i ) Z' Prince Rupert Daily Nev3 Wednesday, January 10, 1951 PHERE IN I ur wise to register early. Home Rejuvenation Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Home Rejuvenation Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings G ivic ENTRE BASKETBALL Tailoring Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Sewing Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Nf.fi $r' . " ill ess t x., - K3- . li - ; a k Civic Centre mov'es on Friday ! SQUARE DANCING The good news to the Civic Centre Square Dancing members is that there will be a 'session" on Thursday night of this week with plenty of room for all. th regular nights in Tuture will de the second Thursday and the fourth Friday of the month. These dates Sizzling Finish Wins Tournament LOS ANGELES CP' Lloyd Mangrum won the $15,000 Los Angeles open yesterday, shooting a four-under-par 07 in the final round for a 72-hole score of 280. Tne sibling finish overtook the leader for two days, Henry Ransom, who slipped to 73 yesterday and 281 lor the tournament. Kill Muwhinney of Vancouver failed to quality tor the final play. Last Period Rally Wins For Shoemen; Are Again Closing Up On Co-bps 'Brownwoods came back strong in the fourth beriod of last night's senior basketball encounter to OVFRSHOT RUNWAY This North Star, the "Rockollffe t?e Wagon," overshot a runway v. landing at North Bay, Ont., and slid 200 feet through a bog before noslnS over. None 0 tlt RCAF and National Research Council personnel aboard were Injured. Damage to the P;; on wing de-icing when it was not extens've The plane was conducting experiments cras; (CP PHo; nlpht, will be as follows: "Electricity" A 10 minute color film dealing with the visit to a power house and the review of how the force of falling water L'. converted into eiectrlcity. "Peoples' Charter" An 18-minute review of United Nations progress towards universal tol liave been set so as 10 conflict as little as possible with other ac tivities ouiside the 0:ic Centre erance, understanding and peace CRAFT CLASSES The Craft classes have been when ah the People play" overcome the five-point lead enjoyed by Gordon and resumed at the Civic Centre and How the rural district came; . , , i,0j:i,. Au trt 4,1 rWrlun under the stimulus of a n"url ttIU 1 n"l,u vi - . alive OIL RESERVES Pi-oven oil reserves In Venezuela are estimated at barrels. Anderson looked like the winners until the unai community recreation program. Art Club A notice to the mem- kAw nf fho Art Plnh aratpft that. quarter in which they lost Gill and Ciccone on per- the beginners' class got under way Tuesday night wij.h a fair turnout. It is encouraging to see male enthusiasts taking an interest in these classes and it is hoped that others may consider joining. There are afternoon classes Wednesday and Thursday and rhift or part time work NOTICE 0Tib$xm:s Sure there will be a meeting in the sonai iouis. rrom mere uu uicy , Common Lounge this Thursday folded like a tent as they let Hill and Jim Intcrmela ltd the evenino when the club has decid- Brownwoods score five points in white was eftective for Thun-'l!fll?r. the last 40 seconds of the game, derblrds, and for Fashion.. Barry IN THE MATTER OP THE INUOB-POKA1ION BY PRIVATE BILL OK TDK MEDICAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION. ssoring with 10 points each, is a new phase of the work to, The small crowd saw a very ers can spend leisure time to In? ir JIMOR NOTICE Is hLTtby given tnni an 1 some and should prove most in- dull first quarter with no spec- Hun will m.ulf on in'liun credit by attending Ccok's carried on the feud Upi . . , i ..;,, lo of of Edwin ! C MrLn' Mvnrny 1) Ktw;ir terestino. , tacular playing by either learn L 1 g. and A. led at 10 to 7. Brown- Deiween uieir jewe.c. ' "-,...,,,,,, L Archib.ilU M. M w'lk Wulker, Aivl,tbld Aivlilbniu Manson's. by again proving me.i i . , , c , , , VU,.U11. woods rallied in the second per nIVithin ! ketball superiority, winning! ur Hmvllice f Driuh Columbia: tn to come within o,, one . nnint point oi of ,., o,-Q rnmmu r..k.,n unci J fn-in-nck Scnojnms "V.O." Seagram's "83" Seagram's Crown loya Seagram's King's Plate Seagrams Special 0U LONDON Nurses in a Lon- th m..h imul0ved hardware t'NIVKRStTf EXTENSION Mis:. Eileen Crow of the University of British Columbia 'ix-tehslon Department is again giving rouiT.es at the Civic ConUe In lullorint, home rejuvenation aiK. sewhv There will be four course; offered. Two of these will be in home rejuvinatlng and the other? tailoring and sewing. The courses w'll start on February E and will continue until February 24 They wiU .be held don hospital who cycle to work mpn wno were leading 19 to 18 sent Christmas cards to busmen at tne haif Jim Fj.Jlen put in fm five different routes ihank- a perfect underhand shot during them for "sd rhch elbow room jng tlf.jr period while checked oh the road ftild in sincere an- under the basket. In the third prrciation of never-failing kind- period U. and A. lo.-t Rupert ness and courtesy." Holkestad on five personals but , . i they still held the edge. Brown- .1 LU i, man-sun " - i r ' . ... . along however, and that con- s, tinned Improvement will .sK)ii,f. Mlim(,r , llu. ,;it,, ,,t vicuin:. get into the win column. It was prnvinw nion-wiui, Fmlmi-k i m-a low scoring game with, Don wirn.y i tiw Muulflpuiiiy ol Wtut of Cooks tne FmdUy lading M Alf.slultl,.r ot parade with 9. followed by Not in H.V11K.L, ttlorTOaiu, to t Scherk of the lasers with 6. Lenlslutivn Assembly or the Province .,,,,,., I of Biltlsli Columbia ut lis ni'xt s.-- hl'.MMK t I stou lor fm Ai't to incorporate the Brownwoods Sunberg 7, Carl- mi cikui birvicrs askkiuiiuu iw m son 4 Olson 12 Thompson 6, toiponitf una pontic for tin; purpi.H- Thil dveitisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Contiot Boltd or by the Government ol BiittshCtfi STUD LbMBER INDUSTRY STOCKHOLM Twenty Swedish forestry experts are to I oviirn R Rnr iW IS. fieiCe 1. Ol ncuuniii;; ..o.i woods were starting to show plenty of fight in this period but O. and A. ended it with a 35 o 30 lead. It was Brownwoods all the way Kiiinn concern the undertaking hcrc- In the craft room and club lounge visit the United States to study to give plenty of working space. 1 technical developments In the The reiristraUon limit in each American lumber industry, labor In the final quarter as they out oi 'he c'asses will be 15 members conditions, social problems, and scored the crippled G. and A. 19 Total 49. Gordon & Anderson Ciccone 1, Dumas 4, Marshall 14, Holkestad a Gill 1, Currie, Flaten 10, Smith 4 Boulter, Matthews. Total-40. INTERMEDIATE Fashion Bill 2, Anderson 6, Hebb 4, Intermela 10, Hill 10, Walsh 5. Total 37. Thunderbirds B. Helin 2, only so those interested will be employer-employee relations. lolo.o curried on in trie. City til Vancouver and elsewhere in the Province nf Brlli'ili Cnlumbhl of the Metllcnl Services Association, a bocleiy l.i-corporuted under the Societies Act. v.11,1 ull ur any of the assets or liabilities thereof with poer to arrange for the provision to member.! and their dependent of any or all of the services required in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of Illness on a non-profit, pre-payment and voluntary basis and with sucn Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifies, J word per insertion, m'nimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Card of Thanks, Death 1. Funeral Notices, Marriage and E igagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE i. I nnlinq a 0) wvilte 4 Wells 9 Dudoward u. egal Printers m ii,di:ks k loNTimut Jeffrey, L. Helln, Sankey. Toiai - FOR BALE FOB SUE points to 5. Brownwoods were without the services of their star, Don Hartwig, in the game last night as he has left to continue his studies at Spokane. They well deserved the victory that again puts them within striking distance of the highflying Co-ops. INTERMEDIATE Fashion won 37 to 20 over the Thunderblrds but the 'Birds served notice that from now on things will be different. They have Sonnv Bevnoh coaching purchase, sen. mortgage, lease 212 SECOND AVE. PHONE 41 ' JUNIOR FOR SALE One storaee tank, W suuare black iron, will hold lfiOO eals. Phone Blue 851. tbp FOR SALE 1948 Hvdramatic Pontiac aedan. Under seal heaters, clock, radio and ci- r..,tta ll.rlttu.. fl.xlA WW, C )l tl II I . Cook Jewellers Stewart, Eir- PLUMBINQ and HE ATI! Kneel metal work. 'U Ki avei roounR. vt v West. PlUlle 43. LtW and iJons. nnr.BN Palntlm and t ikson 2, Hodgklnson 2. Jeffrey 1, j otherwise deal with real and personal property required for Its purposes ant! such other powers as may be necessary or incidental to the objects of , the Association. i DATED at tin? City of Vancouver. ' in the Province of British Columbia. (1.;. r.,-., ,,,,,, ,,f t.n'i.nr A It 1(11 Low cal condition.' Phone ' Often! FOR SALE 1948 Anglla niiltaue and 977 after 5. ispi E Findlay, Sedgewlck, u. rina-lay 9, Black 4 Wing. Total 21. Manson's Anderson, Antro- A-l condition; radio. Mav be t9pi nm Speuce ana H Broadway Cafe i complete wuh seen ut CFPK. Phone Blat'K 215. fvtr. noun hour. P.O. Box m: Ped-l""" FOR SALE 1950 Meteor custom bus Davidson i, werjoer. rcu-t ( I them now and he states that in 1 1 two weeks they will be winning ersen, MacKenzie, Quast, Ssherk 6 Barnes, Feness 4. Total 12. ACCOl'NTAfTS sedan In showroom condition, low mileage. 405 5th Ave. East. Pnune Blue 36d. (Upi FOR SALE Gasoline washing machine motor, sinele bed and rockiiw chair. 445 rfth Avenue East, evenings. 8p MAHBHALL & McLORO. .Solicitors for the Applicants. f01 2C2 West Pender Street. Vancouver, B.C. J1047.24.3l games. Tney also have Vern Du- Best Food PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 't'uX fcC TlHilSl. t. I bume uu.iuiiiK. hcil I doward hitting the hoop regu- J larly. Last night he scored nine i and as he works in with the rest FOR SALE Model A. Phone Red 930 after 5 D.m. 'P RE ESTATE OP OECRCE LAM IN FOR SALE At bargain prlfes. Marauelte A.C. arc torch complete with extra carbons: Harris ealorifi oreheatintr dlesel M. M. McLean, manager of Na-mu cannery, was among a party of B .C. Packers of tibials who arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Van- ( ' of the team he will be a valu- Finest Cooking SALE Helntz"ian piano. oil blowtorch capable of flame' FOR WOKK WAHTU MIDDLE-AGED, relub ) aesnes housekeepmii BERT, DECEASED. iNTKSTATF. TAKE NOTICE thai, a Admuil-trator. duly appointed by the Court, if the estate of Oeoi-ge Lambert, who ilrl at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 3rd day of December. like new. Apply u2i btn wq. able asset. It was a hard-fought uu to 4 ft.; Atlas 2 cylinder M h p. marine dieei compie.c: after 6. P' game, couver. Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. take home orders Phone 200 Fashion played a fast breaking l.E.L. l-min chain saw. pra.'-tualiv new; COO lb Fairhan1-Morse ealv. platform scale; No. ItF.AL ESTATE I For 2 Sheldon exhaust l ui. 'poR SALE 7 room house close suction; 2 cylinder 4" x 6", ln. concrete foundation. Phone to Pusine.ss couple ; ! able man with true liome preierred to Ill-Box . Daily ln-s. HK WANTED pmpi nwiK'NT Cafi"!! 195'J. I require all credits and others haviilj claims aealnit the flnid Kt.ite to send the same to me, properly verified, at thf address mentioned below on or before the 31st day of January. 1G.M, after which late I shall proceed to distribute the NOTICE OP APPLICATION TOR A CROWN PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS PERMIT UNDER THE "PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT" In the Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate on the northwest coast of Graham Island in game and had a big edge on the shooting, but they threw away a lot of passes in the first half. In the second half they looked much better and played smart basketball. Lcrry Helin of the losers went vacuum nump. couid easily be i efj 501 (13pl ' converted to compressor; all-1 brass ooweiful rav marine HOUSE FOR SALE Five - room, searchlight. Bvtown Machine I furnished or unfurnished. 8U9 1 13c) WOI'KS. 9th West or phone Red 17U, (Upi Business and Professional estate to those entitled by law, having rc;;ard only to such claims of . jvhloh I r.hall then have been notified. I And further take notice that all ers in-s indebted to said estate ore required to pay their Indebtedness to out of the yame on a flagrant foul in the fourth quarter. Teddy the vicinity of Port Kara, Take notice that Brydone Lome TniKley of Vancouvi r. B C, occupation Fisherman, has applied for a crown oetroleum and natural gas me forthwith. FOR SALE-Propel Ipr nMrn,y business with equipment. This is an excellent oppoi tuiuiy lor oare-tiino 'vnrk nd cn,,M very easily be developed Into f"ll-time ooeration Bvtown Machine Works. (13ci States, Alaska and 1 How, when, where Send $1 00 for latest ment opportunities ret Inx firms hums. Sen reau. Dept. N2, P.O. & Saint John N.B. HELP WANTED - RM clerks Permanent ' ply Box 8j8 lor inten-iii'a lull panic uUis peilence. etc. FOUR-KOO.M home In good condition; concrete foundations: fenced; tool shed; new electric stove; moderately priced. Also two revenue homes and other listings. See Armstrong Agencies Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.). J FOR SALE Completely furnLsh-oh twn-hedrooin house with uatetl at n-ince uupert. B.U., nils loth day of Iemler. 1950. GKOROE I'KASKK FORBES. Olltelul Administrator. Bottles represent money llcrmlt on the location described lie iollows : - Queen Charlotte District, commencing at the most southerly tip of Channel Point, thence 2 miles south; thence mile west: thence 1 mile south: thence 6", miles east; thence n your basement. For PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 (H) I FOR SALE-jVv'estlnhousn elci- the balance of this COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 BOY'S WANTEB full concrete basement. Phone Red 983. Ulpl LISTINGS WANTED iric reiriserator jlau.uu: also Oeneral Electrir. vacuum e'eaner with all attachments, $3500. Between 5 and 9 p.m. at 722 5th West. v. Uf j FOR SALE coal md wood A wood opportuni youne lads with 1 uliiriiis nail 3 miles north: thence 6 miles west to the point of commencement, and containing 10,000 acres, more or less. rietc of application. 6th day of December. AD. 1950. Dated at Victoria, this 19th- day of December. A D. l!H5l. - BRYDONE LORNE TINGtLtY. Applicant. - . ID27. J3-10-17) routes. p"tvne 748 " heater. Wartime house front room stvle. Phone Blue 185. 8EIXINO vour home? List with an experienced realtor. For prompt inspection see Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.). (14c) at tne- Dallv and leave your iuc and phone nunirw month on!v, we will help convert them into cash. Phone 1 3 2, a n d our truck will call for quantities o1 not less than 1 dozen Coke and North Star Brand. North Star Bottling Works HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 (tt) FOR SALE Enlprrtrl.se oil ranae. not burner with blower. 1413 First Overlook. (3l)8p) PERSONAL " RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 WILL the person who had a wal- BOY WANTED n" route In west end ot o able for reliable I"1 " Oifice LOST . T LOST On Saturday. W let L Lorentz. P'1 .A , , let put in his nor-ket ov mis- r,r, FOR SALE EaS" wasnlmr ma- inv at Mrs Anrlprsnn's flth chiie. nKo Dalr cement tnhs, street Des 22 trlease leave at with fittings. Call Black RD7 ; 741 rd Ave West, Papers are between G and 8 eves. (8pl valuable to me. (8p) Urand Cafe. Kewuro QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heel and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave SITUATION WAV ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone 451 Box 1020 For genuine parts and service phone or write above "JATTONAU.-V KNOWN AMra'TASTY' frp;sl'lv baktd i,'s J,11'1 -Llnfi-belt Soeeder Shovels; , bi.s('inLs and buns are now bei iR Cranes- Draxiines- Adam, sold at. t lie Rupert Bakery Ltd. Road Oraders: I.itt.iefonl Bros.1 I'lione 643 lor orders. Black Too Read Maititemimel (M2l P'liilonient: Owen Clamshell , -,Tt : TTi 7 Puc'eM nnd Kock C,rni)ii!es-. YOU are contemplallnf? Ret-T, I.. Smith Concrete Mixers; iw a iurnace we suitisest now "inrk Kivkllft, Ti nrks- NpIkihi i is (he time as steel supolv Bu-tot. Tinrte's for Rtuelrrjlle ( vrrv hprt and prices ex-and Bnow Removal; Rice Port-i Jiected to rise sharplv. Thoni able Centritueal Pumos; Na-, Blieei, Metal. Black 884. (tf) tlimnl l1rfloMii fiTiiiiirB nurl ' - - YOUNQ man, 25. en"1 tiun resident Prnw requires job. Store as army officer, a,1 ficer Roval Navy v references. Box 10. WANTK0 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 WANTED TOP? PRICES PAID tor' steel, brass copper.; TTrtiuci (rmrlillS ' ' MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING Buckets: National All Steel CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-O a so line Hoists: National Per batteries and radiators. Portahle Sawmills: National; Phone 543 call 629 6th W, Rotarv Screens and Conveyors i CMv. (tft Full Informal Ion from N:i-1 r tlonal Machinery Co. Limited., :jRTIII,ASID Dairv milk dellv-Vancouvsr. B.C. tf) j ered 24 Der ouart. Why pay I , more? Phone 18 for dallv de ment made. .Atlas Metals Ltd.. 250 r' couver. B. C. 6357. livery service. M-29) FOR PLANNING - Z I FOR BUILDING wAMTirn Junior stfI FOR SALE New cnesterflcld , beds: beds comolete: unjalnt-; ed ehest of drawers; sewing i FOR RENT Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. by Northern B. C JV'j PHONE BLUE 693 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR REPAIRING 654 j Call 363 tt Mi 4m f opdtt. Hum I - Itn iwjv rtu tk Ak t)k I WMf RENT end tables; bedroom suites; . lZE? brand new carpets. Axmlnster, 4j U-DRIVE, Phone 41. Til Oren-sizes 2' x 4'A : scores of other vtlte Cmr Fl.Mer gt (HM) useful furniture at lowest : . rrk;es. See B. C. Furniture. REPAIRS Apply Room la. WANTrrTENTJ; room aecommodaii ilv of fhree adult1, of city. Write w News. J- WANTED Housework j ins children. Box News. Hunk 171 1 1.1 1 A Llqw Ctnkal 1 by iki Gvfrnm4 ! Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd . for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor 2nd and Park Avenues - ! WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt. tt-' liclent service Oeorge Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR SALE Rock maple dining room suite with Welsh dresser ; MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders St Contractors ana a reiraciorv lame, mc- , Clary 7 ru ft. fridee. one vear wanted" to" and dresser. Plea 12. Dallv News. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and repairs. O. D Ronson. Black S08 (tf ) 0 Do you know you can no-tr purchase to-day's M.MS IIKKAI.D to-dy? JONKS NEWS STI PHpm nrr flown In dally y C.l'.A. old Rebuilt chesterfield floriTl , design and light wood. Vacuum eleaner with all attachments. Phone Green 935. or call at ItHO 1st West. (9c) gtatt Building and Repairs of All kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS FTlT? PRNT T.laHt Viniulro.lnir Parrot Est t310 Pinnies fiO iinfl is room. 221 .5th Exst. (13c) Box U. Daily News SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 PHONES Black J34 Red 894 P.O. Box U70 ! EViSRYSDY ELSE EES 99" Use MILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS a'