llO 11 B representation of a iviW. -o'VUi i fl 1-,'nnore ' 'i the last century. I ' ' Every member of Uw cast was p -W : ... mine rujeri iuny ic.- Monday, May 14, l'JSl II ip pit ml I cJ-a!e lea prolonged the play to a latei 1 hour and the fine work of the Injured Logger Is Flown Here Call 363 T OK BETTER ... Planning Building or Repairing t ake The production pianist, Mrs. Fred Beach, made . ..n;n'B iiuf-' the abi'ncp Of fln nrfhsul ra un it ann uiu"o ......v... uii- f Malcolm Elder, 31, Prince Ru Pinafore at me m-;lows. " "Qi jll by the Burns Lake! sir Joseph Porteri jj.c.B , Hugh (1,,-w a crow that over- j Taylor. e big hall on Friday j Captain Corcoran. Jack Brown I demanded a repeat) Ralph Rakestraw, Bill Mum- pert logger, was liown in io Prirfce Rupert General Hospital from Khutzeymateen Inlet Saturday afternoon with multiple I V'M' J j I ,Ji! fractures and torn muscles of on tne ionowing . j- . ...... in ftlluH mt4 (Via tho Dick Dead-Eve V uPhu . his left leg. .Kn agu." iu Employed, in Columbia Cellu i hiM H'lvfirtiwment js not published or dfplaved bv tlie l,irUnr (.niit.rol lfcmrtl or ly thl ( mvfmrm-ut ol liritisli Coluiiiliiu. . 4.aoity. A:.rt;r tt?ck and the lose Ccmpany woods operation, Elder was reported working on by the clever conduc- a frame when the butt end of a log crushed his leg. For Action Advertise Bus'n, Reg Drayson. Josephine, L. Drayson. Lllt'.e Butterfly, M. Hoxwll. Hebe, J. Thornber. Eailrrs, Sisters, Cousins and Aunts A. Atkinson, T. Taylor, E. Muttrass, Y. Sheehan, R. Robinson,. Euni.-e Patterson, E. Harrison, J, McPhee, Elsie Everett, H Williams, and V. Raul.' fiwell. H was a historic Queen Charlotte Air Lines ar 7 fX1 " ' W rived shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday with medical. as.-istan:e. The injured man is 'doin,; MITCHELL & CURR1E iiainru ; Kuildi-i & Contractor REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353.- 3rd Ave. W. IS LOOE, Cornwall, England (CP) -The cobbled streets of this town are to be filled with concrete because high-heeled shoes sometimes get wedged between the stones. CPORT OHOTS II II. ii yuu want ui fen .t. advert. Sir Thomas Lipton, one-time BF.Goodrich I NN.A WINNERS Top1 Canadian newspaper m;n received the National Newspaper Awards in pronto Saturday. These seven men got $400 ch jques for I9i0 achievements. Back row, left to right, are: K;n MacTaggart, Toronto Olobe and Mail, for soot news recoiling; J. G. Reidford, Montreal Star, cartoens; Peter Inglis, Southam News Services, staff corresponding; John McLean Toronto Telegram, feature photography; Front row: Edgar A. Collard, Montreal Gaartte ec.ltur.xs; L. M. McKechnie, Toronto Telegram, features; Harry Befus, Canary-Herald spot photography. , (CP PHOTO I ; errand boy who became a mer- chant prince and great was elected a member, of ,the exclusive Royal Yacht Squ'a citron In England 20 years ago. The ! honor was in recognition of his gallant but unsuccessful attempts i to win the America s Cup with his great yachts. Sir Thomas cm, Wherever yow go there's a RE Goodrich dealer ; who wilt show you that , ; the way to longer ; tire life Is with " t ? f. a i: -5fZZ.Va!leyfield died later in the same year, 1931. Terrace Hotel Changes Hands SUNDAY 654 Cup Winner National Brooklyn 12, Boston 6. Cincinnati 7-6, St. Louis 2-3, TERRACE. The Terrace Ho International women's basketball supremacy was retained by Percy Page's Edmonton Orads when they won their third straight game over Wichita Drive in wrtr you thi 'ign I Pittsburgh 2-0, Chicago 1-6. tel has changed hands again. Peter Mutie, owner for the pi-st TORONTO Valleyfield Yo.k 11-4. Philadelnhi.il ...... New three years, has sold out to A rnmstons at Edmonton 15 years 2-2. ago. Holders of the Challenge I , araves wo nlne Canadian major American I hockey championship Saturday A (omily tn routt to Eiqulr Hod lire troubl ond stopped to tnquir Soid The I F G Mem: "I'll help and I con )Afny 90 on? . Hvre'i th place to rtiire1 Kadatz and asioeiates of Po.-t 5f 0t ,10J, ifhiBtort ! I n!ht- creating Toronto St. Aiberni who will take ever about inl ii not publithid f diiptayfld by jnigl BmI t by Hm Govrmacrt Trophy since 1923. Grails settled the issue with a 46-25 win in thai final Bame. ....m. -a, irw Micnaei s Monarcns 4 tn l. Uu. a tt. n. ,v, , - i UliC CilU ttL fcl.C IllUlilll 1V11. 4-8. l Second Bame cuutu -ii iiu Brave eanturpri a tota j w.i. point series eleven to live. They couver to make their future Longer mileage, tufeiy, com fort, eronomy ihrw. art uilvunia(te yon wnl eight innings by Sunday cur-fewj St. Louis 13-3, Detroit 10-5. Cleveland 11-4. Chicago 2-4. tcos three games, hist two and home, tied one. . , f frora the Urei you buy. And they are tliingf you get with B.F. Goodrich. By equipping your car with B.F.C.'e, you obtain all the henHiu of B.F. CoouVUh The Alexander Cup, put on the f, rdga!ai d thU ye for the first time research and manufacturing skill that keeps the tin me B. F. Goodrich "First in Rubber' Cleaner Cutting Saws nJ ft f J'f2.Zt catch trainj Atk your friendly B. F. Goodrich Dealer to how you the new Silvertoun Tires fimoni B.F.G. Seal-o-malic Safety Tu)es that seal pun c turn as you ri4et was presented to the champions after the Ram by George Dudley, secretary-manager of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Associa ticn. t Your uwi will rut etenner truer, faster wrwn filed on jSjiw Dur precision mtM'hine. Quick Ttl-jT wrvice on all typ of tut, I. -Hrin your Fawn in tdy. W Oil aw retoutiifd. il FRCISIGN SAW FILTNG, The main fingerprint section at Scotland Yajd, London, contains more than 1,000,000 sets of prints. I i:i 15 PIGGOTT PLACE I Box 1011 Station B. . (Leave at Bus Terminal) THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT ft IN NORTHERN B.C. jjj j Wrstern International Vancouver 8-12, TriCrty 12-10. Tacoma 4-11, Yakima Q-ll Victoria C-2, Wenatchee 4-4. Salem a Spokane 12. (Second game postponed, wet grounds.) Pacific Coast Oakland 6-4, Portland 0-3. Las Angeles D-2, Seattle 1-4. Sacramento 3-13, San Francisco 4-7. San Diejo 5-9, Holly woad 6-11. " SATURDAY ' j National .- Chicago 8. Pittsburgh 4. Philadelphia (i, New York 5 (10 innings). . . -. St. Louis 2-8, Cincinnati 7-6. Brooklyn 5, Boston & (called , , , , 1 .. ; j , f -, r - k. ....... ' S f t I " I kO fAN from... ,. I FIRE MOTHS THEFT 1 - - m become -T 1 SAFETY FURS- " IN ... . 'in 13th Inning, curfewi. American New York 8, Philadelphia 4. ; -Detroit 5, St. Louis 2. i Cleveland 2, Chicago 3. - Boston 4, Washington 5. Western International Salem 8, Spokane 4. Vancouver 8, TriCity 5. Victoria 2, Wenatchee 1. Ta-coma 0, Yakima 1 (11 in-l ningai I Pacific Coast Los Angeles 7, Seattle 3. San Diego 3, Hollywood 4 (10 ' innings). ;. Oakland 4, Portland 5 (11 innings). -j. Sacramento 11, San Fran- ! eisco 4. L SCUBY'S FUR VAULT f ANlNO GLAZING REPAIR J5 REMODELINQ Commissioned Officers in the Canadian Army Active Force Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE Town Customers Rhln ITvm-o aFnl1u Tnc.irnrl .... v - "'w.- ";si av.k.' ..... i : . j ff ' " --HmW . ' . ' v. -r- - THEY PAY OFF Young men recently graduated from High School wirh 9 minimum piluiviriiil cml-..1 AC 1 EASY IT'S PROFITABLE ;V f'S.'WJ Junior Matriculation may become 'officers in To Use the Canadian Army Active Force. )AILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form If accepted you begin training at Camp Borden as an officer cadet to tjualify as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Force. You will receive Second Lieutenant's pay while in training. This training will consist of three courses totalling a period of twenty-eight weeks. When you are granted a commission you will then serve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose under the Short Service Commission Plan. At the end of this service you may apply for a permanent commission. The first group will start training 21st May 1951 and subsequent groups will enter each fortnight. This is a chance to serve Canada at a time when defence stands a. most important national concern. The training and experience in will be invaluable leadership assets to any young man throughout his whole life. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST BE: 0 Single O Physically Fit Bttwevn 18 and 25 years of age O A Junior Matriculation Graduate A Canadian or ether British Subject 7 wrlflng to; fer of Times Enclosed Please hnd per apply; Six word per inserriorv e.g. Number of words 25; cost, , 75c. insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c. J . 1 Ne.P.r.onn..DePo.,4050W...rourthAv... . D.po. 4050 W. fourth Av... I I VANCOUVER, B.C. . .,f 5 V ' 1 I U I f. . - Ah- s . 7"V jAa. . .Jet, -.-.ua.. JI I ' i ss Phone No I" H Trained United Strength is needed to prevent Aggression I