GEST VOLCANO BENDS BACKWARD .-HAH 1 I PVtl... ft It, . ' - .' t .. ijia 1J.0BU iuut jiic raqnc enfl or thu Ponum. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 5, 1951 is t),e world'8 largest Canal is actually 27 miles east of the Atlantic entranr h - . ! J Jl. Cjavdenincj . . Daa nn Scacc Required E5y Lonq-Harvest Crops Puppets Success In School Use meeting that Esypt ; probably was the first home of puppets. Some puppeLs .seen In, modern theatres, Miss Gould said, arc from three to five feet in height mm and have to be moved by iron (CP) Puppet rods. She said that for school YORKTON, f Uic Out! : but Mo.t have a y j-uilic vi'. t .i'j!c s which Int. vest are siow sow in? will usual-It is e.i.;y to aow liiiiiily nct'Cl.-i: MONTREAL, April 6lh Whra dwlijy comes home from the oflice, there's (treat excitement among tho Hrnall Fry . ..and if your younufst could talk, he'd like to ti ll daddy nhout the gimd dinner he's had! HKINZ STRAINED BAiiY F(H)US, of cuiirw! Hiilm s just iove thcin . . . and mcil hem do, too I For llrini Baby Foods are m good for baby and bo raw to prcparcl They can be whipped up in a jiffy while the grown-up nieal i omiIuiik. hvi tail them fur -it) mil. a to This is c-iii'.'inlly likely New Zealand s.iinach 30 days 6 in. Hardy yfops should be sown as soon a ground can be worked'. regardless of freQuent f raits, i :" - ' All hW'dy" flowers and vegetable? can'.b3 .sown as soun as the .pround Is prepared, even thouertnighUy frosts are frequent. jHardy means resistant to frost, iinri.'the germination of use an important point to bear in mind is that the crudest puppets are usually mast effective. Chijdren enjoy making the heads and the costumes. The tprmer arc made of papier-mache (torn-up and soaked newspaper), sawdust or rags, the latter being as satisfactory as any because you can use pins on them easily. Steel wool, cot shows are being used in York-ton schools to teach social studies, hygiene, drama and literature. Teachers report that the idea is received enthusiastically by .tipletiLs of all ages. A' a recent teachers' meeting, Miss B. McC'lure and her Grade II students of Victoria School worked string puppets to demonstrate the fairy story of Goldilocks and the three bears. happen wil.h gn.-fjis such n3 -s .'iiurd ui'iu 'n. 'ihe.u ate among the mat t-rrkifnt of :r. p;, coiiipaniig their yield by the space occupied. One ..owin.; .n ftuier ),! te ready to start wjh '''' ' viimmy variety of atrnincd meat pro.lui.-ts, soups, ,t i .t.-iwilw all cooked to babv's ta.te V t'lmrm' in Hi mi Vou know they're good brcuiiffe they're H:inI I, Throw Away That Precioua Vegciuhle Water! . . . it's "brim .larvestln-? in 00 days and a many Jiardy plants !g improved ton-batting and ravelled-out i ol liuws ' :1 die (iixxj jor vuu . . . una you rim J... .,ix, an,l nul-nll,, t... Grade IV Simpson School rope or yarn make realistic hair, pupils of Miss P. Summers used Miss Gould said. .aimly )erving can be harvested by chill.''. from six inches of io.v. New' Zealand spinach, though 1 hev ran -'i"' - - .4 easily -lulled by frost when mn-Lhe' ' lro.t' lcave-i "tha "ili'uund Jii,ture' germinates better in cold ne t-wl; iiiiri.u. In (i' (lavs vou 5011 tt18"1 In warm. So.v the large 'Willi.! Y'"1. '',u '""efy flavour and RiXKhieha J H,,vpl, nil'led I" hot vegetable or potato water, .auVtlli' HI""!. ln-H V H'lUS feollp auj it till! junl Ttmiruies I" "lake. It's simple, too, to make a big i. f liivnl uravv by adding flour, extra hot water glove puppets to act out an In- . : -i I. dinn letrend. ANCIENT ART J Miss M. Gould of the Collegi- Recently discovered granite ate staff, who this year is teach- carvings indicate the art of mak- seeds itrthe .same time you sow begin to cut the leave-, as need .eii .ler gC3S back to 2.500 ing the play Julius Caesar with the aid of puppets, told the hardy vegetables, .and you wi.! u'uaily'cct" a fine stand. ,w" B.C. Huviil der vim ve eookeu your meat. A luscious ' . I., mil." in1''11' lu"ln 'l'ie more and no very Jr !..,!. Tii' ie's no doubt nlMiut it in these (lavs of high meat ', linn! h ivi'inleifiilly kind to your bud, t . . .it give you mint ,,.',- null your mini" for so little Cti't I Jloviil cornea in three v ;,iran- (.''ir.lial, Concentrate and Culm. , impvrmnl IHtrorrry!" That's how you'll feel about it when j yi, ii ihwover the extra comfort of 3-1'LY tisnee TKf Gw(n Mitthrw AAtm VrKt, trv , ... .ii.o iii.s iafi ij.j cJiilniued in a normal year for 18 weens, occasionally ,lor three or mure weelts longer. So for one serving a week you sow eight to 10 feet. These crops replace the leaves you have cut. You do not actually cut a serving from the plants growing on six inches of row; but their re-pliti'enient activities provide repeated harvest. from the same .".pace, so that this small unit is yuitr tuiliie lor p.aniaiig. Ovcrpianting of these ctopi poor Tiiev must liandkerehielR. 1 ou may not realise it, but, there are only lira plies in ordinary ti.-Mies . , . ami I'm told by ilniL'nisIs that, the only 3-ply tissue hankie they aell is J A( K-FI.l.K! This extra Ihirknciti means extra soft-nt-.-: and ahsorliency , . . the extra strength you need f'ir "Mirezv" days and to prevent, chredding when vou mm- Face Kile for make-up purposes. What's more I've found that, the times when 1 use onlv nun 3nlu 3i "My old man keeps telling me, 'Get lost', and, come to think of it, it's not a bad Urea." Provinces Being Asked to Organize Defence Plants 11111111111 .1.11 viufi 1 iii 1 ant 11 t ii,n 11 ill. UMirnri MHiit , ,. mmum J f jF f - .-Klli' in-l'-ml of Kihaps two or even three ordinary tifsues n. a nri!. l ilc savirigl And for discovery No. 2. I've noted that, fan -Kile ii wild only at drug and toiletry counters, grocers offer stint 3-I'l.v oi;:ilily in (jilwon's 3-1'ly, Gibson's Tinted Tissues or , ?T.i Clljlltl OTTAWA. First important decision by the neuncrlo1' l.nral Now I Enjoy April Shmeeri Mnall industries Division of the Department of Do- srow loner lh:in 10 inches, oecause tliey give me a chance to look smartly dressed in a shower in .fense Production is that responsibility for lining uvTTiTZX rUm f.'rw, en (hose t M'OXtiKS now ('inio in four lovi'ly pjistr! tfs to bh-nd wiih your but rw small industries for defense business will be cha:i-'more tender lcaves are pained, relied through "the existing industrial development j 5' olerpla.HtS"1"" cruP' usual" mv new I.OU HITCHIK It A1NMAKTFR1 And. . when the sun comes out, the Kainmaster is t'i'l offices of each province ruling Mini kil J he smartest coat on the ' cli.-n rotour- Broccoli, the home gardener's I cauliflower; salsify, , vegetable j oyster plant, par.sjiip.s, wnich Btroct! A slimlv, sleekh" oru's! Hm'W Mi tailored rain nod shine t I nr tlnw (M-L t t II- 1 give an au-wmier,, arc niti itic vi Hrt-w)ft wIipii fur li.ihv's bath aiwl Highway is Dangerous all crops which require :ti'v .;nr .sowing or planting to produce a harvest that continue;; until! winter's arrival. I liny Hunt. Hohl twenty thm w ik'm(. m water, rc i-ii'-mh ally jaire long- That means there won't be any attempt to parallel the "bits and pieces" program of World War II. Contracts for defense worg win te p.accd through prime contractors as at present. But the new federal division under G. Douglas Mallory will act as liaison with provincial authorities to supply complete and, if possible, advance lniormation as x- .ii'l J"."' ihinkl now Mny i-ome in colours, every Data for, e-stintaun the f,.u'-' coat of wool-'n -rayon gnbarilinc with matching satin lining and hymo interlinintcs to keep it in pcrferl chape! And you'll love the new Johnny Collar designed for fssliion-wise flattery of yuu! A matching beret, tool Vou just can't hilp but look as smart -assuring in a Lou Ritchie Rain-maslerl Ask for Style 713 navy, grey, Hunter's green, beige, rust or teal blue ... for just l-Dai! for these j .tii'r nt ynur tatnilv ran have den space requited crops follows: r.'.li:iii;il " hath spol)le Ask It is st.i'i ha7ardot;.r to d ive i car in the vicinity of the bin snowslide outside the Kwinitstt -l-l. t'liitieml Sjai'iKes at f1, r.m. nt, iloiir. ai.rty, grocery tunnel on the Skeena R v.t Broccoli i iiri.wnr. .-uiri-.-. And he sure -k inr tl. t'-l-l, label. Ifa ' a--urjtHT ul (jiinlity I 1 Celery . Gruw for u funiily Mrivil..; 2 ft. in row 1 I t. in row 1 f L. in row 2 ft. in row 6 In. in row , 2 ft. in row 2 ft. in row "1 To'" wi'CU you take to suits this Spring ... and hcrc'a D.iys ti) Ufole st;l 70 days HI) days (HI d;i vs ' JO days 10 days 85 days 11)0 days t;0 days , ii-l riulty i.i.'vcnsnc way to make your last -w. rv - ...u-. inoK iiKi- in w i jiemovc old en or with m- v Kale ; Leek Parsley Parsnip Salsify Swiss chard '" ' Krmnn t . . . then, for just a frw fruit Crn':s- "niacir r,f AILl-it.,i.. TIVTCV tivtj ivh V V S 1 S !IV . Vim n hi,,ll ,n ll.iu U. ...... ..., ,1 I V Zj .J 6 in. 1'in-HIM .!i:l Ilr,-I,i,l It ,,-..n.lrV 1 II. I If...... -1 .if.-. I Navy lliii,, ntmli; be vour i luiuv Hot. illinium "'lor Vim (iioo-e. vou can lie sure il will 1. If il'. T.i.t Vashcd with r.tin) h.c. r.witoi i.s" . Imt. v cliniinaies aM worry and guess-work from home, dvi ing. " II unniler of more and more women who keep their iioiin a tiiir vui.linlws lookinir like new wnh TmlcYt ,t i.v . to wnai Dustness is being placed. Highway, and, until the c'taw Chief responsibility will there- of more snow coming in fore rest with the provincial avalanche quantities is r moved governments Trade and Indus- the road between Prince Run rl try Council and its individual and Terrace will rmain officially. members. ' f closed, the Department of Pub-. STAND ON OWN FEET j!ic Works announces. . Aim of the .new policy Is to 11 considered too danjerou ; have each province stand on its t0 even attempt to operate :lic,f own feet in lining up small in- removal equipment for the time: tiustries and dispersal of defense berng. , business. As. yet, for example, To the first time nine it c there is no disposition here to installed, a snowslide a. few dn-, ..ave me new omall Industries ago hit out a" fur us "ie ('!. -Uivision take responsibility lor 3ion which was put In a frv' ,t'Ltnig critical materials like year? asb with a view "to p?ftln-' steel to enable small or isolated out of slide range, nrms to get government bus.- "There is still a Jot of siio - "C-iS- come down there." 3 -n'-1' Nor Is there as vet 'any new works department s"r'.im;n policy of bonusing out-of-the- told the Daily News "It, Is Vt. way firms by way ot higner and readv ti foil. The ro"d crU pieces, inis may come later or be comrletely blocker! r.t a'v- kitchen care ....ffisr - - f- ' at your '111115, department or. variuty atorel , Imk Ha So Rubbing!" My neighhour'g daughter was fascimviod! -pgfiT f. ii11. s M ,h5u i ui iiiii: just, spiuyuig nuiilcx on windows and wiping sipiiig ol uiriii spaikiing eJeiin in a nmttirr ol mniiiie.s uiMea - . PROTECTED $OOPNES3 , pACiric 'ViVw n Hours' )f WINDIOX SI'RAY can give wnh gleainriig n-sults with si little eftort in m lililo . tiine. W hat a bimn it is when houscclcamnti I clean all windows, rnirrunj and picture gla-ss with W'indox . . saving woik, tunc;... and money I Choose the lug 20-niiiii e refill size ... use; it sum innly for lest resulls, and you II auree you pnv less than half as nuich for Wimiex Every single tomato dial's "gentle " pressed" for Lfbby's is washed and .stwayed, nd sprayed tnd washed, and washed and sprayed ana in. I-very day our kettles and all our equipment are emptied . ' and scrubbed 'till they're shining clean. This extra care takes time! You'll agrc it's worth it when you taste the matchless garden-fresh ' ' ' flavour of I,ibhy's "Cient(lc Press" Tomato Juice, fcnjoy if often If cam r tw ire us woudcrful! Vour grocer and housccleunmg aupply 1 't have index hurav for vou. may come when government t'me. Drive-? passins there cloH Mnrgie PToufffit'l llftier Mt In V onilrrlanil saw ninny s wondrous sightu , , . V.llllt. Tl f I Ii , n a I it Pacific's whiiliwome pure milk noodties.': i.s ni'utected by vacuum packing. hoitout!ui;e;l for easier diRcstion and Vilsmin I) fnereas-ed to eive rd-led iiomishment Grand in coffee and in babies' formulas. Try convenient Paeilie ou.siness lturcases to the point so at thel- own rerl1 " where allocations of a "certain The lenoth cf the dancr arr-i percentage of all Canadian pro- S about 150 feet and the condi-uueuoii must be levied on cer- tton of the road makes driving tain industries, irrespective of t0w 3..."" match ,P l.rnnd when I f:ihl 14 jii"! done a wnhinti. "1J u t look at your hiiiul!" sht tsaid. "So pino)th nnd whilrl" It's usind IH Z Dmt does it! . . . Yes. Out the individual cost per order Tn snite of the off Hal wirn-lMilk today. , rofepled flavour w law I'fil M..ier M " d e I M O - 8 I KHICIDAIUK RK-l'HKiKHATOIt. It In inns you, for the first tune In (ie niislmm price range. THE T07AATO J'ICE VITH THE M Hns has happened in respect ing, cars are continuing tn drie" of boot and shoe purchases for over the highway between Princ" I, ft.. j PACIFIC MH K j 1 Vacuum packed ami Iluiminenuiil the amed forces, it is lea:ned. Rupert and Te;rare incie has been a wide distrlbu-I Hon or orders irrespective oi f.r.e, b3cause the volume required couid net huve be.jn j otherwise obtained. i One place wkere small or re-' Sioaai iiiuu.itry .s ItKely to S;t li'-.p is in machine tool and priority. There will be every effort made to give suo- a relnuerator Willi .twmi,..,m, f-,,,tt.r Kreeier 'l h a hi refrigerator m-ia' K.l nihil' feet food slor-11"' v,, t remnres no ki'''lirn ..i,e ,n frm,.r . t'aiilifullv ileMK,,,,,! ,y -"-ivy, ithiwlwoextra-"vilrntaH, Chi )raWnr, I Kilt.,. J,.,, Tr.,v, fHnmJ jr- Mwr inrHhaliism, full-'' '"' ami a score f 0i,r ;'"r" f"""ires. It's just Ilie ' I' l"lillllullv-ilesjgn, lrnvt'H my limits wft and wliilo y't (trl my if itj white, too! If you've wm "rxirnnirntinn ' with i"oiii of Ihuw tio-rine tlimiHvils nnil have rouh, rrd hands to f how for it I'd euaint you switch to ht for while, whit; wushrn mlhtntt red Iinndsl You ppp, Dun combines grevtt quant it ir of rich, mil soup with two native dftftinrnls uivi'S you rb'Jin. swrrt-sinrllinn wsh'?i nmt injirvplous mm for your li'imls! I know, once you've tried it, you'll itureo tliat f)tt dnrs I'.vtTythiuy beautifully hir Ol The Exciting Ailventuret '"-I'lini relrmerator ITS NEW Now you can wax furniture without rubbing with Pritle. It's a free-flowing liquid that actually coats furniture with a smooth, plowing surface of tough, protective wax. Just s'pread it on . . . let it dry . . ; wipe lightly. You get the richest, longest-lasting wax luster you've ever seen on wood. A hard, dry finish. No sticky oils to catch dust. I'ridc embodies the same scientific discovery as Johnson's Car-Plate, the sensational new auto wax featured in last June's Reader's Digest. Pride is economical, too. This $1 bottle of Pride is more than enough for all the furniture in the average home. - you ' " 1'iodiiel of Cieuerul .! Of Spring dhop. ping tor the lovely, 1 1 e h ( weigh t materials we'll be wear i n k onnio IS u m in e r ! And, since no diesn is . complrle without a. I.K'.HTMNl Don't wait. Try Pride today. It's at your dealer's now! s JOHNSON'S I WM Imr r,m,ri, U,hm,d I with his dinner contractu. s assistance 111 loun.t-mg out equipment where one or two tools oatd man.c it p.ssib e to tackle an order not olncrwhu luotainaolc. : I As jet there is no dccl'.on here to undciwr.te or suosidii.e ', a firm or industry me.eiy tl; achieve better regional distri-1 button of defense orders that jmay come later. j J COUNCIL IDEAL MEDIUM I The recently formed Provin-' ' cial Council has its headquarters in Toronto. It is an lntergov- i I ernmental a;eney set up for j ci-otr 1. lison between develop- i i ntent blanches of individual gbvert:m.nts and Ideally .suited I i o u,e present pro...em. 1 J Douslas Mallory has been j oi k tig closely with the Coun- j ii i ,, i . sslllg eivr .-oioii (ire " 'st. Jllst niiv '.! cup '. '1 I'lhun 1 . i i.. . ' ' '" cup sa ad Si, il'lls. .,,,imii Hll-a Add ilarlle. elnvo "J llli,. I'oiir il ,v-..r on . ' ' vl 'f SblDK FANTKNKtt, it's wondtuv fill news to know that there's ft Li((htninK I'Wener just the right r?f for your Mimnier chiiTons und silksl Yes, No. 7r2 is mii;i1I, lino and woiiderfuily llrib!o. It, will nestle iilmost mvmhly within the mil UiUU of your divas! 8ueh a smooth look and ueh u email liM-k. Ye, l.ik'litnmg F:lIiiuts lime nil exclusive locking device. They lock where thrif at up . . . in "slicking" no 'Vlippiug'M lie-nicmber, theic's a Lij;htnins for every fu It ion-wise cosUnnts in your wunhobe rijrlit eic right eulour riyht lit! ME THIS HUE M10 GET ilvm'' """derlull Our tl i ' ',. ,re1' lomon flav- "1 for , ri" U'lllOIIS aro '" lota of V'un C T ' I aw wnl.out tlicur. ml to mnkc a very snecinl enko for a liirthdav.. . .or THE RIOIIE ST LASTING WAX cil from its inception. He -is I planning to set up a small group of industrial engineers in Ottawa who will sift new and 1 potential defense orders with a view to getting facts and inior-: maiion out to provincial offices .is fast as possible. 1 Mr. Mallory ' .successor as di 'it ' "o'lt-uf-lbis-wtn-M" for dinnei-guesis. Or in ' 0 vou re 'ike me nnd hate to nasle giaid ingrudicnls ai any cake that's a failure. That's why for nhnniys gissl V,, "" 1 always use SWANS DOWN CAKE l-l.Ol I!! "H take clianees when you're cake-haking! To all Ihosir iii'i'iiis ciiKs und butter sugiii' nnd vanilla add Swnns i il SEEII Oil WflflB... rector of the industrial develop-i ait '"'a ""u is maiH; oi sonesl wiiucr wiieta, i i ' Vi hy etl'CTt Hour-makers. It's sifted and rcsifted 'til s vim. i... 7 ll.,,H'a MS line as oi-dmtirv lloiirl Yes. Hwnns Down iy tl't makers of Johnson's Wax ment commission in the depart-! ment of trade and commerce iwill be Basil R. Hayden. Mr. j Hayden has been assistant cu-j lector under Mr. Mallory. r P'.,ur,"i, cul"'-n'atiiig ingredients quulily for quality with I u1j results I "'rvH " . .. nnnnltv t . r n.tP1., . "nrriea H omnn h nofrs, it's the "III tie" things thai L!! A . A? ,.J '" 'n married life TK.'. k , --..w-. me perieci, answer Th;: ?' prrailem- -lntitTlfltfi 'fnminitia olfiuiili- B:,gJ8as.atliiW '. fc-inirii ft WIDESPREAD TRIBE The Sioux Indians originally spread over territory from the Urper Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains. , "''i m mp,h'l f feminine hvgicne. riWiW,r!1.,.I'';,''l;'!; stainless, snow-white vaginal S 10 filiate ,r i UTmichUl, yet absolutely t"1" ta a i rr8' And h'rc m ""in'y ""'I ' 4 ""' 'man,. y1m ,lr,""iil for Zonitors and fwi 1 r r,an' act. about em f '""Wlvs . 7, "?rb"r Brent, 1411 Crescent St, MouUcal, T.Q I - ...v uuukiei For action use News classifieds, m a plain wrHppcr.