it UN AIDS THAILAND'S HFALTH CAMPAIGN a doctor even though he won v. ii k - h i j acclaim for wveral major opera- ',,"'; W!rfr Navy Doctor As i See It Prince Rupert Daily News r.ons on oimin K-orean soldiers, ucndini. ' Cyr has been under question- ing by his skipper, CUr. W. Pow- . f0,n ll'r' l Pulls Hoax Friday, October 26, 1951 crs of Saint John, New Bruns- inquiry. 1 i more i OTTAWA P' - Embun assed ! j but amused Navy hvadcmaiters 'are wondering whether it Is th" ! victim of one of the most spee-; tacular hoaxes the Canadian forces have known in recent l years. STEAM An Independent daiiy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor: H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week, 20c; per month. 75c; per year, jj-Jfj " $6 00; by mail, per month, 75c: per year, $8 00. "S-'i Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince- Rupert. IROK Both Navy and Royal Canadian tu i:: l. - ." i it - ! .H vjl ' j i ' runce are trying 10 mm , The British ay . . " f- J rfV I V ;-1' t. 0ll! the lruth ln 811 "vti,ttt.o -"- J ?- i -f'jA J r.r ; l6iVi1 V ) . n-hleh U nroreertln in Canada i S27.5 j GLASGOW. The more I lrA It h J' il-.1 -j the united states and tu TO,.;:.,!, 1 J-A t&i.s f tf.-'l t ,1 I ' I aboard the dost rover IIMl'S Now 'British Election uuv u,c .i-a J ' yt,',W . - J IcaviiM. one of three the Royal tion SVStem the more I V lJ 1 -f i- Jf , -" i I Canadian Navy .has in Pacific mil tlipm . ' i , V 1 j wateia for the Koiv?an war. ad Aboard the Cayuga, under sus f " ' , J ' v 3 L . .... ....... '"" , w . -- .. . 1. J n pension, is a- medical officer listed ln naval records as Surgeon Lieutenant Joseph Cyr of Kdmunston. New Brunswick. He is under investigation on the possibility that h? is not really Rupert Radio & W "''Hi Yaw-a cripplins .nd disfiguring disease of Thailand. 1 In ord order o childhood has been for years the scourge in countrywide basis the Thai ee"; tackle the problem a recently called for I nited Nations' aid. A joint group ol ! pr rtj of I XIO F and the V.N. World Health OrSanlati on to Thailand to train local pwsonnel and l,rov,ide,e ""h-mediral lead, supplies. Here. . I'NICMVWHO Public Health Nurse "group ol children to an open air clinic in the region ol lUtcftburi. For now I see what Lord Bryce I meant when he answered an American's question: "What j makes the British system of gov -eminent work so well?" i The answer, given almost offhand, was about as follows: j 'Because all the important ! elements in our political lit' want it to work well." YOU RFE that working out wher you see how much alike th: two 1951 party platforms wer" The cynic miiht argue that th. Appointment fcr James Stenstrom GOOD WARM CLOTH F0R LETTERBOX ray.. Reflects and Reminisces IMPROVEMENT ROOM FOR WINTER WEAR MEN and BOYS 1951 Tory platform was so much like the 1951 labor platform be-: cause the Tone; know darn well j that most Labor social measures j 'are so popular they could not be, j overthrown. Every party ' accept them to jstand a chance EDMONTON -Appointment of James A. Stenstrom as sales manager lor Canadian Chemical Company Limit 'd was announced tcday by Harold Biancke, president. Mi. Stenstrom. whose office will be in Montreal, graduated from McGiil University in Chemical Engineering and until re- Editor, The News, . In the resurgence of progress which Prince Rupert appears to be experiencing at present, there Conservatives have won the British election THE and Winston Churchill will be Prime Minister again if only for a short time since it has been generally assumed that it was his ambition, now achieved, to lead his party to an election victory, something he had never done before, and then retire in view of the fulness of years and the infirmities which must perforce come therewith. It would have been better had the result been more decisive instead of what it has turned out to be so ambarrassingly close. It had been generally expected that the Conservatives would have been given a clearer mandate although, towards the end of the campaign, it was generally agreed that there would be no landslide in spite of the early Tory enthusiasm. Britons, however, are not given to sudden change or quick revulsion. In spite of the general campaign cry of time for a change, the cost of living, the continued austerity and the poor state of foreign relations, they all but returned to power again the Labor party which already had held the reins of office for six-and-a-half years. .Especially in view of the narrowness of the margin by which they will hold office, it is not to Be anticipated that there will be any drastic change under the Conservatives in either domestic or foreign policies. Indeed, the Conservatives had never suggested that there would be any move to return to private ownership the major industries which have been nationalized, foreign policy may not be changed but may be somewhat more firmly applied. would seem to be at least one cently wa asraciutd with Cant fubiect which, while freelv cii'i- dian Ingersoll Rand Limited During the second World War he served with the Royal Canadian Ail Fore. Exceptional Values . . . Shop at B. C. Clothiers and be convinced Penman's Wiiilcr Heavyweight I'mlrr-wcai, gKXl quality. Sprrial S3.95 a suit StanficUIs Heavy Itibbrd Wool In ion Suits Special I7JI5 a suit S tanficlds Medium Weight In ion Suits at the polls. j I don't think that is the real : four salmon were caught Wed-answer. nesday. off Quaiicum Beach, by The real answer Is that, under 'th? Dllk of Edir-burEh, who the British system of democracy, : appeared out in a tweed jacket all the main parties agree to and gray flannels. This was the keep the argument within a first, occasion the British Co-short -space or within a circle lumbia press. In its social nous, around one point. You could call described what a salmon fisher-it the point of practical politics. man w ore. ; You didn't catch the Tories; , saying that they would dena-iEAII! i.'ized in private, is seldom heard of in public. This is the apology tor a radio broadcasting station 1 which has to suffice us in this 'district. Surely it must be the poorest facility of its kind in British Columbia, and quite possibly could qualify for national itionalize all the thines that the! There were four letters to the honors. The fault of line breaks, MF.N'S SOX For dres and work, all wixil, also 1 Best makers Special 5c talli MEN S ALL-WOOL HEAVY JACKETS ln chicks f.: colors. Good and long ill. Socialists nationalized. They said editoi in yesterday's News. Most oi" course, cannot be laid at its they would leave coal mines folks like to read that part of ooor.step. But aside from that ! alone, leave the railways alone,; (he paprr. What's the other there would seem to be many leave civil aviation alone. That fellow r kick? 'annoyances which must only be! :is. thev would not tamper with I ii'ite to poor technical operation.! the PRINCIPLE of nationalize-1 tendency to listen w ith some J The selection of recorded music j tion, though they said they impatience, when today some- to fill in unscheduled breaks in ; would improve some aspects of one utters a prediction, is com- broadcasts from outside the city! 'administration if given the job 1 iv r rnoueh. A prophecy can bv is something pitiful. Whoever by the voters. sincere and reflect the honest makes the selection would seem j ! :ccnv.cti"ns of tne spea:e. . ne is, to have no idea of fitness and. MEM'S HEAVY WOOLEN PANTS Well tailored in all sizes Bit .MEN'S lKESS PANTS ifor men and young mni. I o. ir.K and styi.-s, plains or stripes. Large varletj. from ttMk .MEN'S ri'I.UVF.R SWEATERS Scml-dress and r o weai'. Real bargain MS ROYS' I'.NION Sl'lTS Heavy welnht Penman's Spun HOYS' ALL-WOOL PANTS Water-resis'int. Li&it lucUii) rol From $3 it THE SILENT agreement to con- k-ast. entitled to respect. We good taste, but grabs a record-1 fine the argument around the know one man who guessed right. ' o' me mewt. raucous piece of 'point of practical pontics works Here's the story. vVe chanced to cacophony which comes easiest the other way around too. For be looking through a 1937 News to hand. if the Tories had come aroand fik this week, noticed a refer- ..u pease don't get the Idea i to the Socialist way of thinking en . e to Ainsley Blair, Fundamen- that I'm advocating "long-hair" 're most of the Welfaer State, so talist, Newcastle iEng The date music exclusively. I do think we the Socialists have got around wa5 January 11 He had spoken get too little of it from our local to the Tory way of thinking in the Capitol theatre, and his station, but there is plenty of I foreign aftairs. remarks included these: "A war "in-between" music which 1 be- j There was a difference of em- that will ten-ify is cumlng. It l'eve would be much more ac-1 phasis. Just as the Tones claim- will beccar the last one li will eeptable to the general pub!!: BOYS' I'l '1.LOVF.IC SWEATERS 5r BOYS' SHOES Good and solid, suitable for mM Sizes 11-13 .... M ii Sizes 1-5 BOYS' l .Wi: Kl BBKK BOOTS LtM than facto: y cost ill Be Sure You ARE IN I'owrr flow tit fuluic ;iltiiniiitiMi iturlur 3t, lt d., h'ini a rr pl.iiit lnult inside a ni.iii ni.iite (uvt' uttith '.ttcuhc ;i ju.tit-r of a utile iiiMilc a iiHMiiii.iifif "h;it's iiMtrv, a hhhkI Hill b ti?iC(i ten unlet through the niouitt.iin, to t any w,tltr 1 Ot ivc the tui UiiH v, 1 hr revKiHcluIncts nf rm-r-nms, the kliow-liow it( Lilh (1 (uiistnKtioii voikerv plus a quitter of a billion ttoll.m alt are put to work in both T..M ami Vrt to further increase (hr supply of aluminum for Ctii.tilj own iK'rdit ;intl Ihc dtnuiifls of other cmuii-(r;. Minuirtum Cnntji.inv .jf (Al. jiii jed they could administer the vaytly surpass in scope and ex- 'nan such a steady diet of j I welfare .schemes better than tent and virtually mean the des- "So-and-So and His Orchestra," ! Labor, so Labor claimed it ad- traction of Europe." , with vocals by some intimately-, ministered British foreign policy! ; cooing blonde or lovesick bath-j less provocatively than the To:-1 VOVI.L FIXD Ol'T! loom tenor whose efforts would! ! ies would. Trafl.c and parking where be wly' sufficient to cause) i ! Prince Rurjert is a 'one concern- the listener to be a little aide j ' THE BRITISH election system ; C fne f0rt of problem that himself. Surely that announ :e- . ; seems to me to work line a gr0Ws mo"e perplexing as time n'ent that "This is the Canadian ! ! succession of tugs-of-war. i goes 'on Every ciie must have a Hroadcastin? Corporation" would j i Both parlies line up and have'car" but e r fifure what it caUie the CBC directors to hang !a tug-ot-war to decide the lm-!means in the way'cf ' added ex- ,nc,r eads or crawl Into a hole, ; mediate and piactical questions Drn'p. w nlh.. ' ih., if they ever heard it, I ixauiu licence leea eust bii: ( j of the time. But once that par-: ticular you never suspected.? tug is over same here as any other urban they accept ,1 Unrestrained re j o i c I n g was the verdict. community, and we should have something a little better for our money. The CBC programs may 'Continued on page 7i Far from being overwhelmed, Labor remains a strong force in Britain. Socialism has been by no means dealt a body blow. The effect of its narrow defeat may tend to unite its forces. And the Conservatives too will have to close their ranks if they are going to have any kind of "an effective regime. There is also the possibility of a national government, such as there have been before, should some serious and sudden 'crisis arise. Alaska Trail Goes Over PRINCE RUPERT rallied in support of the culture of good music by the attendance in such large numbers last night at Civic Centre when Donald Gramm, brilliant young bass-baritone, and Maxim Schapiro, eminent pianist in his own right, making a grand team, were the first travellers of the present season to visit Prince Rupert on the Alaska Trail. And it was a memorable musical event. Twenty-four years of age only, it would appear pretty safe to say that, before so many more years, Gramm will be a figure of No. 1 magnitude in the high-class concert world. Prince Rupert will look with interest to his future progress and will hope to see him back. (He told the few friends who spontaneously gathered to congratulate him last night that he hoped, to be back.) ' It is gratifying that the Alaska Trail is off to such a good start, something for which Mr. Schapiro, Mr. Gramm and the enthusiastic local promoters and supporters can be congratulated. It is to be hoped that the momentum now started will be sustained in future such concerts for there are other outstanding stars coming this winter. IIIIIWII i'K-'lt!i!li!!''rMimrp:iH''!;ttl;!lj;pl:w:iHf!!!l''":H urtfc'Mi'; iiil!i::inlii:.Li!i!:;.ti,!,;,jiiiu,it!iiiiiii; in i nine nu jrii iiu lie n-.,, 1 ..... r-t .i 1.1 . THE GENILS of the British ; wednesday-and all because a tnat everybody in public hie d , f(jr agrees to keep the argument found and saf,, returned. This around the line of practical. a reward wel, as & poi iics. 'sized advertisement. A youngster tre line Loss which? change is J anS inii!iiil Use Our Convenient Christmas LAY-A WAY Plan Kilt I, iA LUJ Ldlll Lime tit yuiuii system so much, more tical and seiusible than exists in there is kinship between hearts. There's the snmp nlavfnlm.c ! other countries which j democracies. I same friendliness, and same zest for fighting and hunting, or Ing at any old time. years ago... in Prince Rupert JIST PERHAPS! Tnic-e talks resuming: In Korea after suspension of months! And some optimists in Washington say peace may dawn within a month. This being the situation which way will the world turn i when it becomes necessary to ; find a new alarmist subject? One LAY AWAY NOW ' XC FOR fr CHRISTMAS Forty Years Aqo October 26, 1911 could always select at least some Part of elther n"rt" 'tenders "r for for clearing timber GEORGE COOK PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE from shores of Woodworth Lake .. ,,, "fe of ild an'maI where a dam is to be built. ithe. a police came and gave him dental troatmant Rumors in the D. Collati and Albert Cerci dis-died this morning when tons of l.:ct.were that a manlac mud slid over the west portal of .1 PI 1 EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY .sartwmiOHtiow ( im tuMvto 0 mmmBmmmsmmmmBmmmm Scripture JpaiSaye for JoJay "He . . . continued all night in prayer to God.' St. Luke 6:12. EXPOW MINERAL ACT TAX SALE PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION DISTRICT the Kitselas tunnel of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, burying them alive. It will probably takei two or three days to dig out the j bodies. 1 n uivc Buiict that, on Monday, tne am nay or November, 1951, at the hour of For the MEAL that REFRESHES o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court-house, Prince Rupert, B.C., I will sell at public auction the Twenty Years Ago 1 iuwii-Binuru mineral claims in me "i neremuiier sei oui, 01 me persons ln said list hereinafter set out, for all DELINQUENT taxes due and unpaid by said persons on the date of tax sale and for interest, costs, and expenses, including the cost of advertising said sale if the total amount, ui taxes oue up to and including me yeir rais, and interest thereon together with costs of adverti'-ing said sale, be not sooner paid. LIST OF PROPERTIES FINEST OF COOKING BEST : of I FOOD Oc tober 26, 1931 ftMCS Skeena, commanded by Cdr. Victor Brodeur, RON, arrived in port today with Lt. -Governor J. W. Fordham-Johnson on board. A luncheon tor the governor will be given tomorrow under joint auspices of the city and the Chamber of Commerce. Name of Person AnseHwd ume of Claim FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE M A trapper of Telegraph Creek CA3HIAR LAND DISTRICT Skeena Mining Division 01STILLE8V c. I I e. ! c. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA I c. I district was restored to sanity j by an acting dentist, Cpl. Harvey, j RCMP, who extracted two large McEwan. ,,aura (admlnl8tratr)x o( th, ,stBtt teeth irom the mouth Of the of Hiram Alfred Stevenson, deceased); stricken man. Report is that fori MrEwan. Laura '. a year the trapper had suffered D''u' so severely from toothache that. 1 '' NIW WITMINJTI. YellowRtone Old Timer . Butte 4031 4033 24 00! I 19 60; I 23.25; 1 05! 1.011 13 75: 3d 80 13 7S 34 12 13.76! an.oi id Wmm IMS film $ A This odverlisemenl is not pu o( Dated at Pince Rupet, B.C., this Z5th day of September, 1951. he could not sleep and became! partly deranged. He took to hiding in the bush and leading! by the liauor Control Board or By , F. FORBES, Provincial Collector.