Prince Rupert Daily News TODAY JOAN FONTAINE .,- Wallace's Thursday. April 5. 1151 7-9 p.m. DcDt. Store 4 A j . rk. Isale now on: 1 Great North I 'Wit-- A( - WW . i .""S ', 4-4 r 4 t P -W..--C i .....I...;,., , - .-4 FRIDAY at 7-9:05 SATl'RDAY 2:06 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9 p.m. FAMOUS mms 7i LIGHT UP I HOTEL FRASER HOU ICE BLOCKS RIVERAthletic Park, Medicine Hat, Alta., was almost buried by the waters of t:;: South Saskatchewan River as an. ice jam 15 miles long blockaded the river. This photo, taken from an RCAF plane, shows a small port ?n of the jam In the background. Demolition bombs were dropped to break up the ice. cp PHOTO) aiSinrieri From Vancouver. (Wednes day) -Miss Millard. Mrs A N i Movit t? r To If. ur m f,. : "lilKf1 -... j, v. luniu, v. jviuuie- pipe joints1 house, J. Ditle. W. Gottselig, B.i A. Mix lea ,,,, foster, R. B. Cameron, S. Col- u-her, lour pnunC , lins, A. E. MacMlllail. Mrs. D. Htharge, (our d R unt6 11 Tavlor r. Unit n j.w.n .i i. ,. .ijt Log Scale Mounting District Timber Production Showing Gain, Apart from Pulp Mill Take i mi .....,u., i Ti.1. rj o.auiif4 in limit; iu)irii i forestry district for th-e first three months of 1951 has reach- ca a wtal or 30,483,419 board feet compared with 29,297,510 board feet in the corresponding1 first quarter of last year. This, does not include the scale from ! management licencs of Colum- bia Cellulose so 4he output this' ve;lr is really considerably lar- ger man tigures indicate. C. B. Lowe, Mr. Griffith. up fine Mix I't From Sandspit, (Wednesday) ! '""d toabcat tV -Mr. Cleary, A. Pearson ! putty To Vancouver (today)-M B. ! Q iiw r.n i ' O'Toole, Mrs. OToole and In-'screw" iat, Miss McLean-Bell, Dr.! " A Heat c u . "'-tt a a iw parrot Of Ontario Railway Chief Tells His Slory (o ;yro Club With Graphic Film Display Colurful moving pictures depicting the thriving industries of Northern Ontario between North Bay and James Bay which makes the governm ent-owned and commission - operated Ontario Northland Railway the only privately owned railway in North America which is making a reasonable interest on investment were shewn to the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday by Col. C. E. Reynolds, chairman of the railway. The picture "Northern Challenge" gave the Gyros a view of another part of Canada with scenes of lush agricultural lands, rich gold mines, great water power potentials, huge timber operations and paper mills, outdoor recreational and tourist attractions and modern and complete amenities of life in growing cities such as North Bay, Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Cochrane which are served by the enterprising and uD-to-date railway running some 500 miles from North Bay to Moosonee on James Bay. Of narticular interest to sports hunting element of the club was a second reel of pictures entitled "Goose Camp" which Col. Reynolds presented to show flights of millions of migratory . birds blue, snow and Canada j Geese the organized hunting of j which nw-ne conservation- j re pectins lines which has been developed bv his railway line. ! com new tricks of the goose j hunting trade were depicted by !the impressive film centering I around a James Bay hunting re- i j sort 2(in miles from Moose Fac-torv I which is reached from the end of railway steel by air trans-lip-tat'nn. : President E. D. Forward was in ' the chair at yesterday's Gyro luncheon. Col. Reynolds was introduced i by Orme Stuart and thanked by A. J. Dominato. Other guests were W. H..Dou-mont, L. C. Lycett and C. A. Berner. The Albert and Edward dock jit Preston, Lancashire, has a water basin of 45 acres. PIIONF. GREEN 884 MIR WELDING OF ALL TYPES Industrial Welding c it i p j v v oirpirciuwu, miss rienoerieim, hot and amiiv it i t in... o. ..,..,.. ,.. t-. ..." " i'i"y u io ,r. ivn.o xnutri w, iviis iiet.uie, tt. W Whidden, J. W. Webster, Mrs! Webster, Miss N. Webster' P. B. Cameron, S. Collins, W. Girling. C. Scarr, J. P. Rublsh, R. Mc Cabt, C. H. Bassett. To Stewart, (today) D. S. Love, Const. Crouch, Mr. Burnett. TERMITE DAM AO E HEAVY Termites in buildings cause damage of about $45,000,000 annually in the United States. FAMOUS INDUSTRY The manufacture of cutlery has been carried on at Sheffield, England, since before the 15th century. FARMING STATE Agriculture, chiefly wheat- How Can How r'.ti ? ... , ' a screw that is rusty a ale. When tlio sot h. hot it can be rrmwni lly. CJ. Ild car, I ufc dampness of rxims1 A. r'irp r.lnrks ol c all ro-ncr.s and on it replacing them as ihi ate. SHIPS a WATERFRd Flunk Watering Argils, Capt. R. -Wowi. this week from Van unload bulk oil (or & Alter two weeks' h West Vancouver him. m Hi The scare per species this The board dec ded it would in-March and last was as follows; I vestiirate renditions of schools at . growing, is a leading Industry in Oil Ltd New South Wales with nearly 6,000,000 acres under various crops. i :!() Kilwvdes CFPR RADIO DIAL (Subject to Change) THURSDAY P.M. 3:30- lasti'iieis' Chm.:i. :.;) The Suiuhine Kocl"!y 4:30- 2.1.1. Leagues Un.ier the Sea .. 4:45 -it. ex wuc .al'tn:, 4:55 I'HO N".s o:00 Int. Oumly. 5:10 Rav h.c.e 5:30 Musicul P:o."ram 5:45 "Canada at Wo. . 1:1)0- Supper Serenade 6:15 Tex cBn-kc & Orch. h:30 -Mus.tai Muriel i 7:00 LBC Ni'Ws :15-CBC N-'vs Roundup 7.30 Kvent.iie 8:00 -Citizen's Forum 8:30 Citizen's Forum News 8:45 "Logging With Bunyan" 0:00 CUC Vancouver Concert Orchestra 9:30 Winnipeg Drama 10:00 CBC News .0:10- CBC News 10:15 Dateline Edmonton 10:30 Stan Kenton's Orchestra 11:01) Weather Report and Sign Olf FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical CIock 8:00 CBC News 8:10- Here's Bill Oooo 8:15- Morning Sunt' 8:30- Morning 8:45 Little Concert 0:00- BBC News and C.-.nty. 9:15 Music for Moderns Concert 9:59 Tune Signal 10: 10 -Morning Visit 10:15-Tbe Barry Wood Show i0:3l) -"ivle'oily 'lc,, 10:45-Musical Kitchen 11:00- Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 - Roundup Tunc 1130 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. int. 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies FRIDAY-P.M. 12:00 -Mid-Day Mciud:cJ 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume ,:m Ho. Kiiiiu 12:55 Rec. Int. l:0ii concert .'lour 1 :30 Musical Program i 1:45 Needlepoinlers ; :GC-National Sehool Bdc st. ' 2:30-Records at Random 2:45-Solo Guest 3:00-4The Music Box 3:15 Don Messer & His Islanders 3:30Llatenr'3 Choi-e Passengers listed, for Vancouver on Prince Rupert leaving here tonight are: Mrs. M. Russell, J. R. Cooper, Mrs. A. Richardson, J. Currie, A. Mc-Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sothl, N. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Clare, Dr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gordon, H. R. King, Mrs. Noble. Z. Bizas, R. H. Gerard, A. Birkenstock, Miss Edwards, M. Hiehircheh, M. Diedrlck, V. Palmer, Mrs. A. Tee. Mr. sd Mrs D. Frith. H. Pierce, J. Digman, L. Cameron, M. Grant, Mr. As-priiPig G. in NAVY INCREASED FLOW : Rob-son is purser agi Milk production on British the steamer Prince Rap farms now is about double the was in port yesterday, pre-war annual total of 40,000,- M. Jenkins is now or. 000 gallons. his Salt Spring Island H N J Drapery and J JJ Slip Covr riu, YAITH.I 14) '3 f?v'ril 'mil ADDED SPECIAL ! Friday nnd Saturday l l L F.SHIl)i:i) ,VVr,ON 12 (ia. subs 99ci AT WALLACE'S j i 1 1 7v ; CI lop Siiey - Chow Mcin j I HOLLYWOOD CAFE I Fur f u ' :;llc Orders I'liono 133 VIEW-MASTER j : REELS ; Reduced 50c each WRATHALL'S Pliiiln Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. V'-f i LuJics anJ Gentlemen LING the ta or ;:u sixth st Plume 619 VANCOrVKR VICTORIA Sunday. 8 p.m., Cliilcciiin T'lle.vlny, 1 N. ii m '.Hlli I.Mltl IK I: Aim. Ml 'WAIST AM ftii;r Miii'SON SundJiy, Caiinisuii, 1 1 p rn i on M)i:i n i( H'.n i It HM (il l i; ISLANDS V. Chili ci! in April 13 ai.d 27 . ii in Kill sot i ii (jt ki;. i ilMriol lt: isi amis Chilcotin. Avii ti and 20 9 p.m. HUSK J. MIM ll Pnni r Rupert Agent "liird Avenue Phone 5(1 rf THE BEST a0 QUALITY k Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve four Printing Problems PIIOXE 231 Bibb Printing Co. BF.SNF.R BLOCK 1 ; I Enrolment is Still Rising : . I An increase ol 88 pupils in Prince Rupert schools this year ; over liust brings month's U- ,lal enrolment to 1.349. Booth 1 Memorial High School saw the biggest increased-with a .March euro men), of 451 st.ii.i- ! :, . : .'cnts. acrordmir Ijt thp jigrhpri:' 1 " t reports at last night's board meeting. iiiijuiauvc nuuira aru as foil": l"51 1950 KinK Edward 320 307 Conrad 270 254 Borden 278 249 Attendance during March was about 90 percent, slightly lower than February. Sunnvsid", and would have the I 0id geai cove school surveyed as ; ' to fitne.s for retaining it as a potential school. There had been ; several offers from individuals j t,o buy the building for the lunv- i ber, Secretary Mrs. M. M. Rope ii,) rt the hnarrt LAND RECOlflMNO DISTRICT OF PU1NCE KIIPERT TAKES NOTICE thai tlw Cnlllmlmi CellulfMW Company Limited of Prlncr Ruport. li.C. inanulucturcrs of ttl-IuIiih products, intrnrts to apply lor li'use of tho following rlcscrilxvl iHiidb. situate In Walnniiht Basin frontiuK on thr tiovprimH-nt Hiimtvi1 nd pnrt of Lot 2ftl, Rani;e 5. District: Commcnclnu at a pot plautod on Die North Hhoro of Wiunrii.'ht B;vim about 30 chains East and 30 chains North of the Northerly end o Ihi' Canadian National Railway Brtdf across Zanardl Rapids; thence N. 70 J E 48 chains more or less to a small Island: thence N 10 W IB chains more or less to the North shore of! Wainrht Basin, thence Northerly wterv " Southerly ''H""t! tho shore line o( Wamnnht Basin to. point of commencement and contain- ihr iso acres, more or leas, for the Purpose of a log storage and aortuiK area. Dated March 21st. 11)51. COLUMBIA CKLl.tUiOtip; COMPANY LIMITED. i O. McLure, AmciU. ( Apr5.r.!.IH.'Jfil luro for and long Al sp man ufactu rers (Fluffy-light h GolMrmi r t- THE EXPERTS By KAY REX Canadian Piess Staff Writer l!u kins H C L Pamphlets fluttered recently from envelopes containing Family Allowance Cheques telling Canadian mothers how to stretch their dollars. The green sheets held the health department's recommendations for bucking the rising cost of living. There were several economizing hints. Housewives were urged to make their own relishes and salad dressings; sup ' plement whole milk with skim milk, fluid or powdered; use I grade B eggs for baking; serve fish, eggs, cheese, boans, liver, kidney, heart or tongue instead of roasts and chops, and do their own baking. Distribution of the fir; t several j thousand pamphlets evoked let-jters from only nine recipients. , These included one from a bak-jery firm which complained about the home baking recommendation. t The health department does j not make a habit of including pamphiots with it s family al-! lowance cheqiis. In fact these 1 bulletins are not distributed more than once or twice a year. It wouldn't be psychologically sound to distribute them more ire-ou'ently. Those In the know say it's human nature to oafs up reading material that's always there. On the other hand an as5-iii pamphlet whets the Immediate interest. Diet for Elders-- Nutrition experts in the Federal Health Department say it's time to get ".way from the "toast and tea" dca when considering the diet f older persons. "We think very strongly that i'd persons need more protein than they are accustomed to eating," said one official. He pvnlainfd this partly is bause nf a "slower down" of the meta bolism. , , , , ' Old nrrsons rat I'-nalwr them - selves out. of their protein." he said. "They say meat is hard to chew, chece is const ip: ling, milk is for the babies . . ." While thev shou' he eatirn t aiietv of foods, thev tend to ' narrow t.heir diets down more and more." High Ovens-Do you nt fer hieh ev"n to the In'v ones tvij!-. manufacturers now are nut.l.inu on the market? It, would seem most women do. Th Canadian Asoeiafion of Consumers has a survey nnHor way to determine family preference on this matter. It grew out of complaints from several housewives that, thev are unahle to buy any "high oven" stoves. Members still are flooding C.A.C. headquarters with thei-views, and so far most of them favor the high ovens. Pifnest.ions froni CaniHian housewives son mv he cuttinir kit.chn capers in tho Industrial desicn committee of the nation-a' eollery. At, the succestion of , thi- enmmittee the CA C. asked ie 13 000 members for ideas on Imnroved design for houseVH articles, and they're gftting plenty. On"? housewife asked for "an -rrootpv thn1 de n'1 fr'l r-'L of th" boi " Arn'ri-r suTpster! "niastic lamn-shades without cotton trimmings'' in order that all carts of the shade may be washed." FAMOUS ANSTRONCMPR DTF.S P! rrFOTr!N'. South Africa (CP) Dr. J. s. Psraskevn-ooulos, director of the Bryden Station of the Harvard Observatory nt Maselsnoort. died bpre recently. He built up the station Into one of the world'sJam-ous observatories and made several Important discoveries. , com fori, economy r i Mar., '51 Mar., '50 board ft board ft Fir 2.427 Cedar ... . 555,623 1.536,502 Spruce . 11.026.106 9.287,165 Hemlock . 3.599.842 1.305.198 j Balsam . 1.036,202 aOH.040 I Jackpine .. 2,299,828 1,745.172 i Miscel. . 4.059 7,415 Totals 19 424,147 14,390,392-Scaling on log production from forest management licences, on which Columbia Cellulose operates, is now being recorded In cubh feet 'approximately 170 cubic feet, corresponds to 1000 board feet) and is over and above the straight log scale figures. This March 208,348 cubic feet were scaled. Tic count this March was 7.150 pieces as compared with 4 958 pieces In the same month last year. ine lmeai reel fcare Ol poles and piling in the interior for thiF vear to date is 484 6"1 com- . . ... ..,, , ., . nared With 479.108 in the first three months of 1950. The scale this March was low at 33.607 ,.,,. f ...uiu ncn t i .,-. y,L won., in. nrv was spruce, a.wiu nemiocK and 1,257 balsam. ! Cordwood in March amounted ! to 332 cords compared with 201 cords In 1950. ! ' IN RE ESTATE OK NORMAN Muc- i i.eod iikceased TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed hy the court, of the estate of Norman M;ie!,cod. who riled at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 1 2th day of De-cemner. l!i.r0, I require all creditors and others huviiiK clninis awalnst the said estnte to send the Bame to me, properly vet mod, at the address men- i tinned below on or before the SOIh day of April. 1HSI. after which tlnlc T shall proceed to distribute tlir l estate to fho.'w i-ntltled by law. Imv-j Iiik reiiard only to such claims n) I whlr'h I shall then have hi-en hoti-! hed. ! And further take notice that all ; persons Indebted to the said estnto are required to pny their jndebted-j ness to me forthwith. Dated at prince Rupert, B.C., this lath, day of March. 1(151. OORDON ERASER J'ORBIM. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (72p, PORTRAITS Films FVveifityd and Printed PKOMPT SERVICE 'HANOI. I'lt'S STCOIO 210 - .Street, Box titfi Flume Own 33'J Prince Kupeii "(-''lo-rrj'ify and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe life . . . t: i I. of . lk VAN 1" rl vuir lon-r r'iL'in forla . ti i'iiiii Ol I ..far i .. i:...i nmltrO! " " ",. tin-Kip fdining room ir-rjj moneyaoua .(f t 3 W inkle is hi", v" , r,,nii rxuclins slam nrl S J the -UM sou mm cmii fort as a" i'urn,,ufe mWTj living room " YM ROYAL Ui'slmore inatlr'-''1'1 MacKenzie Furniture I i Awl. DEM ERA RA RUM This advertisement is nof published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia I ... 327-3""" Phone 775 (