; I the end of the world January 9. el.se again. Prince Rupert Daily News ihas sent 11 children back to jschool. They should never have ' ? ' i left. Some sort of special in- nom(!i judging from their?' Huge Loss in Failing To Ship Peace River Grain Via Rupert Wednesday, January 10, 1951 Ray . . . fQ'ffech ant fetn in iicei struitlon for the lady herself tests. Publicity, premature might not come amiss. I otherwise, can affect mnu, security. That much Is uni. Members of the British Co- ; stood, but the people of a c. lumbia Legislature say $3000 Is, try should be able to accent V insufficient indemnity, and a as well as good neu. r' By PAGE RIDEOUT Our 7,000,000-bushel wheat deal with Japan but demonstrated Sir Wilfrid Laurier's vision when he n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association a. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES We learn that in Prince Ra- j lot of people agree with them, j apimaents are responsible m tkak4foiJf If put Prince Rupert on the map. Also Sir Charles M, ilavs' idea when he n;it .$3,000,000 into a ship-build- pert, during 1950, brrtns oui-;it might nave been au ngnti-aiui object to having their numbered deaths almost four to years ago. But it's all wrong to-1 ports cut to pieses and bei Babies totalling zau were may. r ewer legislators nave open threatened with court-in,. iy Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, me plant tO DUim MS OOaiS mat weie to piy , seventv-five died. Well suggested. And lhats something ' tnuuiu uiey aare ooji.-c. $8.00; By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5.00. 'fill-' Pacific. But the federal election of 1911 threw Prince jPrlrice Ruperts lust mayor was Rupert inta the scrap heap j n-xmcd Stork. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily Kcws T.M., 3rd Avenue Prince Bupert. By ELMORE PHI LPOTT PURELY PERSONAL IN A FEW DAYS I e-peet to leave on a five-month trip to India, Is it remained until me j.,nment of wheat to Japan ana where "Paper, sir?" He not more ihan eight Pearl Harbor episode when t J the Peace River, country is mak- ii.tplxani! tnnlf rms s pllin &nd Jn AnaM.ntntfllt A W.'heilt and paused hopeluuy i.rQr,ri.,i mm ik fKinnnn rn ,..7iv, hai loft rinivsiin Creek fonor nine, ,t the elbow of a sturdy acuni SAVINGS mi:.'i woiiK t.uv: ftnl Bi", variety from, nair ... SiSj 2 Ml.!':; AI.L-V.IOL VVOKX pant:; m Good for fishing rail and pon nxiuies. bui w1C tniU purpose oui, uen ""v .... . in local fitting at th the ,.ulller counter a fti.00O.00 orated to be dead t, am f. sav. 40 cars, reaches rael, Egypt, Italy, Yugo slavia and western Eu I canit.ak when the Americans Primnnton the wheat has been1 en folded- their tents until the ar-' hauled 50 miles, or around 100; "Who, me?" thai of a U.S. eorapany with 1 miles further than if it had been "Yeah. Read all the iatesi th ri,l,imhia fpllnlnHa nl:int ' .-l.inno rlirpft. tn Prince Rjnelt. news'." rope. The trip will begin and end in Britain. ItOY S !I(X,1, ctt n i .iHiv, i. .nHin mm. millions 1 "But I can't read." He grin- I ROi!Sl;KS bj m Edmonton uus iruin is u.- around. ned and glalu.ed of dollars, and is claimed to I shall be writing all the time i:ovr ai.i HODi. wi.mi- VlUcU UI1 A ju-ju uaaw u v . . 3.50 i:kc.ki:k;- U JV, i? Disaster, What? WE WONDER if we may be fiddling while Rome burns. It does seem that thre is a lot of dallying in the matter nf civilian defence measure. The present situatwm appears to be, and the city of Prince Rupert is nut alone by any means in that regard, of each ono waiting for somem? clre to do somethirfg. The municipalities have to wait for instructions from the provincial! government and the provincial government has to wait for the federal government and vice versa in reverse. So in a lot of places nothing fc being done. We all seem to b worried about the possibility uf a sudden war. We tske it for granted that, when v;ar does come, theve will not be any time to get armed or prepared. It does not take much imagination to picture what chaos would be caused in Prince hop and I aia away -and for several him- ihe bluest thing of its kind on Canadian Pa(.,c and Can- -The newsboy backed away, re-dree thousand more readers, the PaciHc coast. And now the j National Railways. Ths -urkug: Then why are we stuff whto Aluminum Company of Canada.' ?jiondln3 so much money build-here than regularly see my , th ,r 2() cars 771 mles child Am-) the schools .' Why don t at home. I to financial of their 2ii cars fig all . oOo en;an eapital, is spending ,$d00,- m mUes and the wheat is you go and luid out how Its THIT REEaiS LIKE a good W.l en a Pi-t that covers Vancouver But th-: "?" time to savhel'o to new readers, the ground between a huge dam . in tneCNH train has and "thanks for everything" to c'aRd t-anyon on the bt,en nauled j 273 miles while the Covered hockey and curling Nejhano River to a smelter at- built at the Canadian Le- old fri.-nds. A one editor wants ,n tne CPR lratn ha, rlnttJ. me to- tell his readers some facts Kitlmaat on tidewater. I J , gUm slle WOuld be Uttle more I Het" th P kd than a step to the Civic Centre; of ' life hei-e they are: SOme 400 miles if the grain ' 'appears on the horizon as to where there's a splendid floor , shioi)ed direct from Daw-' I was Horn in Toronto 54 years wty, -when the American peo-, ."c Lietlt lo ""1"e Rupert '.for basketball. Baseball is play- acro (May 1, 18'jOi. They called p haTe such faith in Prince' KUPelc; ed on Ulp A..ropoUs Xwo mod. the street "Cismark Avenue" KUpPrt and its surroundings," is1 The Vancouver Sun has an- efn tneatres wili De convenient. : hen, fr our cousins the Ge"- m that our people refuse to use nounced the arrival of a Jap- 0l)g of the finfst 0 harbors of-mans were still best friends of their own railway and port to ane.se vessel for the first earjo j water j,rj,jrt oolii" ahead cur nyal family. The nreet h ship the 7,000,008 bushels of of this 7.000,000 bushels ot whea'. j-h what is' being projected In PRINTING 9 PURPOSES Highest Quality Experience Versatility Asquim Avenue now anu mc ci grain o japan. , we are shipping to Japan bt the deVe;0pment of games and ,n- that boat mailed 500 miles extra mn ,a,efu, pl:inmnj . In in order nrHer in to paas nsuu up no Prince Prince Rn-i Ra-i amJ . l?nnfrt for pvfimnlfi evmi if therp were n relatively a French restaurant where I Saw, let us for a minute con 1 1 ' Unmn into Intn IViO tne UiOl'IH woria n at t. 7 i name a.m., shir a, to how frlnxre Kupe nljnt.y ouUay. But it w.mll pert and arrive in Vancouver bawling. , . f Us to a-s an overseas port for , when slie arrives at her rxm't, hold mv Toronto oi-ittin oys ereat torrulor across the too and. Dibb Printing Co. home port with her rarOs sias will have sailed another 500 extra miles, and this will be re too much against me. At the age at tne west. of six months I realized my mis-! Dawson Creels is the western (ralrtt n.nH wtlivir-fl tn move West. 'wiilV-, ent nir ni ,i-fhl n nH Tf. pure an- advantage of nrst tm-portuiK-e. Recreatioi would b. centralied and on a broader sale. One generation has already grown up here, without enjoying a hockey or a curliir; match. It would be a shabby deal to have it occur again. pnofsK ?.:n BESNKR BLOCK getting only as far as Hamilton 84 bi, map measurement from P"at'd by ea:-h of the 30 shlp.i in that juma llsoo Creek by way of Hud- that are supposed to ina,te the I ;a- num: er Hve.oi the thlr- ow Hope t Ftnla-y Forks, the mmd tnP m January. tc.n fhiirfrpn in nnr familv head it the Peace River. It is Now let someone take a- pen- rrrnor war disaster. Of courso, we are all to blame and it may seem a little presumptuous for any of xm to criticize a long as we do nothing ourselves. But it does appear that it is high time for a serious appreciation of the situation and the taking of action if not for defence at least for relief. We would hate to think of any place being less organized, informed or equipped for an emergency and not necessarily a war emergency either than Prince Rupert. FISHERMEN . . . errlv learned the advantages and ruiJes from Flnlay Porks to zil and figure out as to ua( how Mrs. Carlson of Keremeos, who disadvantges of being born into Hazelton, which is on the Cana- many miles of extra sailing will headed the group that awaited a minister's fanrly We wer crian National Railways 167 miVs have to be done to get the 7.000,-1 - -- taught and had it demonstrated nthas of Prlnee Rupert ooo bushels of grain over to Ja- proccJure s . - . ... whirfc shiu ri he nur northern nan Then nurelv thia mniin r:i ' ,"V"'""B tc ur that, "tne i.ora win pro- -"-.-T,. ''Z!f.j ""'Z U.M l-i.A vide" Y,at of a Saturday nieht "" - --. ... u jii"'B v..... 'examined t,r that mre and reason tells us in no when dad our family wilt load three or four boats at uncertain language that that Prinze Rupert Chamber of Commerce has herd as uncon one time. The city has a ship- , 7,oou,000-bushelt shipment to Ja- footwear, and groaned to discover that the boys had all worn holes in the toes of their boots, Tut complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Enfinr, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics and specialised equipment to perform thin work for you . . . efficiently ant4 economically. To avoid delay t his spring when the rush is on, let us have that job now. stitutional procedure which has yard and dry dock that would pan should have beea shipped mm"n down ok Itw T "P wor through Prrnee Rirpert by all tl j been taken by the executive of be belly-lamming u on on sleighs siegns oowii mh neeL ghe glao hag )aw3 Goa what... mountain-side we . the Asso-iated A,ni:,tert Rr.ftrds Boards oi of Trade Traue Hamilton , th thl. h-rVll, . h,.t tv,f ... , . ..,,,, used to wish that the Lord hadnt the world.a!1 ot which ts have feiven Prince Rupert in de-j of Central British Columbia in c proviaen quite so many uuspn.-.g A,m miles Well We Ge, Support lr HAS been said that a. prophet is without honor in his own country. It is, therefore, with some satisfaction we hear that a petition is being circulated of Dawson veloping her into a strong port j of f erinS the names of A. ; for or.'O hou:ehnin. Creek, our railhead of the north- on the northern Paeifte whfch Fowler of Smithers and V. A west. jour country now needs as we ob-i Taylor of Burns Lake as candi- ThiiQ if tho nivBmrii rail- serve the war clouds elimblti? , . , . : oOo I WAS EDUCATED, they say Rupert Motors Limited nnA ot.1 -". - . . aaies lor uit unite ui yic- in Hamilton Collegiate tvw ner.wepn Haze nn anfi nnr uvei tue iiuinieiii nuiiuun. tended the University of Toronto la,ineail WM a reality which it , president of the Associated Boards following the departure iui iwu yt-ai a. i should have been many years In Hamilton we had the most aKo.. it would have onened un Monmouthshire of R j Bourque of Burns LakeU easy poiiig principal that ever one of the richest coal, v. ater- Douglas Bevan was fined the f rom the district. The opinion PICTURE FRAMES and FRAMED PICTURES ' NEW SHIFMKNT JUST' RECKIVKU lived, I figure old Doc Thoinp-.; power and mineral fields in the equivalent, oi i.ou iiere lor steal- of th . j cllambcr L, thal the son. You did not need to pass world, and every mile of the lg coal. Police said that foot- exams for they put you up to the new line would be a revenue steps in the snow led a black office should remain vacant ur.- n-ext grade anyway. But in our producer. trail from the coal-shed to hia til the next annual meeting of final year we had to work to! Now we ar .hipping a ecu- home. the Associated Boards. All Wlifr- Popular Prices Sizes matriculate it being a government-set examination. AU I learned at University of Toronto was how to play dian football and basketball. However, I. always console myself hv thinking that, if ths? hadn't come along in 19M I might have developed a brain in 4 1b-4-:., my final two years. oOo around Terrace and getting a wide measure of signature renuesting the minister of public works to take immediate steps to make available the necessary personnel, machinery and equipment to keep open the year around the highway between Prince Ilupert and Terrace. For years the Daily News has been consistently advocating this very thing but has been getting very little support from any quarter most everybody seeming t.o go for the negative arguments that it is a physical impossibility to keep the road open or that there is not enough traffic to justify it anyway. It is not so very many weeks ago that we were pointing out that It was even more important than ever now that the road should be kept open throughout the winter and the year around. The Terrace petition, in its case for keeping the highway open, points out the new' requirements of developing industry (particularly the cellulose mill and its timbsring activity), franchised road services and the military standpoint. The Terrace petition should be brought down to Prince Rupert. We are sure there would be very few who would have the nerve not to sign it even if they might have allowed themselves to be talked out of supporting the ''voice in the wilderness" of the Daily News. t LIKE TWENTY MILLION othe-guys I served in the firrt world war. Got my phare of decora iinfiiiiarrii yi iii tiiiiirr ii . - Reddy says... tions, which used to come up , with the rum. rations. Got more I than my share o' German mte-I si'es and still carrv around a load ! of German meta-i in my Innards Cn tno r.f thft.. -ot. rh"umftt.,'m which has stuck to me closer than anv brother. Eut as mother and dad still sav fat ape 85) ihe Lord moves In a mysterious way his wonders to tierform. Because of all the hard knocks, ups and downs, and ins and outs I became FOOTHILLS "HARD' a newspaper columnist, and am writing this, which you are reading. oOo IP YOU WRITE a controversial column, like mine, vou learn that you make some of the peopls mad all the time, all of the People Needed "All the 'GOLD' you need for a few cents a week" people mad some of the time. ALBERTA TELKWA CO.U IN AIX SIZES Lump . . . Cobble , . . Egg Nut and Stoker PHONE For Immediate Delivery PHILP0TT, EVITT & i The secret is not to make all of them too mad for the same reason. . I know I am doing o.k. when In the same mail I get one blastint? j letter from a communist calling me a worse imperialist than Churchill, and a scorcher from CO. is really pressing for more immigration. CANADA The desperate need for more people is accentuated when the government now says that, if you have $30, you can come here. They might as we'll say: "If you have 30 cents, you are welcome." We arc thus paying their passage and even footing the tab for air rides. We do not want to be caught -Jn a. manpower shortage, if a hot war comes. On top Jjt that, we have billions cf public works to do if we HCIMHNU SI PPI.IKS u:mbek an imperialist calling me a coin- munifit. Both are about the selfsame column. oOo I AM GOING to India right now because It seems to me that if any statesman In the world has the key to live-and-let-lWe niiii.RmmiKrnriifl UU I IMILII UJi.1 ArM- The fighting force- may well occupy more and . ... Tnrlnf.f tilnl Ponnln ia rrmrtor it Uuy one of the new-model refrigerators anil, in a day or so, you'll wonder how you ever manured to net along without it! No food spoilage even in the hottest weather, and leftovers kept fresh which is economical . . . frozen desserts, home-made ice rream; iee cubes fr cold drinks all of which are delightful. And trouble-free all you have to do is to open and close the dor . . . Cost of electricity? Only a few cents a week! Drop in and inspect our stock. You'll be delighted to see bow roomy, convenient and handaome they are! peace, it is Nehru. If the peace & .. . T Lflrt cannot be saved, it will also be India which will be m a position to salvage part of humanity from the wreckage. It will be India whclh picks up the pieces if there are any. Week-end Special 47 FORD BUSINESS COL'PE, One owner, 10,000 miles '49 PLYMOUTH, fully equipped, A-l condition $2015 Attention irucn" 48 CHEVROLET PICK-I P New motor. Top snape. '41 FORI) SUDAN KKUVW Lots of mUes hft $450 more oi our young inuusuiai voiwia ahead by leaps and bounds everywhere. So we need people, people, people. Finally, if we do not use the land, someone else will. There's a real scare now that if we don't get going, the provisional capital of America for Mao tse-tung will be Edmonton. jDaiiy Health Hin j The only way to make your, body continue to function well is I to give it a rest once in a while relaxation and sleep can do won-1 I ders when you are physically or 1 mentally exhausted. i Scripture faiiaft for Joday "The end of all things is at hand; be ye therefor sober and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves."! Peter 4:7-8.