p0 -;ALj .1 TV? QRMES . . PROVIMCIAL LIB- Ml MB. DRUGS 152 VICTORIA, B. C 3151 DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CTAR vABj nHO DISPATCHED Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XL, No. 1G1 FRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS' 1 1 1 ,u3 c Killed on Railway Fatality at Shames This Morning Mike Hyrcak Drad Contending Sides Yet to Settle to Real Business Mmmrp. mil -.S. Sabre Jels Down Three MICi's Over Korea Mike Hyrcak, 55-year-old Edmonton man, was killed in an accident on the Canadian National Railway line at Shamvs, 75 miles east of Prince Rupert at 9 o'clock this muming. Employed on a cable gang from a work train, he was -orRag- MUNSAN, Korea (CP) Cease-fire talks are progressing in "military formality" with every reason to be optimistic, a United Nations briefing officer said tonight. An official communique was less en FOUL -United States sabre J, Champion is today .'lint down three Com bust Mlu-lo jets ana aam- a thusiastic but hopeful. It said: "A better understand- fid in spreadins gravel from which became ,.(1 another In a zu-mmute air 1 r ,U1p over nonnwestern tt.orea. , mg between the negotiating parties developed on Ihtrty-tmir Allied planes tang- HAMILTON GOLF CLUB, An-caster, Ont ti Stan Leonard of Vancouver, Canada's golfing ace, whipped thj field, par and a mis- Wednesday. It credited a changed attitude by five I with an estimated 30 miu i dramatic dog fights over rth. stern Korea. Communist generals. spreader derailed and jumped the track. When tin spreader became uncoupled from the engine, Hyrack fell between spreader and engine pilot. He was struck by the draw bar and body injuries aro believed to have been practically instantly fatal. The body was taken to Terrace, twenty miles distant, where Two Killed in Alaska Crash r. his r.aJ Canadian Professional pfl-nl, i The communique said Red ne-retain EOtlatlons shoWed "less stiffnoss Golfers' Association champion-, iSy." 5 P- i Neither the communique nor I Leonard hit a sensational 65,; the briefing officer mentioned one stroke off the competitive communist demands reported record for the Ancaster golf ; bv Red radios flection in New Zealand But Allied delegates,, return an inquest will be conducted by Coroner Will Robinson. Hyrcak had worked for the course and finished the 54-hole tournament In 206, four strokes ANCHORAGE, Alaska W Aj rescue plane landed here Tuesday with the remains of two An-' past five years on this division chorage men who were killed out of Pacific divisional point. ing Wednesday from second-day talks in Kaejonj, made it clear that they would not talk about one of three points-demand that foreign troops get out of Korea immediatlev. The Communists also want a Monday when their light plane He was unmarried and has a brother, Andrew Hyrcak at Pa crashed on the side of Mount NEW RICHES FOR ALBERTA The largest earf-fill dam in Canada stretches across the 1st. Mary River, southwest of Lethbridge. The $6,500, OO clay-and-gravel structure stores water of the St. Mary-Milk River Irrigation Project. When the project is completed 10 years hence, an estimated $40,000,000 worth of productive wealth w 11 flow, like the water, across southern Alberta. More than 3,000 dust-bowl farmers will have n?w home? on Irrigated land where crop failure Is unknown. In the far distance can be seen thi Rocky Mountains. CP PHOTO) Sustina, about forty miles north under par for the distance. His 65, five under par, was the best round In the tournament and his putting was brilliant . ' Closest to the' Marine Drive Club pro from Vancouver was Lloyd Tucker of Kitchener, Ontario, Rockway Club, with 211. At 212 came Stan Home of Montreal's Islesmere. west of here. cific. W. C. Sponaugle, conductor of the work train, and Herb White, engineer, were principal witnesses of the fatality WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Premier Sydney Holland said niirlit that he will dissolve his irliament and call a federal . cthiii to vindicate his handling New Zealand's waterfront bur war which began three intlis ago. Mr. Holland said the election iiikl be called at "the earliest iportunity." The National Council of New aland Dock Workers' unions day ifcommended its branches all ports to end their five-mth strike. The government trl de-certified the unions and rnied Independent ones. Th greatest New Zealand ln-istrial crisis in a generation Power Cable Stringing The victims are Homer Mosely jr., aged 25, and Dale Neunier, 25. The search started Monday when the pair failed to return from a week-end wishing trip and a flier spotted the burned wreckage of their plane In a mountainside. 38th paralltl border with buffer zone and suggest exchange of prisoners. ReaC Admiral Raleigh A. Burke, member of the five-man United Nations team, said this was a political question. The Allied negotiators will not discuss political' issues. The briefing officer said negotiators "may not get down to Weather Synopsis Cool air from the Mackenzie River valley moved into the Brazil has an area of 3,286.000 square miles, largest in South Am-srica, compared to 1,078,000 for Argentina. Across Skeena Big Job flashes BRITAIN'S POPULATION brass tacks" until Thursday ses LONDON Census figures, released today, place the population of Great Britain and sions. They are still discussing what items are to go on the Northern Ireland at ,50,210,- I agenda and In what order they Prinze George region during the night bringing showers to the au'a I his morning. However, the southward motion of this cool air appears to have stopped and is not expected to move farther south than the northern Cariboo region. Clear hot July weather Is ex- Japan Develops Democracy And May Become Good Ally By WILLIAM JORDEN TOKYO ( AP) Where will Japan stand once 000. The population of London ; will be taken up. It is said there was much less Damage From Winter Storms Near Tyee - Being Repaired A big and tricky job of stringing six 4500-pound cables across more than a mile of the turbulent Skeena River has been started by Northern British Columbia Tower Co. Ltd. First of the 19-rstranrt, three-quarter-inch-thick wires was strung yesterday terrd its final stage when sea-en returned to work. M 111 is had already resumed nk, leaving only longshore- tension at Wednesday's meeting. Things went forward In is 8,346,000, compared with New York's 8,573,000. JETS TO AUSTRALIA VANCOUVER Canadian Pacific Airlines are planning putting Jets on the run from 'business-like manner." It could m. who began the crisis with a pected to continue in all other rike on the wage Issue, still sections of (he province for the not be disclosed, however, justlghe regains her independence? Many United States what had been accomplished, j after two days of labor by 25 men, T. B. Black, power Vancouver to Australia. The j time to Sydney would be cut ! company manager, said today. observers have made the easy assumption that the Japanese, having benefited by the "soft" occupation and millions of American aid dollar?, are, permanently on the side of the West. Others are convinced Japan has no future unless she plays on the western Hospitals in Location of the project is two next two days. Forecast North coast region- Fob patches: along coast during morning, otherwise clear and warm today and Thursday. Light northerly winds. Lows tonight and highs Thursday at Port Hardy and Sandspit, 50 and 70; Prince Rupert, 50 and 75. Plumbers in South Strike VANCOUVER (CP) About 600 plumbers went out on strike today In the Greater Vancouver area tying up 52 plumbing and iorry Plight Railway Vice-President Here powers' teara from the present Z6 hours to 20. RUM CONDEMNED HAMILTON A Hamilton magistrate today condemned the rum ration in the Navy as he passed sentence on a young ex-service man. He said that the rum ration had started many young men drinking. Statements by occupation VANCOUVER -British Co- heating establishment tn Vaa leaders, from Gen. Douglas Mao- ibii Iwuiiai officials will miles above Tycc, where the high tension wires cross the Skeena to the Falls River hydro installation. Meanwhile, the city's power comes from the dry dock auxiliary dicsel plant, augmented by power from Shawatlans Lake. Installation of Hie six new conductors, suspended by five 175-foot towers, was made necessary when bad Icing conditions last December caused three couver, New Westminster and Arthur down, have given the et here Aicu.t 3 to nlan Burnaby and Richmond municl- f npaign ti meet their "crltl Higher Taxes for neutrality. Among thase most concerned, with the problem of Japan's future are the men who once led her mighty armies. Purged from official life, these military leaders nevertheless have maintained close ties with their old friends and subordinates. In recent months, with the relaxation palities. x 1 1. rmanriai position. J. F. Pullen. vice-president in charge of traffic, Canadian National Railways, Is a visitor In the city today in the course of a western tour. Mr. Pullen, whose l.-adquarters are in Montreal, arrived In the cltv on last night's r.i'-v sai.l veslerdnv that thev j Impression that Japan is a democratic nation and a permanent and trustworthy ally of the West. j But not all Japanese agree I that this nation must fall into Who's Holding up Housing? Not Needed firming Charges Finance Minister With Inaccuracy l.ii-d will) hank overdrafts, "'nt'ii7 rl'fiivts and soaring ' and have been crippled by S7jl.O(,o sla h in 1951 operat- b'Mlurts Imposed by the Brit- Una as on pnpmv nf the Com of occupation policy, they have ! train andwil I be leaving tonight I cables spanning the river to on behalf of Prince Rupert was munlst worid. Their reasons are I begun to speak more freely City Finds Application Never Made on his return east. I """p tt"u "IItE - made to the head omce oi ,,, ht orfj Snmo of the ex-militarists ac- ' . i .. am. l . l ' 1 !l limhi-i ll'wt.ll.,! Trti'iirnnrn I 1 CHMC. That was' o mrm more iVian than a a potent body of opinion against cept tne view mat japan muso The ine housing nousing committee committee oi of lO II1C VVl'Sli month ag0 Now we find out no r,"" """J ,trueerp be- tie herself closely """lliofnclal application to the gov- ; to to prevent prevent JapTn's Japan's rvice ' ' J OTTAWA (CP) -Donald Flem-1 -I Sw-eln-kv. president of lnK ' Progressive Conservative n-iti i, ri..mhi. i.- Toronto-Eglinton) said last; falling to the at Ottawa. A recent , happened Prnment was ever made." said that Finance Minister ; In the early days of the oc- mmuns. iney a.e ..vm .- ." ' . . . j tKa T T C nnr hop QI IPC 1171 i 'Ciation nnrl phnlrman nf th light letter to City Clerk R. W. Long j Mayor g. W. Rudderham today. from E. T. Applewhaite, MP lot Annarent.lv the nrmrineUl rov- cupation, when it was United l". ,7tw CCF Wins Sask. Seat Douglas Abbott has "won forj himself the all-time Canadian: record as the most inaccurate budgeter in our history." j Skeena, states the Dominion " demilitarize Ja- fet'" "'ant crncBl snoul(1 have made the Plic,y i union They iney want to iu government never had an offl-: annliPatlon pan and eliminate any chance fcoyiet the side. the be on winning ''d -f .'it I awl's Hospital here, i He lir e Inn was being eal-'' i li aw hi) u brief of "broad "i-ple-" t ) he submitted to le-hlailve commlttej prob-: li: pit ai Insurance clal application for housing in; . , (of her fighting again. "The way it looks now, we'll i Japanese wre told their only Others, however, are sure Ja have to start all over again. hn. fnr .-.lirltw was tr remain ln will lose any war in the Prince Rupert. Mr. Long has written to E. J. cumagca. Total cost of the job will be around $30,000. "The biggest difficulty in the job is the tide problem," Mr. Black explained. This morning, men were at work at 5:30 to take advantage of high tides, as several sandbars lie across the centre of the river. In stringing a cable, thrW boats are placed in the river, near the foot of the towers. At one end of the cable crossing, a winch is anchored which hauls a lead cable through pulleys across the entire suspension of 8000 feet. The men have only one hour in which to get the lead cable across, for it requires the assistance of men on the "Either somebody slipped up j neJjtrai near future, no matter which l "HLs actual errors in budget-1 ing in the last five years' GRAVELBOURG, Saskatche-. amounted to $1,250,000,000 iniwan (CP) The Saskatchewan round figures, an average of CCF government yesterday add- $250,000,000 per year," said Mr. j ed to Its majority in the Legis-! Fleming. "In other words, hlSiiature when its candidate won - siue wins, nou uiey aik jiui- tun- . ,. , Then American policy chang- vlnced the democracies can bfw!; Brown, provincial government j on something or we are getting housing representative whoitne run-around. visited the city in April with E. "it certainly puts us at the ed. It became important that the Russians. Ocean Falls rj. riCKersgm, ienirai nuusing end of the line as far as getting ! 'aPan wou!d "?e neutr,al- " OFFICER'S ARGUMENT v,,.CQt, houses is ic concerned." n. - . ; iwas was argued arguea that, mai, in in an an all-out au-uuu ohe of , tho the leading 1sorf)n enn i inaccuracy has amounted vO : the by-eleetion here, and Mortgage Corporation rep- spokesmen reyentative for B.C asking fori It is expected the housing ! P3"1? witn worW communism, f , . Uer schoo, of tnougnt rnmmit.tPo will meet, nx snnn ass the Democracies WOU1Q need Ja- , fnrm,r rni Masnnrrhn TwiM. further information nearly $1,000,000 a day over the last five years." Mr. Fleming's statements were made in a speech last night. He 'Aan Drowns We had definite word from word is received from Mr. Brown i Pan's. inclustrial strength andi0ne of japan's mast brilliant IS! Edward Walker, 28-year-old university-trained farmer, received 2591 votes compared with 2510 for Ron MacLean, his Liberal opponent. MacLean is the former law Mr. Pickersgill that application at Victoria. tignting manpower. staff officers during the PucKia Many Japanese, sold by the war. In speeches and pamph- K'E AN FALLS 0, Arthur si"kc In French. Great budgetary surplus?. in of Ocean Falls, a 37-vear 7 boats. When the tide recedes, f 'Sherman, was presumed of E M. Culllton, partner wio;tnp b0al3 nave t0 m0ve or they i earlier arguments for neutral- lets; Tsuji outlines his argument ' ity, have not adopted the new, this way: I policy as readily as some Ameri-1 ' 1. War is inevitable between leans had hoped. The Japanese the U.S. and USSR, probably would indicate that recent tax increases were not justified, Mr. Firming suggested. TODAY'S STOCKS ad Tuesday. Royal' Canadian won the seat for the Liberals in the 1948 general election with a 'tinted Police said thvy believe lell overboard Monday night "n his glllnet fishing boat in iHirt4 X. II. Jtihntitnn 'l l.llf. ) Cape Comorln, most southerly substantial majority, tip of India, is a low sandy I The Liberal candidate imme-promontory visible for only 10 ! diately announced that he would people, with the memory of bit- before 1955. ter defeat and war's devastation ! 2. The Far East will be of still fresh in their minds, have secondary importance, developed a strong attachment I (Continued on Page 5) "U's Inlet. The boat was :! unround in th.? Inlet. .18 .45 .39 .18 ark for a recount. rtiirmnue Beattle Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian miles at sea. - TIDES - Iran More Conciliatory Attention Thursday, July 12, 1951 'Pacific Standard Time) ' !l 6:45 15.6 feet 19:15 18.8 feet ' . It'll 7 1 fnot will be caught on the sandbars. And each cable, suspended from the towers by lnsulatoiv, haa co be "sagged just right,'' Mr. Black said, "in order to compensate for the strain." A tension machine at one end computes the tension which has been calculated to be correct by the engineers., BIG LOAD ON SAGS Maximum load In weight the cables will carry is some 23,000 pounds in each sag. "When the cables broke last winter there must have been 12 tons of Ice on them between each tower. The cables snapped In half," the manager said. Cables now being strung are designed to withstand an Inch of ice and a 60-mlle-an-hour gale. . A camp has been constructed at the site, accommodating 20 men of Hume & Rumble Ltd., contractors for the job, and five 12:45 7.1 feet Freights Go Up July 26 OTTAWA (CP; The railways Premier Mossadegh Would Welcome U.S. Envoy TEHRAN (CP) Premier Mohammed Mossadegh tonight told United States Ambassador Henvy Grady that he would be glad to reeeive Averlll Harriman, as suggested by President Truman, but Insisted Iran stood pat on the principle or oil nationalization. Informed sources said. Truman had suggested earlier this week that Harriman, presidential adviser, help Iran settle the oil dispute with the British whose oil empire here is crumbling in the face of the nation- VANCOUVER Bralorne 5.90 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz '110 Congress 06 Giant Mascot - 100 Indian Mines 21 Pend Oreille 7.50 . Pioneer 1-85 Premier Border 34 Privateer 09 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.50 Sllbak Premier 38 Taku River 07 Vananda - 12 Salmon Gold 02 Spud Valley 10 Silver Standard 2.40 "Western Uranium 1.85 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.85 A P Con .36 Atlantic 2.65 Calfnont 95 Central Leduc 1 90 Home Oil 1600 Mercury 13 !i Okalta 2.40 Princess 1 1 3S Royal Canadian 1034 TORONTO , Athona 07 ft ALL EMPLOYEES The wage scales for B.C. for Prince Rupert area as of July 9, 1951, ore as follows: Laborers $1.40 Jackhammer Men $1.60 Powdermen $1.75 Rock Foremen $1.85 BOYS OR GIRLS Openings for boys or girls Daily News routes in Wf,;t End and elsewhere in nty. APPLY AT OFFICE Special Bonuses Consol. Smelters 143.00 Conwest 2.68 Donalda 48 Etdona .17ft East Sullivan 7.25 Giant Yellowknife 7.25 God's Lake 32 Hardrock 16ft Harrirana , 07 ft Heva 10 ft Jacknife 08 ft Jollet Quebec 50 Little Long Lac ".70 Lynx 15 Madson Red Lake 2.08 McKenzle Red Lake .41 MeLeod Cockshutt 2.50 Moncta ' -30 Negus 75 Noranda 70.50 T,rmvtecnirt. .'. lft Pickle Crow 169 San Antonio 2 .50 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherrit Gordon 2 8 Steep Rock 8.85 Silver Miller 140 Upper Canada 1-54 Golden Manitou 6.40 j I yesterday gave notice of higher i freight rates to go into effect for Good Service July 26. The new rates are in line with a July 4 award of the Board of Transport commissioners authorizing carriers to boost many of their charges by 12 per cent. Thousands of new rates were alization drive. N.B.C. Power Co. men. The The.-e Is also indication ofPwer company supplies mate-softenine of the British standi rials and technical services, but filed Tuesdav with the board FOOTBALL TONIGHT BATTERY vs CANADIAN LEGION B. J. SMITHSON, Secretary International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, Local 1427. ltc and others will be filed today, in tne way oi co-operation wnn suiucieni, peisuu- the deadline for putting them 1 Its expert personnel which is nel to do the whole job. into effect .Tulv 2f1 under the 15-(essential to continued operation Cllve Bussey. foreman for 7 o'clock kick-off dav-notlce clause in the board's' of the British-Iranla Oil Co.'s Hume & Rumble, is in charge; aw'ard. i plant and production. (of the project.