was "transfigured," or, as stu- days of the first Christians. , denu of mysticism would say, Seems to piuve ihat you can't' Prince Rupert Daily News1) LETTERBOX As I See It I in c.w, . Became rauium wilii iicuvt-wij Kreij a guju mea aown, not cosmic power. I later saw the around Oalllee anyway, nlace where Jesus turned the But other ideas not ' , "v Bl-4 U I water into wine also where are old, too. The dav King Suul and his son Jonathan there, Arab snipers were firine at I spif 1 I. DEFENCELESS GEESE Editor, Daily News, Hi ! force the natives out of their age old darkness and stand jn their own feet by earning their j own rights and privileges as all i men must and it seems to mo i David's bosom friend i were slain Jewish workers trying to dredge a mari- fr' by the- Philistines. out the swampy channels nels In In the theilnu, j low -II; ! l more mririn tana. I wish to make a public com upper Jordan River. p:aint regarding the behavior that the time has come for all demand equal to of the young men who sho u j Canadians Naturallly, I visited a church, i supposed to be on the very spot where Mary, the Mother of Jesus, u: fd to live in a cave. There was a courteous old Roman Catholic An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. D. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, flffifcg. $8 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Pvr Year, $8.00. ' Published evivy afternoon except Sunday by - Prince Rupert, Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince, Rupert. and responsibiliii'-.s privileges C SELLING OFF Buys' and Girls' for all. ARMA BEITUCH Tlell, Queen, Charlotte Lslitnds. SHOES All sixes, at LST vr tirs h; monk still on the job. A young Arab, i Christian) was the guide. 0O0 KI5 VISIT TO GALILEE ! geese in trie mating seu.iun. I This time of year the geese I become deeply engaged in mat-I ing so much so that sometimes one can get within a few yards 'of a pair before they will fly ; ajid gunfire has no frightening fcliect on them apparently. They I like to divide their lime be MEN'S UlfKSS SOCK-Alt kinds y chi,n TEL AVIV. ISRAEL.-! the outside walls of the AN HOI REWORK , . t ..,t Baptist ' Mission in Nazaiuth were My last, big trip in U act beJ lhe outsld9 wlH, Kl.ma Mk o MMS -or dre.ss and scmi-d tailored. From Editor, Daily News: as north Il'Oin J el AVIV. 1 red letters: It is doubtless a waste of time . -McGHEE, GO HOME t; Not Very Inspiring NO C'llll.UltEN'S I'l'I.LOVLIt SWKATKItS P, to take notice of "Disgusted Not I OU Cllle Up d inuutui WAR BASES HERE." So Ancient's" letter hi the Daily coastal highway like 0U1" The reference was to the U S News, of April 18. ' Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. aru'j t,a Sizes 21 lo lii. Real liargain at tween sunning themselves on the edge of Tllel River and grazing on grass lands. We feel ' the. birds do more good than harm to the pasture and hay land since they eai grubs, and worng and so keep uiose insects from becoming a 1UI , George C. McGhee, visiting Jeru- that "vn, iidi naiivv 1 uvv However, I would suggest t.ho writer auain read the re- traffic It must carry. You run saiem that dav. marks attributed to mvself in ' through better looking land than ' Nazareth, bv the way, gives the never shoot aeeje : which It u.-as di.-J,iiii-.lv.i.Uted that vou saw In the south, even before hluhest Communist vole in all menace. We -ih cunt in monev was more." vou reach the desert (Negevl. Israel. The theory is that the any time and feed them lh win hop and 2)ave at but "that an hour's, work would . But you soon team that this j Communists are the only party buy more than It ever did be- northern part is only the first to who do not favor Zionism and fore.'' With a, few exceptions fnow the powers of argripultural Nazareth is solidly Arab still, that is the cast today.. That is ledemotion. Some of the land! cflo ter if they need We do not object to people hunting the birds, when tly-'X have all their, faculties for ia the fail they do show intelligence. Now, however, I caii why I cannot understand where considered hopeless desert waste,1 BEYOND NAZARETH IS THE all the fu&s. about high cost of 0f impossible malarial marsh, less Sea of Galilee iieally a lovely each oilier names and shoving one CALLING another about might be expected among a -bunch of .schoolboys but to have middle-aged American senators engaging in such behaviour in a broadcasting station is, to say the least of it, unseemingly undignified. Men charged with their responsibilities could Ihj expected to display better deportment even in the height of political excitement developed on -"this occasion by controversy over General Mac-Arthur. Such behaviour does not speak much for JLheir judgment and stability and does not inspire "confidence in their ability to cany on the weighty .' responsibilities in matters of world policy. In fact, the whole conduct of the heated con- troversy over MacArthur seems to accentuate in- ternal political considerations rather than all-im- portant international implications which is unfor-; tunate. It does not suggest a befitting actuating attitude for policy-makers of a great nation in 4 these serious times. 3 usually see severai family groups living comes in. I had dates prior than 50 years ago, now does little lake. The Tiberias not from the house P4 sometimes t. 1B36 in mind. Today, at only uurally "blossom like the rose." springs are booming these days i they make quite a, racket with, $1.50 p.?r hour you can buy much , O0o almost like 2000 years ago. their jabbering. ; more with the hour's work than, HAIFA, AS A CITY, WAS MY And near heie is the bigRcwt On Sunday, April. 8, a nuiu y0U did then. In 1936 farmers pick of anything I saw In Israel, and oldest and most prosperous j TOP QUALITY AND ber of young men came snooting Wre selling pork tor 10c per. x..i Aviv is loo uttle Hollv- of thj voluntary communny en- terprises. which operate on ,ex geese on Tlell River. Two "i pound, with the head off. and wooit jf vou know what I mean, them stood on the river ban& many took it out in trade. If you jerusaiem iSi maybe, over-power-near our house awd shot a de-. did not. owe the merchant you fuv imnrof'sivewith so manv actly the same principle as did , those founded by P:ter and other SMART STYLES holy associations uuiueiui iisneiiiien, unn mc As Burns i unco Buld." I Pssin. ot Jesus. ' I I might have said, , fenoeless goose on the other , h. trouble selling to. him for Side. Then one of them had the j trade. nerve to cyme in and ask the ( M long the matter of the loan of my husbands skifr W;i(JoU(U,'bas been ,ntroduced lt conecii nif san;. my uuaixwu 1 I was very angry aid scoidud 1 appears that it would be more correct to say that $1 00 will now buy 3Sc worth of goods. However an hour's work will buy more than ever before. ANCIENT. LATEST FOR SPRING IN Men's Oxfords ; But Haifa is just right .except I for people with bad hearts, for j it's very hilly. In fact, so hilly i that it is the one place in all t Israel where busses are allowed i to run on the Sabbath thcld on Saturday, not Sunday).' oOo ; I LOVED THE OLD CRUSADER city of Acre, with Its massive walls still strong. But no strong X VISILCU OIIC WIICIC U liluiMar.u people live and worn. Every man, woman and child puts something into the common production, and everybody gets out. They have a model farm, fine homes, many ;hada trees. Thev also have a plywood factory doing ovvr U million (say S3 million i worth of business per year. They afe doing on an absolutely freewill and goodwill basis what Russia ls trying to compel her people to do even against their will. I don't know about Ruisia, under the police methods; but hvre the freewill goodwill basis works as it did i" the Freedom Of News STRAPS.. GORES, MOCCASINS er, I bet, than th concrete walls' To Attend Graduation FASHIO1 them even though he let them j have the boat. i Perhaps the law allows natives lo hunt any time when they live no far north as this but this ,s not reservation and the land here is quite domesticated. No Indian is poor on the Queen Charlotte Islands for they earn big wages as fishermen and loggers just as white men do. It seems to me who am a supporter of equal rights that outlaws should give special privilege to no one unless he needs it or earns it. Why should not a nationality with capability and Intelligence equal to outs of the new homes that aii being j built by the huge Tournalawer machine FOOTW n - This U.S.A.-niade machine lays Mr. and Mrs. James N. For or houses like a big mother hen lays anniy Uorl lhau Q r I'lvirilT Ihpm man left by car yesterday the south to attend the graJua-, Jhty alwey- arc jU6lgood tion of their son, Ted Forman, cheap mass-produced homes, from Royal Roads naval college They are all absolutely alike. But have the same rights and sr re- at Victoria. They will also visit they are f-'ur a Is and a roof their two other sons James, at- over the heads of families who 1 sponsibility? Don't Woit For YoutC OVERHEAT Bring It In For A The Lord giveth and the Lord tending University of Washing- are heioing to rebuild this an- i &A taketh awav and a very large ton at Seattle, and Allan at Uni- Cent tan". mm PRESSURE- proportion of our wild geese versity of British Columbia lu Haiia. of course, Ls the centre i died winter before last of cold Vancouver. of most of Israel's heavy industry. I and starvation. Who can rightly Just now its biggest industry, oil say the Lord intends anyone to 'refinery, ls slack for the Arabs i enjoy the natural bounty unless LIBRARY TRAINING wrn't let' the oil come in from it is actually earned by the in- The fust training far a libra r- Iraq. j 1 dividual? I believe the Lord ian in Canada was a summer oOo I i brought Europeans to America, course at McGill University in AS WE APPROACHED NAZ- lliw Bilvt-rtiM-uu-iit is noi jtilli.-ln:i or iliiplavt-il by tin; Li'iunr '"iitr.il li.MUd or by the nvcrimietu in British ( 'jIumliiH. purposeiy, Perhaps partly to 1904. , areth I saw the hill where Jesus Your cooling sysU-... L; as vital to tiu PM car as the Brakes or Motor. . . , PBESStUK-Pl-KCINO 'is the newest approvl cieaimiin; lhe Radiator ami the Water We have just IllStalU-u a " FUKSSI Kk-rUW Drive up for o Demonstration n nn reader of this newspaper, and of any 1 EVERY newspaper published in democratic countries, I claims and exercises the right to lecture it on its shortcomings and praise it for its achievements, j Traditionally, the reader reserves the right to kick i his newspaper around when he thinks it needs it, ! : Sometimes it is his way of showing affection. And 1 mostly it is good for the newspaper. But there are 18 million readers in the Russian zone of Germany who do not kick their newspapers : around. They just read them, if they have to; and pretend to believe it, if they have o. . : . The Associated Press toid us the other day "'about the delightfully simple way newspapers .are ' regulated, in the Russian zone of , Germany. Every morning at 10, Herr Rudolph Herrinstadt, 'member Cf the Communist Politburo and chief editor of its official organ, Neues Deutschland, calls the leading editors of East Germany to a conference. And they come ready to take notes. And after they have taken their notes and duti- fully yessed Herr Herrinstadt, the editors go away " find produce papers that look alike, think alike and talk alike. After all, as Herrinstadt remarked recently, ; "the party newspaper is not published in order to . make a political institution which, for practical rea-" sons, has the character of a newspaper." ; And not unrelated to this system were the flags ; that decked the once-great world newspaper La J Prensa in Buenos Aires the other day when it was taken over by Peron's government puppets. ' They rang bells, too; and they , had lots of gay lights. But the bells were not the bells of liberty and the lights were not the lights of truth Vancouver Province. unerior Auto )t MM I l i lt - r to A LJ mm STIIDEBAKERond AUSTIN RepmRS Park Third Avenue tt A CARLOAD 0 ANNOUNCEMENT AH INCREASE OF 2c PER QUART ON ALL BOTTLED MILK WILL GO INTO EFFECT APRIL A meeting was Held in Smithers April 13, with the Buiklcy Volley Milk Producers' Association i NEW ill 1 ! , THE INCREASED COSTS OF FARM MACHINERY DELIVERY VFHICLFS Here's Why IMPORTED FOODS WAGES BOTTLES COST OF, BEEF INCREASE N TRANSPORTATION FARMS AND DAIRY MAINTENANCE Sicriplure PaS.satj? for tDoJaij "He that rovnrcth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy". Prov. 28:13. WOMEN POLICE ' There were 1553 women police officers in England and Wales in 1949, and 134 in Scotland, Haines Highway Opening June 1 . JUNEAU The Haines Higta-." ay fcs open from Haines to the CttJiadiau boundary at MUe -Mi ... aiwj clewed from Canadian boun-' ; Uay to junction with, Ala.sk. ; ; Highway, Mile 160 until about . Juu. I. The American section 'il wilj be under reconstruction loc paving- during June and Juiy and minor delays can be ex-..pected, John K. Noyes, CommU-sionet ol Roacici tr Alaska Disposable Pods. vlANQY PIDEI PANTS Nm ill. - The Stork Shoppe 1 f p"! Compare this Increase with Other Essentials C I if AO Coffee has increased 70 Baby Food 33 jincG June IV4o cnncd Gds 33 athin9 33. MILK IS NOW INCREASING ONLY BVi Milk is still your Best and Cheapest Food. At the meeting the formers stated that unless they got on increase in th.e price of milk they would convert their herds to beef cattle. ' We feet that in order for Prince Rupert to get this fresh supply of roilk this reouest is justified All tickets in customers hands at face value ami airy ktd. OLD. T PRICES- IhlJ tdvcrtliement h not published et dlipltved toy Iht Llquot CoHni Bevd or to the Gomroon 4 BrlUih CoIubU,