police were killed last night in a bloody clash with Syrian troops near thes frontier and United Nations observers" expressed fear today that broad-scale fighting might erupt. comment on Speaker 8am Ray- M. Auriol In Canada OTTAWA (CP) President Vin-ccst Auriol of France arrived here today to start a five-day official visit to Canada. The smiling 66-year-old President stepped from a special train that carried him from New York where yesterday he concluded a seven-day visit to the United States. M. Auriol was met and officially greeted by the Governor General, Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent and members of the government. rl"nes the Sport "re with psiimoto WIDENS SPLIT Mrs. TUly Rolston, member of the British Columbia Legislature for Vancouver-Point Grey, announced she had lost confidence In the coalition government last week and crossed the floor of the house to sit as an independent. She followed W. A. C. Bennett (Cln-South Okanagan who split with the ' government two woeks ago. Both voted against the controversial- Hospital Insurance Bill. Mrs. Rolston Is the only woman tver to be elected as a Conservative. - (CP PHOTO) gill, supervisor for British Columbia of Central Housing and Mortgage Administration, and J. E. Brown, housing commissioner I the building at $6,636 f;;lts at $6,500, while ISP was ri,m l K ourns statement in Congress yesterday that Communist troops, who, he said, are "not all of them Chinese Communists by great' extent," have been increasing their strength in Man- churla refusing to say whether he was talking about the RUs- , sians . ,, ...iic W.I H1C under the federal-provincial scheme, may be coming to TheWeather Prince Rupert next week. ed his estimates. Bennett, member or South Okanagan, and Mrs. Rolston, member for Vancouver-Point Grey, split with the government last month and said they would stand as Independents. When they joined with the CCF last night in prodding the minister of mines, A. R. Mac-Dougall, Coalition, Point Grey, and Conservative whip, objected that the two were asking questions specifically designed to ' order House next E(1ard Lipsett Ltd. :'B r1" mages were 11st-while the contents nOUtlleri to ttnnn to testify. He contended he would prejudice a petition for ' reprieve he had made to the federal department of Justice. "It Is based on perjury by crown witnesses at my trial," he ' said. : Bercovltch's statement was I the first knowledge the public has had of his reprieve move'. , Nearly five years ago he was , sentenced to life Imprisonment CCF Preparing For Convention m'y fires and other f i damage had been Resolutions to be brought up TODAY'S STOCKS at tne provincial convention of "'maining alarms Bad Weather Last Month March gave Prince Rupert Its worst weather for that month. needle a minister of their own party. Snapped Bennett: "He (Mr. Synopsis Some thin cloudiness has spread Into central and southern British Columbia as a weak disturbance moves in from the west. This cloud is expected to cleat out during the day. A very active storm about. 00 miles west of the coast Is moving to th? northeast toward southern Alaska and is expected to effect only the northwestern parts of the province in the next 43 hours. As a result sunny skies are expected over the greater portion of the province (('mit-trs? ft. D. JohnHton Co. I,td.) the Canadian Commonwealth Federation were discussed at a business meeting in the Metro-pole Hall this week. for the shooting of Harry uavis, big time Montreal bookie. Bercovitch, aged 40, was charged with murder. The Jury returned a verdict of MacDougall) may be one of the coalition whips but he's not the whip for the Independents." "At least, I'm loyal," retorted MacDougall. His words brought loud applause from the Coalitionists with Finance Minister Herbert TORONTO Athona . 8Vi Aumaque 21 Beattle 56 Bevcourt 45 Bobjo 13 Vi Buffalo Canadian 23 Vi Consol. Smelters 139.00 Conwest 2.35 Vl.lltJ Vt.lt American Standard 27 Bralorne 6.60 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress 07 Hedley Mascot 59 Indian Mines 21 Pend Oreille 8.00 Pioneer - 2.25 Anscomo, provincial Conserva- Temperatures will climb lit- a tlve lea'der, pounding the hard- Swindling In Victoria VICTORIA. Leo Nimsick, tie higher tomorrow but freez Donalda 54 Delegates will be chosen later in years. Digby Lsland weather for the convention which will station reports temperature on be held in Vancouver May 17, March 5 was 5.2, the lowest for 18 and 19. that month in Daily News rec William Brett was in the chair. ' ords- Highest reading was 50 on . I March 31, the mean, 32.5. j Only 59.7 hours of sunshine PRINCE FLEW ALONE were recorded, compared with LONDON (CP) The Prince Ro- last year's 106 hours. Total present of Iraq and his two pet cipitatlon was 8 06 inches, with dogs were all set to fiy home to I 7.25 inches of rain and 8.1 inches Baghdad. All went well until 11 i of snow. was found there wasn't a box Highest winds were 41 miles the right size for the animals j an hour, southwest, on March a'blg St. Bernard and a small j 11. Barometer readings were Labrador retriever so the Prince 80 27 and 29.34 inches on March flew home alone. '13 and 4, respectively. est on his desk. Eldona .22 Vi 19 V4 8Vi Premier Border Privateer East Sullivan 8.00 Bennett cried out: "Loyalty to what principles and the people or loyalty to party .and group?" Then, as the tumult subsided, CCF member for Cranbrook, charged in the Legislature Wednesday that many elderly peo Giant Yellowknife 7.05 God's Lake .40 Hardrock .. 22 Vi Harricana . 11 Heva 13 Joliet Quebec 66 Vi Opposition Leader Harold Winch ple in Victoria had been swin dled out of their life savings. called across to Anscomb: "I'm a first aid man if you've Injured your wrist." LHe estimated that $500,00 might Lapaska .04 be Involved. Little Long Lac 77Vi ing or near freezing temperatures are expected over the in-trior and the south coast again tonight. Some minimum temperatures -ccorded overnight were 32 at Abbotsford, 27 at Kamloops and 23 at Quesnel in the Cariboo. Forecasts North Coast Region Cloudy with sunny Intervals today. Cloudy tomorrow with- rain showers beginning about daybreak. Little change in temperature. Winds )ht. becomina southerly 20 after midnight. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 32 and 50: Sandsplt and Prince Rupert 36 and 45. ' DON'T MISS Lynx .14 The Victoria chief of police denied that the assistance of the Attorney General's department had been sought In running down the swindlers. oft- pte. T. E. "Wmmpeg arrived Reeves McDonald 4.50 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 162 Silbak Premier ., .36 Taku River 6' Vananda -15 Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 05 Silver Stanard 2.45 Western Uranium 1.75 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.30 A P Con 43 Atlantic 3.00 Calmont - 130 C & E 12 00 Central Leduc 247 Home Oil 1615 Mercury - 15V4 Okalta 2.67 Royal Canadian .... 10 Royalite 12-75 TIdES Friday, April 6, 951 1:14 21.5 feet 13:37 20.5 feet 7:29 2.7 feet 19:37 4.5 feet The Y2 price Specials at MANSON'S JEWELLERS ! rlng tne from 4, , m v Korea rw.,i High Low Madsen Red Lake 2.30 McKenzie Red Lake .. .48 McLeod Cockshutt 2.95 Moneta i.. 1.34 Negus .86 Noranda 77.00 Louvttcourt 19V4 Pickle Crow 1.70 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn .20 " Sherrit Gordon 3.40 Steep Rock 8.40 Silver Miller 1.70 Upper Canada .. 1.80 Ibyca!5!. SOft of de- il3,dlscvered he L;??.dunder then 61 It s4nnii wcriani BASEBALL Scores Pacific Coast Portland 6, San Francisco 4 San Diego 9, Los Angeles 7 Hollywood 6, Seattle 5 Oakland 13, Sacramento 6 HISTORIC CASTLE FIRST EDITION The first printed version of the New Testament in English was produced by William Tyn-dale at Cologne In 1526. Ladies' and Gent's Watches, Diamond Rings, Signet Rings, Costume Jewellery, Pierced Earrings, Pearls, Pendants, Etc. The Dutch castle built at Cape 1 ''ItU sum- Town in 1666 Is the oldest building existing in South Africa. lvr f HOTO) J