r,, r ON THE SCREEN AT LAST. Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 10, 1951 Europe Hails Truman Speech LONDON (P The free press of Europe Tuesday hailed President Truman's "State of the Union such as a morale-builder for all Youth Lack Is Alarming By LOUIS L. LECK Canadian Press Correspondent 25 YEARS AGO January 9, 1926 Seville Martineau Newton, publisher, six times mayor of Prince Rupert, filed papers this morning with the city clerk for his twelfth mayoralty contest. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Si. CI Sal. ea ranee SYDNEY, Australia Oi There John Dybhavn, secretary of is n lacK oi jods m "Lodge Valhalla, was presented 'i 1 4 ' ("i nations resisting Communist as- j gression. I General approval is expressed in the British press. Newspapers of France, Belgium, Scandinavia and other countries said the speech would lor Doys leaving gcnuui, uui wiicu . it comes to filling them, business men are at their wits end. In the State of New South last night with a set of pipes wfth the text: "To John Dybhavn with the compliments of Lodge Valhalla. No. 57, S and F. of A." In recognition of his long and faithful service." BETTY HUTTON HOWARD KEEL LOUIS CLHERN -T CARROL KA1SI EDWARO ARNOUI - KEUAN WYQ Wales about 21,000 boys observed harden Western Europe s win io defend itself. I . ,1 NO MIT mPa" S - V UN M . their 15th birthday during 1950. As the legal school-leaving age Mid Winter Clearance Sale NOW ON! Rupert Peoples Store is 15, the 21,000 represent the maximum potential addition to Western-Spanish Ties Tightened Olof Hanson was elected vc-sident of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade and W. O. Fulton the labor force. About 60 percent or about vice-president at the annual leave meeting last night. Both were .... 12.500 are expected to PRICE CHANCE Commencing Thursday adult admissions will Increased by 5c per persot Show? at 7 p.m. - 9:15 p LONDON (P Britain formally aimounced today the appointment of Sir John Balfour as her school at the end of the year. It unopposed. in iri iiw i mm'j "Stm hi tin MofMnf" t "ftlllni la IM" "Anythlni Vm Cm Da" 'DoM' Wlul Com! NaliH'lly "Vm Cm'I Cat M win a u" "Thara'a No Iwtmau Lika Shew tuilnau" "M7 Dalaniat Ara Dowa" "I'M Aa laaiaa Too" new ambassador to Spain. Sir John has been Britain's ambassador to Argentina. His appointment marks a further strpimtheniiis of the western 10 YEARS AGO January 9, 1941 I Training Mothers i Prompty at 11:30 this morning gM mtm. mm powers' relations with Generalissimo Franco's Spain. aaJ "Cokaal tulHla atti" Is expected approximately 25,uoui jobs will be available at that time. Two reasons are advanced fori the problem facing Industry. The . effect of the slump in the birth rate during the depression years of the 1930 s Is now being felt and the rapid Industrial expansion of the last decade has bfought about a big demand for labor. Messenger boys and unskilled workers are paid about four another minesweeper ior panada's naval strengthH.M.C.S. Quatsino was successfully launched here. 'COME TO THE STABli NEW, MIRACLE ELECTRONIC EAR . HIDES DEAFNESS Jn CUlVJa i Shrine Band Is Going Popular WINTER BEAUTY Beryl Grey, pretty ballerina with the Sadler's Wells Ballet, nibbles at the tip oL a branch covered with hoar frost. Mi.ss Grey, who says she "just loves snow," was greeted in Winnipeg by a winter wonderland when the company arrived for its performance. (CP PHOTO) Installation of officers of the PLYMOUTH, Eng. f The Mayflower, attractive country house hinh on a hill overlooking Prince Rupert Gyro Club was conducted by Gregory T. Yorke of Vancouver, district governor, at a dinner meeting of the club last night. Q. A. Hunter is "Annie Gel Your Gun" Coming Here many women on . CHICAGO, (Special) An amaiing Plymouth, take: es new electronic ear which hides deaf- I a voyage of d pounds $9.60) a week. Average earnings of adult males are a isovery to a new ness and transmits even whisper! life activities centering arouni famous figure of old Wea lore Buffalo Bill. And Interposed amid tt citement and the laugh-Ja-story of the rivalry bftwte: nle and Frank Butler 1c honor of being the i champion sharpshooter, i trst which is ultimately when Annie decides that The Shrine Club band this year is making a new departure in the type of entertainment offered. This year they have a tew arrangements of popular music that have gone over well In Eastern Canada. with startling clarity, has been ro- vealed by a noted Chicago electronic scientist. little more than twice that sum. Shrewd employers offer baits to catch the youthful imagination such as a gift bicycle or a radio set after six months' work. The government Is concerned Ladders Said To Be Ineffective "Annie Get Your Gun," Broadway's hit which played to an audience of one million, five- Charged with child neglect, the women are sent here for a three to four-month course in practical mothehood and home-making. They are taught cookery, sewing, laundrying a.id The report of the city as.ses.vn-, Arthur Brooksbanks, recently completed, shows that the total computed value of all lands and mDiovements in the city At. their conrert in the middle i hundred thousand spectators WASHINGTON Joseph j of February they will play ar- during its three-year stage run, rather have her man-tha: about the number of youths leav Barnaby, federal fish and wki i ranKements of "Mona Lisa" and comes this lnursaav. rnnav ann medals, are the Irving i housework generally. The youngest children are al life expert, testified yesterday ..Tzena Tzena, Tzena" and an- ing school as soon as they can amounts to $9,367,820. legally do so. Many drift into , dead-end jobs where the pay Is i w. R. McAfee is the only no- Saturdny to the Capitol Theatre. With the vivacious Betty Hut-ton In a made-to-order role a. the construction of a S4.uuu.uou ( ther numb(,r cane(j "Chimes of lowed to accompany their mothers and take part in the train ongs, includig "Doin' Comes Naturally," "The That I Marry," "Yon Get a Man With a Gun," ' hvriro-electrlc Droject on the good, but the future hopeless, i mince for the presidency ' - of the Normandy" or "I.aurentlun Echoes." In addition will be the , iw oip 1 WmVtincrtnn ..... , , . ,L i UUWllli IV1VCI the rough and ready marks-; woman. Annie Oaklev, and with i TT.....n-4 mnlrini) Others arm irom joo io joo "u Prince Rupert Chamber or com-, ,d b harmful to the migra He disclosed that this miraculous new discovery has rendered old- style hearing aids obsolete almost overnight, and brings new hope to the 15 million persons in the United States who are hard of hearing. He reported that this electronic ear enables the deaf to hear with- out any button showing in the ear " and without dangling battery wires. To acquaint the hard of hearing readers of this paper with this new j j miracle electronic ear which hides deafness, full details are described i in a fascinating booklet, "New Dis- 1 coveries to Help the Deaf Hear." It will be sent free in a plain wrapper to anyone who requests it. Address: Electronic Research Director, 1450 West 19th Street, ' Beltone Building, Chicago 8, 111. A penny postcard will do. Adv. usual band music. Business," "Falling In ; lose al! stability. merce this year. tion of salmon and other fish. The turn-out for the year's Morning," "I - nun in t.ic n,,nr i-,- .m -i l..., He told the power commission irst pi.act jce Monday night was Few will Indenture themselves . as -apprentices and craft union. NEW TWIST leaders and industrialists alike MONCTON, N.B. P Residents Indian. Too," "Anythim Can Do" and other hto examiner that fish ladders and Band- excellent, according to n!S 1 11 III uruui a-i riuiift the man whom Annie "can't with a gun," this exuberant pi.v tu-e unfolds its song and lauch racks rirouosed to tot the iisn is well master Peter Lien. He to ne'fection by Miss ft are alarmed at the future of the : complained that a amS"a Past , 'tlle two dams; W0Uld noti Pleased with the way things are a the effort effectively. ivplv - . ... . . , and Keel. skilled trades. In Sydney alone 1 salesman here was claiming aiming filled plot aeainst colorful bask- do job shaping this year and hopes for ing. They have a well-equipped nursery and out-door playground. rtun uy tne Salvation Army and sconscred by the home Office, the Mayflower is an experiment which has been described as a "proved success." Home Secretary Chuter Ede said more suci homes will be opened as soon as possible. ' ALTKKNATIVE TO TUISON Women are sent to the May-: flower as an alternative to a prison sentence and probation crour.ris of Wild West hnws re FIRST BOOK The city of Tacoma is seeking to get approval for the project. I plete with cowboys and Indians, The f'.rst book printed in Ti tribal dances, stunt rldinir. srio- there are 7,500 vacant appren- connection with the Monclon ticeships and no one expects I Flying Club, explaining that he more than 4,000 of them to te, was "working his way through filled. j flying school." The club said it Worst feature of all Is chat had no hook-up with any maga- even better results than in the past. The annual meeting and election of officers will be held January 22. ing contests, buffalo stampedes lih was William Caxtoni and all sorts of rootin'-tootm xory oi iruy. Use Classifieds for Results. Plumbing & Heating there are almost no apprentices Ulne offering such a plan offering for the heavy trades-moulding, blacksmithing, boiler- II ! i mas ary officers say the experiment glected i maUP HghLtrd!3 tUIh has resulted in fewer "ne as eieciricai, wui-iuahiug, inet making are not so badly off. children being placed in government institutions. At present, only child negleU cases, not in Conditions In Britain Better volving cruelty, are admitted to the home. ' Major Newcombe, matron In ; charge, said that oi the 50 mothers and 1C0 children admitted MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL I - 1 I ' ' ,i , il 1 i4dvertisemntlnotpublishet;oidisplwdtwt!LiQuofCoimiS HALIFAX "There has been a so lar, cmy one moiner nas reappeared in court. I Often," she said, "mother.! arrive in rags. .They've spent what little money they have cr. tremendous change in living: conditions in Britain in the past 1 three years all for the better," M. H. Weshof of the department i' K 7 - I ' . J ' , Board Of by the Governmtnt c Britiih lolumbn. . f ' ' fV . " i I' " I ! O&ILY NE'Arf CLASSIFihX) ADVERTISEMENTS BRINO RET I , i L v ?zi s f . - 1 BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES FHONE J74 I'ov Repairs and Alterations Smith & 'Elkins Ltd. PO. Box 274 their children's clothing. "The Home Office allows such mothers a 12 grant for clothing. They are then taught how to look after their own clothrs and their child '-en's." of external affairs, Ottawa, said aboard a C.N.R. boat train. He was among 560 persons who arrived here Monday f om overseas in the Cunard liner Ascania and are enroute to various parts of Canada. The progress that has been BOOST WOOD CUT KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont. '(P Favorable conditions of the made In bettering the lot of the i! u nnnnlA franoFoll,, In Ihn TTntt-pH PORTRAITS spring market for dressed lum- , in'gdom was astonlshlng. sald I r'ilms Developed uml Printed ber have prompted some local Mr. Weshof, who is returning lumber dealers to double their cut compared with last year. Majority of lumber cut here goes to markets in Toronto, Montreal and New York. PROMPT Kit VICE CHANDl.lCK'S S'J'l 21 G - 4t.h Street Box G45 riionc Citlii 330 Prince Rupert home after serving as counsellor to the Canadian high commission in London and with the Imperial Defence College. With him were his wife and two child ! I V V :fWm . 1 . The Pioneer Druggists ren, David, seven, born In Wash- j ington, and peter, iour, ai ui t. , -;X' s i'v'-l UrSV-lt . DAILY DELIVtRY tawa. To tane me Ascania s passengers, including returning Canadians, European visitors and a It's SERVICE You Want Phone 383 CABS' number of Immigrants., to their j I , ; , v -: :y- . t : 1 various acsunaiions across uie h - v- . . 4 TART J country, two C.N.R. boat trains were operated from dockside. There are five passengers going to Maritime points, 88 to Quebec, 303 to Ontario and 167 to Western Canada. IVTI I J ffH the New Year K U ow important 'AI I Reds Boast Many Spier With Tito BERLIN iff; The Communists Ik boasted today that they have enough agents In Marshal Tito's 30-divislon Yugoslav army to nrevent anv Strons link with ! western powers in the event? of -il- JL can a man be! clx . ELECTRIC m i . WASHER q Today, the Canadian Army Reserve Force assumes 8 place of im- M With pump Control 1' I portan-- to Canada's freedom that is almost unparalleled in our r ""Z7''-m. I5J lr rW7 7 1 II .'kick THE ALDEN, a basmentless house war. The party g official international newspaper made the statement. , was designed for a narrow lot. Its insulated floor slab is laid on gravel or cinder fill. The utility room houses la'undry and heating equipment. There are three bedrooms, i k r eEDBOom 14 Btonoom T io-,i0-0 a. I il'-OnO-O -l rbU IPSWICH, England Kfi H. Adams, a builder, waited a month to get delivery of some glass bricks from Bury St. Ed large living room and combination kitchen and dining room, munds, 27 miles distant. The V- or'ler that this country may take its rightful place among frea nations jf the world in the preservation of peace and freednm, Canada KM: wrong. Canadj must make her Reserve Force strong! From Newfoundland to British Columbia, Canada is calling men from every walk of life men who are willing to devote part of their time to serving Canada. Canada's need for more men in the Reserve Force was never greater. ' Visit the Kegimtnt of your choice today and get full details ahout how you can best serve your country during these critical times. Get complete information at your local Armoury nowl transport company which handled the shipment explained they don't run a service from Bury to Ipswich only from Ipswich v vto Bury. t ':5lt NORTHERN B.C. POWER C lil Prince Rupert Phone 210 Stewart, J ' TfT- If t cr5 J fiv f9 . : M0 1 m AMD m- ll . Br ' iivmoRoom O'ntne n i rt'.iali'-O I W-Oaft U , '" j traad i j etsion .-iOi ci I j j I i. 1 j i ! with generous storage and I clothes closets. I Bedroom closets are wardrobe type. Utility room has two closets and shelf space. Two closets are in living rom, two In bedroom hall, plus a linen closet and towel cabinet. Kitchen cabinets are arranged in U-shape, with sink under front window. A well lighted space is teft for dining. If desired, a sliding door could be placed between utility room and hall. Plans call for frame construction, walls of wide siding and asphalt shingled roof. Low rectangular walls permit use, too, of concrete blocks. Overall dimensions are 26 feet by 40. Floor area is 1.040, cubical 12,480. BAPTONE Jailoring. jor Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor jjMm tome ume U : The Wonder Wall Paint $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd JOIN THE RESERVE FORCE NOW! Phone 649 220 Sixth Rt