Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, July 11, 1951 Bait Lake Ferry running 207o DISCOUNT ON ludiioit -era jl MADE-TO-MEASURE I ' r 1 , : i ' J. ' ' if, ; j' f , .'.; -- , ;-' CLOTHING ill every Sunday and Thursday, weather permitting. Green 931 or Black 026. (tf) Mrs. W. L. Woods and family : are spending a month In Van- ' couver on vacation. They are in residence at the Rltz Apartment Hotel. I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name unless authorized by myself.--Ejvind Nielsen. (163;)) Marc W. Oormely, district forester, and J P. MacDonald, fire inspector, left for tire Queen Charlotte Islands yesterday on official business. T. A. V. Tremblay of Columbia Cellulose logging department left on today's plane for a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. jwdnH 80UIJJ aqi uo Aspoj X;p siri y paujnaj 'nnos am u) Anp -Hoil u 'pjojiaj, v a SJW J. H. Schriaberg returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a business trip to Vancouver. V j v ; 5" 7 .- k. NO EXTRA CHARGE for OVERSIZE ORDD? COAL NOW BEFORE FREIGHT RATH INCREASES GO INTO EFFECT LATER THIS MONTH McLcorl River Lump, ton ..... $gQ McLcod River Egg $2Q 25 McLcod River Nur $18 25 Alberta Deep Scam Lump $Jg fj Alberta Diplomat Egg $15.75 Algeria Diplomat Nut $JO "jrj I ii'isp I.uad Prices ill per ton less than above Albert & McCaffery LIMITED Phones 116, 117 or 58 r-.:j()i. J'H r CLIMAX OF THE EXHIBITION came with the c owning of the Queen of the North and the Junior King and Queen. Bock row, from left, are Princess Margaret Gagnon, Queen Elaine Steffens, and Princess Mae Newton. Front row, irom left, are Roily McLeod, attending junior prince; Valerie Pihera, attending princess; Lorraine Berg, junior queen; Arnold Wick, junior kins, and S-isan Stewart, attending princess. Wolf Cubs are Alfred Hunter (left and Bryan Thorn. This Special Discount will last until the present season's samples are discontinued. Ptell,, Si WeJM nunnier Boulter and Welter, formerly located at the office of T. Norton Youngs, wish to announce they have moved to McLean and Rudderham, Second Avenue, inq Watts & Niclierson maid, Mrs. Youngman wore a across from the radio station. pale green irridescent taffeta Thev sincerelv hODe this chance WOMEN'S SHOES gown and matching hat. She will not inconvenience any of carried a bouquet of pink car- their customers. Phone 600. ' nations, matching the pink ir- U60c) ridesevnee of her gown. Jran Husoy and Alfred Iturnip Are I'niied In a beautiful summer evening candlelight service in St. Paul's Lutheran Church Monday at 8 p.m.. Miss Jeart Husoy and Alfred Burnip were united in marriage. The altar was draped in white and banked wit h rose buds, The bridesmaid was gowned In ; NOTED MAGICIAN HERE First Aid For Civil Defence First Aid classes for civil defence began last Friday night at the fire hall and wili be con-tinned to train as many people as possible in fundamental first aid in cases of emergency or disaster. R. E. Eyolfson, chairman of the first aid committee, said registration of ij first aid certificate holders to establish trained personnel in each zone of the city was the first project. But due to a heavy schedule of work, Mr. Eyolfson said he must resign as charman. New chairman elect is Thomas Elliott. Secretary is Mrs. Frank Ellison, and J. Davidson is in charge of registration. Moose Women Do Their Work Well Under their new senior regent, Mrs. C. H. Collins, Women of the Moose, meeting in the Moose Temple, carried out their work admirably. Then was a good attendance. One candidate was elected to membership and will be initiated at the next meeting. lilac taffeta with matching hat, carrying a bouquet of yellow carnations. Denis Burnip, brother of the NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY There will be "Magic" in the Civic Centre Thursday and Friday evenings,- July 12 and 13, DECEIVING PERCENTAGE DUNEDIN, N.Z. Largest percentage jump in population in N..'w Zealand in the last five years was in the wild 3,000-square-mile Fiord district in the extreme .southwest. The jump was 400 per cent, but with a total of 35 inhabitants the county is not exactly overcrowded. when Dickson and Company put gromo, Edward Dawes and Syd nev Alexander were prwinumon i n their stage show of magic NiiW SHIPMENT OF PENNY LOAFERS White, Grey, Wine, Block p. ...i,iv, j . ,. .. ' mm Bieigm-vi-nana. nanea as Roses vhtch adorned tne altar . of . one the best shows of its kind were a personal gift to the bride. on the road today, it Is chuck- gladioli and roses. Rev. Haakon C. Olsen performed the nuptials. During the ceremony, the Var-den Singers, accompanied by Prter Lien at thj organ, sang the "Lord's Prayer" in Norwegian. John Botsford sang "Because" during the signing of the register. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arne Husoy. 302 East Fourth avenuv?. The groom is son full of entertainment. Dickson, a native of Saskatchewan, is assisted in his mysterious works At the reception in the Odd-fellnwR' Hall, Jarvi McLeod pro-po ed the toast to the bride, responded to by the bridegroom. The cake, made by Mrs. Burnip, and decorated by Mrs. Husoy, by his charming wife and other ca:;uai,s in all prices and colors members of the company. Not the least of these is Danny the Dummy, an Impudent little v.a? built in three layers on pit lars, beside which stood a small '. stooge whose saucy remarks and LAST YEAR'S PRICES Next meeting at which first aiders are a.ked to register, will be hrld in the city hall council chambers, July 20. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Burnip, 1426 Second avenue. Oiven In marriage by her father, the bride approached the a' tar ('.ressed in white satin, with f ionr train of lace and a finger c'o'l. replica of the bride. The , antics delight both the young in guc?t"' iabies were decorated years and the young in spirit, with small floweivd nosegays, j Dickson and his troupe are spon-Tcleerams Were read by Ru- sored by the Pr'rice Rupert Civic doiph Olsen, toastmaster, and In-' Centre Association.. dtp) Fashion Footwear A tunoiinctnic tip veil with crown tierra. Her bouquet was a white satin and cliided messages from Norwav. net muff with streamers. A large England and the United States. Mrs. Anton Dybhaven cut the STEAMER For NEW CONSTRUCTION Rupert "rchid adorned the muff and smaller orchids trailed from it or the streamers. nrlrlv's attendants were Mrs. Mary Younpman. matron of hener. and Miss Laila Hu",oy, twii sister of the bride, brides ca!v, served by the bride's at- ; tendants. . i The bride's mother wore a pale" 4reen gown of faceone crepe " iii ranteh.'ng green accessories. The fnora's mothw was gowned! and REPAIR WORK SAILS FOR SEE Lutherui Tea, July 21. Woman's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fail Bazaar, October 3 and 4. lifbrkah Razaar, October 20. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbj'U'rian Fall Sale, November 15. (153c) I.O.D.E. Fill November 22. Ft. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November '.!9. I it! grey crepe wi'h matching grey jand rose accessories. j Vancouver The most powerful gasoline your car can use ... 'activated' Shell Premium! GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. i Th" couplp are touring the iCkanagan Valley enroute to Wage War On Flies 215 1st Avrnut, rt'est Vancouver wlv re they will re- I'cle and where the groom will Tc-nne his studies at University fifht lhrc- British Columbia. and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday t 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN l I lnVLbA V . AllDNIOIIT L' AUiy at Low Cost li V OK DKPOT Now is the time t fl BILL SCUBY'S t If if . . . . jt:.-j' The bride has been employed a'. Fan'on Footwear for the past three yc vs. like Ihe Wise Old Owl fJxo r!y a. dangerous carrier of dis--n" .Tha!. is til" ad"1'"' ef "H.Vth Director Dr. Duncan Tark. During June, many eomn'ahTts -nri reports were received of -hild-rn and adults ruffe--'n f-otr" bouts of intestinal inf""- InnlvcrSanj FUR SALE FISH RESE'SRCH FARM . OFFICE I RINCE RUPERT. For Reservations Wntc or Call T. " TIK Pl'LAU, Malava Tin' llrit !:h gT'ernriT-nt is to es- i: ' -B.C. loiis. Investigations shewd that. tabl!sh here a fish resea-ch sta 15 T "!k up fur the holidays! You will ne.-d new l'.'t!rticN. O'Hliirants, Spot Removers, and just loads. 'f tiihrr lito items that will make your days huppirr. save yimrsrlf noodless worry and; ps, come ! ti:.' VAIMHTY STOKE and you will sre everything Vi; riff'l. in a number of cases flivs were ."7 t tier and 'raining institute for all I erial te'iiiorles In the Com- I mo'.nvcn'th at. an initial cost, of S. Oifl. Tl.-j aim ti to provide :;..,, n- vin in Uie diets of, V-M.y neoiip?. Now is the time to select your' winter coot Easv Terms Arranged onnrt nreva'cnt. "Fin are rot rrsponsi'ilo for: the snrpadin.r of i"t.eit!i:l ; -lisra'-e: , but, whnr- th"v nr-: -muerous. thev do he'p." 'pid Dr. ' TVn-k In hi:; monthly report to- ".'.y. "Flies also may spread f" osri such as typhoid, cholera. 'o" ond e"n tubr-olos's " V. B'nek believes thnt rie-" e i."i:v"; the fly popu'ation will enn a decease of Intrstlnat 1!see.r"r, imd with the advent of PHONF. 974 for FUR COLD STORAGE H- ..- . ...-it.- ; ... ? MZt a 'Tykes ap,e' 'is now in i. ORMES S F r"T"TV V-T li I 'Madj in many attractive co!ors, Shingolccn !ccuKfies ond protects old and new shingles nd fences. ComnKirMtic. where -itl-e"1? li''' o-pnni e"l to war.e a battle SalPSt V'1. ' ""nd t lint. iv spread u;;j of DDT and rteod sarr-talion practically elimin; t"d V.v: Hy p"pu'nt;n. "U'iP!! DDT n'ort". h--ev"-. ?-like running on ono foot yov. dn't pe' very f ir." Dr. B'aek cmphi'lT.-! V,:"' Going away? Leave rings and valuables in a Safe Deposit Box Ask at your neigbourhooJ branch THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA You can bonk on th "Royqll The Pioneer Druggists tampson Hardware Co. Ltd. il -Piece Breakfast $ 6.95 Sets PHONE 81 '12 -rtccx1 Breakfast $ "good panltn-v prachiee r""st combined" with u: c of DDT. reraylnc foorl. nr.rovreH ca'-tage and other fly breeding spots ; must h? cleaned up if fl'es nre to I be prevented from breeding. ! Since DDT kills only adult in-; sects and not the larvae or eggs, 8.85 LEONARD Sets REFRIGERATORS J!l-Piecc Bone $- China Tea' Sets JL3'1' Dinner Sets, from $J n A 66 pieces at.... gvO (Including beautiful Wedpre-wood and Couldon King's Plate) WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE 344.50 6 cu. feet .... 'i'cu. feet Mac Construction Company 397.50 i elimination of breeding places j "is of prime importance." i I Although DDT is safe, if used j correctly, precau'ions shou'd be j observed, the health officer i warns. Caution against fire is 'mportant, because cf the kero-i ene solvent commonly found in : the mixture. When spraying rooms containing food ,it and ail working surfaces where food is 1 prepared should be well covered, i Oil solutions cf DDT are dnn- -jerous and should be washed off ' 'vnmeriiat."ly If soIHpH on the "llffllllj 8 cu. feet 432.50 Civic Centre Dining Room WILL BE CLOSED Thursday, July 12 We trust that this will not . inconvenience our patrons SPECIAL English Bone China CITS AND SAUCERS at 69c and 37c PUNCHBOWL SETS 7.95 MANSON'S WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given 8,j cu- fcot . ... 461.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ilcsner Block Phone 210 Rupert, n.C. Strwart, B.C. 'tin. Pe s rhould never be sproy-d Mnce they l'ck their fur frr-ouently. i' "Now is tlve time to fight the flyfirst, by cleaning up the breeding places, then using DDT spray." Black 660 Blue 183 China Shop