Prince Kupfcf r Doiiy 'New. WediicMiuy. July 11, 1961 National's Seining Has Light Start nr. Sixth in Crack Marksmen At Bisky Meet BISLEY CAMP, England (CP) Sugar Ray Dethroned English Fight Heiuttw Multll Chump In Auuuiug I iuvt LONDON fc In one of Uw niiteti amazing upsets In the pugilistic world in twenty-five years. Randy Tuipin, 23-year-old English fight -r, won the world's miiMleweighl tilv last niwht, outpointing the champion, Sueur Ray Kubinson. ; Despite the development of au-! tomalic weapons the expert ritle i shot still has an important place i In modern warfare. That's why I picked marksmen of armed j lorces from all over the Coin-j monwealth and Empire are here j for the big Bisley Camp meeting in July. The 82nd annual meeting of the National Hitle Asjiocialiou opened1 yesterday for two wrem DETROIT '(! The all-star baseball game yesterday which the National League won over the American by u score of 8 to 3 marked the first time that the Nationals have won two games in a tow. Last' year tht-y edged the Americans 4 to 3 in fourteen iiiningu nt Chicago. It wuj; Uio eighteenth all-star game of which the Nationals have won ,-.ix and the Americans, twelve. Thv game drew 52,075 fans to Briggs Stadium and the gate, after taxes, w:is $124.29407. Net proceeds to go to the players' pension fund. Score by innings: It II E Nationals . .' 100 302 lltt-8 12 I Americans ...010 110 000 3 10 2 Evlla Blela and Bella Cuulu salmon purse seine areas, with exception of Burke and Dean Channels, will open midnight Sunday, July 15, for salmon pursj seine iishing, department of fisherivs here announced today. Naa:; l.'er purse seine area opens at the same time. First returns of purse seining in Whale Channel reai h.'d Prince Rupert today, giving Monday's average for 12 vessels as 40 socle --ye, 15 pinks and 60 chums per ict. Tuesday the southern fic t u'lived on the grounds, but returns are not yet available. Meantime, some 300 gillnetlers it Smith In., t are averaging approximately 85 soekeye lor the 2,,-hour period, with high boat !.akint, in 303. Average weight of the fi:h Is about 7.5 pounds. Naas River avtiages on Monday were 29, and on the Sktvna, 43. t. . ' . we&&tG&sfwfotoii. Hum'. i-xw . BASEBALL- VUIUU HUB II VW1 COtClS tufa Pacific toast Los Angeles 11, Sacramento 5. Seattle 4, San Francisco 3. IANQUEHAY, GORDON (; . . . tfi lergrt gin diMilUnlmi, PAYOFF' HOI.F-Jim Ferrier retained his Canadian Orn golf title Saturday with a 72-hnle total of 273, 15 strokes under par. The Australian-born pro was two strokes off the pace at the f lat t of the f:nal round, but shot a five-under-par 67 to take top money of $2,250. Here he putts cut on the 18th given of Toronto's Mississaugua course. (CP PHOTOl Thl auviTllscmeni i Mill,. Cue. (CP) Two men found playing rummy for a stak of $1.15 in a Hull tavern paid $5 fines for gambling in a public place. A clHsaiKea will buy. sell or ! JF'' bv hy tlu. ''" Portland 0, Hollywood 5. Oakland 4, San Diego 2 (10 Innings). Western International Yakima 6, Tacoma 4. f: .'ind it I Hi mull Columbia. Historical individual and team competitions keep the widespread ranges of Btsley echoing until the climax of the meeting, the final stage of the King 'a Prize competition. Canada's team of 18 expert shots includes a woman nieinber for the first time. She is Misa Mary Maclellan, a bright-eyed schoolteacher from Charlotte-town who has been shooting since 1935. Her brother, Sgt. George Maclennan, was on the 1928 Busley team. Miss Maclennan qualified by placing luth In the Bisley aggregate at the Dominion rifle meet at Connaught Ranges, near South March, Out., last autumn. She is eligible for the military matches here by reason of her rank as lieutenant in the supplementary reserve of the Royal Canadian Army Median 1 Corps. The Canadian team has been practising on the ranges since June 25 in all sorts of weather. Vancouver 6, Salem 2 (14 in nlngsi. Victoria 3, Wenatcliee 4. Spokane 10, Tri-Clty 8. CLOT 0 LB Ml (CI.OSI ItE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. P.ease refrain from telei.hmilnir rini'i CPORT OHOTS Turner Beats Fusari Badly PHILADELPHIA w Unbeaten Gil Turner, s'nsational young Philadelphia welterweight, scored his twenty-second straight and most impressive victory Monday night as he knocked out the veteran Charley Fusarii of Irvington, N-cw Jersey, in fifty-light seconus of the eleventh round. Turner weighed 142V2 pounds and Fusari,' 147 pounds. The youngster gave Fusari one Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Nutices 50c. Cards of Thanks, DeatM Iord Calvert runciai notices, Marriage ana Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. BIKTH NOTICE KfcrAIH Shooting goes on in Bisley's big HFXP WAHTU CattaMantWhiskq ANDERSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kaiuh Anderson at Burns Lake Hospital, Julv 5, a son. ; lbs. 12 uz. (lt;jl WANTED one ej: wool uriwser Amu. VVUWt rilifrtilti) iioinpk. ei llclenl service. Utoige Coo Jeweller. SalislacUoii Kuurun teed F.rty-two-year-old Luke Hamlin pitjhed for nearly four hours and finally drove in the winning run with a single as Toronto Maple Leafs defeated Rochester Red Wings 3-2 in 18 innings of International Leaeue Dlav four matches no matter how high the wind or how heavy the rain. BIGGEST TEST The King's Prize itself is the Served with pride 0 most exacting test of marks- FOR SALE cf the worst beatings of his Canadian Cleaneis. WANTED -1 Wailrr , buiulv s Cufe. WANTED Charnixr.'. Savov Hotel. L'uiun i .. Phone 3T manship of all the varied com- I years ago. Hamlin, a former petitions. Canadians have cap- j majr leaguer, was the leading career, closing both his eyes and leaving his face a bloody pulp. h im Lon those special occasional FOR SALE Two onlv. one male OIL. BUKIMCut orouiAlAHl Stove seitice and repait. u U Konsun. Hliu'k mm '11 PLliMKIVi AM) HEATING and sheet metal work, Phono 543 culi 629 fith Wt. (I.J i PERSONAL ! and one female purebred Aire tured it six times, the last in pitcher for the last-place Leafs Rss j l wiien oiuv me iinest r-a with a 15-6 record 1IELP WANTLD-mJ dale uuus. readv to ship Julv 19. len dollars cash each. George Storrv. JKvelvn, BC. (163ij) mlVu wUl suffice The first triple dead heat in New York racing history marked FOR SALE Three Diece . ches- ' FOH RENT General Electric the running of the $10,000 seven lerneiu suite, l easonaoje. 202 1 uoor uoiLsners. $1 per day 9lh West. Il60ut' Phone Biue 992. Pacific Elec iff raEfl furlong Carter Handicap at tric. (tf I illi, Aqueduct, seven years ago. Bo-sanquet, Brownie and Wait a Bit all closed fast in the last few furlongs and couldn't be separated at the wire. 1 Uk 1929 when Lt.-Col. R. M. Blair of the JSeaforth Highlanders, Vancouver, won with an aggregate of 283 points out of a passible 300. Shot in three stages to reduce the entry te manageable proportions, the King's Prize calls for the best marksmanship at all distances. The first stage demands 10 shots at each of the 200, 500 and . 600 yard ranges. From this the 300 best scuies go Into the second stage, calling for 10 shots at each of the 3U0, 500 and 600 yard distances. Only the top 100 marksmen qualify for the final stage, firing 15 shots at each of the 900 and 1000 yard ranges. For final FOR SALE Sunshine babv buggv. almost new condition. Phone black 405. tlbJpi FOR SALE-White enamel coal and wood range. Never been used. 420 00 below cost once. 2157th West. (162p) FOR SALE Electric hotplate with two burners; 1 pair ladv's brown shoes, .size 7. new. 1U22 WILL LOOK after small children lor workinu mothers. Phone Hed 515. i ltilpi PHONE 13 vour Northland Dairy for daily delivery excent Sunday. Bv lookine after vour milk vour milk will io-V after you. Keen h cool. All milk Kuaranleed. an CAREERS IN PSYCHU NURSINQ The BO. Civil Servlrt number of ouemnu Piovlnclal MeuU! : E-vsoiulali" for: PdYCHlATKIr , NURSES-lN-lHAi:, Youna women, lo lu i with at lea-st GuJr h lion iprelerabiv H.;i, Kiudtiationi, in hmki und of yood mural tli. wiio are interested m in tins branch ol ; which offers: Traminif with, pay ov year period Permanent positiuas trainimr Superannuation ulan Interestinsr and ijL work in the wrvi Attrnrtive resuletuf . niotliitinn and hum.- r at. nominal rates. & nrovlded free. Monthly .sh! irW Hiic. curreni, Cot-oMivun mis : B'or the second time in cricket history, a test match was abandoned without a ball being bowled 13 years ago when rain fell for the fourth successive day at Old Trafford. Australia eventu 2nd West alter 3. (ltilpi GIVE the folks at home a treat get one ui our delicious cakes or pies Ruuert r-ikery FOR SALE Cooev repeater .22 cat.. Model 60. Slmlitlv u.sta. ' 171 3rd East. (ItiJpi ally retained thj ashes as each rnone 043 ior order 'tf) BOARD AND KOOM7 FOR RENT Board and room for working man BlacK btlii. iui placings the ngregate scores it sltle scored a victory and two the second and third stages are matches were drawn. Another FOR SALE Like new. McClary oil range and heater, bed-chesterlield, washing machine wllh sland and tubs. Phone H. C. Brown. 960 (davsl. (lOip) test was rained out at Old Traf-lord in 1890. UK Air fcSTATK r 654 uan?sAbfcv7leR:lBW,hk l" ! QUICK, SALE - Six ' room nuns bicycle. Black 22j, guod condition 817 9ih ,161l:; I West. (184PI For Nuraes-in-Ttaiiiii.i First vear: HJ'i Second vear: !H3 f FOR SALE Electric table ran; FOR SALE Five-room house, apartment downstairs. Close in. 622 8th West. Black 911. compiled. At the longest ranges the marksmen are firing at u target that is 10(feet by six. But the bull's eye itself, counting five points for a perfect shot, is only 30 inches in diameter. To the winner goes the King's prize of 250 and the NRA's gold badge. Top scorers in the second stage receive the silver badge; in the first stage, a bronze badge. Merely to qualify for Uie "King's Hundred" in the final ette. reasonable. Phone Green 92il, davtime. No. 4 Mussuliem Block. (160DI CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED ' AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO , Third vear: SH" For Psychiatric Nu: ter praduaiiuni: $162 :() i isiiii! to $18:! 00 in 4 vear- (K;4p) FOR SALE Flooring hot-house FOR SALE M room house, Kiu.v, uiruift, fta.Mi, uii,t'ijuuiu,( warden h;irhnr virr lUt dvtrtltcmcnl it not published or ditpUyfd by 4m Liquor Central Bord or by th Gevfrnmcrrl U(Jii- ri i urn -1 ri' -ir ' "S for nostl')ns as: V unis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Colmnbia. ,n ,..e .X'.'m 1 1 i;',' ''v,! ! brouk Heiulils. Red 183 PSV( IIIAlKIl MW I ti BhmiI Columbia y MALE, at the uOim1! Kincolith Team Coming Saturday When neither Battery or General Motors fielded full teanis for ti..; North Star City League football fixture Monday nleht, the partial teams look to the field for an exhibition and counted :ne goal -each. Battery and Cmiadlan Legion are meeting tonight In a league lixlupj. A special football feature for the week-end will be a meeting between the smart Kincolith native football team and Battm y of the City League. ward School." and leave information, lioulter and Welter. (tf l lion. t Salurv: $130 risine lol month i includiiii 1 ' stage is an Empire-wide bad'e of distinction. l.;vinr I FOR SALE Wartime Four Pinuott Place Newly p.unted. Stoves and some lurniture. Immediate I possession. Full mice $2,500.1 lerms if required. It. E. Mortimer "IT:l! Estate and Insurance FOR SALE Austin "10" panel delivery. Bvtown Machine Work un FOR SALE-34-ft. Killnetter, 16 mar t HP, tieavv dutv Has, runnliiH shape. Cull Bovd Telford. 99 Taxi. (167p uduteii cmc eMionci I I"' rot I Much of .the same shooting distances obtain for the great team shoots, the Kolapore Cup and the Macklnnon Cup. In the Kolapore teams of eight fire 10 shots per man at each of the j 300, 500 and 600 yard ' ranges. I The Macklnnon is lor teams uf 12 at the long ranges, 900 and 1000 yards. - NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Duties: To assist i -side care of iiihiIw.' tious and relateil du'' Uualilicmions: Hi'-'ii liiitiance or mwiu. least l years ol a uuiv some exocritini caie ol menljiiv ill L Further inlurma application forms nwt tained Ironi ilif p; t Nursiiw. provincial v. Hu&DtUI' K.oiuljlf: I ):-ficts oi the. KC. -; , Commission. Wcilrr t Victoria, or 636 Bun Vancouver, or iroin 1 nient Agencies In ul" tres. .JjJ Jid Ave. Phone 88 1 162c l FOR' SALE Fully furnished four-room house, location. Apply 12 7th West (Enniish Hill or Ihone Black 912. UOOpi SALE --f Lots V.67nnd 17. Block . Section .7 (Ambrose Avenue) I.ov'l harbor view. Phone Red 716 ' (160pl HOUSE FOR SALE - Furnished or unfurnished. Apply 1330 Owi'look alter 6. (161pi HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE T MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING Colussi's Music Store ' Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4 tn St Ph. Black 389 : "Aber," which prefixes the ! names of many places in Britain, ! is a Celtic word meaning ' mouth i of the river." IN PfR ESTATE OF MARIE CEDAR. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that !W Artmlnlu-trntirr. duly appointed by the court, uf the estate of Marie Cedar, who died at Stewart. Brllinh Columbia, on the nth day of Kebruury. 1K61, I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to Hnd the same to me. properly verilied, at the address mentioned below, on or before the 15th day of Auust. 1161, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having reward onlv to such WANTED GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS GIL BURNERS FOIt RENT. Linn-belt Speeder Shovels; Crane: Drair iin;i; Adams . Road Graders; LaUeford Bros. . Hhu-k Top Koud Maintenance EuuinnieniU Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Graoules; T L. smith Concrete Mixer.8; Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders tor Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Serf ens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.O (tf) FOR SALE New and tued fur-nlture and hardware. Bovs' bicycles, new coffee tables, chests of drawers, beds, chesterfields Mavtaar washing machine, chesterfield beds, scores of other articles at lowest nrices. B. C. Furniture Co Phone Black 324. (tfc) WANTED -Used un"1' piano in tood condil'1 description, loriili1"1 price, vour nhonf Mr. R. R. Mills, P.O. t FOR RENT Sleeping room". Plu)iieRed 860. (Kilpl FOR A NEW Hertz tNDrlve Phone 530. Bus Terminal. 2nd and 2nd. U83p, PHONE 3LUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 ! claims of which I shall then have I been notified. ! AND FURTHER take notice that all j persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to I me forthwith. i DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this HELP WANTED Male er for bowline npe. marital ROOMS for rent 232. Phone Red (162pi aualificalioiks. previ ience. references rxnected to PO. Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR RENT -Three room furnished suite, couple, no children. Phone 803 before noon. (162p) aum aay 01 June. lusi. Cordon Fraser, Forbea, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (Ju scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. WANTED Metal oil dm" SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jewe-lVer. Ph. 212 Plione Black 4HU WANTED -- Kr DDTft-o r m for sfr BURNISHED rooms for rent Valentin Dairy off McClvmont Park. Phone Green 596 or Red 272 (162p) Prince Rupert, B.C. JEWELRY Phone 347 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 P.O. Box 374 I niijcnr r. . lol KrH r,nnnrr. " Honest eradlna 'rrow; . .in Metals Ltd.. 250 Hjlor SHORES CREDIT .JEWELLERS Gruen, Bulova, Rolex. Cvma, Tavannes. Eloin. Waltham and Hamilton watches. Wednewood dinner sets. Community plate and Rovers silverware, etc. No extra charge for credit. Contact our local assent, Henrv Whiteside. Red 411. (173c) f OR RENT FurnLshed suite and housekeeplne room, ouiet non-drinkers. Call Blue 638 after 6 P.m. (lcop i B'OR RENT Sleeolne - room, close in. Phone Green 937 (160p) ennver. B. C. ilu"r 6357. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NARCIA NIXL1E HARLAN (otherwise known as NELLIE KILBY) and IN THE MATTER OF THE ''ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour JUDOE W. O. FULTON, made the 27tli day of June, A D. 151, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of NARCIA NELLIE HARLAN (otherwise known as Nellie Kllby), deceased, late of Prlncrj Rupert, in the Provlnc of British Columbia. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. CASH For scrap cast. batteries and rntir.itor. 543. Call 629 6Ui A"'" 711 Grenvllle Court itf) f:coi iivrA'T HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 City. - Room to FOR RENT-Red 471. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractari share. (163c) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ini-orn Tax specialist. S O. Furk Stone Bulldinr Red 503 SIiflEPINa room for rent. Phone WANTE! All parties having claims aKulnst the said estate are hereby required ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. WANTED TO RENT LOST to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 15th day of August. A D. 1U61, after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to ony claims of which I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 BOYS or GIKu Opportunity for brlpt' business-like boys m Handling Dally NpS; during fumnn-r mi)"1' permanently. i then had no knowledKe. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER I'd, me Green 810 LOST-Last Fridav near Post Office, bunch of kevs on I.oixr Motors key chain. Phone Rlack 827. Reward. (181p) LOST Wallet contiUrdrur valuable nersonal panels. Reward. Finder please call 342 or Red 192. (161c) Cleaner Cutting Saws HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 our miw will cut elesner, mT ur, faster wh-ri filH nn mmJT1 ir precihiun machine. (JuKIc juksyfC trvie on all type of saw. J ring your maw in Unlay. Br Id MW retooUied. WANTED TO RENT-Furnlshed or unfurnished house or suite by couple with two-months-od babv. Red 852. (162p) 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE , Wanted by July 15 bv family of four adults. Writs Box 130,! pallv News, or call at office; bf;fore4230 p.m. (tf-nc.) WANTED Board and room by ! ouiet, .steady professional man. j Daily News. ( tf-nc i WANTED House or flat by i steady professional man wish- I lnr t0 brim? wife and small 1 family to city for permanent! residence. Daily News, (tf-nc) J 1 All parties Indebted to the fiald , estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. ! DATED at the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, this 28th day of June, A D 1961. OORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator, ' Prince Rupert, B.C. ! (183) CARS FOR SALE Pleasant and pf"T work for the rlgl)' boys and girls. j QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Secowd Ave. MAC WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING FOR SALE 193o Dodne. Rood condition. Phone Black 991. (165p) Openings avallllui,' dlately. l:n." PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) . SHOE HOSPITAL Apply at Offlf' FOR SALE 1947 Mercury coupe, excellent condition. Call Blue 727 lifter 8 P.m. (160p) --I i If you want to sell it, advertise