1 frke Rupert Boy Double Winner In Golden Gloves Boxing Townsmen llimo ... I Af flf ATI ie ootlln- etin .u- ! - - inrri5on ornson juif.es nod weT liviuiun rawllk of Van,,,-. Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 23, 1051 aa n lottcspiie Wdits) Cup assist. ' The game was marred early in the second period when Canadiens 'rookie Bobby Dawes, formerly of Toronto, suffered a compound fracture of the right Ivg while checking Ted Kennedy. Penalties were few. Barilko and Tom Johnson had an altercation in the third period and Hudson's Bay Club UNrqUALUD CONTEST BiJt it was the Morrisoo-Bianco bout that caught the fancy of more than 400 enthusiastic fans who watched a show unequalled in Golden Glove history here. They watched Morrison calmly avoid Bianco's p o w e r 1 u 1 thrusts, watched the Prince Rupert kid as he smiled as Bianco tried vainly to limd one, watched Champ I By HON BROWN Marshall Light Jleavj weight Til list; Jlancy Entry Jioldt'ii I!oy ' final bout, Friday nigh,,. Place, always courageous, had sound'v decisioned veteran Fred Four'iy from Goldbridge. Grace scored two big victories Friday night and was touted is the 1851 Golden Boy an awar-1 he won la,t yea but all that wa,s changed in the last fight r.t the gloves, when Grate, from im. Elks' Bowling Championship F. Vigor was singles winner while L. Garner, and C. Nixon Kin drew two minute benchings. When Billy Reay tried to interfere and jolted a linesman hv was handed a ten-minute new Westminster m..t T, Pti,. f,. Vj V , i wv uouoies nooors in uie b.ikk B Overtime Contest Dramatic Series Fifth I Ends i ,,,.,,,, c, . .i""- Ullrti round and theervd fANtOUVLn (Specii;! when Mo-riwo started to scoie liailv ti.,M News) V,nl Hill Ti i 11 i "-watedjy with bis left. wciKht final. tle end of the week, Scoop Bury copswiatioa was winner of a award, ' wara was satisfied with Morrison's slwwhijj but quick to "nitse" Morrison, lei- The final climax of the evening was the presentation of the i Stanley Cup by President Clar-, cr.w CaiupU-U to Captain -Ted t-. , VOUU, OUt Mnusn nr,vr if ... Palmei saVe Grace a toussh fiRht and was worth (he victory anJ the Golden Bov award. But Plae lijke Carlson has mining to ie asiiametl ef. He just (a i) into one of the best filters in the i-loves. The lnrye rrnurrle Miroa iv.a TORONTO. -Toronto Maule Leafs Sat .urdav The final results were: Sii.gies F. Viger 019; J. 605; J. Graham 545. Doubles L. Garnw and C. -olU iTince ku pert, wah his -wit hand 'jdleweight, won the. ""Itl,?,t id w an air tight cw-Int for the best left! nZ i in 11-.3 62-ent.y Vancouver th his right, it's murder." night -von the most exciting and dramatic Stanley Cup z-erie in history. They defeated the Montreal Canaoiens 3 to 2 to take the great hockey classic four Prince Rupert boy and, if Wa d keens hie wm-H nkm,i i.m..., . Dixon 1079; C. McEwen and A. Olsen 1070; E. Davis and J. Graiiam 1057. prumue Golden Gloves!"" " W Carlson, Prln ?r : ;ttUUeri.S Mnno i u (Saturday night. heavy-i his boyS doWn ners 3f;ain next If, ; ' ; ' I i award wa? a cinch after weight division did. all right for the first two rounds aijainst var. everybody wiu"be"watchin.' them. crew-cut, kid won the Baseball Scores Gloves title and B..G. Kennedy. tt was the seventh time th Maple Leafs had won the cup 1932, 1942, 1945, 1947. 1948. 1949. First peii-d No score. Second period 1. Montreal Richard i McPherson i, 8:58 l' Toronto, Sloan 'Kennedy) ' 12 " .ven. Third period 2. Montreal Megf r (Harvey) 4:47. 2, Toronto' PUap (Smith. Bentley), 1928 Penalties. Barilco, Johnson and Re-" imisc,;.Hlurti, 10:30 Ovf-rtime-3. Toronto, Barilco (Meeker, Watsoni, 2:53. Barilco Sloan and McNeill rf,.i..J luionship in his division games to one. All live games were overtime contests. The issue was settled in two - minuUs 53 seconds of the first time when tne Miip, Leafs ban. BUI Ban ko lebbed in a high one mnn r , n, h w n Mph hP mfr vi thC ' a"d "et; denied Tod Sloan scored from Sy Sld Smith and Max Bentley in a Hairy Watson wauon terrific attack. CPORf iius stunning upset victory Long Bianco, odds-on fav- ! ircm Vancouver s Active r.-ison's fine left jab woii crown, particularly one I xoroiHu nau ii snois on goal Tha fi , ,., . ,. , y McNeil turned in an n',i Mauri(;e m,h set t) amazing goal keeping Rerform- ,jrl Zith I hm,,,.'!, 1 SCORED WINNING GOAL ... Bill Barilko " ". uri,mivi i the ;J,ars of the game. ance. SUNDAY National Brooklyn 4. New York 5. Boston 5, Philadelphia 6. Chicago 10, St. Louis 5. Pittsburgh 7, Cincinnati 5. (Second game rain.) American Philadelphia 5-4, Boston 6-7. Detroit i, Chicago 3. New York; at Washington lain. St. Louis 3-3, Cleveland 10-4. Pacific Coast Oakland 5-3. San Francisco OHOTS Newca,stle United have a ready made alibi if they Ipse to Blackpool in the cup final at Wembley on Api;il 28. The on!ji chance of a setback, Newcastle officials insist, will be the possible Influence of a jinx imposed by none other than the Football Association, governing authority of English professional soccer. The so-called "iinx" whip aa assist oy Jacic McPherson. jjig left hand to Bianco's I jaw in the third rouro I iAtit! decided the bout a? i; Hie surprised Bianco to itjiivas for a nine-couni. ke if ' Mouse'' had had a more time he would have itd again for a possible ecu. ekkkr oi fori Alberui hrj appeared a shoo-in uotil the foxv Biggs f howed, a little life in the third round. The crowd, Impatient with th" lack of action, urged the two fighters tj mix more and undoubtedly. Carlson tried but Biggs would have none of It always showing a great respect for the Priuce Rupert boy Coach Wa-d had a good word for Carlson, loo. "The big crowd made hini nervous." he said "whv he was actiuxllv tr-miblinii in th? rin? but vou'U ee chanpe in him next year" tiOI.DEX Roy ' Rur.ertV fourth entry. light-1 weight Chuck Place had the mis-Vtwne. to enfer the touches!, :l ws of 1 lip bit' tournament. The 135-pound cla.sn produced both the Gulden Bov and l.h.. The Canadiens twice had the lead and were ahead 2 to 1 until the .lait muiute of regulation . Sloan evened it up when he ripped, right Uirough on a pass from Ted Kennedy. Canadiens took the lead on a North AmeriT 8''0Ups ln flukv goal bv Paul Mcagar early Mont aPPea red I:i in the third on Doug Harvey's 1851 BStn late in ."lit wrapped up In a request from the i 13-6. I Seattle 4-9, Portland 3-9. ! Hollywood u-4. Los Anueies issiMauon that the team should trot out on. the Wembley pitch before the ga.e of .'nine 100,000 1' was, Morrison, who soiiV: (Jiould grow into a capaLk l:ravy or heavyweight, iu t ov.ti championship lor hjo I luwn a n markabrc record .ach rfoe Ward and thi Prince Rupert cui.'v. other Prince Rupert win-is iiun lhht -heavyweight Andy ..II. He didn't have n har' j -i. spectators, wearing black stock-inu,s-without the traditional white t in. "Nothing doing." was the der fiant reaction of Newi uxUo'k runner-up to the Golden Bov Place was sinnnpri h. c,,.. Orace. the runner-un in o .ni. .r 'Ji.-oelor-manager, Stanley Sey-rour. "We have -no intention of roing into mourning befoiQ thij inme." But that isn't the club's only '.rieyance. Its officios and pjay-'iv; have, rebelled afiaiijst the. issociaticn's proposal that goalkeeper Ja-k Fmrbrother should wear a white linen iorkev Sacramento 2-1, San Diego " 9' ' 5-2. Western International Vancouver 10-9, Wenatchee k-o. Victoria 4, Spojtane. 14. YaKiiaa ri-'S, Tucoma, 0-V Iri-City 4-3, Sujeni li-i, SATURDAY N'ational , Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 8 Boston B. Philadelphia 6. ' Brooklyn 7V New York 3. Chicaao. aa si. toujs ralu. - . . Americaji St,. Louis 9, Cleveland 1. Philadelphia 3, Boston 6. New Yortt 8, Washington 7. Detroit 7, Chicago 6, Pacific toast Hollywood 5, Los Angeles 6. Oakland 3, San Francisco 9. ' Sacramento 8, San Diego 6. Seattle 11, Portland 8. " Western International ' Yakima Orll, Tacoina 1-1. , Victoria 6-3, Spokane 2-4, Vancouver 11, Wenatchee 3. Tri-City 3, Sulem 0. a preen oulsfce peak, just to dd a bit of aiamor t o t hp finil Canada's defence is your busincss.too Occrpe Farm, Blackpool's goalie, has falien in line with the idea Hit Fairbrother prefers the bat-V;rcd and familiar clrth cap he 'as worn all season. He claims 'he lone peak of the jockey cap Vot? out his view of high balls "lireeted his way and tjiieves i" well It would be dangerous to Hher players. The club, had no ibiecti'm to their goalie wearing he new-fangled headgear Mr tlw H'esentatlon ceremonies before ho naniK. Fairbrnther hnunvo j : A i j A b A'-.- SI , 4 7V.i i voulcl tat: a'on? his lucky tweed I "M no matter what the F A. of fi- Big LeaQLie Join the Indians and iue nil. lie uunc is I ridiculous," he snapped. "What 1 1 thev think this is - a football '".- I of ft paiil.oininc?" Thn r.;,me will ipark Newcastle's 'i;hth rinnn:i.:l,,.A ii. hintory of Association Clin finals!' I switched to Marvclubc for correct lubrication on ct more engine protection under all driving mlim,ns wijji JVfarveluhc the premium " "ior oil that meets all car manufactured specifications for correct lubrication. MarM-luhe is a detergent motor oil. It nt only lubricates it cleans. A clean nifii.it free from gum, sludge and abrasive p.,riKles lasts longer and gives you more rouhle-free performance. Let your Imperial ' "o Dealer protect the investment you have "i your car wiih his "Care-Saves-Wear"service The train needs n viclnrv t.n niuo ROYAL CANADIAN All! FORCE Bums Lead NEW YORK '0' Brooklyn Dodgers registered an uphill 4 to 3 victory over New York Giants it on even break on wins and 'fses. Their last triumph was against Arsenal in 1932. Black-""Mi" "lilv previous nnnenrnnno :s in 1948 when lh i,,.t r., ' ' save vtiem a " 0f the lhree-Kame Mchester United 4-2 I m . TfP . , National League series leavine Thi,, year's finnl wi... be hand-1 the Bums in first place in hi -I hw referee William Ling of league. Carl Gurillo blasted out a W:in-hp er who served as lines- tenth-inning b homer to lo decide utuae the lne mm In the 1948 classic. Lino ori. i.,. i mined he had probably been the' Half a game behind n Pitta- must surpnset man in Enir nnrf ACT NOW- FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, WRITE " OR SEE IN PERSON... THE CARUK COUHSlLlOk ; - c Af. ucKuirmc vmu " hep he learned of his appoint the sign that says fSSO) burg Pirates, who edged Cincinnati Reds 7 to 5 in Cincinnati and Chicago Cubs, who came up Horn behind twice to down St. Louis Cardinals 10 to 5 in St. Louis. to stop for menv. -i didn't think I had a nertieulnrly good season," he snid. "Sometimes the reactions to mv decisions made me feel that I was the only man hv step in crowds of more than sn nnn' A '' "v- l r TO . K.C.A.P. RECRUITING UNIT. . WALLACE BLDCT.', 9921 - 101A AVENUE, SD11BJNTON. ALBERTA. PHONE: 42658 ..w ....... 7,,u. Willi tsw .tsuilIIC. fill : Vi.nr ' , r ,an,k I wh up-io-date'' Bio or lisso Kxira. Take your (ar Cleveland Indians went out in front in the American League by i taking a double-header from St. , Louis Browns 10 to 3 and 1 to 3 ; behind the effective pitching of i Righthanders Earl Wvnn and i i- "r.u- lor yourscll irs bcrter all-round nertoimance. lined r V so Vxlrl ,re continually being improved ro give the Cleveland Wins American Title 1 and i Swink r . """ '. ,ast Mnint, good ccderuon, power I ..u uasoiines nd you re always ahead! Mike Garcia. t protection agairm repair RZZa "" . " took. six-and-a-half hours with Imperial f un lull tills Specialized lubrication Tl Suaranteed rire life with jJJ "'e famous Atlas Writ- "n Guarantee wliich I Z v,vvcr ,8'000 JW l.e I Un.red States. - . ' j F. tinier -up lroni the first pitch to the final and the A merican League out and the l.gXat "ult 17 1 vadium toSfhe8 Cleveland s every point carefully serviced by chart according to car manufacturers' specification 4 ' i o games. The lights were t.n-n seventh and deciding game of the ed on in the sixth final series innhig "uung oi of the he Saturday night. opener x ... i 1 'v GET RELIEF TONIGHT! ToU o warm both or shower . . . then rub in toothing OlYMPENE. It penetrate instantly . . looseni uo linht orh;An ...ri.. overnight. Use OlYMPENE after any itrenuout oi-tiwitu m ainierei to, . SI VVVt 9 i , h't luch fun that you ovtrde It . . . ttroining mufclfft you haven't used oil wintar . . . i And Monday morning t O-h-h-h, my a china bach, ormi, tegi . . . muiclffi tied up in pain ful knot. NOItTHlOP A IY t. as m:S-- rw L - yf rOuDRUGCIST f 1 H dlivrl !"' I t m 1 ont&n& with vV