BUY W5/ # % \S/ = %,, Vi Wings x, NO. 219. ATTLE LABOR MEN} OPPOSE SENDING ARMS TO SIBERIA ngshoremen’s Union refuses to allow longshoremen to load munitions for shipment to anti-Bolsheviks of . Siberia (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Sepl. 19.——Business agents of the longshore- , backed by the approval of the Central Labor Council iow the longshoremen to load a shipment of arms and local Seattle, ns u to Siberia. ents held that the handling of such material was in labor's pact embraced in the Peace Treaty. Labor rhe general view Of labor in the west has been against the roops or munitions to Siberia. EXHIBITION CLOSES THIS AFTERNOON TO ALLOW EVENING FUN The Exhibition closes this af ternoon at 4 and the hall will then be cleared the basketball match which takes place at 8 to be followed by the big masquer- RNITE KING RICH STRIKE Week at Usk and Gre Exhibited Here. for ne of the most ‘Interesting}ade carnival dance. ‘Luis will ples 0 e shown at the Ex-lelose the fair except for thos: tion is from a new striké} sports that are to be pulled off nly last week. This i8 iNitomorrow. Owing to weather Usk tion and is from the} conditions it was necessary to Kink” property OWR@d]} ynostpone the children’s sports jaxendale and Peters. They} yntil Saturday. been working on their prop . ping for the last two y a few days ago INTOXICANTS BRING «a six-foot lead of solid ite which carries 6C per cent This property five sand feet high on the Bornite PEOPLE BEFORE COURT In the police court this morn- lies vain just above the “widj ne before Magistrate McMordie, ry up. Fred Kitson was tined $10 for be- mot ich sample of gray|ing drunk. He also had to pay he costs of his transportation to the station while in his helpless condition, yer also from tue Usk diptrict ¢ to town a few days ago from Peerless’ group which liee | miles up Gola} Mrs. Lydia Parker, an Indian k. This showing consists of} vomman, was fined $10 for peing per cent copper Wim j druok, the man who did . res of silver to the ton. supplying, George Ness, was fined coming a very busy | $50. p these days between mining} E. bering and eighteen cars | charge week are being shipped out. he Kitselas Mountain Copper) paid. have concentrator on Tony Yoshida also appeared ground now and most of the| charged with doing bedily harm hinery is installed on tne} a fellow countryman. This is property. nvery- the man who was implicated in lg points to Usk taking an im.|the stabbing alfray of tWo even- tant place among the mining|ings ago. The victim is in the of the provinee. hospital as the result of a Knife annette wound in the back. The parties PED BOAT ser manly of sant RACE AT 5) RETAILERS ASK FOR hall HEARING ON PRICES ther Permitting, the Hydro- lanes and Other Varieties of (Special via 6. T. P. Space Eaters Will Toronto, Sept. 18. Be Out. EK. M. Trowern, of the Retail _ Merchants’ Association, has wired the attorney-general of Ontario ghteen Kmad appeared on the of not having’ a trade A fine of $25 had to be icense. their rdillera i] Telegraphs.) T the Weather Will allow the ed boat race is to be held this|demanding that the retailers be ee at 5. A number of|afforded an opportunity to be * are ready and it is expected|heard before prosecutions are re Will be Last night boat started under the Board of Com- merce order relating to sugar. NEW BANK OPENS AT TOWN OF STEWART Stewart now has a bank, The Bank of Montreal has opened branch in that town under the management of F.. W. Harvey. Che staf¥Y went in on Wednesday and opened for business yester- an exciting time, George Frizzell had out for a trial spin and “ seule _ have made great an " the wind. tLloweve! a : ot 18 the thing. The wd Oat is one that is keep- em all guessing and there e Others in th 1 Boing the ove winners, iat may E siniananiial ae Coal. The best. Prince Sal Company, Phone 15. progress of a town, and the Bank of Montreal is showing itself alive to the possibilities of this part o! the country. ; speaker at the opening of the ba Pair here, Sete nrnrnrnonrncns! Apply cee ees Ee JR, Mor Rev. Geo, H, Raley and party GAN LTD. were pessengers for the south on At the Prince George last evening Shipbuiiding Plant Rev. Mr. Raley was the chief PRINCE RUPERT, B, OU MASKED MEN Gagged Mail Clerk and Carried off Large Sum of Money. (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Quebec, Sept. 18.—Five masked nen bound and gagged the mail clerks on the Ocean Limited train on the Canadian Natiorial Railway ear Harlaka early this morning. they robbed the mail car of 875,- v in paper and silver which was bem shipped from Montreal to Halifax for the soldiers’ pay. ATTENDANCE AT FAIR WAS GOOD In Spite of Inclement Weather People Turned Out in Large Numbers. Yesterday there were 700 paic admissions to the sports and 9 to the exhibition building. This is nothing like as many as there would have been if the weather had been good, but it is a wondér fully good record considering the condition. In addition to. tne above there are the ticket holders arecord ofewhich not pear. Taken on the whole people have patronized the fair well. The takings have been nearly as good as last year, and this under the extremely unfavorable conditions. Possibly the one feature that has been of more interest to the fair than anything else has been the mining exhini., It is a splendid showing and wil! not only advertise the district well when it is sent on to New Westminster, but will also be good permanent exhibit when it is returned to this city. AIYANSH BAND ~ WINS THE PRIZE In Competition Yesterday is Ad- judged Better of Two Entering. does outstanain Yesterday afternoon the b competition took place in the wx- Aivansh and Greenville as con- testants. Great interest was taken ‘in the event and many gathered to hear the strains. The Greenville band was the first to take the stand and rendered the selection “Souvenir de Beetho- ven.” The Aiyansh group offered a rather simpler production in the overture “Stradella” and recgived great applause for its efforts. The judges decided that the honors should be carried eff by the \iyansh. The musicians who had the {tling of the matter were J.5. of this city, Dr. A. H. Bayne and Jim Peyton. The latter two are both very well known here in hie nusical cireles. ——$$__ —_—— BEST FAIR IN RUPERT F. W. Bohler Mas Exhibited at Every One and is Enthusiastic Over This One. Fr. W. Bohler, who this year captured most of the prizes in farm produce, says he considers his the best fair Prince Rupert has yet had, taken as a whole, te says that he has attended them exhibited at each. day. all and has The opening of a bank is one; This year certain summer con- f the important steps in the} ditions prevented the Terrace @X- hibit being as large as was ex pected it would be, but still it was the best showing at the fair. is very enthusiastic in regard to thing has been conducted See Mrs. Director demonstrate corset making at the Exhibition Buliding. 216 » FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1949. ROB A TRAIN ap-} bition Hall with the two bands, | SINCE THE BEGINNING tie | the exhibition and is pleased at the orderly way in which every-| —-— Asesqy] earvepertey THE DAILY NEWS JAP FISHERMAN PROBABLY LOST Went Out in Cold Storage Boat Which was Upset in the Storm. CRAFT PICKED UP BY “THE BROTHERS” \ fishing boat belonging to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Uo vas picked up yesterday upsid ydown with the sail set near Mel. ‘lle Island, close to South Dun- “das by the halibut boat Brothers. jit was brought in * yesterday be ay turned over to the owners. | Tfrere was nothing in the boat ) except a few plates and sma | Pleces of net and a coal oil can +Word has been received by t! |cold storage company that a Jap- anése boat puller left Haysport on Tuesday to fish outside, pro! lably in the neighborhood Porcher Island. That jlast heard of him. He had been | boat pulling for a returned sol- | diér who gave up the game two | weeks ago and since that time thy man had been fishing alone. FISHING BOATS BRING CATCHES |Good Prices Paid for Halibut; | Salmon in From North Island. | was the The following boats sold their eatches at the Fish Exchange this j}morning: Atli, 7,000; Wanderer, 19,000, and Nuba, 8,000, to the Royal Fish Company at 15 and cents. Brothers, 13,000; Hilda, 7,000, and Bringold, 7,000, to the Atlin Fisheries, Utd., at 14.60 and '6 cents. Star, 13,000; Lenor, 7,- 000, and Bartalome, 7,000, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid, at 14.60 and 6 cents. The Vienna, 8,000, to the Cold Stor- age at 14 and 6 cents. The Carruthers arrived with 40,000, the Kelly with 30,000 and the Foster with 10,000 that fish. The Zorra owned and operated by the Atlin Fisheries, Ltd., re- turned to port last evening after ‘a long absenee to North Isian She brought in about 6,000 Ibs, of salmon which were discharged j at the local plant this morning. aa but force Petlura London, Sept. 19.—Polish and have occupied the not attempting to recapture Kiev Brunswick, Wednesday between Sparticans Germany, Sept. SAILORS STARVING ON SCHOONER WHEN SHE REACHED PORT (Special via 6. T.). Tetewraphs.) San Franciseo, Sept. 18.—With the crew weakened from lack of food, the W. F. Jewell arvived 164 days out fr Half a a cup of water each day had been topmast carried away and four-masted schooner om Sidney. sea biscuit and the ration for the last few weeks of the the vessel. When two weeks out from Aus- tralia a terrifie storm struck her voyage of stricken BOLSHEVIK FORCES? GAINS AND LOSSES Driven to North Bank of Dvina by Poles, forces in and this was followed by calms. She put into the Marshal Islands for food but the people there were starving. LITTLE DANGER OF LABOR TROUBLES (Special via G. T.P. Telegraphs.) roronte, Sept. 18.—There is little danger of labor troubles among the railroad shopmen 6n Canadian railways, according to J. Clarke, schedule representative of the Canadian railroads for the union of boilermakers, the head- quarters of which are in Kansas ‘ity. Clarke is in Toronto to allay invest among railroad shopmen. ONLY HOPE LIES IN FOOTBALL GAMES ARE | Owing to the rain the football ltournament bas been postponed luntil next week. A match was Lo have been played last evening be- tween the Sons of England wid } Trail Club. lit has been decided to | the whole series of three luntil the weather becomes settic:4 jagain. Lt will still be held under Exhibition Association. set over Falite Secretary] Gray, of Smithers and formeslY | DRITE BABIES WERE CHOSEN THIS MORN SET FOR NEXT WEEK It was postponed, so} STRIKE SAY WORKERS —_—_—— - (Special via G.T. FP. Telegraphs.) | Pittsburg, Sept, 18.—The na- |tional committee for organizing the steel and iron workers de- clared that having failed to secure a conference with the United states Steel Corporation their only a strike. hope lay in ‘CORDON IS THROWN AROUND FIUME CIYT : (Special by G.T.P. Pelegrapas.) Paris, Sept. 19.—-There is now a military and naval cordon around Fiume and it is expected that the # Annunzio forces will The baby show held this morn-|surrender to the Italian Govern- ig resulted in the winning of two | prizes each by Baby Bettenuzzo jand Baby Weddell. They get first land second respectively both for lihe prettiest baby under one year and for the heaviest baby under lone year. For babies under two years the lsecond for the prettiest goes to |Herbert Chandler, The heaviest st prize was Billie Dunn and cond Sidney Reberts. ‘SPORT EVENTS FOR THIS AFTERNOON This afternoon at 2e'elock the Telkwa and Rupert ball teams staxted their match. The batter- for Telkwa were Green and for Rupert Astoria and Dravis, with Hearns umpire. Following the ball play there jwill be an Tndian football mateh | ples Lone; iwhile tonight the Anyox basket- ball team will meet the Rupert five, |" 4 | jment before long. 'ATLAS BRINGS CARGO DISTILLATE AND GAS The fuel oi! situation here has been relieved, The tanker Atlas has arrived with a full cargo of distillate and gasoline from loco and fishermen and others will now be able to supply all their needs. She brought the cargo from loco near Vancouver, where the Lmperial Oil refinery is lo- rated. | At the Grand Trunk wharf to- day there is tied up a seow on which there is a big gasoline- driven concrete mixer, The seow is for the work on the lighthouse at Triple Island which is being built by J, H, Hilditeh,. The boat is ready to tow the load out as soon as fine weather outside per. iits. A lot of reinforeing iron ts | included in the load, TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep , 107 Avenu« M. H. LARGE | out of Radomysl; German Spartacans clash with Government Troops (Special to The News via 4. T. P. Telegrapns.) Russia have driven the Bolsheviki to the northern bank of the Dvina River as far as Disna Korohtenshtop front. have forced General Petlura out of Radomsyl, but apparently are The Bolsheviki itself. i9.—Clashes occurred here on and Government troops, during which there was sporadic shooting in the streets. RUPERT WINS BALL GAME Beats Anyox to Tune of 6 to 2 in Game Vesterday After- noon. In the baseball game yesterday between the Anvox eam and the local nine, the home boys were victorious to the tune f 6 to 2. Rupert got well away in the first innings and at. the beginning of the fifth stood 5 to i. A terrible state of affairs was saved here as there were three -uen on bases and Tinetti to bat. Frank knocked a nice little tty which was gobbied right up by the man tending the third sack ind the whole side passed out. In the fifth, piteher Daly for the smelter men knocked a clean home run over the rock pile which vrought them up another point. However the Rupert boys were not kept back and they aauex inother run before the finish. Rupert—Dravis, Anderson, Day, Nementson, Tinetti, Hardy, As- toria, Menzie-and Henning. Anyox—Mattix, Greenwell, Me- Dougall, Lusky, Cody, Nat Tinetti, Daly, MeGeer and Stephens. FOOD RIOTS IN BERLIN Troops are Called in to Maintain Order After Clashes With Civil Authority. iffternoon to be (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) London, Sept. 19-—Food riots have been occurring in Bertin, cceording to despatches received here. There have been clashes ith the civil authorities and the military has been summoned to naintain order. There is a con- iderable shortage of food sup- lies in the German capital. WES™°LME. Wallace Reid “THE DUB” Continuous performance until 11 p.m. Two Shows - 7 and 9.15 Admission, 35c and 15c EMPESS New Show Tonight OLIVE THOMAS “LIMOUSINE LIFE” Tra Eriwope The Creat Houdin' in The Master Mystery’ Admission 15 80 cents Two Shows, is and 8. Pe OR ee lg is wr