YEAR-END REVIEW- FARTin Y Natural us Prince Rupert Daily News - ?. -Jl a.s ers of the Prince Rupert piant,: were reported about to start a $75,0.30,030 pulp project In the In-' ' trrior Kootenays. 1 ! Twelve new base metals mills hlorth Leads Province in Tuesday, December 18, 1951 """ ioi. when ray.. Reflects1 and Reminisces logs to a In jure being built and old mines . glall were re-opened during the year. ! Preliminary estimates show ' In Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central BritL'h Columbia. Member of Canadian ntess Audit. Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Staggering Development Kilimat Aluminum Smeller and Prince Rupert Pulp Mill Cited "PROTECTlou that all records were smashed In the four ba-sic Industries forestry, mining, agriculture and fishing. Forest production last year was worth $488,000,000. Tills AGAINST INFLATION" ft. ah. Wd 3y currier, per week, 20c; per month, 7.c; per year, $8 00; hy mail, per month,; per year, $8 00. By DAVE MclNTO.SH Caiiaflnin Hicss Sum Writer There is much uncertainty in human affairs and. life during Yuletide comes as no exception. The average male, sure oi another necktie will not tie disappointed but then arise the question of possessing sufficu-nt coinage to wear It. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Aveniiv, Prince Rupert, VANCOUVER (CP)-"Staggering" is the word l" British Bastion Vital 1 ':" for British Columbia development. Finance Minister four industries win approach V'V 'J Herbert Anscomb used that word the other day in ,tnpiirc(i t0 $821'- saying that gross production in B.C. now a good Ai.So up were construction -Veteran educa- i.0,I more than S1.000.(KM.(MIO a vear will eventually contracts, electric power con- f'l TEATFD sumption, gasoline consumption, outstrip Ontario's and Quebec's. salaries and wages car loadings, The minister went on to say: - 'bank clearings and retail sales. "We are in a position today that nlllf, t0 nr.rease plant capacities, j Millions of dollars were thrown P C 's resources are in such de- Besides the dam. Consolidated Unto the harnessing of water mand that if a depression came stUrted spending $35,000,000 lor j power by Alcan. B.C. Elect rij elsewhere, it couldn't apply here ,Jjallt extension as the world Company, Consolidated and the 'FROM DIXIi: I.AM)! Something vanished from the I pres.' of America, Sunday, when j Dorothy Dix, 81. wrote "30." To isay this woman, for generations a never tiresome feature of the NcW Orleans Picayune will be missed is to utter the flattest 'kind of platitude. Millions never i.saw her but none could escape I the feeling that they had long been well acquainted. Sh knew 'life and her column served as counsel lo trust and a guide to I follow. CALVIN BULLOCK in t'oinsi Dr Frank Gordon Buchanan, about. 65, was unsuccessful Liberal standard-bearer in the Calfiary West federal by-election Dec. 10, The by-elect ion was made nec'ssnry by the resignation last summer of A L. Smith, Calgary lawyer who quit due to ill health after holding the seat for the Progressive Conservatives since 1945. The Conservatives retained the seat. (CP Photo) Df oi me uemano 101 - uwse nemand for metals and!HC rower tomrnission. i - - J ;i y t ' tl 1 ? f . 1 ' "rf! A. a t 1 s ; resources." chemicals increased. The com- HK developments came thick ,,anVi bluest lead-zinc.rhemi-and fast in ltol. t.aj.s producer in the world, ap- Aluminum Company of Can- ,.Jn,d rea(y l0 lSiart a d.,,,,,. acla started its $j50.000.000 pro- sterj industry in B.C. north. First step wa.s jeel in the mnWAy pxTFNSION construction of a diversion tun- uvlc Cll.a. nel to carry the Neehako River EusU,m Ralwa to Pri;:l, attain, the British economy faces a crisis, ONC10 from which rescue does not appear propitious except by a further substantial loan from the United States, observes George Ericson, Christian Science Monitor financial editor. ftven a bi- American loan is not regarded as a solution, since it will lie merely a heavier drain on future national income. It would, however, afford America's ally a breathing spell, during which the new government niilit implement the measures being undertaken to cure its trade imbalance and to meet its financial obligations. With the bolstering of the free western world as an accepted part of United States foreign policy, denial of further aid to Britain would only weaken an alliance between English-speaking peoples, which today is the keystone of international democratic security. Britain and the United States are partners along with others in a worldwide struggle to preserve human dignity and a free society. That de "r':3t,iVi) 5 1 around the site wnere a power ,.,,,. ,,. i,,,,.i rua .,.i, u. dam will be built. P THE oi. FTTERBOX j It's just as well to have youth :on your side should you riwelr in j England where the housing 1 shortage list may mean a three years' wait. And Prince Rupert has been guilty of impatience! I SOMITIIINC. IF FT! Assuming, for the sake of argument, that movies are better than ever, that still leaves us with the problem of improving , them. Ex. IT WAS Al l. THERE expected to be completed by next jprinn. At the .same time, tlu1 new Hart Highway connectia:; Prince George with the Peace River district was almost ready to lake traffic. CUuinbia C-llulo.:c Co., buikl- GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT GIFT SET-Ju'gj i Contains gold plated one piece razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in diensKT. Simulated pigskin travelling case. Also two additional The dam, when completed, will ba?k up lake.s and rivers against the eastern face of the Coast Range. Work has .started on a tunnel through the mountains which will build up a powerhead for a hydro-electiic plant at Kemano. Transmission linos will carry the power at) miles ocer the mountains to Kit-imat wnere the aluminum plant will be built. It will be another three years before aluminum production starts. IIIGE POWER PLANT Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company at Trail started I.IKKS DAILY NLWS Kdi'-.r. , Driih News: Will you please extend our neh'ieai'on to your interesting Daily News. Your publication is unusually good, and friends to whom I have loaned conies asked fa-more of them. This shows they are truly interested. Your concise handling. of news The Empress theatre lias bern from mands adherence to a mutual program, calling for '"! historic and so it is . ,, , , , . . ' , , ... the local, rather than j 10 Made disptnsers. eneral point of view. This building, at Second Avenue and Sixth Street, was Prince Rupert's first place of entertainment, all of forty is refreshing The writer years years ago. The first public meet- aar, unrkoH.fnr tho ap oMrf fnr preliminary work on a $30,000,- SueV!rond'e a , va"0s metropolitan newspapers u0 hydro-electric plant on the o Richard McBnde was the speak-,n in N5U, New Orleans .,., nnH and Rt St. ,rili. Louis. Pend d'Oreille River. 12 miles from Trail. And once for a country weekly, BUS SERVICE !Ar,j-.nutr Train SrhwUllp No 2 l-'i.r I'.i-'-rnarr iiihI I'.irrrl ! Tiliirf1 Hti(MTf iitid niit her limite: 1 run-trm im hil HhUmii NOTE: Thtt company is not llc'ti'tl f r cn buMn'-ss between points Hrinee Kupt rt - Terniro mciUKm'. Pimm.1 timers will be picked njt and s-i down nt these stops uny lor or fmm poini.i past of Ttrr;icr. EASTBOUND Fridays and Sundays, 11:00 a.m. from Prince Rupert n Smithers WESTBOUND Saturdays and Mondays, :ftfl a.m. SMITHKItS PRINCE IM'PI'ItT WAY POINTS Tycv. Skepna. KwmitoB. tialvus. fcxstw. Hlwmwt. Antbury, Tcr- suengin to (teter aggression; n demands allies villing to sacrifice for a common purpose, and it demands assistance to weaker members of the alliance, since United States would be going it alone if these members succumbed because their own resources were inadequate. Britain, though weakened economically, is the strongest of four allies. It is a bastion of the free Weal, and it is only realistic to assert that its maintenance is in American self-interest. The trend away from socialism there and the Conservative party's announcement that it adheres to the belief er. Other early clay luminaries included Sir George Foster, seasoned federal statesman, and : orator, and Dr. Win. Pugsley, that great Camas Prairie Courier "rougnt into production mis at Soldier, Idaho. Soldier is now vear ere $35,000,000 cellulose o oht t..,..n E-airfi.i v,.,( plant near Prince Ruoert, a iLaurier minister of public $19,000,000 sulphate mill near taken Us pace when tne 0r works. There were plays profes- short Ljne.s Hjl, aty bl.anfh Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. sional and amateur musical com-eriies, with large chorus and placed it tracks a mile south of SU1J uncier construction is a the POOH r,M toa-n of Knlrllvr $40,000,000 newsprint mill at r GILLETTE MILORD GIFT SET I Handsome travel case I holds KJld plated, one- I piece Gillette Ra?or and I 0 Gillette Blue Blade in tf3St?-...... dispenser. A tube of " ""&$-Mt. Gillette Shaving Cream ""iT;, ''::rVT?V (1 and an extra 10-blade ' 'thfSf-f . t ' dispenser are included, 'i A i small stage, hot politics. prize XV,., ,,. m-aa Duncan Uav on Vancouver 1s- fights. songfests. years of motion lund. This month the two corn- pictures, sermons, speeches and r ,, 1nnVlr, fnPUI!,rrf panies building the mill an- ill free enterprise and capitalism Jirousps the hnnP Heaven only knows what else... recelvln your paper and its In- """need a new $21,000,000 pulp that the nation will the 'sooner begin to live within . teresting news. With the season's greetings to you and your staff. THE BALDWIN STUDIO, F. E. Buerlot. over seventy dinner and concert this week. But there is something about this annual r.-Hhicaa CreiRum;. Niw H:i-I- mT ' 1 filjrJ m i y ' I tern (HotHl. Hu win ui. Sew Hal- I A' X-SSSW ' fl9 '' . I occasion that makes one think of. p.ant is planned for the same area. Another $11,000,000 is being spent for newsprint plant expansion at Powell River. On November 1 the first oil wa-s discovered in B.C., near Fort St. John in the Peace River district. Other wells are being drilled. A few weeks later. Premier Johnson announced Trans-Mountain Oil Pipe Line Company will build a i93-mile pipe ! and feel under seventy and quite a long way under. Poli A battle between a full grown! MA 1 IfjrJ A I I OTM O'titiTf oin sir 8if ' 1 IIHI IVllHU I AT YOUI Of ALE S PHICIO FROM $1.32 TO f6 00 I TRANSPOKTATION l.TI). L, , . 1 rat and puppy dog war witnessed Cn&c I 0Air in Prince Rupert not long ago.' lillCO LUVvtr It was a better show than what we usually pav to see. Puppy Crime in Prince Rupert. fls line from Edmonton to Vancoti- failed to finish the foe but he reflected in police court, faw a It will cost $8: 000 and MMMta I .i.u u.ujl uu.i.lB, be complptprt by tne pnc) 0, ,953 from the precedins month as 164 Vancouver refineries are plan-persons, convicted in court, paid . in fines and costs $2140. October's HnaHBWIHBnMnBHI was all pluck, if a shade slow. j , Whitehorse to Have Housing j t Jta' was $3,976. a near record, i , Breakdown of the fines showed : offenders paying $1,610 to the ! municipality, of which $275 was its income. Whether or not Prime Minister Churchill will ask for an American loan when he visits President Tiumnsjn, January, it is held a foregone conclusion that Dn'tain will need $300,000,000 to $500,000,000 in the next six months to tide her over. In view of the British drop in gold and dollar reserves, its shortages of steel and other critical materials necessary for defense, its tightening economy and long-enforced austerity, its further restrictions of imports and curtailing of credit, its raising of production by 50 per cent above prewar, it would look as if some further aid to the hard-pressed British people could furnish the impetus that would help them put their house in order. The last World War destroyed much of Britain's productive facilities, while those of the United States were untouched and expanded. Mutuality of tioal and program, as well as self-interest, bespeak the lotfic of proffering of sufficient economic aid to bridge a financial crevasse. It is true that the American taxpayer will have to shoulder some more of the cold-war burden, but the quid pro quo is th? integration of defence and the strengthening of the ramparts of a free people. I v? ffiftJ mP0i(,d f.or eont ravention of city , WHITEHORSE, Y.T. Local 'contractor General Enterprise "3,1f-v'-, lna"eu "" Federal government came in for Construction Company, has tak from firit's a,ld 155 ln eosts en plans and specifications and j will likely bid on the erection and completion here of 38 pre- VALUABLE METAL I fabricated buildings (75 nous- Molybdenum is a light, malle-ing units i for Central Mortgage able, chromium-type metal u.sed & Housing Corporation. tc strengthen steel. I, a ; t ' i t "V ; 5 r ; 1 J - " - r.. ... . ;, 'tit - i- ' ;- A- j ( ! l Oft I I 1 n i s. n'niifp '""' u.iMtye i or soiiaif "It is requiied in stewards, that a man be found faithful." 1. Cor. 4:2. UUJUJUU U u u NO CONTEST after receiving support of the WINNIPEG 7 SuburbanlTown Meeting Association. Cecil Tuxedo has not had a civic elec- ! Lamont, recently elected suction since its incorporation inlceeded David Finkelslein who ' M .-,iW lau. tvery councillor and mayor has been elected by acclamation was mayor every year but one s nee 1014. Hospitals must be careful about their kitchens. Cooking utensils must meet the highest hygienic standards in food preparation. That's why hospitals use so many aluminum utensils. Aluminum is ideal in contact with food. And this- food-friendly metal helps preparo meals more easily because it heats 30 quickly and evenly. Millions of Canadian housewives enjoy these "aluminum advantages", too. They cook better, cook more easily and protect the flavour and quality of their food with aluminum utensils. GENERAL ELECTRIC it y v y v y x w OAYSW YOUAND YOUQS Nothing finer for the home this Christmas than n . :,iro ...-,v. ALSO. o'TJ and ALUMINUM nil" aluminum lod- Y pa'' rn) G.t. 5teamlron metal ol man? th DOCTOR. TOOl SEBVES THE plasma bottlw- .A,uminumcap.Ul"Md, protect tinq 1,1 .. are ueeo Rupert Radio & Electric e aiu"""""' ' VSUPEMeJ ulcere. ib,j,,,,iiis,i,i,&,iaj,J,kaia.iaii,.kfcliiJiiiSi,' t'NDKR NEW MANAGEMENT SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street pi,one j7 I i L ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. r a