I'lirice Rupert Daily News Tuesday, December 18, 1351 ml.,.. .. " UtVfMu, J MlLtf Ilia i Establishing Proof of Age SHIPS anD WATERFRONT Population. """'Mi " COW ii run Would Look Into Dogfish-Herring Considerable increase In dogfish since collapse of the Vitamin A market two or three years ago prompted a resolution at the semi-unnual meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association at the end of the week asking that the Fish- Local Globe Trotters Saw Australia, Africa, Britain Back nearly a year to the day from a round-the-world cruise, Arthur Silversides, Prince Rupert pioneer, is back at his shop filling orders of cut plate glass. And he's made up his mind he won't wander i temperature "as nearing J. Anny started iu rk ' Southbound from various Alas- i ka ports and having also made a call at Stewart to pick up 500 tons of Silbak-Premier concen-; in1 Hhtheba,k optn.Vt' any more, tli ink a ' "Prtnep B. inert i .tin th kuui Everyone seemed to trates for delivery to smelten in the south, Frank Waterhouse freighter, Cassiar, Capt. William Glecson. was in port this morning to enter and clear and lvave SDOt." hp avers after conimrlns .Change as nrtuiu. "THE BOSS IS GOING Construction in Britain was New Station Contract Let BURNS LAKE C. J. Oliver Ltd . Vancouver, has been awarded contract, and work has nicely started on erection of a new station for the CNR here. Contract is valued at. approximately $70,000. Plans call for modern building with a frontage of 97 feet and a platform extending 800 feet. It will contain a -ticket office, large waiting room, express department, telegraph office, baggage department and living quarters lor the staff The frame superstructure be erected on pile foundations and concrete to grade. ; Win n completed, it will be the larjjrsi. CNR station between Prince Rupert and Jasper. i Essential obtaining the old iage security pension, for which people of Canada over 70 become eligible after January 1, is the proof of age. Presentation of , birth .certificates is the simplest :way but sometimes these cannot 'be found. ; There are other methods by which proof of age may be estab- i lished to the satisfaction of the authorities, including reference to baptismal certificates, marriage certificates, church records, passports and naturalisation documents, immigrant records, pension and superannuation records, employment records, educational documents, newspaper and magazine clippings, letters, photographs medical documents, public records, i military service records, homestead records, membership records, family Bibles and other private records or even census records. ! Looking More Like Christmas In the fast approaching Yule-tide season each day adds to the festive appearance of the city as merchants vie with each other in adding finishing touches to window displays and season's decorations. The "Christmassy" touch was added to the Court House and Post Office grounds when a group of Junior Chamber of Commerce members erected and decorated two full-size trees Sunday. Stu Furk was in charge of the working committee. M"anuliil the season's first snow to slay i'or any length is giving nature's touch to the picture and the weatherman predicts it will stay a little longer, forecasting cool temperatures. Last night's low of 19.1 degrees was this winter's coldest. off mail and express from the j north. The vessel proceeded toj Port Edward to load 24,000 gal- Ions of herring oil from Nelson Bros. Ltd. reduction plant. She will also call at Butedale to load ! fish meal. it with cities In such countries as Australia,' South Africa, England, the West Indies. Mr. and Mis. Silversides sailed from Vancouver for Australia on the first leg of their year-Ion;; cruise, leaving last December 17. A general condition they found everywhere was "lots of woric and not enough people to do it." TO GIVE US : CANADA'S MOST ENTERTAINING BOOK going full swing but it was hampered by both labor and material shortages. The war ruins they saw. Many were bring replaced by new, modern structures but many of the merchants, churches and others who lost their buildings during the "blitz" could not build. "There were signs saying 'We Ill rai k In Australia, for Instance, FOP A CHRISTMAS there 'ave the monW to bu'ld- but are signposts listing em- cannot do so under present gov ployment opportunities and ask PRESENT I" . 4 ernment restrictions limiting supplies'," Mr. Silversides para- ing for applications. 1 "Mnnpv seems to bp mudo ens ilv there, hut it's snent 1n.it. as phrased. . BOOKS OF , on SS Duiango. a fast." Mr Silversides found Aui- Sailing 1 1 ISLAND PIONEER Firl attempt at permanent sntlimcni in Newfoundland was made in 1610 by John Guay, merchant from Bristol. Holland's first train In 1835 trvciKitt l.om Ams'crdac. U. Haarlen., a distance .i it iiU-n i5 miiUites. f Royal Mail Lines luxury liner, the homeward bound couple touched at the Islands of the West Indies, then proceeded via tiie Panama Canal and to Vancouver. Mr. Silversides was bom In England. This was his first trip "back home" in 48 years. He tralians a people who live for ; today, spending most of their money on pleasure. I "We have Tun todaywho cares about tomorrow?" he quoted the "down-under" philosophy. Neither did there seem to be any unemployment problem in IN GAY HOLIDAY ENVELOPES GOOD ANYTIME THE YEAR ROUND AT FAM0UJ PLAYERS THEATRES FROM COAST-TOCOAST came to Prince Rupert in 1907, NOW ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE For information Phone 669 or Red 12 JlTi "XT' 1 DON'T FORGET THE CONCERT in Booth Memorial High School Auditorium Wednesday, Dcc.,19 at If p.m. hand si:i,i:cTio.s One-Art Hay "The Shock of His Life" AND VIM Al, NVMIW.KS Admission: Adults jr Sliidcnls 25c For a Boy's Christmas THE RUPERT ... MEN'S AND South Africa although condi- 0ne of the earliest pioneers here jtions, there have a two-fold in- ' still alive. fluence. Natives "the blacks" Aed a'bout the cost of living work for white men and do the m the three main countries menial labor Jobs. visited, he thought it was equal "There always seems to be to the Canadian height. Deval-work for them and they appear uation of the sterling bloc ex-content and happy." Meanwhile, change, of course, gave Ameri-: many opportunities exist for en- can dollar owners a ' decided tcrprising whites who want to advantage, but based on an In-work. The Silversides spent two come of pounds, living casts in months there, visiting the main Australia, South Africa and cities including the fabulously ; England "are about as high as publicized city of the diamonds, here." Johannesburg, "but it appears What about the food? ! ft Wahne , m j Holden Olson Iovejoy ju.st like any other lively city " 1 "Nothing wrong with the food it's just their rooks. But you get used to eating leather-after From South Africa, the globe trotters left for England, land TODAY to WEDNESDAY BOYS' STORE he summed up. : ,f;fit i i ing there in high gear time of , a while CAPIT0 SHOW'S 7 - 9:00 , 1 f I'lus- t'AKTOON - NKVV S A FAMOI'S IM.AVHIS Till - I 7 fi' ' Ll A TECHNICOLOR ROMANCE! FORMER STAR Of "SOUTH PACIFIC" SINGS HIS LOVE SONGS TO LANA Prince Ruperts Really Big Boys' Deportment ASK THE BOY-HE KNOWS M V ".w L loi LC iC In U mrm 4 f: x a mmmmu the Festival of Britain. LONDON CROWDS "Crowds? Never saw anything like it. Just a mass of moving people all the time." Describing the tourist crowded city of London, Mr. Silversides said that it was hard to find any type il accommodation in tin--least permanent. Two or three clays in one hotel, then move on to n n -oilier was the way the coii'ile silent their stay in the world's largest city, where 137.000 festival goers craned their nccKjS daily to see the sights. The Silversides were in England during King ticore's recent lung operation. "Yes. wc were part of the huge crowd that kept near Buckingham Palace during the opcra-i.i,n. waiting for the medical bullctjis. Most of the people were tourists." The visitors left just before the British election but they uric not surprised at the rc-q,ts when they " heard Ihrm on shipboard'. ; ' It sr-cmed a foregenr coll; lu-slon that Churchill wo-M w.n. X w ' ;' h : u , M ' M TOTE CATERJNG TO EVERY AGE BOYAND YOUTH TODAY to WEDNESDAY Eve. Shows 7-9 p.m. TAMOl S ri.AVf KSTIUl :i M IS SUITS SHIRTS JACKETS TIES SLACKS HATS SOCKS BELTS UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS , OVERCOATS SWEATERS WiNDBREAKERS ?ARKAS SPORTSWEAR GLOVES m u H B ill --rlrtigJi ffJhWJi'tfs t,ti, tsu : l s I Rupert Men s and Boys' Store I For information Phono 669 or Red 120 fUllT CUtXNICED WraP inn In- install, d mn,. I IT" 1 f "5. .'-. ONLYf .H.I I A "here, laken ny ()icr. ie on 25 or tyilc, AC. or Im:. Sue: 211' , 2I4" x 2 i". C kver lielf arranuc-mem given mnainK Morale spate. I ire tube uy. Smart. l-y tn elcun. Ideal for flaw, small kinhens, summer cm. lanes, rvareaiion ruunis, uttmt, Uhorittorics. I 11 If mar rr- c-j DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS I : i. i i ftA Commodore Cafe . ' jT" 4 git , SERVE C.I OItf.l. DAW Kb AUCTIONEER I'l.ini- ;ren XI) ami Ret! 127 RADIOS - APPLIANCES flL M )(tiUlj RECORDS liSJHTmx )iMsile Tnlem Theatre L-j VIC KERS7 S TniAMtrT 'I lie task of ;irm u ;i iu; ii lies-Ir.-i omlulors li.is in i n in.tdt-lilitcr iiMc MHticoiM- (lit .iiitrd U I he iilcn nf miking Ii.h.mis nl 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I his !r.i i us tli -nmiiin llint iilutiiiiiuin hull fiddle would lc ,1 lui lirlm r to lu rirouiid. Hut, Mire ennuli, siiini-Dlic liml llinulil nl ihni, tixi! Aliiiiiiiunii (i ii.iinK i ;ln. em the load feir Ims nl ienile' iIhhc dnys and in lnKnf Ti) mate mule nf this ni t.d availaliic Alian is nnli.iki-d on a furilirr luit-. lane i ,,,u. ninii iioyraniiiic wln'i h will run to a (uari(T of a Inlliou wuoy uit y Prince George KAILS Kon j Vancouver 5 , M JNSnnJ I '"- famous since 1750 .Mid liili-iiiii-di.ile 1'iirJj. s Each Thursday dollars. A I iii i ii ii in c: of Canada, Lid. (l( .in;. IK U)NDQN DRY GTnT at llrl.t ii.ni. fcr KETCHSKAN H I DNJiMlAV iMMIMt.ll l . Luxury ul Low (Jo.sl. j 3 J: 1 J5J f J ' ?', ' ') h j f I feAf I'll C ' jf t i CSiSLOil V , "vMl 3 jJ f I Ilk -oJ""- .. IB lyl. : ji''V----"''''.'.n.,l- ! Ot Mli DA I. - ARI9 rKM,..w.i..., t. Ik. 0'i.it"l Jocftm ft .John Vii kem etCnli IktOtilllKry . rulhaai . LONDON VICKEHV IONDON DRY GIN VAN( VAN(CMIVLIU-Vlcril)KIA CM VLIl VIC'IOKIA I. ii'ilJrnn ;i ii.ni. " llei-enilji-r M1i 2'. ','iinio.iiiii Ctuntwun Miiilnirdit. midniiilit D-erndjei I)"erndjei 2, 2, 10 10 and unci 30 30 Tne.viuy. 12 Noon ' '-'HinoKiin (.'amosiin l.l( I I AIIM. AMM. ,S .S I'L.V I;'.VAIt AIt r r AMI AMI I'CiltT PCIUT SIMPSON SIMPSON Sumlay, C'amo.'uui, 1 1 p.m. Ill NDHIII trl'I'.KN C IIAItl tmK ISLANDS U-'ei-nibcr 7 ami 21 ss. C'ii(!iii,liini nnrliil;l)l, ion soii i'M cji C II Al.l ()1 ; ISI.INDS x. -I'ofinii.lam Noveinlier :i(). Dee. 14 ami 28 mulnlnlit FRANK J. SKINM K Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 668 III Vi It liSlilltl ll tllldl 111 listlillltl k Kor Heseivulioiih Write or Cull LITV till DU'O'I CIKKK'K f'RJNCK JiUi'EK'i PC. t5 WELDING (.urn "mint C ertified ,, Olicrntins HiKh Pressure Tar.k.i Itel'riceratidn . Sl.uks and 1'ire Lseapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225Ht E. Phune Gr-en W 1,. w . This advertisement is not published or displayed by die Liquor Control Hord or by tlie Goverumcut of BriUh Coluinbi. Thii tdverliHment not publinhed or dia plyed by .J J'"' J I art lit Go.aramtiit oi nm-