tamber 19, 1919 t sey a ————* pic SOAP SPECIAL , chance to get soap less than the wholesale prices tere is . order Now, ake Infants Delight valued at 160. given free with c ts or Palm Olive for 75c. dust think! 7 cakes (160 toilet . soap) for 750. Ivory Soap Wholesale PRICE «++eeerees OOCW ec ev ceeoes : B\e. fy gale SPOCiAl .ssereerererereereesessecaes 7%ec. bar. le pri «+++ $7.25 for 100 bars. a Klondyke Soap On sale 3 large bars for $1.00. FULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Two Stores. SCHOOL DAYS Be P repared! ~ ARE HERE : eee Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. LIMITED Electric Engineers and Contractors We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons, Toasters, and Fixtures. rstmates furnished on House wiring and Metor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for troiling Callie Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Plug The Plug that was chon for the Transatlantic flights? Our service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switeh boards, Conduit, Cable, Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal.- Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 Ormes Limited we We have a Kodak to suit your special requirements. Pull range from Vest Pocket to Post Card size. Everything ‘ Kodak Supplies Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 a — = a . SPO R— CeCe ee ae FOR BALE). THEO COLLART, Notary Public orto or Wo PP ORO RE. sews . With »-room house and one room ‘cabin, in block 25, "5, 7th Avenue West $1,800.00. Cash, $809.00. i k 14 Seetion 5, .. . $800.00, half cash. », Block 4 ge ection 7 .. , $200.00, half cash. MARINE | a Phone mon noe FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Westhoime Theatre Block P. 0. Box 1 THE DAILY NEWS PRIZE LIST OF GARDEN FLOWERS rhe following are the prize lists of flowers at the exhibition whieh closes this afternoon Sec - Six pots flowering plants, ist, Miss Bella Nicholson; 2nd, Mrs, O. Gueppa. Six pots foliage plants, ist, Mrs. 0, Gueepa, One pot tuberous begonia, ist Miss Bella Nicholson. One pot Fuschia, ist, Mrs. T. H. Hellman. One pot geranium, ist, Miss EK. M. Kason; 2nd, G. ©. Kilpatrick. Three pots pansies, ist, Mrs. K. Hellman. Hanging basket, ist, Miss kK, M. Eason. One pot asparagus fern, ist, W. Adams, One specimen flowering plant, ¢st, Mrs. R. Beaumont, One specimen foliage plant, 1st Mrs. R, Beaumont. Cut Flowers. jest collection sweet peas (6 receptacles, 6 varieties, 6 spikes Any foliage), ist, J. KR. Murray; 2nd, Mrs. Helen Adams Port Essington)? 3rd Mrs. Du Vernet. Twelve dahlias, arranged in our receptacles, not less than four varieties, dahlia foliage, ist, rs. MeClymont; 2nd, 8. Hampiin; jrd, Mrs. D. H. Morrissey. Six cactus dahlias, any variety in one receptacle with own foliage ist, Mrs. MeClymont; 2nd, J. Rh. lurray. Six asters, any kind, ist, mrs. I. Smith; 2nd, J. R. Murray. Six roses, any kind, ist. L. W. Patmore; 2nd, Mrs. D. H. Morris- sey; 3rd, Thos. Black. Best flowering stalk giant nas- turtium, ist, Mrs. E, Hellman. Everlasting flowers, ist, Mrs E. Hellman. 'welve pansies, on showboard or in four receptacles, ist, Mrs. McClymont; 2nd, Mrs. W. D. Vanee; 3rd, Mrs. A. KE, Sherman. Bouquet garden flowers, ist, ives. MeClymont; 2nd, Sisters of St. Joseph; 3rd, Miss Rose Nich- ilson, Japanese chrysanthemums, 12 stalks, ist, Fred Shaw. Shasta daisies, 12 stalks, ist, Mrs. MeClymont; 2nd, Mr. W. bi Melliar; 3rd, Mrs. E, Hellman. TEACHER CAME FROM VICTORIA IN BOAT Delayed by Running on Rock Near Prince Rupert Harbor After Long Trip. On Tuesday there arrived in the city C. W. A. Drader who is on his way to the Queen Charlotte islands to take charge of tue public school at Port Clements. fe made the trip here in a 22-ft. launch with a cabin top. The launch travels at a rate of eis miles an hour with a Pierce two- eyele motor. Mr. Drader left Oak Bay, Vic- téria,-in his small but staunch eraft on the 3rd of this month ind intended to reach Prince Ku- pert on Monday the 45th, as tue Victoria offices had told him that there was a boat for the Islands yesterday. Everything was g0- ing along fine until he struck a rock just outside of the harbor here and was held up for some time. This delayed his arrival. No difliculty was experienced in getting over the sounds, but when crossing Queen wnarlotte it was hrough a dense fog and a coin- pass course had to be taken. Chere was the customary heaving vell but no chop. The roughest part of the trip was experienced in coming to Wright's Sound where quite a squall blew up ow contlicting mountall of each. ing to reezes, Mr. Drader who is a British Co- lumbia man joined up with the Canadian forees at Kdmonton |) the 49th infantry and he had two brothers with this unit. ‘They all ent overseas together but were very soon separated at the front bis return to Canada alte! several months’ convalescence he ame to British Columbia and has accepted this position as teachel at Port Clements. Mr. Dradet will remain in town until next week awaiting boat connections. “eenenenes 3 TI REAL Hi Home M 09 SECOND AVENUE 1¢ Business Man’s Restaurant tar ME COOKING, BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH The Smeeton Tea Rooms ade Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. el SCHROEDER BROKE ALTITUDE RECORD (fpectal via 6, T P. Telegraphs.) Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 18 Major K Ww Schroeder, flying with one passenger, attained an altitude of 28,250 feet breaking the world's — ——— We sell Frisbie Engines Complete atid ready to install. struction effects a gain of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. and 6” « 6”. your hardest teste. Frisbie Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practically no repairs except occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; accessible in a few seconds. An “all throughout, every part designed for hard work. Overhead vaives, opening directly into combustion chambers. Wo pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. 15 to 20 per cent. more power than is possible with L or T-Head designs. manifolde are cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of Large valves insure full charge on the Intake and a complete, clean exhaust. 1 to 6 CYLINDERS—5 to 75 HORSEPOWER Frisbie Motors are made in following sizes: t-cyl., B and 7 H. P.; 2-cy!., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl., 50 and 76 H.P.—Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 6” For work or play, the Frisbie will measure up to Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. FRISBIE the friendly motor ——————— 5 Horse Power, $450 This type of con- 7 $600 $700 $900 $1400 Ask the Man who has used one muscle” construction ” ” 10 ” ” 1 6 ” ” 25 ” ” intake and exhaust Event Last Night. ful dances in the skating rink last night. The floor had been spec- IN THE SKATING RINK) Arrears NAMES OF PERSONS ASSESSED SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. of all | soseren pst ss Total taxes. nses. |), E Tugwell, Thos ide 48 ; . .-..++] Lot 242, Grp. 1, 147 acres . Sbbseoe $5600 | $1400 $375 | $7415 Tugwell, Thos. bones Gee ° Lot 243, Grp. 1, 151 acres ...... een 840 | 250 | 375 | 1465 Regan, J. T. oes oe - | Lot 314, Grp. 1, 350 acres .........+. 2730 | 10 15 | 375 | 4a 2 Wynn-Johnson, C. E. a%e . Lot 72, Urp. 1, 59 acres ...... itined 33 60 | 1040 375 | 47 75 DUMRAM, fg. 2c cscs ccccecesercecies 5. F408 B58, 2, OO GUD ccdicceccveas 2380 | 940 | 375 j 36905 Northern Pioneer Lumber Co Lot 249, Grp. 1, 160 @cres .........+4>+. 58 560 2215 375 | 8440 ” ATLIN TOWNSITE é | ; | " 35 Ruffner, 3. M. .nceecesces ° Block 6, Lot 6 aeccconee + beeb es Sane om . oo | 60 | 838 | it RuMner, 6. MBM. .cccccscvcssesess oy BIOGR 6, BS F- wncccccvcccesboscesea 1d oo | i 80 j Et | bs iy Atlin Trading CO. .....seeeeeeees ‘ Benes BO, SEB A ov.cc t+ ewedas 0% Caenaee 5280 | 25 33 | ote | &3 33 Atlin Tradimg@ CO. ....66-5eeeeee ode REED Ge, BGO © noc 000060006 ohne sees aun 6060 | 5 °3 ace ost Pillman, Elizabeth W. ......... . ba oie Benen GO, BOS FO nos cc ce «tee ooeiee ee 177 70 | om | a os oe . RORSIES, Bi coccvicecviceveorcs Biees 66, £68 Ad oes oe coon ce vedee & 11 05 | oe | 3 oe ao ee Owen, Mrs. J, A, cececccecrvncence 4 LUCE 89, BOE F nn cer ecevececvcssacede 1350 | ee i aoe PH Haggard, Bowker & Stracey .......-+-- Block 17, Lot 19 .......e-45: 06 to ee 8 . 7 ee | 33 sees Haggard, Bowker & Stracey .......--+>- Block 18, LOG 1 2... cece eee eee ee een de * | 5 ais | oe ts Haggard, Bowker & Stracey ....-.+++-- poe 4 33, i ‘6 Cmius 0.0 Ce odebesers eae .. 70 | 1770 | 275 | 7913 PGwWards, 108 2... wcrc e rene enneeeee oc » BS 86 nccccrecserencecnsaede 58 } ireland, W. H. nce cee Sb ond eb bbe ete BlOCK 94, LOC 16 ccccccvccencesvcveces 1320 | $20 275 2415 BENNETT TOWNSITE C 0 pores fetant Bi HE as seoeseertec tiie ey | gH | BR | Hise McLeod, JOMM ....-ssceeeeres ) » “DS cee eee neeeeeeewereees : : Sullivan, Edward M. Block 1, LOts 4-86 2. fe ccccccowesecss eo 6 7 | § a8 aes | *2 bed as et iggcccccohhee eo PB dee West, JOM cscs eecrnctcees o BS ] cccccvecccceececsecces } ; | os Sullivan & McLeod -- | Block 1, LOE DO wccccnveescesesensseede 8 3S 2 8 | ae $e a8 McKay, Henry .......«+++:- : ee 9 ‘. pom 3°- SE cnc cdsccscceace ee 7 | oa s98 oa te “hie Mm ccch ee see ences aeebes ee Oc. » BOE TD nocccrosevees eoreerreees Sullivan McLeod cane wide | Block 1, Lots 13-14-45 heii cuecae 9 75 5 30 275 17 80 ; cdw 5 L -8 (Inel, 23 20 1270 275 | 38 6S Sullivan, Edward M. .......++++: ...«. | Block 4, Lots 1 (Inel. ) 3 3% Irving, John ...... pe >. .. | Block 4, Lots 10-15 (Inel, 1740 | 960 1 $i | Victoria Yukon Trading Co. Block 5, Lots 11-12-13 wt eseeeeeeesees 7 44 | 338 | eH Canadian Development CO. .....-+++54+ Block 5, Lots 14-47 (Incl. ) aoe 4460 EE 7° wi oat Irving, JoMM ......+++++: “a Block 5, Lots 18-24 (Imel.) ...... (: uae ” = to i oa. Whitney & Pedlar ........--+- ; Block 5, Lot ont De + ob6 oe 0960.00 ce ben t ‘ 3 333 298 Sullivan & McLeod .......--++++5 4 Block 5, Ieee Te. 0 cohen 0 5p 09 be ons 60488 oa oF aoe Game. FB. We sacccovicvccocses o* 4 Block 5, LOU BE-A nner cccesereses $0.40 lan j 96 40 375 Burns, Dominick ..........-- ; Block 6, LOU AL -.ccesceees eeue oe} os | 5 on Merchants Bank of Halifax — ae cee ¢. rs Ss. t 68's Cs Cs ; +4 Ss 348 sey: Ne, ual 29 er tlc bo Re: @ Me WEEE <6. once s400 | 1100 | 275 Heaney, M. J . : | Block 6, Lots 19-23 (Incl) ..... 14 70 ei | 378 rn Ue Me os tetheys 06s ... | Block 7, Lots 26A, 27-40 (Inel.) .. 2120 | & 4 | as Heaney, M. J. . bese es .. | Block 7, Lot 41 ba'es ok hh 6.¢ on 23 | 2 | a os anderson, W. A. Sub bo 09 08 : : Block 7, AOS GEA .cossecncs ee } ZS | $95 Mamt, AmMIO 2... 2020s cme j Block 8, Lot A gett pet sakes eee ont Sas | 3 oe Stracey, Algernon T. H. ... : Block 8, Lots 1-2-3-4 es wee : 3s sao | a Christel, Louis M. .. +> : Block B, LOLS wc eeceseeres sae nae see of as oes aos Anderson, W. A. ‘ . .. | Block 8, Lots 6-7 oe ‘ ‘ Ze Tt obas HEH Sullivan & McLeod ....... Block 9, Lots 1-12 (Incl ee : Toe. Yt He Sullivan & McLeod .........->+-> .. | Block 10, i i . yee) eos ote 23 :° | ph HS eas s d MGLAOG ...-ss Block 11, Lots 1-13 (Inel, ‘ 5 | ' , Suinven : McLeod ee nes 7 Biogk 13, Lots 1-26 (Inel. re oak 8060 | 4530 | 5 a Sullivan @ TOROS celine co 6nsctanr Block 14, Lots 2-13 (Inel, ; 37 20 2080 | 335 Sullivan & MeLeod ....... % : | Block 15, Lots 4-13 (Inel,) ....+:. 4 soo | $798 | 878 canadian Development Agcy. seees £%. po : tA 984, . ‘ ’ a Lo ) eae | a8 Ss a a PELOOG tte ee . eee «* oc ‘>. U's 7 ~? eee ee “* : . seiives ‘a McLeod Sich iae - C... . 2 eRe 08, Late 40644 GMD 6.ces cs “a 4340 | 2350 oi Sullivan & MeLeod as x ol Block 19, Lots 13-19 (Incl.) . 4 2190 | 12 25 338 Sullivan & MeLeod ...... : Block 23, Lots 20 *“ (Inel.) as on * 8 % 3 HA Sullivan, Edward M, va ed A . Block v4, Lots 18-190 .....-5468- 7 3 } 3 os 5 oS Sullivan & MeLeod ... j ia d Block 24, Lots 20 21 seen ‘ : 670 | Sullivan, Edward M ...- | Block 24, Lots 22-23 .. meee nnseeennees a a a 3° Soe ullivan & McLeod .. a ; ., Block 24, Lots 24-50 (Imch) .......++«- & 3 2s ce Scharschmidt & Bethune ... éaueed . | Block 25, Lots 18-49 ... oe ‘ on te | alts oa sullivan & MeLeod ........- ‘ Block 25, Lots 20-50 SA "ho cieid 0.8.4 S 38 aoe Sullivan & MeLeod ........ Block 27, tou ay (me? cont s = - 7 Bs s eLe ‘ : Block 29, Lots 1t- (IneL ine 4 53 Sullivan i McLeod Block 31, Lots 28-54 (Imel.) ....... ‘ 83 90 | 46 95 aan Sullivan & McLeod ...... Block 33, Lots 12-25 (Imel.) ..... see &e 4340 2345 | MY Sullivan & McLeod ...... Block 34, Lots 28-36 (Imcl.) .......+. a. 2810 1575 2 : Sullivan & McLeod ... Block 35, Lots 2-25 (Imel.) ....0+++54- 7440 | 4160 2 3 sullivan & MeLeod ...... Block 36, Lots B-OR (IMG) ..csereces 71 60 (| 48 $8 7 sullivan & MeLeod ...... , Block 37, Lots b-14 (ine, ) Ode sesces é. as 3 | iH 32 Sos sullivan & MeLeod ........ Block 38, Lots 1-27 (Imel.) ....60se00> s | . 38 sullivan & MeLeod , .. [Block 40, Lots 1-26 (Inel.) date é 80 70 | 453 os sullivan & MeLeod ........ oor ah ren °- te yee) cevakeshs ; i e } +4 Hd as 8 a Me a Oe , Lots 1- (Inel.) er 8 ouiliven x MoLeod biases Block 44, Lots 1-7 (Inel) ie ake 2190 1225 2 % Sullivan & MeLeod ’ Block 45, Lots 1-9 (Imel) . ined 28 10 15 75 3 oe sullivan & MeLeod ........-. coccese beeen 46, . - < 7 aart) a y+ | a Hi $78 Sullivan & MeLeod ..... . ase aha at Block 47, Lots 1- nel.) sktcade 398 4 . . [Block 48, Lots 1-15 (Imel.) ....... 4 4670 26 30 ouiiven ‘ MeLood aia ° : tre4 49, po 1-44 {inet aes 4 veeus $3 #3 s +} aa s "Le : 7 Block 59, Lots t- nel. oe eb on oa ‘ Meleod ee de aes Bt, Lome ‘: ‘7 ine) ‘ 4 + 2 * 3 aye Sul ‘Le Block 53, Lots ( nel.) ‘ é< q | euiven é Beieod ; ‘ Block 55, Lots 1-7 (Inel,) i iek oat 21 90 12 eS BAY Ven a eneod, Block 80; Lots ste (inch) °°... is70 | gea0 | 875 s 8 mat ‘ .. [Block 60, Lots 2- nel bias we Sullivan & MeLeod ay +» [Block 6, Lote 1-80 feet) octavend $2 00 a4 ve $78 : : : ock 64, Lots nel.) Laneeenne ) Subives © Giereer «455k» ss ‘I Biock 66, Lots 17-26 (incl,.) $4 00 17 36 275 Sullivan & MeLeod ; '' | Block 68; Lots 19-24 (Inel,) oe ar 1890 ,| 1010 27 Sullivan & MeLeod ‘*} Block 69, Lots 1-A-48 (Inel,) 59 10 $3 10 278 sullivan & McLeod Block 72, Lots 1-22 (Imel) .. oe po 6320 | ae 96 eH sutivan & MeLeod Block 73, Lots 1-43 (Inel.) 40 58 | oe ae aoe Sullivan & MeLeod Block 75, Lots 18-27 (Inel,) .., 3100 | i738 a7 Sullivan & MeLeod Block 76, Lots ! e (ee) 3 | 9630 275 sullivan & MeLeod Block 77, Lots 1-15 (ine . sis | isan $75 Suliivan & MeLeod Block 78, Lots 18-49 (Inet. ) ‘ 3 ae 378 ull van & MeLeod Block 81, Lots 6-15° (Inel,) at 00 oes 3a Sullivan & McLeod Block 82, Lots ' 10 (Inel.) a1 no | 17 a8 $78 pe "Le Block 84, Lots 3 nel) ’ sul oe i wel — Block 86, Lots 82-35 (Inel,) i240 705 , 4 ven & ileal Block 87. Lots 18-35 (Inel.) 5500 | 94285 2 Sriivan A MeLeod Block 88, Lots 1-t5 (Inel.) 46.0 | 9695 275 Sltlivan & MeLeod Block 89, Lot A ner ads 515 230 275 J, A. PRASER, Assessor and Collector, . PEACE CONFERENCE - en — =. > Ow oe ee oS Bw € ee “~~ — *f, *-. >