1 loose Prince Rupert Daiiy News Monday. April 23, 1931 Bi zaar v." j A, i.i:giaiid tr' A' 4 three-year-old boy who died in ! this Buckinghamshire town left- a will, bequeathing his estate of I BIGGLESWADE, England t0 '--Trapped between two wall for live hours, a puppy was fii'a'lv released in this Bedford;,!!;.? town by workmen using a pnpu-1 inatic drill. V, hi, l3 'ear-ol,i h,.,. C7- Jlffair fin., u.. ""J the Khwl Blackwood on (BruL I'M I f i 1 - ' I : i V1. t A r 125 ($375i to his mother. j SALISBURY, England CP One' of the entrants in a window-dressing competition here was the blind proporietor of a tobacco shop. I Toronto Plans Pickford Statue TORONTO 0 A statuette of Mary Pickford may be placed at the site of her birthplace on University Avenue in midtown Toronto. A group of citizens Interested in honoring the erstwhile movie star has approached the city with a plan to raise $3 000 for the statuette which would depict her In a character portrayal of the days when she was known as "America's By Easley Blackwood Good play and good luck are a hard combination ST. ALBANS, Hertfordshire. England a new hospital . to beat. Mr. Champion needed both to bring- home his contract in today's deal. South dealer I being built here along skyscraper lines will have a swimming' pool 'for the patients. 7 Insist on ""ff! BUCHf!AX'S w Vl 1LICIC&WHII SCOTCH fey. Wuif 1 V- 1 " The SecreMijnjhe BienrJina A very successful spring bazaar and tea was held in the Moose Tempij by the Women of the Moose. The lovely weather brought a great many people out. They were received by Mrs. J. Rasper. The convener was Mrs. C. Collins and cashier Mrs. S. Hougan. . Pouring were Mrs. A. Hamilton .and Mrs. W. Bitssy. Serving tea were Mrs. J. McLeod, Mi's. T. Christoff, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. F. De Blasse and Mrs. R. Armstrong. In the kitchen were Mrs. M. Morrison, Mrs. A. F. Good, Mrs. Auriol. Mrs. M. Reese and Mrs. C. Wilkinson. Both sides vulnerable e 3 , "1 j George Markham, Joseph Sam-oning, Oliver Gregg, George Cory, Nelson Rogers, Jackson Graves, Eugent Egan and Walter Harold first heart trick instead of making the hold-up play he would have lost the hand. Mr. Abel, m gaining the lead with the king of diamonds, would have led to Mrs. Keen's queen of hearts. She would have then led through dummy's king of clubs for two tricks in that suit. This application of the holdup i keeping the "dangerous" opponent out of the lead i comes up oftener than you think. Watch lor it I guarantee it's worth the trouble. were each fined $10 and costs lor Intoxication. They appeared be- Others in charge were: Novelties i Hospital Guild I mm u.iveriiwuient is not iMi.HishccI or eu,, ) Control Hoard or bv the Govrrnn., , i .P'1MW THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS AGE AND MELLOWNESS 'OVcrnniUlU(llrj!ihCs 2 t fore W. D. Vance Monday. "4 Mrs. A. Ritchie, Mrs. C. B. Mc-Iniyre and Mrs. C. Eriokson. Sewing (Publicity Committee) BEAUTY FOR BATHROOMS AND KII! Mr. .Mti-ttrro S J 10 7 H 7 G 3 D A Q 9 5 4 c K 10 Mrs. ItiVfl . .Mr. ltet S 6 4 a S U 3 H -Q 9 8 2 H K J ID 4 D 7 3 D K 8 C-r-Q 5 4 3 C A J 6 Mr, ChuiiipUiu S A K Q H 5 H-A 5 D J 10 2 C 8 1 2 The bUlrtiiHt: Smith West Nurtll Kail 1 3 Puss 2 U Puss 2 S Pass 3 8 Pass 4 8 All pass Mrs. Keen was torn between a heart lead and a club lead. She finally decided to open her fourth best heart and that was the good luck angle on the hand. It was all Mr. Champion needed. He handled the rest ol it himself. i. NEW DAY DAWN'S Continued from page'l) Mrs, G. Rcbins:n, Mrs. T. Glenn. Home Cooking I Social Service i Mrs. R B. Skinner, Mrs. O. Stegwick. Mrs. B. J. Bacon. Delicatessen (Mooseheart Committee ( Mrs. J. Hoskins. Mrs. J. Flewin. Mrs. II. Paulson. Mrs. N. Kennedy, Mrs. C Mulder. ! f HHHHIHh ; : mi Hl.iiiilimiil v N oiariinvi y on the way to Atlin. Before the end of April the initial crew will JOURNALISTS' CHOICE Blue-eyed Mae Genno, 18-year-old technical school student, is Miss By-Line of 1951. She was choeen at the annual By-Lne Ball of Toronto's newspaper men and women. A shapely fivo-foot-eleveu, Miss By-Line hopes to become a model. i CP PHOTO I There it o distinctive STYROTILE colour that will fit into w be at the property. The schedule i calls for starting to strip a high ; grade oxidized ore zoiw by bull dozer bv the first week in June. ! , -.11 tor your iwoaern nome. (jur piojtic tile has its deep ten moulded clear through eoch piece. The colour will not ww it will on ALL other typej of tile. Impervious to moisture, Mi or warp and is heat resistant. Easy ond economical to apply t Put yourself in Mr. Cham- i Qrc wil, be m!nett for shipment i pion's place as declarer. You can j as0 from ..2X" tunnel where ore j see that you have- to lose one j wm.,h $j02 a ton at p,.est,nt metal ! diamond if the finesse is wrong, I -.i,..,,, pxtenris for S2"i feet aver- Gratify new surfaces. one heart trick and two club tricks if the ace is back .f dummy's king. Candy (Child Care Committee i Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. W. Nixon, Mrs. Gar, Mrs. A. Ever-leish. Books (Library Committee I Mrs. p. Bond, Mrs M. Bond. Raffles resulted as follows: Box ol candy - Mrs. Nixon. Hassock of grocerivs, won by Prarl Brown. Moose Cushion J. C. Blaine. Doll and Wardrobe Shirley Hougan. Ham Joe Llnsey. Chicken Mrs. Trequair. Floral cushion George Erick-son. Crocheted doily J. Shenton aging 2.5 ft. wide, according to Dolmnge report. Mr. McDonough! expects ore will start leaving for Trail Smelter via Carcross bv : There is one further thought PRODUCI OF tCOTLAND If Mrs. Keen can be kept out of j mid-August. Later when a stock- AN EXCLUSIVE STYROTILE FEATURE Only in Styrotile can you secure a complete Installation. Only In Styrotile is supplied corners, base and capping- thai li on exclusive feature in Styrotile. Write now for the name of your nearest Styrotile dealer. the lead, the danger of losm; Steelhead Derby - 13y2-Pounder Brought in Wcvk-end steelhead fishing brought .mx more entries in ilv Derby .with tcp honors going to Cyril Bagshaw's 13-and-a-half pounder. Three more were weighed in by Robert Armstrong, whose 13-pound, 4-ounce entry pile of shipping grade ore has t :en assembled it will be possible I two club tricks disappears. j All right, now oack to the to save $15 per ton freight charg- opening heart lead. Mr. Abel : es by shipping in larger quanti- SCOTLAND jm Distilleries ' BOIAMK. y.$k' TMEOLCNFIDDtCHANDkAlVEMti- j& jyT IMXNLIVET. DUFFTOWN SOOTIAM6 9 V'im contcnti MADE IN CANADA Philpott Evitt & Co. played the king and what should ties to Selby. California. The low Mr. Champion play from the ' -st water haul from Skagway, closed hand? Why, the five spot. Alaska, to Selby on tidewater oi course. This play effectively '. will eliminate the rail haul from bio:ks out Mrs. Keen from ev;r ; Vancouver to Trail, obtaining the lead. . ! in his recommendation Dr. Mr. Aoel led back a heart at ,Beav.,n stresses that while ex-trick two and Mr. Champioh estab-won ploration looking to the with the ace. He extracted lishmfnt oI a permanent mining urn Phone 651 trumps in three leads ending in operation, is the principal objec his own hand.' Then he led the j tive of 1951 operations, the sec- ' )aCk ? T,01 11 could Hd,!,- i ondary objective-limited pro- Mr. Abel did the best he dilution through led the Iht until Bagshaw top-. pMd it Friday. j Early yesterday morning. Ned : McLeod, Armstrong and Norman j Chrislense cautiously approach- 1 ed the "deep hole," just below: Cloyah Rapids, and in less than ten minutes, both Armstrong and McLeod had hooked and landed ea:h two of the silver "fighting streaks of lightning." Christen-sen drew a blank. That was all that came out of j Clcyah or .anywhere else Sunday,; ' according to Harold Thorn, who i weighed in the four, running i from six to 12 pounds. Meanwhile, a group cf boys, E to shut out the diamond suit by 1 4....1. U ,. 1 .1 T3,.t .11 hinb t"-a(ir. ore shipments of an materially The planned ,1 r .CLlilg ihc jaiiw num. oui. ,n thjg ajm 'ihiH R'ivertisemuiit w not puhiishcd or display by the LHinr Control liouni or ly tlir ( lovernrtieiit of Hritinh i'olumbia. ine leu was icu uiiu pas.-u around to him he had to play hi.s king. pyrgram will cost $150,000 but return from shipment of at least 1000 tons of ore is expected to be about 70.000. Mr. Beaven stresses that if results warrant. Mr. Mr. Chiimpion Chiimpion trumped trumped the the Classified Advertising Ls payable in advance. P ease refrain from telephoning. Ciasc word ner insei Lion, minimum charue 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, l. Funeial Notices, Marriage and EnBaRemrnt Announcement $2.W. SPECIAL DISPLAY, IX)UBLE PRICE V7 O o m,?ET.ll:?()ci,RABLE -"etn sr n t,n dummy's good diamonds. Ho This advertisement is not published but wrapped up ten tricks for or displayed by the Liquor Control y,q prime IN RE THE "MECHANIC'S LIEN ACT" TAKE NOTICE tlint Kcginiikl' S Ounanoot of Huzflton. BC, havtlis? owed Bob Purker Unulcd of Prince Hupert. B C. the Mini of 118 ao for a pel-UK! ol over three mouths for labour and materials bestowed mi a 1929 Chevrolet Light Delivery. 194.S Licence No. CHR'. En'iine No. 45084. Serial No. 37801. Modl International, the said Bob Parker Limited Board or bv the Govern moat of CASH tor scrap A who had given up Milling as a bad job .took artvantpgi? of the warm weathvr and tried swimming. Th'-ir screams and shouts, however, indicated the water was not nearly as warm as the sun. If Mr. Champion had won the Briti.sh Columbia. twr batteries Phone City. FOR SALE FOR SALE McClarv cream enamel Move. $.)().0;i. Girl s bicycle. $20.00. Eleetri:- heater $j.00 97a 7th East. Phone K-.'d k'3 evcnintis only. 97pi fOR SALE Modern walnut bediootn .suite complete witn steel sorinu. new air sprllU mattre.-.s. Phone Red 8D2. iltpi - . I5IHTH NOTICE MATT HEWS Born to Mr. and .li.s. K. f. Matthews oi Port fc-d-ward. In the Prince Runerl General Hi:.s)iial. on Friuav April 20. a sister for Davm. Marian Patricia. i1'! foksai7e j NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Liim-uelt Speeder Bliovt-l-; ' Cranes: Draiiimes; Adams TASTY TEA ROU tamed umi the Kuix'rt &fc Rc-roof with ASPHALT th crat-j and ptriod of ore shipments could be increased with consequent larger net profit. As soon as o"ssible plans calls for invc.'tigating the depth possibilities which give promise of a long life for the on-Tt'Mon. A D8 bulldozer at work on the AUin-Ruffner property will give Mr. McDoncuch great personal satisfaction. He will see at ac-comnlishing in about six weeks for S3CO00 what would have taken 200 men six months to perform at a cost, of $150,000 when lv was onrrating in the Atlin camp in 1034. A new day has dawned for mining exploration in the rugged terrain of the extreme northwest corner of B.C. 643 lor orden will offer the said vehicle for sale at IV premises on Third Avenue. Prince. Huprrt, BC on Tuesday. May 1!M. at 10 o'clock AM unless the s; i I lies.inald S Clunaiifxit shldl Hoitr.cr pay to the sakl Koh Purler ( I iiiiltcd the said sum of 1IBOO and j the r. sis of advertising this Notice. HATBD lit Prince Hupert. B C, tills 18th (lav of April. 1U51. j TiOB PAKKEB LIMITED. U0.'i) KYETCN. I oii'cstcrshir". En-la;ul CP) Th wind'was hl.iwin.; hard wli":i a marria"e f"r"morv wai perfenned h?-e and lh bride's veil landed on the roof of the church. The- bride". r;;or.i and the bc;:t man clii"ii!;ed r. lj ("t n. IK A NTFD - J1 lima m m mm i 4mm, r feR,M. mm ,mm FOR SALE Dnv bed and drop-side couch. Black (i(i0. Hi' m m m m e. mm m m m w ,t rr- KKAL KSTATE PRICES PAID " steel, brass. huiiesl main"-ment mV Metals LW-;; conver. U. t. 6357. WANTED TO K-room unliinu funished aorj (iron. Box . I nioxE no!i GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. i rox ;?i FOR SALE - Four room c A wartime home. 9th Ave W. at McBiide. Phone Blue H-i. (tl-nci Ci, .... F'OR SALE home home with with Lovely harm" Chop Suey - Chow Mein e$$ionci HtduiedS cure Koad Oraders; Litileford Bros. Black Too Ko-ad Maintenance Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies; T. L. tiimth Concrete Mixers; Clark Foiklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile and Snow Removal; Hice Porl-aijle Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Howls: Nvt.ional Portable Sawmills; National , Hotarv Screens and Conveyor. Full information Irom National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. Itl) FOR 8ALE New uild used furniture hardware, dishes, end tables chest of drawers, bed.s complete, bedroom .suite.s, small size carnets, used loa-aine boots, men's suits, field U lasses, wa tidies sewing machines and other useful household articles at the lowest nossible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324 (if) FOR SALE 16-ft. Carvel built open launch decked fore and aft. Emiioped with 5 h.n. Ker-math Sea Pun engine with reverse near. Phone Black 240 (9(ipi I j-'rot view, two lots in Karoen a lawn, ureenhou.se, cement basement, furnace, hot-wa'.ar hcatlnit svstem. ultra modern kitchen, livmn room with open flrepliice, ; diimiK room, and two bed- : rooms up This is a line HOLLYWOOD Ctf l , For Oulside Orders Phong 133 8 m Kpi HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE home and is avaiiaDie w eailv occupancy. Full pine SBUitO.OO with $0000.00 down and balance on easy terms. For inspection and further particulars Phone 57 O. l'FRCY TINKER & CO. 1 'lb. .,- Evj. Red 578. (tt MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenire, Prince Rupert, B.C. o 1 ,V ANTED 10 HP" wav. CP. J WANTEDT0 t si 7-Bionths-ail mntedto re:' room hnu.e Black ( , . WNTED- R '' ' biisino-w Pnone BI1SL t'iBhh h,f nil; urn. MARGARET McLEODI OPTOMETRIST Room 10 5TONK HUII.D1NO rilONE r.LUE im P.O. BOX 1184 E. A wm- v GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 7f2 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 SAFE BUYS FOR SALE -32 ft. ies. $250.00 or Owner leaving 154. troller, tim'd-nearest offer town. ' Green (95pi ?Oll SALE Well .located law 4. on lii'h side of 6th Avi East. Earlv occupancy T NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate and l"ii''"in''p,.i Phone 451 or 648 j9ci FOR ' SALE-Newlv redecorate; tour rooms and bath in a lino on front room, kiicmi and bathroom. Good cupboai space. Fenced earden am children's plav vard. cash Comer lot. Not wartimt Apply 1801 7th East, anv umx 1950 Monarch Sport o i. Sedan Fed Custom HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Svrvic.es GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 1950 mmj&mA iwiiiwfiiteAkAtoii Trtti fdvcfthcment it not publnHcd ot dupUyrd by th Liquor CorrtroJ Bofd Of by (he OovetnmcM f Hnltth Coiumbii. p 2j SIDNEY CONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis FOR SALE Wine "Sunshine" babv carriage, folding pl.iv-nen and babv bath. Phone Red 872. (f)5nt FOR SALE Tennis ratiuet and baseball ijlove, both in perfect condition. Apply 318 7th Ave. East Uf-nc FOR SALE Four spools Lemco "urdies. new with wire. $90.00 Transmission and other troll-ins; gear. Blue 924. (IOOoi II. G. IIELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 899 TOR SALE Five-roomed I hoi s. harbor view. Price $5000. If ! 2nd Ave. West. Phone Ret 1 h or v"-Eniitiiries: coniraf'tf,, Vanri"'.,fr Pernalb'lf; ilie Wv MA ML-', OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5' p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 DcLuxc Fordor 1950 Chevro'er Sedan 1949 Ford Fordor A few new Pick-ups in stock. Bob Parker Ltd. FOR KENT F U-DRIVE CARS. 711 Grenville Court. Phone (41 FOR SAt.E-Set of nropellor, 20x20. 902. tnirdies, one Phone Ri"' (95p QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC shoe hospital A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND, C.A. 353 - 3rd Ave. W. Box 2d3 Phone 88 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 -3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 I THE BEST ftCM quality k LOST GST-Black notebook contain !.. ronniruH for llUSlllOS Dsi.irrt Phunp Cant. Wils"1-, 31W FOR SALE Beattv washint machine, two tubs and stand Red 633. i960 FOR. SALE McClarv oil rnntre. wtck burner, wood condition 326 7th Ave. East. (97p (95P1 FORI) - MONAKCH DEAL Prince Rupert, B.C. 842, weekdays. m West- 'ism man. Hltoti'' Terrafe M" BC " Gvrc pleas' Greer dtp' LOST Case of kevs at Park Sundav. Finder return to 622 Fraser, Rooms. Reward. FOR SALE White ennmel oil stove. 2 vears old. Black 977 after 5 p.m. (97p LOST Pet duck FrWa,(.?,(V 405, 31B ' wnrd Plione Red RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR RATE Pot hurner litre HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all lt,s branch "S 204 4th Street. Phone 65 (100P1 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4lh St. Ph. Black 3R9 f I t ' - . ! v:.;, SEE MAC for your . . . ROOF RE-SHINGLING o-SlDING Phone Hfack flfiO (Mlflp) I riirit. - vmi E new Stsn oo. Dresser 25 00. I 215 71 rt West. ( loop West.' A:tiNTAKTH FOR RALE Rpminclon nnrtnble PITRLIC ACCOITNTANT incorc T anoolnllst a O r"1 wl. A 'I" ir.u1 fllnno nnilrlinir Red 593 Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems IMIONK 234 Dibb Printing Co. hi:sni;r Ki.oi'K (2(lm Store- J,-v Tvnewaer. Call nt 5U2 Fnt Seventh. (90p FOR RALE Rabv cnrriaim in eood condition. 1035 1st West,. (97p) r. i KKPAIKS FOR rate. Black 285. KLECTROLUX Sales ant Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and wrvlce phono or write above. Set of Kurd ten. (95p CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Rlock Phone Blue 442 ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Thone 22 or Black 280 , General Delivery For Your PAINTINO and DECORATINO See SPENCE&MATUICK Phone Black 215 OTI, BURNEIi BPEOTAI.TSr -Rlnve service Rnd repairs. lfl D Ronson. Blark0SJiL WATCH REPAIRS Vrompt efficient, service George Cv " Jeweller. Satisfaction Riiaran teed. FOR SATE Green 491. Kelvinator '''. (102c) ADVfj .FOR RATE-One 29-foot trolllii" ' boat, rhone Qreen 803. (105c)