, faction has been known to hast- j er. improvements but this is he- coming a thing of the pas. All H R f AT I Drift I Prince Rupert Daily News -jV f-'aA5en(jerA As 1 See It Cancolim To Arctic Wednesday, July U, 1951 -- British Columbia realizes there , is a Skwna Highway and the day i is coming when All Canada w ill see in it one of the ; :'tion's i fi'.lest drives. ray.. Reflects and Remin sees V An Independent dally newspaper Cevoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. .Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations From Vancouver (Tuesday G. Kelly, H. Harrison, J. Sinclair, L. C. Roltyzelle, H. Gonlk, H , Banr'tt, J. Barber, Mrs. B. Hall, Miss Hall, W. O. Thoir.pson, O bani 'i.s, J. 11. Shrialierg. Krnm Sumlspit (Tuesday) A. more 6 y, i " t - - ti mJ OUGHT TO KNOW! It has been suggested oversea? that if red coats ww.' restored A strange ship with as strange a crew is on its way northward from Vancouver and may call at Frincfc Rupert. It is headed for the Arctic to Tuktoyaktuk, a small Eskimo village port near j , Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, .wm $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8 00 qt STALLING AROUND to all regiments of the British! in the Correspondents were - I JL-L . Army, it might have a stimulating effect, alike on soldiers and civilian Were Buonaparte asked the mouth of the McKenzle 'neighborhood of where peace River. 1 prospects are under discussion in Home-made Coffee? RELIEF First mate on tne northern Korea but this did nut mean any -..-.r -....m T.vrw, Vanonuvar mrtrr vonl .; .., t a 1 r onrt , auuiu it, uc wuuiu -..-..v..., from hay rmi M VVIfr, IS INU1 Wi;,: 7." ' kn to share in the opinion Kryv.iiki, Misses B. and B Gut-ije, B. McKay, A. T. Lasli-rmir, 11. Oiey. To Vancouver (Tuesday A. W. Mi-Oiire. V. A. Stevenson, Ong Let. K. D. Kitchen. To isantlniitH. Mc-Lellan. To Vancouver itixiayi S. Br(.nk! T. A. V. Tremblay, R. Edwards. R. J. Cooper, R. S. Smi'li, J. Ewart. M. Anderson, J. Matthews, R. T. Harmon. L. sure that she likes me ; 0f Mrs. F. Barber, of Prince Ru-1 own efforts and 'gumption,' or ASTHMA Inhala the ootliing hn vaporf of KelloKR'i Awhn,' People lose wallets and turn to the classified columns, which offer as good a chance of recovery as anything else, if not they would not be correspondents. They stall around and later on are handed communi-oues which aren't news. If they tteiier nreatnin bounding out of bed these Prt- " ... . , , , .fe The expedition is a project of mornings to get the ! the Defence Research Board of breakfast for the early-; c,ana? and the crew is a com- . . 1 tlnatioa of scientists. The Can- j. ! riSing half of our iamily."coijm, belonging to the Canadian For I've been putting in the j Can Co. and well known in coast bttter. It's easy to lose a walet eri any handier to Moscow, all I would be charged with espionage j when you're always in a hurry. , Chrlstophi rson. Mr. Movrto, T. ,.nrt iv .n ten vrars .n clink And ! and trying trying 10 OO nan a dozen c. nui.iirin.ru, n. o. napier. M. niuiv im wiiuBiifliurai. t Bring ffctive relid , J chronic Athma and Hay ttl uffereri. Over 60 yean, i Available in cigarette form, i! o, 1 ired Ak your nett'nt I NODTHIOP i IYMANCO lTD.,TQon.F different things at the same In Sunit.spit (today) A. time. There are such folks. . McLean. old-time tour heaping measures waters, is a company service vet, some cheerful souls fancy of coffee and with coffee well j vessel, and has been refitted to tne newspaper business. over a dollar a pound, that's no j weather Arctic ice and storms in joke! j the Beaufort Sea. Staging a July snowstorm em So maybe I'll borrow one lii-j Skipper is Tom Manning, a tn opening day, Monday the tie leaf out of Gandhi's bis zoologist , and . the chief engineer. ! ninth, Calgary's stampede dia- U-.AI T - J iun4 nU! Jl-J a. a 11 ml- BS. 1994 it t. uuur.. i irau umi u.iuiu uiu ( is a geograpner L-urc aaerrea. ie , tinctiy outclasses eveiylliuii? in the way of legitimate many of the chores around his ; other seafaring scientists who are farm colony in South Africa, j taking on tht work of deckhands Amongst other things, he quit include a biologist, two oceano- graphers and a glaciologist. CAN THIS BE SO? Prince Rupert visitors to Vic- Barber, who attended Borden using coffee and made a substitute by roasting or baking the grains of wheat. I have a vague recollection Street and Booth Memorial High , torja gay tourists and others Sihrtn! here, ioind the Roval ! Ar.mnioin nK.,t nfa ni't Taking a trip? Leave worry behind XhrSZa I Canadian Naval Fishermen's Re- ng i the provincial capital eS ;erve in 1938 and during U,e war "ut are less certain where hoteis Can tcl .nv Le a time mmanded are concerned This is something us about Ji UkZl"1 fishing vessels on Commencing with climate. do you u go about it? What kind coast. Victoria Is supposed to be above Mis. Barber expects her son ' criticism so long as it's praise. PORTRAITS Films Developed ant! Va:. PKOM.PT' fcEKViCi CHANDLERS STiDl 210-4th Street B Phone Green 3i:9 Prince Rupert of wheat do you use? How d J you bake or roast it in the oven? What does the resultant brew taste, like? City Streets IT IS rather disturbing to have the city council abandon the much needed program of street paving this year because crushed gravel is in short supply and it does not choose to quarrel with the provincial government over the limited amount available. ' We look at these sunny days we have been having for so long now and think of how auspicious the weather has been for just such work as this on our badly-beaten-up streets. It may be a valid enough excuse the city may have for the failure to carry on more street improvement work this summer. Nevertheless, it is not going to rest very lightly with the long-suffering street travellers whose patience is being sorely tried at continued failure, from one reason or another, to get things done. Frustrated as the citizens may feel, there is little use in recriminating about the fact that the provincial government has decided to do this year the hard surfacing to Port Edward that it promised and should have done two years ago or about the city also not carrying out more work during the past couple of years. It is maddening that both the government and the city should be needing the gravel at the same time now and that there is not enough to go around for both that it is now a case of choosing between the paving of the highway to industrial Port Edward and doing badly needed work of such nature in the city. About the only thing we can suggest now is that something be done without delay to ensure that such a situation does not arise again in another year. We are going to need lots of material for street ?.nd road work. Why not get organized and equipped to produce it? When Do Wars End? may call in at frince ttuperi in a 1-w days on the Arctic-bound SEE IT AT LAST ...carry Travellers Cheques Sold at all branches THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA You can bank on th "Royal" incolim. Until years had passed, alleg-: zrr. c$ news concernine the new - rr. : river road up north appeared cr: I badly mixed. It &?emed next to ; j Impossible to ge a story straight. Yarns kept circulating in the i rr HERE'S A IrtEE TIP FOR the Department of Finance or the Bank of Canada: If you have to sell any more War Bonds, how about making Clergy Should -Ci r 1 yuuniieu jicuiii t;of Refrigeration and them redeemable in dozens of Remain Single WOLVERHAMPTON, England fT'rn-vmpn ehnulrt marrv for south that there was no Skeena j sr Highway when, as a matter of fact there was. Even when j eggs, or bags of sugar, or Hour, and not in phony money? Pipe Welders All Certified Operator-We build Slacks, Fin Here along the same line u a question for our MP's and cabi- ministers j money unIess tney have a plivatc true, beyond the faintest doubt or uncertainty li was admitted in a grudging way. Chronic dlssatis- ; Escapes and Tanks all wi net income, says Rev. Wilfred Ellis, You are going to have a spe 60-year-old bachelor vicar of St George's Anglican Church here INUUdlillALl cial session of Parliament in October to put through a bet- a n on.:.. After visiting his old theolo id uiu nBe return rw.i. l.,ai trotlr,. ,.nlV. anrt finri- W W mm mm 4 VV is to be on an All Put In And . ,;'r ,..K All Take Out basis. That prin- i K5-lstF. Phone f.rwnff ciple is sound. ing the library lined with baby carriages belonging to student priests, Ellis wrote in his parish magazine: "I think the clergy marry un! wisely and too soon. The funds of the church are for pastoral work and will never suffice to maintain a social position or an expensive education for But have you considered the question of stable money? Suppose a persons pays in to the fund for a whole working lite-time -say from 1G years till 70 years. Suppose during most oi that time coffee is worth about PLUMBING and TRUCK PARTS NEED DUAL DRIVES? 6tt Bogle and Trnifxfer ('ate IMt.KVU'IOVW. - (iVIC-lflAM. T Truck Motors ull kinds. Transmissions Wineries, Hoists. Springs. Axles, etc., etc. Buy With Confidence Save Time and Money Order by Mall or Telephone LA. T200 Credit Terms 11 Desired . HKATTI.K TRICK 1IKAIM11 AKTPRS K. Muritlii.tl Kay HeiiUle, ViutliiiiKtoii NOTICE - - PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby Riven, that by regulation 8 dated July 10, 1951, pursuant to Section 30 of th "Highway Act'" and as amended by Bill 84, Section 3, 1951, the Northern Trans-Provincial Highway No. 10 from Prinze Rupert city limits to Galloway Rapids biid(;e, and the Port Edward Road from Galloway Rapids bridge to Port Edward townslte, is hereby restricts to a maximum speed limit of 30 M P H. vntil such Wilis as El! eor.s'r'K'Mon operations are completed. L. E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer. Prince Rupert, B.C. - ' July 10, 1951 By authority of the, , , Mini..ter of Public Works. 164 50 cents a pound, and wheat around a doilar and a half per bushel. Then suppose .when,. the time comes to draw out the pen , Mi. Ellis says that most priests would be better parsons if they remained single. Married, their sion, government policies cause the real value of the dollar to ova'.ties are divided between he Arm - i ' '' ' The Reliable and h ' Prompt Service ; You Know slump to-one-half tor one-thirdi fomily and church, unless they Its former value. 'V JJi.l lhave private means. ! tf Is that not cheating of the most mean sort? Ellis, who has a private income, is not interested in matrimony j for himself. "I'm happy as I am, sharing a CANADA has officially ended her war with Germany which commenced in September'1939. Many might have had the notion that the war finished back in 1945; But it didn't wind up until last Monday. Canada has a fight on in Korea. Some refuse to call it a war but they do this because they have' not yet taken part in it. Let us all pray it won't be DON'T THINK THIS CAN'T happen in the future. . It Is happening 'right at this home with a bachelor curate, he said. "Yet. there a wemen PHONE 1 J Kor Repairs anil Allmli'j I11U111C111,. illCiC U'C ICllS Mil. . . t. ,m,Jn, , 1 . Ill illy )jai idii wuu oliii ivuotuci thousands of Canadians- me marriageable." roaders, civil servants, and peo lellrl P.O. lnx Z'i j ple who purchased annuities who are receiving dollars worth less than half the actual dollars they paid into their contributory superannuation funds. If this were simply due to some natural catastrophe it LETTERBOX INTERIOR FISHING LAKES Editor, Dally News: A point I would like to draw would be -bad enough. But it is not. It is due to results of de to your attention is that Burns Lake like Prinirs RuDert. although Vacation Cars liberate government policy. on a smaller scale, is forging PERHAPS I S.HOULD SAY IT j ahead. The followina mid-Dase Make cooking a picnic with. . . 11 years before Canada and the Communists agree the war is really over. The Lowly Spud TO BE diverted for a moment from less serious affairs, the Cincinnati Inquirer calls attention to a problem of mounting importance. It understands that the mashed potato is fast losing popularity. Not only that, but potatoes in general seem to be losing ground. They're frowned upon by men and women of pudgy proportions' and by others who, striving against time and appetite, are trying to retain their svelte contours. "What will the" nation do," asks the Inquirer with alarm, "when, suddenly some fine morning, we. 15, June 11 issue of the Daily News, was drawn to my attention. Caption: "Hunting and Fishing." "Rainbow trout are found more is due to deliberate Bank of Canada policy for more often thant not it is the Bank of Canada which makes government policy rather than the govern- i t TWO 1950 FORDOR in the Interior, 'especially ' in the A.V1aU rHnlrn- nntln.. I .ci.!, vniiw! i" yui.j iu small lakes surrounding Bablne ' Dan't. lolro oust nf Kmirhpra" i lie wnuie pi uueas la uie iiegii' Babine Lake, 100 miles long, Is 1 1 iccWftfsy Low mileW j TWO 1950 rORD PREFECTS 3,500 miles A-1 Shape Ready lo Go Bob Parker It conected to Burns Lake by an excellent highway 22. miles in length. A passable fair road goes In from Topley to Babine, 30 miles west of Burns Lake. These are the only two means of road access to Babine. Your "small lakes" are, I suppose: Fulton, 10 miles long; Augler, 11; Pinkut, 8; Taltapin, 12. tion of democracy. The theory of Responsible Government, which Canadians fought for and won from 1837 till 1867, was that the decisions which vitally affect the people are made by representatives elected by, and responsible to, the people. The average MP, even most cabinet 'ministers, do not even know what the Bank of CanatJ Is doing. Here is the best proof: waken to find roast beef and mashed potatoes 5 ELECTRICITY! ricken from every menu?" The paper is out to organize a society to be known as Re-establishment If any political party were to Burns Lake has always "insisted that Prince Rupert, is the natural outlet for Central British Columbia. It could have been come out for a direct capital FORI) 1 MONARCH DE.Utf, and Preservation of the Mashed Potato with Steak and Gravy Benevolent Association. The goal will be mashed potatoes every day, fried potatoes for breakfast and bigger spuds on dining cars. Let the chips potato chips fall where they may. Who cares? levy, or confiscation of money of the .millionaires, it would be Prince Rupert, B.C. It's cool . . . It's fast . . . It's clean . . . It' economical . . . to cook with electrical appliances. Switch on there's your heat. Switch off the heat's gone! It's a wonderful convenience. And you get wonderful results, for electric heat is always uniform. Be sure to see the large assortment of electric cooking appliances to fit every household's needs. Electric Rongette Onc-piere porcelain topi. Automatic control. Lifetime Fiherglas insulation. No special wiring just plug in. in order to mention. Burns Lake 14 miles long; Decker Lake, 9; Tchesinkut, 12; Francois, 80; Obtsa, 40; Eutsuk, 75; Uncha, 9; Whitesall, 30. These and many small lakes are excellent fishing lakes, all in our vicinity. As Prince George began to expand, it became somewhat insular for a while but has changed. branded as Communist or worse. But the Bank of Canada policies are, in fact, cheating the housewife by paying off the husband in debased money. We already have a capital levy but it falls not on the rich but on the Old Age pensioners, retired school teachers. Scripture faddage for JoJaij i 1 S THE BEST, -Ps. 100:2 "Be ye sure that the Lord he Is God."- -ui We expect better things of Prince clergymen and civil servants who gave their whole lives, at poor pay, tp the service of this jand. Rupert. I WALTER WILSON ' Burns Lake. Index el Canadian Industrial Activity (193 100) RoclStt)lOvli Gives all the advantages of modern electric oven cooking. Roasts meat or fowl . . . btkat cakes and paitrie. . It' 4 If it has to do with RADIOS, PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS or REPAIRS See Us 1(0 1(0 p. Craftsmanshii 70 170 Electric Hot Plates Plug-in types or for permanent installation, single-heat or three-heat swinhet. In Type.. Let Us Solve 160 160 Your Printing ProlM . . ' 1949 ...... 1950 ; tojt I- . J , f - ' ' ' I I I I I I III PHONE 234 RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC ISO Dibb Printing K 140 140 Phone 644 P.O. Box 1279 313 3rd Ave, W. liESNER BLOCK M