J PROVtJ C!AL 1 ORMES' ) 0Vi:iSIAL LIS2A3T, ... DRUGS 370.IA, B. C- V.'.X r DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER STAR V CABS I DU.HA ill HAIH DISPATCHED Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, No. 295 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18,' 1951 PRICE FiVB CENTS Sot; mm M Ml Irk i? IF imnr .. it Vi u VJ Pipe Line Four Children Opposition Hits Building Road Along Wild Sheena to Save Fishery iig Herring larvestEnds .Contracts Bum to Death a intend rice Ban ANCHORAGE, Alaska Oi Four lunulas Finished Comstock-Miclwestern and Mannix Awarded Rig Oil Carrying Job i .iii,j II wnc UUI lieu tu urnwi u, ' . ..... . . . i r. t , iiivur caoin at nearoy optnara l,lf first Time i;,.re Christmas OTTAWA (CP) The government's proposal to ban resale price maintenance has developed into a hot parliamentary issue and threatens to delay the hoped-for Christmas adjournment. In ... of the largest runs Vouthful Kngincvr Leading Tough Winter Task .' To protect one of British Columbia's largest industries from further ravages by nature, a handful of men, led by a youthful engineer, is penetrating this province's wildest territory, bucking muskeg, slush, ice, snow and low temperatures. Justice Minister Carson yes- terday introduced legislation 0 i wmuay as mcir graiiuiiiutiier TORONTO (CP) Construction trjcd Uj get through a window to of a pipe line which will carry i rPSCue them Albe ta oil to the Pacific Coa.it j The dCttd are children of Mr. will start In February. antl Mrs Thomas J. Fleming Tlic C'j3-mile line from Eclmon- Rwilee aged two; verarin, 4, and ton to Vancouver will b- built fo; jnijj and Patricia, ten-month the Trans-Mountain Oil Pipe 0(1 lwjns Line Co. by two companies 470j Tnrlr gramlmoUlori Mrs. Vtra miles of It by C:mstock-Mid-' sl,aw caring for them In a small western United, subsidiary of f at)ln had gone oul or a mlnute the Canadian Comstock Co. LUJ.;Vi,en the fire started, and the balance by Mannix Lim-J; , Prisoner Lists Are Exchanged Sudden Move in Truce Negotiations MUNSAN Chinese Communists last, ntp;ht, stirtrteMily sinwrl to an exchange of lists of prisoners of war, a point for which the United Nations has been holding out as a basU of arranging actual exchange. Following their sudden capitulation to U N. demands, the Communist negotiators today turned over to the United Nations a list of 11,559 prisoners, Including 3,198 Americans and one Canadian. It also listed 919 BritLshera. They said the list includes all prisoners of the Korean war in their hands. The United Nations gave the Reds a list of 132,474 Chinese and North Korean prisoners. Five months ago, when the sockeye salmon run up the saying It would help the small consumer, but . the Progressive Conservative party promptly proposed It be killed on the grounds It would destroy the small business man. E. D. Fulton (Progressive Conservative, Kamloops), contend nv yen is has for th first time ,j Vlic herring quota of the ,rn sub-division before jilinas and a 10.000-ton cx-1(,n of tin: 30.000-ton quota , 'niii'd M'iday, 20 hours after , ,is (d anted. is more outstanding ac-ih'ii; to Department of Fisher-divisional office here, is that he herring have been found .spot -Gasuoat Pass, an i of Kws than four square , Location is on the south-tip of porchcr Island, Just off ,i) channel. Final Appeal In Union Case Skeena River was at its peak, a disastrous slide cut off the main route to spawning grounds In Bablnc Lake. Thousands of tons of rock caved In a narrow gorge In the Babine River, some 40 Reopening Pub Business Brisk At the door of their favorite "pubs" this morning, several hundred patrons waited to get their first drink of beer on the dot as the portals swung open at 10:30. Must hotels reported "brisk" morning business and by early afternoon beer quaffcrs moved around easily as though the source of their enjoyment had never been stilled. An extra supply ordered by most hotels is expected to ar- ing the bill would help the government's "friends In big business," proposed Its consideration VANCOUVER 0 My ron Kuz- miles north of Hazelton and the be deferred for six months a yci, wcmei, wno nas j Canadian National Railways Steel Strike Set for Jan. 1 Ph!ip Murray Tells United States Industry it must Have Agreement lted of Calgary. Headquarters for the project will be In Vancouver and Edmonton. Between lOuO and 1250 men will be employed clearing 'and levelling the rockbound right-of-way. Pipe laying will be done by four "spreads" of equipment, one working east from Vancouver, two working in both directions from Red Pass Junction and one ,.t mmta was flllcrt . Vr" J main northern line. parliamentary device for killing legislation. ' .' , J," is'i'l, may make anollier appeal In November following a few pin. ' . :or recognition. The bill would prohibit resale ill lolls ui Ileum,; wcic ii:- . Z. . ' i ir preliminary surveys, Jack Dyson. ,yn . f, T . 1 tTilL?.T;24-yr-old ... ,-,,t " Jii-uu divisional niiwiwiiBi engineer, t,ft,,,vvi, price maintenance a business (j SCI 1 1- II. OIIIIUHV VIIC i practice by wnich manufacturers set the prices at which retailers sell their merchandise. PITTSBURG (CP) CIO United Pleel Workers of America served! rive before Christmas. from Kamloops. C. C. Rathgeb. president of notice on the steel industry M in-, , v;,s granted but was ' J " ''"awa hTrcw'nd n,ne eiCn bcn the deUber-,,1 the next day when 33 !td L& ISltZKK M, eeilei " 1 ", the OMbr extended P,ttSS quota "U i ni-ni-ril "I may appeal Wnrltpn' to the Federation Shipyard "i tn Snd blutk- Ul" thE m muht Zt n ,i,. a ivw hours. he said 1 m wl-1' uallril'd to i ,,,,, ,,. ,.,, ,,.., no M,m- , ,",d.u . x. take In heavy engineering equip- I ,, 'ling to Deuartment f. lmcrH1 oI lhe ltttefit pr" ! ment with which the Department iu, is that majority of the Kfear ago Kuzych wm ! . fl'l 1 Garson told the House that prices are higher with price maintenance than they would be C om s to c k - M I d western, an-jtl.iy that they will strike New nounced construction details yesterday. Boat Found But Man Still Lost of the same year class as without It and the "poorer" purchaser is deprived of the right to buy more cheaply In minimum service stores. He also said that the system helps to promote price-fixing combines. cxpell ipellcd from Local No. 1 of the!,,.,,.. other death-dealing rinuii,.rinniit, m blow tn to th, the uf the big run last year- Year's Day unless they get a 15c hourly pay boost and other benefits. "We will not work without a contract," declared Philip Murray, president of both CIO and Hie United Steel Workers. Murray reported that the, union's executive board and British Columbia Boilermakers' Winter Hits Air Travel Vancouver-Prince Rupert Flying Handicapped for Second Straight Day Air traffic between Prince Rupert and Vancouver was handicapped again this time became of icy runway conditions at the ih.il got away. The fate of Edward A. Pratt, a North Vancouver fishbuyer, was still unknown up to the wane policy committee directed! first of the week, although his Strike Closes Y. Restaurants him to call a special inleniation-' boat, the Voyageur, had been I Union for allegedly arguing pub- licly ugainst the principle of a jcloxrd shop. The Shipyard Federation Is tliv I parent body of the Boilermakers' I Union. I In an earlier Judgment, the Privy Council, recognizing the right of . a union to expel one of its members, ruled Kuych should lia appealed to the Federation. Communists Hold Priests Britain Asks Quiet in Suez CAIRO (CP)- Britain's miliary commander in the Suea Caiwl zone asked Egypt Monday for a "period of silence," accompanied by talks on settling the bloody Anglo-Egyptian crisis. , General Sir George Ei.skinc urged the Egyptians to stop en al convention of the United Steel found, after being missing for fishing industry next year. Last summer, the department estimates, half a million spawning sockeye were trapped by the slide to die without rraehing spawning, grounds. The tragedy is expected to be felt strongly in Skeena River fishing during the next four-year cycle. Young Dyson, Prince Rupert-based engineer, sends in periodical reports to his divisional heud(iiarters here, but .the pro-iContintied on page a Workers January 3 -"because of over. a week off the northern iSandspIt junction strip. Yester the seriousness of the situation' end of Vancouver Island. which confronts the union." Pratt, in the employ of the SUCHOW -Eight Canadian Ro- day a 80-mllc-an-hour gale had h.eid up flights. Meanwhile, upwards of 50 passengers planning to go south by I W YOHK . Famous New I: ivvaiininls and night clubs. wnii: -lack Lvnipsey's. are el h''i';uiM' of a strike of ss. wallers and bartenders. The convention, Murray said, Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. had man Catholic priests and one will have the power to accept left Bull Harbor for Winter Har- brother havebeen placed under cr reject any proposed settle- ber, at the extreme northern house arrest here by the Com ment worked out by J the govern- tip of Vancouver Lsland. aboard munisl authorities, it became f.LiVL i. i , i Vi rnnii rii ir.ain, 1.,, ....i . steamships, teamships as as a a sure sure way way of of get get- Victim of JIILIIH.. - itvvuvijr pmw,o.,.u ,tum.i, IfVIIVWII WUttJ . couraging guerrilla "terrorists" ! and imposing actions against! Britain as a step toward build-1 lug up defence of the Middle j WEATHER - Frostbite Death Leaps atr Hospital jxioria Defence Siv,! Practice East.. - fi -. - "If we have to continue in the: present fashion," his statement! said, "a situation of such gravity (Western Plan 'Vishy-Vashy' ting transport providing they can be accommodated. The .Ktila- rd f!'SJh.t from Vancouver tJtiay got as far as Port Hardy whence it turned back to Vancouver after being advised that it could not land at Sandspit owing to the strip being iced over. Yesterday's flight from Vancouver could not land at Sand- Young Man Sucrumhs After Being Found Frostbitten In Car Near Burns Lake A young man, who was found Vt.H to Thoroughly Investigate Parallel Incidents VICTORIA Victoria will have a full scale civilian defence ex would be created that nobody can plan the limit of its reper- ercise here next spring. It will Dredge Delkatla, Deepen Skidegate cussions throughout the Middle! VANCOUVER 1 Frederick! East." (William Thompson, 62-year-old; " -" .llH j we than two-and-a-half in- uf nun f II o the west roast nine than onc-und-a -half ! nv over the lower mainland ;i ri iilt of the storm which ! nl southward over the Brit- Olmnbiii. coast during the! iit. Mixed ruin and snow In lower mainland areas pro- i in ipleusiuil conditions uii-, ('oi. Fresh snow is reported , r mm h of the interior. Strong Ne.si winds have developed j he rua.slal areas In the wake In- sliii in ('old uir Is rxpec- resident of Dawson Creek, died spit or Port Hardy on account But there was no let-up in attacks on British forces. be fashioned after the model of that held a few weeks ago in New York. The exact date will be kept a secret. j Monday of injuries received earl-! Kary dredging of ier in the week when he jumped t, 'h . .., Delkatla an ideal badly frozen In his car 42 miles PARIS -Speaking at the politi- south of Burns Lake Sunday a,i committee of the United Na- mornlng, died of pneumonia In t.k)ns today, Foreign Minister hospital at Burns Lake yester- Andrei vi-'hlnsky of Russia said (lay. . tlie disarmament plan uf the ItCMP reporl George Krheck, western powers was "wlshy- 25, of Dawson Creek, apparently wtt.shy and meaningless." had been motoring toward Fran-, un jlc proporul Is difer- coLsc UiLke. He wits discovered rnl ul)t tomorrow, by a passing motorist Sunday place of shelter for vessels oper liioiii a orvonu-fi-un jr wuiuuw ill, the Vancouver General Hospital. ating off the north Queen Char- lfittn TcInnHi: lu hcinn Qt-lrAf! ttf On Sunday, Hector Fitzgerald, Big Blizzard Hits Alberta aged 80 Vancouver, died a fewjtnc fedpra, d;partmenB. of public Big Blaze in Newfoundland ...,... ...,. wiiiii6iu works by Prince ROpert Fisher- morning and rushed to Burns re m move soiiui over uic coast ; ,Io,spiul but not li.oiiai cn-arum wm Viv , .M,ns,iollsri.JiS O wnmuw a miiu-airtjitj n,,n- room at the hospital. Lvon N. Hlnkerncll, hospitaj j supervisor, said a "very thor-j ough" Investigation iiad been' Schcck's car is believed to CALGARY - First big bliz-,zard of the season hit Southern I Alberta today and Is expected to General Prisoner have stalled Saturday niglvt in sub-zero temperatures. His relatives live at Dawson Creek. .reach full intensity tonight over started into both deaths of high wind and, turning back, came down at Comox for the night as Vancouver was also by that time stormbound for flying. One flight got through from here to Sandspit yesterday before the gale came up and left her passengers there, returning here. Only flight through to Vancouver yesterday was a direct hop by the Landseair which returned here direct e.irly this afternoon and hopped oft at 2:30 p.m. to go back to Vancouver for the only southbound flight of the day. Vancouver and Sandspit are not alone in being plagued by unfavorable flying conditions. Prince George, Calgary, Edmonton all have grounded aircraft today. Prince Rupert, however, was CORONER BROOK, Newlound-laud-A million dollars damage was done when fire destroyed a warehouse here containing rubber tires, cigarettes and beer. A nearby office building was also destroyed and the Canadian National Railways station was threatened. men s Co-operative Association, a resolution to this effect being passed at the semi-annual meeting here at, the week-end. A Coop spokesman said that the nature of Delkatla bottom was such that dredging would not be a very big problem. The public works department is also being asked to deepen Skidegate inlet, tortuous shortcut between Graham and Moresby Island leading to the west coast fishing grounds. This work Both patients had undergone surgical operations. Former Calgary Lethbridge, Calgary and passing on into Moose Jaw and south Saskatchewan. j Heavy snow was uccoinpunied by high winds antf sub-zero tcni-pe: atures. ! 51st Vancouver Traffic Death i:ehauge of l ists Reveals Mystery of I'.S. 2ith Division Chief e freezing conditions over ouvcr island and the lower mlaml tonight. ' Forecast ''"Hi coast region - Cloudy li widely scattered snow flur- He:inng Uivard evening. A Hiiuils overnight and Wed-fy morning. Cloudy Wed-lay afternoon. Colder. Winds Unvt 1 35 1 1 1) the exposed 'v "ear the Queen Charlottes ! northwest (20 along the iiiland, decreasing to light loin lows tonight and highs ilnesilay at Port Hardy and lit. 25 and 35; at Prince i'Tt. 20 and 32. NATIVE MUSIC would eliminate dangerous rocks MUNSAN r - It. was reported VANCOUVER - Vancouver had l(Klay Ulil. (ho n.s. ,lf Communi.st ' IU fifty-first traffic fatality of prS.mor!, i t.l,P Korean war, the year when Herbert Flcisch- iunu,d ovcr Communists toman, aged 24. died on his way to Uniicd Nations today Includes. Member Passes CALGARY if' A. L. Smith, K.C.. aged 05, former Progressive Conservative member of the House of Commons for Calgary W st. died Monday night. Mr Kmit.h died in hosnital of in mid-channel MONTREAL Vh West Indian students at McGill University staged their own concert in aid . Priests Head For Outposts Roman Catholic Church will A Suggestion that the radio beacon at Dead Tree Point be moved to Lawn Hill Point where hospital alter oemg si,rucK Dy a lh0 nume of Major General Wit- poor visibility on car during ttingsway. of the Jamaican hurricane relief having fine, sunny, calm weath-fund, featuring colorful calypso er although ice conditions at music In a Cariobean setting with j various district points were pie-authentic costumes of tire stu-j venting the other local air line dents' native lands. I QCA from taking off. liain F. Dean, lost commander of the United States Twenty-, Fourth Division. a ce; ebral hemorrhage. His phys- j it would be more effective is also ician said the attack was the j being forwarded. Dean has been missing since take care of its Ilock at outlying summation of illness that had Doints this Christmas season. forced him to resign his seat the fall of Taejon in July 1950 "Callousness- Father F. J Ravner. O.M.I.. is rli VOir- ' 1'inu : i .'Vi ". TODAY'S STOCKS Fantastic Lie It is also reported that Associated Press Photographer Frank Noel missing many months, Is a prisoner. Loggers Want BtCvurtrsy t. P. Johnston Co. Ltd.lM In a radio broadcast to his VANCOUVER American Standard .. .25 Bialorne 610 03 B R X constituents last night, E. T. Applewliaite. MP for Skeena, dubbed as "fantastic lies," suggestions of callousness of Cana-dan soldiers in the Koiean war. r- H , . V1 TORONTO Athona : .08 Aumaque 22 Beattle 19 Bevcourt 72 Buffalo Canadian ' .183i 'Consul. Smelters 179.00 Conwest 3.70 Donalda 53 Eldona .23 ',4 East Sullivan 9.15 I Elected during the 1945 gen- . , ,. , , ,. ., being dispatched to Kemano Bay MrK WB, vlpclkm, Smilh lnJected and will leave this week. J wjt alKi w.sdoni into many House Fat her T. J. McNamara, O.M.I., debates. He was succeeded by Is going to Stewart and will leave C. O. Nickle In a December 10 next Sunday. i by-election. United States Air Force Harnessing Atomic Energy Let Engine Contract WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) The Air Force announced Monday night that it has let a new contract for development of an atomic aircraft engine in what was described as another approach to finding a way to harness atomic power to flying. Pay Guarantee VANCOUVER CP A group of buckcrs and fullers Monday Indicated that they will press for ; guaranteed daily wage of $22 at Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress s 06 Cronin Babine 50 Giant Mascot 85 Indian Mines 25 Pend Oreille 8.95 Pioneer 2.00 Premier. Border . .33 Privateer , 08 Reeves McDonald ........ 6.00 the annual convention next month of the International As an example to the contrary, Mr. Applewliaite cited the case of one Canadian unit whose men had put up $1000 for a Korean orphanage. Mr. Applewliaite. who recently visitod the Korean front, assured relatives of the high morale, good health and spirits and fine "lough"' physical form of the Cunadian soldiers. Mrs. Applewliaite also spoke on the same broadcast. Giant Yellowknife God's Lake .... Hardrock Harrieana Heva ."fiV.-. . 1 M " i ..... x '.. '.J .103'4 .36 i .13 .08 10',i .45 .04 Reno Woodworkers of America. At the present time the fallers' and buckers' only guarantee is two hours' call time pay. Jolict Quebec Little Long Lac 76 They estimate they earn ubout $25 a day under favorable conditions. Fallers and buckers work on contract basis and are paid on ,i piecework rating. The contract was awarded to Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Corporation of East Hartford, Connecticut. Last March the Atomic Energy Commission announced it had authorized negotiation of a contract with a General Electric Co. division "for further development of a nuclear reactor for aircraft." Twenty-Eight ! Days To Get Back .on Job VANCOUVER.- The men who left the Torbrit silver mine at Sheep Creek 1.70 Silbak Premier 63 Taku River .08 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold . .01 Vi Spud Valley 17 Silver Standard 2.50 Western Uranium 4.25 Oils Anglo Canadian 8.95 A P Con t .65 Calmont 1.65 Central Ledifc 2.60 Home Oil ; 17.80 Mercury 22 Okalta 3.40 Royal Canadian .20 ft Lynx -..mi Madsen Red Lake 2.20 McKenzie Red Lake 45 Mc.Leod Cockshutt 2.98 Moneta .35 ' Noranda .80. Louvicourt ' .33 Pickle Crow 1.69 San Antonio 2.65 Senator Rouyn 16 Sherrit Gordon 3.95 Steep Rock 6.85 Silver Miller ' 1.35 Upper Canada 1.64 Brazilian Train Wreck Toll 53 RIO DE JANEIRO The death toll from yesterday's passenger train derailment near Fortaleza rose to 53 today. Nearly 200 were injured, fifty seriously. 'J'R ACE KIN -Baron W. Rlchtofen, cousin of Baron von 1 '"' ''lolvn, German ace of the First Woi id War, has bought a farm N'is."ugawcya Township near Guelph, Ont. The 42-year-old ''"ii'i. recently arrived in Canada, is shown with his wife and ;u of the Imported trotting horses which he brought with him ,ru"i 'lis native Germany. He intends to bieed standard breds, '' 'spring of a famous trotter, King Harvester. The Rlchtofens n to construct a small training farm when they get settled. (CP PHOTO) TIDES - - Wednesday, December 19, 1951 High 5:12 18.0 feet 18:51 17.5 feet The reactor converts atomic Alice Arm when the strike was energy. called October 30 will be rehired The Air Force shrouded most Low 11:04 9.7 feet 23:25 6.3 feet should they report for work phrases of the development pro within 28 days. j grant in mystery, i