Ftince Rupert Doiiy News r- TutLhU-y. August 14. tail Bank Manager Bob Feller BATTER UP tJUx -1i;a1i mill JtfCH Mulllaoi. ft Sstuiuay on a visit to Skeena ivr hul swui. Not ! Local Business j 'Changes Hands By LARRY STANWOOD Wins 19th , Announcement is made today of an interesting local business ; cieal whereby Don Forward, who i is retiring as managing secretary of the Civic Centre, acquires the i Prince Rupert Supply Co. from 1 C. G. Ham The transfer is ai-: j ready effective. F,NISH1NC ri'VF.i.0HNa r, AMATEUR s..,, I'hiine (lr.tt. iij Baseball Scores American Cleveland 2, Detroit 1 Philadelphia 1J. New York 8 National Brooklyn 7. Boston II New York 5, Philadelphia 2 Cincinnati 2-7, Pittsburgh 0-1 Chicago 8, St. Units S Western International Vancouver 6, Victoria 4 Inhibition) Tri-City 5. Pendleton 10 (only games scheduled! Leaving Here G. R. S. Biackaby. transferred from here to Prior and Main Street in Vancouver as manager of the Bank of Montreal, leaves by plane tomorrow for his new duties in the southern city. Mrs. Biackaby and sons will leave for the south August 24. Ernest Paulding, frjm Osoyous. is expected here in about ten riavs to succeed Mr. Biackaby. E. V. Ardash is in charRe of the local branch pending Mr. Paulding's arrival. SEE I S FOK . . . Hoists, AU-Stevl Dump Bodies Wurichs all sizes. Heavy and Ugbl Trailer Frames and W'twla. Power Take-Offs. All C'tified Operators lur high pressure and geueml welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. til -1st f.. Phone Creeu 884 Ben Hogan j Is Winner j CHICAGO f B-fi Hoean slammed a pair if 315 s fi r Co Sunday to win l!".t b.i;.t pure of SU.Dto. Hosan .'hot a 15 until war 273 In the Tarn O'ShanU-r "world" champion-; shl. ; Jimmy Di-ma est oi Ojal, California, leader by liw strokes on enterals the last round, finished second Willi 276 to collect 1 $0003. pete Coi.'r, from While Plains, N-.w York, tansed a final 69 while Bobby Lt-.ke of Mr. Ham has been in business ! here for many years, having j taken over the Prince Rupert Supply Co. several years ago I from Mrs. J. A. Hinton. Some i tune una he moved the business I from further west on Second Lleveluutl lml'itils Boost Lead To 2' j Games as Yankees Continue Slump NEW YCr.K (CP) Cleveland fans h;nor.d Eob Fell M -r.cuv night and the veteran right-.. i h. .i- r"- ' i i by pitching the red hot Indians i.u v-uloiy over LctroH Tigers. ne victory was Feller's nii'.e-eeinh of the year, the Indians' eleventh a.d it enabled the hustling: Tribe to increase thei lead in the American League pennant race to two-and-a-half tames ov ft the New Vo.-k Yankees w ho went to pieces in Philadelphia, suffering a 18 to 8 de SAVOY HOTEL There comes a day of reckon-; ing for everyone, they say. and' this Is it for Prince Rupert base-' bull players at least, as far as their hitting power Is concerned.! To settle on argument In advance quickly, we will explain, here that tile Baseball Association lost a score book containing the scores of three games played by each team, su the averages, instead of coveruw U 12 games, are based only on the nine games played by each team-beginning June 19. Neither are the Ketchikan series games counted. Following are the season's batting averages Including last Sunday's game. j j Stan Cornwell, cf and man- I i ager of G. ic A 4110 Nick Pavlikis, cf A & O 3'J4 , Miner Simundson, cf and i manager Commercials . .. ,3'i3 Sunberg, 2b, ss for O & A .34;) Morgan, c Commercials .318 I.nilicy, of. Commercials 2'Ji Lindsay, p. A & O 290 Prince rt,,,,,, rJKKiern hot; Avenue to the present location. Mr. Ham will now operate an South Africa added seventy each to linish at 277 and win $2750. Stan Leonard, Vai.ouver pro, finished three strokes over par with a fourth round 75 and a 72-hcle total c "M. mi I "onis ij . For the MEAL that REFRESHES Plaint J exjlusive tire and accessory pro-i ducts business. ' It is Mr. Forward's first ven-ture in business here. He will carry on his duties at the Civic SMALL TALK concerning courtesy ofm EE5T JPA feat at the hands of the Ath FINEST OF Centre meantime, pending ap- ' pointment of a successor there. t I l COOKING ' letics. NATIONAL LEAGl'E That was the only acti 'ii in the American League but the National Lea?in had a fit!! card The league-leading B.ckly.i Codgers downed the Eouon Braves 7 to 6. The runr..'r-u,i New York Giants turned back the Philadelphia Phillies 5 to 2. The Cincinnati Reds won a FOK TAKE OL'T OltlHRS PHONF. 200 BROADWAY CAFE Ciccone. p, G & A 285 llawryluk, p. Commercials .285 Giordano, ss. A & O 231 Letourneau, p. AO 277 Dunbar, of, OA 272 Den Scherk. 3b, C.A 242 McHardv. AO 230 .jj; Pirates 2-0 ard 7-1 and thi Chi- if"" ', ; cage cues oeicau'u me ci. i.ouis Windle, 2b, Com 230 i .1. .1" . THEY PAY OFF A crowd of 46.290 paid rrs turned out to honor Ftlle: ai Cleveland's Municipal Stadium. 'H.w about It, mister . . which lane do you want?" . . . I must have accidentally leaned on the hon, officer." How was I to t. enly drying her ; polish?" Daht. lb. AO 222 G Ford. 2b, GA 213 Abel, c. AO - 200; Other players' averages be- j low .200 are nol listed. IT'S PROFITABLE IT'S EASY To Use Ot course, the breaks of the! game as well as the number of j trips to the plate have a lot to i do with the above averages. For ; example, Cornwell, on top with ! 400, had 30 times at bat, hit-: DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form Airship Vets Organizing LONDON (F Men w ho used to fly Britain's airships have Turned an organization known as the "Guild of Airshipmen." Officials associated with the building of tlie great Zeppelin sent a letter of good wishes to the organization's first annual (ILOSlltE TIMK 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Adveitliir.B Is payable In advance. P ease refrain from telephoning. Clii,;: WurU per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards if Tliaijte. 1. Funerar Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announccuitnu $2 UO. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. ting 12 times. Pavlikis had 38 tries the most of any batter since June 19 and was responsible for 15 hits, while Ciccone was In the batter's box only seven times with two hits, bringing his average over the 2)0 mark. But baseball isn't nearly end- H NKKAL NOTICE BOATS (UK dinner. Among those attending Hi here unless the weatherman were seme crew members of the puts a crimp in it and moat British airship R-lOO.which made, players will have a aood oppor-its first important flight in Julv, , tunity to raise their averages. RUDDERHAM In the cllv. on Moniiav. A UK ill I 13. lit, Ueorue Westun Kudderham. Ma ,or of Prmoe Huoeit. aue tis years. 10 months beloved husband ot Mrs. Alexandra FOR SALE BOYS' GABARD1NK PANTS -New shades brown and eiev. KiMKl lit. lols ot wear bueii ii to 12 years. Real bantam, now $.1 75 lo 4 oau . D C. Clothiers. Uici FOR SALE-Two cots with mat-iessM. babv bui;HV and crib. 542 8th West. Green 733 i lUloi FOR SALE-10 ft i beam, draws 4U, It of sails. 4 ci emdne. Sltt'ih oi; stow ami .. Alls SjUO Ci,tl Winds." Paint fc Club. KtPAlE 1930, from Cardington, Bedford- , Along tne spurte grapevine we ; shire, to Montreal in 79 hours hear that a good prize Is in the j and returning in 57 hours. offing for this year's series j Work on liKhter-than-air craft champions, ana also mat a pn Ruddeiham. 344 - uth Avenue West Kev. L. G. Seiber wid conduct services at First United Church at 2:30 urn.; Tlnir.'dav August 13. Interment to lolluw in Fairvunv Cenifterv. Remains will lie in state at Grenville Court Chawi from 3-5 und 7-9 u ni. Wednesdav B.C. Undertakers in charge of ananae-ments. 1 191c I CARS FOK SM.E vate citizen is going to make it his business to make an award to the league's top hitter. . wits suspended the same year when tht R-101 crashed in Beau-vis, Fiance, killing 46 persons. FOR SALE Privatelv owned 1M49 4 door Dcmxe Pivmuutli (edan. Low mileage. Complete witn seat covers, 2 spare tiles, buiit-in heater und delrust. Cail Red 411 after 5 p.m. il910i I Now. .as far as pitching strength is concerned, we find : Dick "Richie Boy" Letourneau i on top with four wins and no !ios.-es, (also since June 19 1. Death of WATCH REPAIRS llcieiit serviti- ( . Jeweller. I teed. j Bl'SINF.SS OPfW i FOR SALE Cw j iness Inclucim eamoiiient. ncsf . If desired. A 4 125. II Ki r H1.V ! WANTED Sairi t K)H SALE FOR SALE--mo Dode. good condition Si'ouOO Mav oe seen at the f raser House. Call Room 31. U91pi W. R. Hearst Hilinian. Must imu FOR SALE 1951 sell. B.ue 518. Pitchers W Letourneau 4 Lindsay 2 Hawryluk 2 Rosedale 0 Matthews - 1 Zaccarelll 2 McDonald 1 Sharps 2 ' Svherk 0 Carol.! 1 Six Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. insertions for price of tour.' Minimum charge, 50c.) wear sum nr. Box 170. Da.iv use. exueririiif r nee ted. KxurneK sarv I OIM) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llna-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes; DramiiMs; Adams Road Graders; Lftueferd Bros. Black Too Hoad Maintenance Eouiomen'; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Graooles; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucus: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockuile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrtluiial Fumus; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National FOUND - Diamond rlnif. Owner ....... ..t.,,.i W ...illil.n ot V.ir. letv K:ui und naviim for this : WANTED- firw j EJVEHLY HILLS. Cal. CP ! Publisher W.hiam aandJlph i Hearst, aged 88. died today, i Death came only a day after i the builder of a newspaper em-! pire sank into a comma. Hearst ; had been in ill health fcr many years but still kept up an active I interest in his many newspapers. ad. Utcii erablv with tvn.: Ainiiv Shftinim' Name . Soccer Game Rained Out Portable Sawmills; National Rotarv Scrrjens and Coiiv.yois. Full Information from Na-i tional Machinerv Co. Limited, 1 Vancouver. B V (tf) Address Phone No. WANTED-Dbiua:;: Taxi. WANTED -Taxi i 112 Taxi BOAItD AM' BOARD and rm man. B.ue W Pre-ent at the end we e his son, William Ran 1)1 cb Hearst, jr., George. John, David and Randolph Hearst. WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAiD for scrau iron, .sieel. brass, cornier, lead. etc. Holiest uradiiiK Promut uav-ment made A' las Iron ii Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver B C. Phone PAcilic 63.)7. ttf CASH for hcpsd cast. bra.ss. coo-ner. batteries and radiators. Phone f43 fi2tf Bth Avenue Rain caused the postponement of the league football game to have been played last night between Canadian Legion and Heavy Battery. j Gordon Nicol, recently called to the bar in Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south by air yesterday. He expects to be in the city for several days. FOR I FOR RENT-ft suite nil Aiwus' 638 after 6 on West. Cl!V. ' PKK.SOXAI. I id Jrojc i eSMona uSineSS ana , FrB A NEW I WORCESTER. England O The Archery Society's annual competition here was won by a real bow and arrow expert. The expert is 85 years of age. PHONE 18 vour Northland Uairv.j non(, 530. Bas for daily delivery exceot Sun-; an,i 2nd dav. Bv lookln? after vour:.. - milk vour milk will look after pgr R KNT vou. Keen it cool. All milk; Blue 433. guaranteed. tf I , vvnm (. FOR SALE Lovelv 10 - uiece black walnut dm.ru room suite, lame noldeii oak librurv table. 2 lare uohoaleied chairs. 3 occasional chairs. laiKe commercial Loor waxer and Dolisher. Hoover caruet sweeDer comolele with tiaiLs. one laiae electric Iruit uiirer, electri" ma.snasfcr and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small not burner oil ranue. 2 cood oil heaters nice Dictures in frames. 4 floor lamas. 1 tabic lamo. fireplace wi'.h n'l tools, laree rnniolete exercism-j kit. 40 gallons of uainl. Standard tVDewriter 7 laree new French nlatp mirrors. Black 823. Mr. Hicks. (if i FOR SALE -Walnut china cabinet $25.00. kitchen table and four chairs $1000. chest of drawers $8.00. child's bureau with mirror $10.00. kitchen cabinet $3 00 child's sinnle bed and surimr$18 00 tiatelea table $'.") 00. Underwood tVDewriter $35.00. etc. 1177 Ambrose Ave. I tf i r 1 Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor f Handyman HOME SERVICE FOR KENT General Kiectrici 711 urenvn to ' iriiisa'' l cuts. Appointments made fioor nnlushers. her aav. Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 WANTED Tt Pacific Elec- Phone Blue (tfl trie your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor 6tore GIVE the folks at home a treat! GENERAL CONTRACTORS . Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS House 5 0" ADULT FAMILI ant.s. Woulrt t" Write Bx 130. -cail at office . net one or our delicious cakes or oies. Ruoert rakery Ltd. Phone M3 for ordera'tf) HOMES IOK SALE RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Be.sner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR SALE Five room house. 'HEWAHD-D"" lullv furnished with . a 1 couulc and rancc. fridae. etc Pern, balh sl,it,.. furnw"' and shower Full basement 1 729. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 Near schools'.' Box 168. Dallv t WANTED-- IJPJ 1 lDUUi I nie reriuiio , News. VACATION CARS - - One 1950 Ford FORDOR One 1VS0 Ford PREFECT One 1949 PLYMOUTH A-l shape, ready Co go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - .MONARCH DP.ALF.RS Prince Rupert, B.C. fnrni.slieri sum 438 FOR SALE Wartime 4. new bus. oublic and hih schools; ! newlv decorated, larire front pi-dei cement foundation. 673 8th Ave. East. il95ul i FOR SALE New and used household furniture. Slichtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicycles Bedside Runs. Cribs. Studio Couches etc.. sellln" at the lowest uns.sib'c nrices. B.C. Furniture Co Phone Black 324. itfi FOR SAI.E -One solid oak Morris chair; one roiid malm" inv Victrola. cost $150 00. Would make valuable cabinet V). 11th Street. 195pi scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. BOYS OR PHONE BLUE 593' P.O. BOX 1184 REAL ESTATE Prince Rupert, B.C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 P.O. Box 374 Phone 347 .; 654 Openings to on Daily M various parti'-1 APPLY AT' FOR SALE Industrial lots 48 Biid 40. block 14. section 1. Next Imperial Mnchine Work. Lots are cleared and filled. Annlv Standard Machine Shoo. iHi WASHING machine sale. SfiO.OO. Phone j ky llw tttAf wktti tK 4rrt aH. I for auif't Green 103 1 193d SDCCiol I TIiii dYrti H not pubtiitwd ot dupUycd by if Liquof Control Boa or by lk GowmmM AC( Ol'NTANTS A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 tor ww 1 FOR SALE Underwood tvne-writer. "ood cmdition. $35.00. Phone Black 322. (tf Ot Bittiih Columbia. AJg SIDNEY GONICK , OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income: Tax xnecla!i.st. S. O. Fiirk. Stnne Buildine. Red 593. (20nH ; r- t-- L. (Continued Next Columnl y -v r,.. ruin j AljSi i610 Cought in His Shorts J 1 ni'j p ; V I :: f jTfj fMi I t Jin i 1 I '5 OUTWILt'Aj ir, CVAV- I ( HE i f , I &X6 Wi Awf ULlf S OCV ' ' ;jt V B9&&a!3fi''ti101 1 ' ' TELL MIM WE S C OAV". 'AS , - SUOE OlONT ST'. ( ThE TJIU Sfc. I PiPOPPED in, Trrr S G'-BVE V!?VwM m P ?A' EvtN GT OUT fv7Dl7Ft" J ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. 1 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prlnc6 Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Cleaner Cutting Sawi Tmi flaws will nt dM, Fs wTiiar, UtUt worn (M oa ariifU Mr pncUMD nchin. Uuick IfkJlT" mrwic en ll typi of Bw. If Bring ruur HM is. faHUTt W 014 mw rUxiUi4. 11'. ovr I Vrt Mv-U JJHMm- i&BmM$, iCAlfi i H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block . "Phone Blue 442 RECISION SAW FILING 13 4.S PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agint: Bu Terminal) err fei. ii-ni w spm ... r v irm , J l.flj . 1 T-ll rffiST- 1 I k I L .. , . - '