A t 1 PROVINCIAL 'LI3?.A3Y, 113 VICTORIA, 3. C. Ok STAR y CABS n NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Daily KAOIO DISPATCHED Jo?' 0KCOnod0' Mot Srotegie Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwett" 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 Uafc U U U U UUL7 UULrU L mums mm r Mi n Truman Says Fight Raging In Stalin Insults Winnie Marshal, Recalls SULLETiNS Mus Unti Be Taxed It Hurts Churchill's Ire At Moscow Talks Strategic Road-Rail Center TOKYO (CP) General By EDWIN S. JOHNSON Canadian Pri'M Staff Writer LONDON Field Marshal M a c A r t h u r ' s official .Viscount Alanbrooke, I o r m e r lilcf of the Imperial General talf, has never forgotten the spokesman today denied that there were any facts to a story printed in the :iy In 1942 when Britain's rug-d wartime leader, Winston l , j , ; - ;- -t. I ' " . ' i I Vtk. Sis'-. " ' i ' . i w . i- j .'hurrhill, put "a sneering, in- BOOKIES SEE NO WAR LONDON The British Bookmakers' Association today quoted lOftO to 1 odds against world war in 1951 and one of the bookmakers said 500 to 1 against such war in 1952. SIX DIE IN FIRE COLFAX, Washington Mrs. Robert Walker, her four young children and her brother. Gene Meyer, were burned to death when fire destroyed their home here early today. Mr. Walker waa badly burned, SIOl'X RETURNING TOKYO H.M.C.S. Nootka will arrive in Korean waters this week-end to relieve H.M.C.S. Sioux which will be returning to base at Esquimalt early next month. ' QUADRUPLETS BORN PONTIAC, Mich. Quadruplets, two girls and two boys, were born tc Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rosebush here today. All are doing wejl. FEWER UNEMPLOYED VANCOUVER The Vancouver Labor Council heard last night that there were 20,000 unemployed here last month, 3000 less than the same month in the preceding year. United States that the general had recommended with Influenza Is Killing Many LONDON 0i The influenza epidemic, which has already taken almost 200 lives, is sweeping through western Europe. In Britain alone, the epidemic has killed 150 persons in the last two weeks and sent thousands to hospitals. Some factories in the Industrial midlands report one out of every ten of their workers ill. Boy's Eyes Given To Teen Age Girl PHILADELPHIA 0) The eyes of a little boy were removed minutes after he died an dhave been donated by the child's parents to help save the sight of a teen-age girl unknown to them. The father and mother, Rev-nor and Norma Koolgaard, were at the hospital bedside Monday night when seven-year-old Stephen died. He was hit by an automobile last Saturday. Surgeons removed the child's eyes so they could use the heaithy corneas "front windows of the eyes" in a delicate transplanting operation needed b ya girl in the hospital. WASHINGTON, D.C. CK-Pre-sldent Truman said yesterday that the United States must be taxed "until It hurts" to arm the free world against the menace of Communist aggression. The President gave his warning in a letter to Senator Harry Byrd and It Immediately aroused talk of a possible national rctaii sales tax or other forms of taxation on all or most United States commerce. Thinks Peace Russian Want But Leaden Want World Power May Prevent War, St. Laurent LONDON m Prime Minister L. 8. St. Laurent of Canada said tonight that he believes the Russian people want peace but their leaders seek world domination. "We have not lost hope of pre ilting" Josef Stalin In his place. Unveiling a portrait of Mr. hurrhill in London's Junior arlton Club, Lord Alanbrooke called the Incident which oc-irred In Moscow before the "?tern Allies were able to i abash a second front. J The flnt meeting had started 1 10 p.m. and lasted until 3 SUlin," said Lord Alanbrooke, Ran to put the heat on and jrtcd handing out some sneers id Insults to Winston, saying: drawal of all United Nations forces from Korea. He referred to a copyrighted story by Keyes Beech Chicago Daily News correspondent covering MacAr-thur's headquarters. Col. Marlon P. Echols, MacArthur's official spokesman, said: "Nothing official or unofficial about withdrawal has been said. The story is purely a figment of the writer's imagination." Meantime American and French troops with tanks today fought back into the strategic central Korean road and rail centre of Wonju which had been abandoned to the Communists Monday after two days of tough fighting over it. They were thrown out later by 10,000 Red troops. Field dispatches said a company-sized patrol smashed a North Korean counter-attack and rolled into Wonju from the southeast. Negotiating Rail Wages i: have been fighting and you ve been looking on.' " Alter Stalin's remarks had -y. . fit K. - L a... " . T ' . v.-'r MB . , Frank Calder Tells Of Trip Up North In an address to the CCF Club last night, Frank Calder, MLA, gave a brief account of a trip through the Atlin riding. His travels took him as far north venting a Third World War," Mr i n translated, the Russian In- preter sneered at Churchill i said: "You are never going start fighting." MONTREAL O) Canadian Pacific Hallway officials and ne St. Laurent said in a British Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast. "Prevention of war Is cer-tanly the first concern of free peoples." This criticism caused Church - gotiating committee of three railway brotherhoods of the to bring his fist down on the )le with a resounding crash "running trades," meeting here. ach shook the whole room and discussed the union request for as Telegraph Creek, Tulsequah and Lower Post. Oeneral business filled the remainder of the meetine. a verbal broadside of his Former Pilots Are Re-Engaged A United States Second Divl- n. a thirty percent wage boost andj AI.IYS RETORT Imnrnvert i'nritiw wndlUnn. f sion. company, with French sup GUNS ABLAZE. Far fronj the rjrea theatre, H.M.C.S.. Noolk. j... t-fr - ."it- i-t't '-r AftiT a tlnm CttlK. n, ,r n A port" drove through deep snow LONDON "ft Under Britain's piacuses ner ariu-aircraii, snooung in mm-r-aciiic. me destroyer was on her way to relieve H.M.C.S. Sioux when this Navy photo was taken. (CP PHOTO) naa grin ame over his lace. stopped Mr. Churchill's ln-loreter and shot back: "I don't ul'ierstand what you are say- in School Burns Two Nuns Die ST. JANVIER, Quebec W Fire early Tuesday took the lives of two nuns and destroyed a two-storey building here operated as a school by Sisters of the Sacred Heart. The dead are: Sister Rachel de Jesus, 19, born May Lucie Labclle. ' Sister Annette Sauveur, 20, born May Oaetane Gauthier. They died of asphyxiation. e but by God I like your scn- ipnis. Princess Patricias Are Needed lit was Stalin's way, Lord Alan- tf'ioke said, of rwnirnliinff a expanded defence program more than 1.000 former service pilots will be re-engaged for flying duties with the Royal Air Force. To make this possible, Arthur Henderson, secretary of state for air, said .the age limit for re-entry would be raised from 31 to 35 years. All qualified ex-pilots, provided they had not reached their 36th birthday, were eligible for nk, resolute opponent. .From it time on there was a mu-il understanding of one an- All meetings were held in camera. , 9 The three unions are the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, the Order of Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. They have a total membership of 30,000. Sinclair Lewis, Author, Is Dead ROME m Sinclair Lewis, aged 65, novelist and first American to win the Nobel Prize for literature, died here yesterday. He had been ill for some weeks. He was awarded the No- Answer To Red China United States Puts Plan ' I'p to United Nations LAKE SUCCESS Ci The United States has finally brought into the open a plan which it hopes the United Nations will adopt as its answer to Communist China's Intervention in Korea. The American proposal calls for finding that the Chinese Reds flouted United Nations authority and committed aggression against Korea and reaffirmation of United Nations purposes in Korea, calling for withdrawal of the Red invader. icrs toughness. n another intimate glimpse of war-leader, Lord Alanbrooke ounted an amusing incident One Of lhe.mPf.llnr,. n( ih CO. Talks of Dire Necessity Changing . Present Intentions rUSAN (CP) Canadian soldiers, members of the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia's Cana- selection, he said. Those accep into Wonju along the main highway from Chechon. There were no Reds In the city. Wonju controls roads leading into the heart of South Korea. The attack by Second Division veterans of the Naktong-Chomg-chon River battles was the biggest United Nations offensive effort in days. American and French assault teams, fighting in a swirling snowstorm at the start of the battle Tuesday, fought through a hail of enemy mortaj and small-arms fire. While the Wonju battle raged, field dispatches said that there was no contact with southeast Osan where American Eighth Army forces were withdrawing. Communists are reported building up a strong force along the 70-mile front from Osan to Wonju. The strength of the Reds is estimated at 210,000 men either at the front or In close reserve. ted would be employed In flying fighter or heavy aircraft, with a 4iCfs Of Staff irnnnH Mr Wage Hearings small percentage assigned to instructional duties. Applicants will be required tu unn Cc' BATH, Eng. Ernest Earl, a middle aged farm worker, has been sentenced to jail for a month for being drunk while driving on a bicycle. Government Arms Off Till Friday urchill's bed. Looking at the "K Churchill suddenly rendered an important lunch-i engagement. Ie bounded out of bod to re- ! dian Lirrht Infantrv. Tues- HAMTDVir XT f 1 ' enlist for eight years' regular and four years' reserve service and will receive the new rates of between Canada's railways and day night patrolled de- '1 that there was no bottom union officials concerning thei fensive" positions in nearby hi pyJamas-anVa Pay' At the end of their service pe fee amplication of the 40-hour work mountains. They returned to those who have been granted of Ices for hunt.ftur.iwit. week have been adjourned until. e.amp today. commissions will receive a gratu vii belmv." I Friday, it was learned vesterdav. ' Lt- Col. J. M. Stone, command- Ity of 1,500 ($4,500) and non The former chief of staff said There is no indication as to bel Prize in 1930 for "Babbit" The 40-hiur week was granted commissioned officers 600. which portrays a typical Ameri when the proposal will be sub recently In a report by Mr. Jus mitted to the United Nations. ing officer, said today: "The battalion is voluntarily committed to- certain road reconnaissance. The general Intention still is to train another six weeks. But dire necessity could change the picture." tice R. L. Kellock, the government-appointed arbitrator. The 15 Canadian brotherhoods and international unions Involv Production Upped OTTAWA ) Canada's government arsenals, slowly gathering steam, produced $10,800,000 worth of armament in 1950 and probably will produce "three or can business man of the twenties. Lewis had been ill with bronchial pneumonia since December 31 and had a heart ailment 1 greatest of Mr. Churchill's nevements was the instilling his fighting spirit through-' the country during the critl- ys of 1940. His words went like magic "ughout the army and "ugh the civil nrmtilnt.lnn STABLE MONEY The Brazilian Cruzeiro was first fixed at a rate of 18.38 tJ the U.S. dollar in K)38. Weather ed and the companies exchanged recommendations which required further study, making adjournment necessary. Ich was being severely tried. TODAY'S STOCKS five times" that amount in 1951, Maj.-Gen. John M. MacQueen ""ia defeatism could ver survive in the face of his said yesterday. Y'"mauon never to surren- '(rourtesjr 8. D. Johnston Co. Ud.)a The president of Canadian Arsenals Limited, a $90,000,000 SYNOPSIS Rain, strong southerly winds Rain and strong southely winds were general along the British Columbia coast this morning as another outbreak of fresh Pacific air pushed in over Vancouver Island. Some -light snow is expected over the southern interior as the leading edge moves inland while some improvement Crown organization, had added to the plant's labor force in On wada's Forces Counterfeit Ring Busy In Ottawa OTTAWA What is regarded as a counterfeit ring has extended operations to Ottawa. Within two days at least four ten dollar bills have been passed here. Hockey Scores National Toronto 3. Detroit 3 (tie) Boston 5, Chicago 4 Pacific Coast Vancouver 3, Portland 0 Gov't Working On Load Line Canadian Maritime Commission has advised the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that the Commission Is making a study of the international load line regulations as they affect Prince Rupert and will communicate with the Chamber further at a later date, according to a letter received by the Chamber from Angus McGugan, commissioner. "In due course," writes Mr. McGugan, the Maritime Commission will be advised of efforts of the Department of External Affairs and will "no doubt lend Its support to any recommendation which may be made by the Department of Transport." Can Live Only If Her Eyes Removed ATLANTA Four-year-old Carolyn Joan Purcell Is afflicted with cancerous eyes. Specialists say that, if her eyes are removed, she will live. Otherwise, the child will die. After a month of pondering the question, her parents decline to permit any surgery. If she does not live, it will be "God's will." Shockingly" Low will take place along the south ern, coast during the afternoon tario and Quebec which now totals 3600 and will probably be doubled by the end of the year. The heaviest concentration in the 1951 production, he predicted in an interview, will be in the development of radar and the 155-mllimeter gun, a United States military piece. However, another storm centre appears to be developing about SASKATOON to Speaking r last night, John Diefen-Ker. prominentj Progressive-"swvative member of Parlia- Ht fnr . T ol,. n i u At Vancouver To five hundred miles west of the Queen Charlottes and gale warnings have been issued for exposed coastal waters as this system Okanagan Mainline Vernon 6, Kamloops 3 Nelson 7, Nanaimo 4 acinic, 6aiu Miat, 'a's armed forces were yh ' J at n nine T0" "OUT riafnnnn. ,..) 1 moves inland later today. Snow Caribbean Sea VANCOUVER The Canadain built French motorshlp La Baule will shortly enter service between this coast and the Caribbean ports. The 420-foot vessel is due in Vancouver in March. 'E up against Communism." as not a matter that should "eterminn u.. -i The Chamber of Commerce, of VANCOUVER American Standard 27 Bralorne 6.50 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Hedley Mascot 54 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 8.95 Pioneer 2.30 Premier Border 9'i Privateer 6V2 Reeves McDonald 4.70 Reno 5V4 Sheep Creek 1.32 Silbak Premier 30 Vananda 11 Salmon Gold 2 '4 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 2.80 Western Uranium 1.35 Oils Anglo Canadian 5.15 A P Con 38i2 Atlantic 2.50 Calmont 92 C & E 8.75 Central Leduc 2.40 Home Oil ". 15.50 Mercury 14 Vi Okalta 2.25 Pacific Pete 8 40 Princess 1.60 TORONTO Athona ,8ij Aumaque 27 Ktattle .62 Bevcourt 45 Bobjo 14 Buffalo Canadian 23 !-2 Consol. Smelters 128.50 Con west , 1.99 Donalda 55 Eldona 233,4 East Sullivan 7.60 Giant Yellowknife 6.85 God's Lake 41 Hardrock 29 Harrlcana 9'4 Heva 8V2 Joliet Quebec 90 Little Long Lac 67 Lynx 17 Madsen Red Lake 2.55 McKenzie Red Lake 47 McLeod Cockshutt 2.42 Moneta 37 Vk Negus 105 Noranda 76.00 Louvicourt , .21 Pickle Crow 1.80 Regcourt .06 San Antonio 2 85 Senator Rouyn 22 li Sherrit Gordon 3.55 Steep Rock 8.15 Stiireon River 15 Silver Miller 1.05 Upper Canada 2.01 Golden Manitou 6.15 late, has been active again in agi tation against discrimination against the port of Prince Rupert as compared with Vancouver in International load line should have 300.000 ln- fl Of R9 nnn i- i i (uw in tut aiiiiru f 1 think Stops Planned On Royal Trip LONDON '0i The King and Queen will pay brief visits to Gibraltar, Malta, Ade,n and Ceylon on their way to Australia and New Zealand early In the year, Buckingham Palace officially announced last night. It was announced recently that the King and Queen hope to arrive in Western Australia March 1 and in Wellington, New leaders of our country to let will accompany this storm as it moves over the northern and central interior tomorrow while showery conditions will prevail along the coast in its wake. Forecast North coast region Gale warning issued. Rain today and tonight. Cloudy with showers tomorrow, continuing mild. Winds southeast (201, increasing to southeast gales (45) during the afternoon and shifting to southwest (40) this evening, then decreasing overnight to southwest (30). Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy, 40 and 45; Sandspit, 40 and 4b; Prince Rupert, 38 and 45. Old Country SOCCER TODAY (English Cup, Third Uound) Bristol Rovers 5, Aldershot 1 (Third Round Replays) Blackpool 3, Charlton Athletic 0 Exter City 4, Orimbsby Town 2 West Bromwich Albion 0, Derby County 1. TUESDAY English Cup Third Round Rochdale 2, Chelsea 3. "uans know the facts and 8 Put an end to drowsy sop-' cs which speak Indefinite wans for Canadian deefnees," Louis To Fight At Miami February 7 NEW YORK iTOJoe Louis will fight Omelio Agramonte, Jack Holman or Jimmy Blrlns February 7 at Mlama for promoters Major W. A. Peebles and Willie Slater. Al Weill. International Boxing Club matchmaker, made the announcement yesterday after a conference with the former champion and his manager, Marshall Miles. I - "r- Diefenbanker. TideS Thursday, January 11, 1951 High 4:00 20.8 feet 15:30 20.8 feet Low 9:55 8.5 feet 22:18 3.2 feet 4 e umade the statmenU In a "n prepared for delivery on "me provided by the Cana-"roadcasting Corporation Political broadca-Uiiig. Zealand, May 6. They plan to start their Homeward Journey from New Zealand June 7.