Russell Davis of Toronto ar-: ' rived in the city on the Prince - Thursday,. Anril ft, 1051 ! Rupert yesterday from Vancou- ver and Is the guest of Mr. and Glen Duare and Charles Le- Const. Crouch of Stewart re-andor Mrs. W. J. Scott, Fourth Avenue were ea?h fined $15 and turned to his detachment by i West, before returning East af-! costs in , city police coir, t Tm- j Queen Charlotte Airlines plane ter a trip to the coast. lie 13 Mr. day fo.- intoxication. Roger Pow- ! today, after conferring here i i Scott's cousin. i ell, Sam Davies, Ronald Rvrm , with Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton. NCO I and Geonre Kelly, Indians, were charge of the Prince Rupert j i PROLIFIC SKUNK each fined $11). district of the RCMP. i , j A skunk's litter may contain ! as many m 13 youn, but thi! ' usual number is fcelwen foiir Thll dvertlsemfit H not publlfhecJ or diiplyej nv (i I . j ar.J six. Bovti or by the Gom, J 1 f THEY PAY OFF 5 l , IT'S EASY . IT'S PRonrAcr in ii I. ' To Use t E3 IX I Sr iTIichac DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy form ALL FOR NAUGHT Max Bentley and Danny Lewicki of Toronto Maple Leafs dive for the puck, only to be thwarUM by Bill Quackenbusi and goalie Jack Gelincau of Boston Bruins as the two teams played, to a 1-1 tie in the second game of the NHL playoff series in Toronto last Saturday night. Turonto s Sunday curfew eidcd the game after one period of ovcrt:m'j and NHL officials ruled no contest as a result. Boston won the first game 2-0 in Toront.) last Wednesday and Toronto evened the series wit:i a rectsivc 3-0 in Boston Sunday nk;ht. (CP PHOTO i cor to fiwi fl59W wtl7WrTff WWtwwil latTiiuie (tl IM. II-: : Friendly Faces Bring Kim Back Ijfuiliil Clmi'di Miss Doreen Louise Davidson, Pi Jim iiif ' 0 1, W ' Tr II 1 1 1 Vancouver where ne has beeT I' M D I" 'i i ,. ',9 I stay'ns at the Danbh Home JvJ. , fl J (' ? , i ,! ; "I haven't seen a pleasant j daughter of Capt. and Mrs. A. j F. Davidson, 224 Fifth Avenue West, became the bride of Stan-; ley Harold Seharf f, son of Ma C. Siharff, 852 Borden Street. ; at a ceremony at 8 p.m. Saturday ' evening In the manse of First United Church. Rev. Lawrence ; G. Sieber officiated. ' t 1 11'! '. .. t' '''"pJ'l i Cscn, who, after half a year's ill R . V - K 1 ",.,(';.. UUOV I IV I . 1IUO IVbUlIlVU lU VIM. V iiLr ' u J 'l 'j C ? 41 'fru I 1 north where he has lived for Number of Times Enclosed Pleaso Find i J leside at the Provincial Home ij JiJ IflfeJ htU ! ,1 1 l'J tiff:JI '"'it A. k. Kure Results! i 1 he bride wore a grey gabardine suit with white and black accessories and corsage of red roses. Miss Laura P. Erickson, in bl.if? gabardine suit with white acces Sim's (3c per word per insertion-7cq. Number of words 25; cost, 75;. S insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, b()c.) 1 YICKERS', Name sories and corsage of pink carnations, was bridesmaid. Walter Carlson was groomsman. , Following the ceremony, a re-i ception was held In ValhalLi ! Hall. I The bridegroom's mother wore :,(3ill V I.OSftOM DRY Address - - - Phone No black lace over cream satin w ith white and black accessories in assisting the :ouple to receive. Mr. and Mrs. Scharff will reside in Prince Rupert. famous since 1730 tpl 1 II 1 ilwv ; fads "7r)jFA rr " il .;.-s i n -.fv7Wt!. Classified Advertising is payable in lulvane.. r rase refrain from telephoning Ctaifitdi: word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Tlunks. ivatli " Funeial Notices, Mai 1'lae.e and 1 iiKaRement Announceim nls $2 1)0. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE I VICKERS' IONDON DRY GIN Vw! W-X to o 1 LOS1 I WalVEl-l (CANADA) UMITIO StT' A(lOlVlls PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT.. Tax surria.WI. 8 ow)..e milium. i o FOR SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES j - Liiu-ue.t Soeeiler Snovcii, i Ciuiil-s; Ura.uies; Auamaj Ku.m uraucrs; Liuieloiu l.vo. ! lffllll.JIJIJP4P'9'IW"l IJPW.JJL Jll P M. - - t. Mi . v. " LOST Biue-arev lovebird on otal Coe Cncie. il louud please piione Uieen 625. Kf-waid. 82c LOST Saturday aflern ion: sold canoe bioceh. Keiurn lo i Yukon Jewellers. Sa.uo reward. Shis ailvcttiscment is not puljisliej or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or This advertisement U no published oi dupUycd by K Ltqwor Conliol Bord w by lk Oovernmnl ( British Columbia. p ;i by the Government ot nritish tu'uumma. TLNDHiS TENDER bv North? M ruction a"',.: Dominion DrirtRf I'KKSON.U en XTRA I 11 , 1 . CASH fur scrap cast b" & FOUND At Armories, Saturday niuht, 1 bracelet 1 lie flip. Owners raav have same n, ! calling at Power Cj. olore. i . lltcl lOKM F ' ! (Sti licti K(I) ! OTH I: OI AI'I'I H I ION FOlf j ttlMMMVIIS OI 1MIKOVFMI'A"i H j i MKif-ntl 'I:ihliS BlK Hull j ! Hull No. 1 1 Bull No.- b j Hull No. (J S Jenn IlUKh SlMinto in: eAAiona uduieM cine biaik luu tu.M jviuinteuuiKc tuinomi-iiL; Owen CuUihihI, llmk.-ts iiiul Koj. liianu.i'.s. T L bmith Co.niele Miscis, , dais boiKlIU Ti uck.s: Nelson Uiii-ket Loaders lor tjtockpiit I and Snow Kemuvul; Kice Porl- uble Cenmnuul Puinos: Na-i tional Uraiiilne Scrapers aim I Buckets; National All Sice. ! (iasoitne Hoi.sls; K.liiuui. I'oitaole Sawiniils; National I Kolitrv Screens and Convi yoi.i Full iiiloiinal.oii from Na-I tinnnl Mauhinerv Co. Limite..'. j Vancouver. B.C. ' FOR SALE Good second-hand fcioves radius, chesterfields, teds, washing machines, tvoe-' writers,, ice cream ma- cliine and miinv other articles I Come m ana i look around. Enterprise Re-, oair Snon. 144 Third Ave W. Phone 313. FOR SALE New and used furniture hnrrluMt'p clothes anc Gtuem per uuufiiro - . Phone 543-cali W 1 City. . - NORTHLAND Dairy ered. 24c per au more? PUoue W 101 " , livervserykf- -- ' fXiTY TEA ROLLS tained tunav and W 1 he Runert Bakerv 643 for orders. " WANTKU Albtl -HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE FOR KENT FOR RENT 2 rooms unfurnished Will consider rentinst us ; suite. Box 73. Dailv News. (Blp) FOR RENT Two-room apartment, heated. Phone Blue 409. (80pi MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING- Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. MARGARET 'McLEOD I OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ! 5TONF, BUILDING I GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS ... . f steel, brass copp Honest RradineAt, Ai- s i ment made Metals Ltd.. 2,0 PjW , couver, B. ( Atlia Ml..infT Division. W1tp Rltunt?d: s 1 On tht north side of the Taku River, near Tulsequah, B. C. Lnwfil holder: ' The Consoll dated Mining and Rmeltin Company of Canada, Limited. Number of the holder's Free Miner's Certltlcate: 3;175-F. Take notice that James W. Donald-snn. of Trail. British Columbia. act-In ns agp"t for the hiwful holder. Intends at the end of 60 days but not later than one year Irom the dttte of this notice to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements fir the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above : c.liiims. j AND further take ntolcn that j action, under Section 85 of the ; "Mineral Art." must be commenced j before the issuance of such Certlfi-icntos. of Improvements, j Dated this 17th day of January. PHONE 4 r.LUE m P.O. BOX 1184 PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1G70 uji. wTNTED-Fir ana FOR RENT Littht housekeepine j room. Close in. Box 12. Dailv News. (81p ROOM FOR RENT Black 785 (82p) ROOM for Rent 806 Fraser St. after 6 p.m. 81 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 I 711 Grenville Court. (tf) j SHERIFF'S SALE 1948 Pontiac Sedan in good run-i nine order, sliuhtlv more than oft nnn miliu for envli l" wink-save use fuss- Always Gillette ' blue BUde-, Z on-made for your HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733-5th Ave. W. Black 503 lou'irine boots. National cash reaister. Gilchrist 1 o 1 n ( jacks and scores of other article at verv low prices. B. C Furniture. 3rd Avenue W. UP FOR SALE New 15 tube transmitter and receiver coverine all bands, suitable for marine installation. Also Halllc.rafter n'i wav receiver. Offers invited. Blue 979 after 6 nm. ( 81 p l FOR SALE-Large "Good Cheer" coil mid wood hen ter In excellent condition. $4000. Can be seen at 233 4th Ave. West or phone Blue 899 after 1? noon. (82pt ment, Riidin Bui'" Co., Spaldine i i i nreuon. 1U11U . . 8 Ciilletie "jn-Rtode Gillette SIDNEY GONIGK OITOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 n. g. iieu;eron LIMITED1 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 809 M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, Court House. (8()c) furnished aW'1" , w.ih Handv Used- A.l. li'M J MKS W. IONl.lSOH James W. Donaldson. Aent for The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada. Limited. uanv ' ... Uispen I Blade Componmeui - 1 1 I 1 - write T Lee, CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1947 Ford tudor. Excellent condition. Radio, heater defroster. Low mileaue. Call evenings 217 1st Ave. East. (82p CitV. - . ""KPAir. "OOVKRNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 25) BORNEH SP, 0n, cmw service. a"? QUALITY. REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE IIOSr'lTAL scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROV SHAND, C.A. 353 -3rd Ave. W. Box 203 Phone 88 FOR SALE One chesterfield and chairs, one kitchen table and chrirs, bedroom suite and snare bed in eoocl condition Phone 21 davtime or Green 253 eventnsrs. tf FOR' SALE Wick burner oil stove Also kitchen china cnbi-net Both wood condition. Call at 1348 Pisnott Ave., event""' (82pl , NOTICK OP APPLICATION Fon CONSENT TO TRANSFER CI.IIB I.ICRNSE TO OTHER PREM-I MRS. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt on 1 the pxplration of this .ndverttKpment, D Ronson. BW ' WATCH &$f< FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth sedan with heater Reasonable. AddIv Mel Kirkham Bob Parker's. 3rd Ave., or evenlnus Blue 527. 85pl the Undersigned Intends to apply to the Mqnor Control Board for consent to transfer Club Licence No. 219ft . i teeu. FOR SALE '47 Chev Arrow sedan. Ocean View Hotel. (80p) IIF.LP FOR SALE T-ailer ready for housekeenin?. Sleoo ,rur. Please phone Black 277. (80?1 REAL ESTATE RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branch's 201 4th Street. Phone 055 coLUSsrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in. Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 3R9 iPr remured Lli P experience rn'er; FOR SALE 5 room house with bath, near Conrad School. Phone Green 482. (8()p) FOR SALE n ft. Outboned with 10 h o Johnson Q.D. Write J. Snellman, Port Essington (80p) Isnned In respect of certain premise sltllnte nt the corner of 2nd Avetjj ! West, and 3rd Street. In the City of I Prince Rupert. In the Province of j British Columbia, ipon landR tles-' cribed as Lots 1 and 2. Block 20. Sec-i tlon 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. to certain ; premises situate at 312 Third Avenue West, in the City of Prince .Rupert j Prorlnre of BrttiV.h Columbia, upoi lands described as Lot No. 16, Bloc!: I No. 20, Sectllon 1. Map 923. Princ i Rupert Land Registration District, Ii the Province of British Columbia. DATED at Prince Rupert. Brltis! ; Columbia, this 1st day of March '19R1. THE PRINCE RUPERT CI.OE LIMITED (By Arthur Bruce Brown 1'l . .. (80) eWuapr" FOR SAL3 Deluxe Frigidaire electric ranpe. like new. Phone Green 511 alter 6 p.m. or call at 81)2 Borden St. 80c FORSAi7e Ilmisehold furnlsh-i'i"!. Suite 2. Summit Ants. Apply between 6 and 8 nm. ! (83pl TWO SPECIALS 2000 cash, balance as rent, buvs large 4 Wartime, concrete basement and walks. Full nrlce $)000 includes Bendix and oil range. Lovelv four bungalow. 3 vears old. on concrete blocks; utility room, parage: on bus line. Prlcp 450O terms ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or 207 (eves. (80cl ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 162B For genuine parts and service phone or write above. CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C Will re-open his office in the Besner Block April 4 . ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO Phone Blue 9G1 Box 1813 241 West 5th Avenue salarv e' f; WANTED -pion'ef r work ironer. FOR SALE Dininc room nlte .in good condition. Phone Black am. taapi