HUMPHREY BOGart Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 23, 1951 SHIPS and WATERFRONT ................... As a two-fisted district attorney ulc under worii( "THE ENFORCER f s ... .SWSr9S ' ' ' '- I 1210 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL iCFPR (Subject o f'hangc) MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. " ' ' fx . i Return;? early at 11:15 yesterday morning from her regular voyage to south Queen Charlotte Island points, Union steamer Ccquitlam, Capt. William M Combe, loaded 320S :ases of i-al-mon at the ocean dock before sailing at 8 p.m. for Vancouver. Second vessel of the Union line in port du:ing the day was the Camosun, Capt John Boden, 5 S4" s TODAY TO WED, which arrived at 5:30 p.m. from Vancouver and sailed at 11 p.m. ,0NE SHOfttsr, tACII NIGHI ',M RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE for Alice Arm and Stewart whence she will return here to morrow southbound. Southbound irom Skagway to .n. Barbara I Vancouver. C.P.R- steamer Prin CLEARING: ! cess Louise. Capt. William Hicks was In Doit from 4 to 6 o'clock RESTED UP Fresh from a nine-week refit, the destroyer Sioux left Victoria for a second Korean tour. About half of the 256 crew members are replacements Sioux, under (.he command of Cmdr. Paul Taylor of Victoria, will relieve thj Athabaskau, last of the destroyer .quadrim to come home. (CP from National Defence) j Saturday evening. The vessel iBARGAINSl cusemDai two. uie luuumus i-sengers here from the north: Miss HISTORIC RITES More traditional ceremonies Mary Birch, W. Coles, Canon H. G. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. are re-enacted yearly in London i Dudley, from Skagway, and Er- CjcirclenL cninq &WL GLEASON FRED CURK k I lian in any other city in the nest Thornlcroft and H. A. Scott world. ' from Juneau. Rupert Peoples Store Added Feature LINDA DARNELL in "THE 13th LETTER" these go outside. Of course with i seed and bulbs, which will not! 1 111.0.1 .., , -1 MONDAY P.M 4:30 The Golden Pine Cone 4:43 KtocK yuoiations and Iut 4:55 CBC News " 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 Rawhide 1 5:30 Dixieland Jazz ri:oo Supper Seienadf 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30--MusicuI Varieties 6:45 Smiley Burnettc Show 7: 00--CBC News 7:15 CEU News Roundup 7:30 Songs for Early Evening 7:45 The Island's Other Side 8:00 Eric Wild 8:30 Bold Venture 9:00 Summer Fallow 9:30 Meiody froi.i the Sky 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Choral Concert 11:00 Weather forecast and sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7 " : Musical Cloc 8:00 CBC News 8:10 - Here's Bill Good 1:15 V'.. nine Sony 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert u:dh 'lime SisMin' 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup ")1me 11:30 Weatner Report ' 1 31 .Message Per.of) 11:33- Recorde-i Interlude ' :45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. '2:1)0 - 'vnd-Day Meiiiclle 12:15- BC New.' 12:26--Program ie:.miie 12:30 - B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 -Rcc Int.. 1:00 This Week's Composer 1 :3(l - Mu:..ul 1'roRiam 1:45- Allison Grant . Comty. 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast be pushing through the surface for a few days, one can gamble SAVE IT "Nothing that grows should be thrown away." This would be a mighty good motto for any gardener, or farmer, too, for that matter. The man who dumps all the weeds and cut grass into the garbage pail is actually tossing away his soil. All garden refuse, weeds, grass clip- a little, but as a rule with the j tender group there is nothing to i Sale NowOnli It U claimed that i ok cation was sent to the ope, company and, u thin i Complain at Bus Service be gained by rushing in ahead of time unless special protection is provided such as glass or paper caps. Among the very tender 1 flowers are cannas, gladioli. lime pu.M'u wunoui u knowledfimcnt, "wet In I na i pings, leaves, etc., will rot down it has been ignored." into excellent soil, and so will a Intercession ol tht lot of othvr things if we give dahlias and any other very soft, Utilities Commission ii J fleshy stemmed plants. them a little encouragement with a view to cnsuricr Van ; Fast Relief for SCIATIC PAIN Tunplflon't T-R-C'i r noted for fat, Umfortini relitf from the sharp itibbinf pain f sciatica. Safe, reliable, T-R-C't will brin you too the romfort you long for. Get dependable T-R-C' today, get relief better transportation Ii A ed. r M n i iiimm i iimra i i.iti Usually a cornef'of the garden, 1 screened with shrubbery or some- ! thing else and away from the ; house, is s-olected for this soil-', making business. It is technically John James Audubon, celebrat- ed naturalist and painter of j birds, died in 1861. i Copies of the comtfji i been sent to Jack McRai "Great dissatisfaction" at the bus service which Is being supplied to the Columbia Cellulose plant at Watson Island is expressed in a communication which has been sent by th Watson Island local of the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers to the Public Utilities Commission at Victoria. Several detailed complaints are made regarding the service. D. J. Doswell. persons : ager, Columbia Celluiost H. L. Hansen, internitios, resentalive of the unwul known as composting and the i material a compost heap. Simply ! select a fairly well-drained spot , and here dump the leaves, weeds, i ' (trass and whatever is collected. Over this we sprinkle a layer of earth and the process is repeated eacli time we add s :mc refuse. ' If available, add some manure as the Dily News. Want Ads. sure Kelt. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMFf SERVICE rilANDI-KK'S STl'IMO 216 - 4Lh Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert I l-i-Ji -J TRIPLE ACTION LIQUID BLEACH MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE 'is wonderful for... 2:30 Records at Random i 2:45 Behind the Scenes ' i 3:00 The Mus c Box REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353-3rd Ave. VV. and possibly a little lime and commercial fertilizer. It's a good plan to soak this pile occasionally , with water and a'so turn it cjver ; once or tw'e to assist decomposition. In a few months this pile , will break down into first-class, 'icp earden soil. The process can be hastened by using ;omc of the , i various patent chemica's on the j ' market. . j j THE BIG THREE- M-..'t flcwers j ! and vegetables fall into three i main classes- hardy, semi-hardy j land tender. In planting we I .should bear in mind that the first j 'i 3:15 Western Five j ?'30 Lic'eners" Chuice IS SCUBY! -iT- hi i '' J"'"r! : CFPR Quality Sal r Lead in 'BONDED group are not alrald of trust, the , second can take care of a little but they don't like it. the third f Moving, Parking, Crxtine f Shipping ." .id (Jeneral Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable aiu: Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. STORAGE 5TORAG for Oxygen. Acetylene and all w Is Improved Already radio listener-; 'f C.F.P.R. notice a difference in quality of musical and vobc tones, F. B. C. H. Hilton, Canadian Broadcasting enaincer f:r the province from Vancouver said here todav. He, with Frederick Wi'.mi, CBC technician, arrived in Hi" city Wednesday after a 1.000 mile drive f 'ora Vancouver. Line amplifiers installed along the line to Prince Rupert should bi'in'j: "excellent results" for lis TOUR FURS, SERVICE Where extra cleanliness and sanitation are necessary as in the bathroomyou'll find Perfex Triple Action Liquid Bleach a grand help. It keeps tub, basin, toilet bowl, tiles Kleaminx and Kerm-free. I'erfex Triple Action Liquid Bleach whitens di sin feet s deodorizes. (If directions are followed, it can be safely used with septic tank installations.) For a spotless bathroom -keep Perfex handy always. welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues J Ill ; . Vv"- will be killed just as sure as tomorrow if the mercury falls below 32 degrees. In the first category come flowers and vegetables that under noimal conditions would seed thm.selves, Trrese are things like aiyssum. cosmos, poppies and scores of other flowers. They are all specially listed as hardy in any good Canadian seed cata-l"guc and are similarly described tEst. 191U l'hoiies 60 and l8 C tening enjoyment, they said. Mr. Hilton said 'that next July they hoped to have new local PHONE 974 will call for your A Bonded Messenger THE BEST . . . COSTS NO MORE BILL SCUBY FUR Box 1362, Prince Rupert, B C. on the seed packet. Among vegetables will be lettuce, "spinach, carrots, parsnips and, of course, garden neas. In the second group there is a great variety of flowers. It is at this time, when danger of serious frost has passed, that we get the first' of started plants transplanted out'-ide things like petunias, transmitters at Bu; ns Lake, Vnn-derhoof. Hazelton and Te-ra:e. They put one in at Smithers on the way here. Better high and low notes will be now brought to cily listeners, Mr. Hilton said. Previouslv there had been a middle quality of tone. ' did you know . . . zinnias, etc.. In the vegetable line, beans, the first corn and VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon . Camosun LICE ARM, STEWART AND . PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. 't FOR NORTH Ql'KKN , HAItl.OTTK ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin potatoes, the .main planting" of beets, carrots, etc., will go in at this period. For th3 tender group soil, as well as air, must be warm before BURMESE INDEPENDENCE Burma was separated from politically and became independent in 1937. In addition to I'erfex Liiuid Bleach there is Perfex T'mrdrrrd Bleach. You can use ii safely for fabrics formerly considered unbleachablc- such as nylon,, wool, silk or ravon. Put it in the dishpan, too, to give a sparkle to glassware and china. PERFEX LIQUID BLEACH makes linens and cottons whiter. Because its strength never varies Perfex is always gentle -always safe bo clothes last longer. s HELP WANTED Permanent positions for suitable "" wt conditions. Top wag'es. Two ' working , lccs Assot-after 50 M"cai employment. one year fees paid bv firm. 2 Firsf Closs Automobile Mcchj Body 1 First Class and Painter. i ( f Ma" 1 Helper and Clean-up garage wo'l'. April 27 9 p.m. HHt SOUTH CJIKEN OIARI.OTTK ISLANDS ss. Chilcol in. May 4 and 18 ' 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 lid Apply: Mntors LINGERIE Prle Powdered Bleach was developed to beep your nylon or rayon lir.oerie immacuUte and looking like new. It softens water makes more suds saves scap. Look for the handy blue-striped package at your grocer's. TOWELS Ut Prfe Liquid Bleach to keep bath or hand towels iparkling lrih and clean. PERFEX the Senile bleach makes white and colorfasl towels truly bright. PERFEX if easy to use just add it to ih wash-water. WOOLLENS When you wash baby'l woollies or your own fine sweaters, add Pcrfen Powdered Bleach to tht water. It keeps them soft end fresh and is absolutely sale for all whit or coloifast woollens. Call 363 "(IK BETTEIt . . . Planning Building or Repairing f :HBYRt.K.R, pi.yivH'"'" " ; - i t IS I I 'J?-nJ ill! ! Kit &ft.'jfi--J! ! iih mmw. O0 0 OL Plane, 5W I PL m Calvert I CAtVERT DI5TltttS(CAMADA) UUITED, AMHEBSTBURG, ONT. (ill. wmmm MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builder & Contractor! DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 You'll find hundreds of uses around the house for Perfex Liquid Bleach and Perfex Pondered Bleaili Buy Both! uoi-a. . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.