Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, July 11, 1951 c NEWS OF THE DISTRICT OhfS aor lines lllllll illilkillllll FWSM MAN r Cln't comptte 1 il f i Terrace Fire " " ted Si.. I mirn - ! tar riuiu Stewart Miner IF araijLfAiiari 'l'W8 I ft I.IIV.U U I w V 1 Passes Away STEWART Edward Edward-son, age 65, a silicosis pensioner, pas?d away on Thursday last at his home on Eighth Street here. Mr. Edwardson was bom in V'TiL-nu nnH thp nnlv knnun ml- At Stewart STEWART Honoring J. P. Garlick, a party was hc!d In the Moose Hall on Saturday at which thi Loyal Order of Moose and Canadian Legion combined to TODAY.- THURSDAY trict, Mrs, Sally Stewart, was presented with a Moose spoon by the Women of the Moose. Senior Regent Mrs. J. McKay made the presentation. The Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion also presented .vas. Stew an with a pvn and pencil set. The presentation was made by the President of the Auxiliary, Mrs. S. Kirkpatri-k. Cribbage and whist were played, winners being: Cribbage Mrs. Vera Lawrence, Mrs. F. Hunger, consolation; Bobby Bchnsen, J. P. Haw-klnson. Whist -Mrs. J. Nichols, Mrs. W. R. Tooth; Bob Barwise, Isaac Soderlov. Dancing followed ttve supper Still Burning TERRACE More than 100 men have ben fighting a forest fire winch broke out on Monday Afternoon near the Fraborne Saw mills, seven miles out on the Lakelese road at the foot of Thornhill Mountain. Cause of ttvj fire is unknown. There was not a breath of wind, the mill was running and the burner going with hoses placed in readiness to extinguish the burner immediately should the wind arisa. No sparks were liy.nfc;. The fire was first noticed by one of the yard men and the mill crew had it. almost under ! him with suitcase The pwent a ativc living in this country is TODAY 'Goodbye, My Fancy" Lucille Ball Madcap Mirth Madcap mirth comes to the Capital Theatre this Wednesday and Thursday when Lucille Ball, as a cosmetic dealer selling her wares from door to door, becomes involved in all sorts of scrapes. She and Eddie Albert become involved with a murderous smuggling ring and have many escapades before they finally best the villainous group. The chase, aboard a ship, Includes every sort of mad happening. Carl Benton Reid. Gale Rob-bins, Jeff Donnell and Jerome Cowan are featured in the principal supporting roles. Terrace is Warm Spot TERRACE Terrace was one of the warmest spots In British Columbia yesterday. The thermometer rose to 86. A forest fire which swept over 200 acres in tlw Lakelse Lake are was under control last night. coca; ion was the transfer of Mr. brother, H. Edwardson, who re 7 - 8:20 Highway JOl" EVERYONE Gariuk to Gibson's Landing as liquor vendor at that point. M.'. Garlick is a Past President of the Legion and a Past Govcr-nrr of the Moose Lodge. He has always been very active in both organizations and will be missed from the community. 7 sides in Anchorage, Alaska. The deceased had been rapidly declining for some time and the death was not unexpected. By calling a miner, he had been employed at the Indian Mine, Silbak-Premier, B.C. Silver, Silver Tip and the United Era-' pire Mines. ' Interment took place on Sunday in the Stewart cemetery. H. A. Stewart, local undertaker was in charge of arrangements. tinrt nrovjintatlnnK Mrs W J r 1 s The prestation was made by j Crawlort, and Mls. L Bchnsen W. R Tooth, l ast Govern .ir of IS TALKING ABOUT BUTTERICK PRINTED PATTERNS! And now we have them come in today to see these new and wonderful easy- ) friiui AW ifficiated at the piano and Sam Orkpatilck on the violin. control when it jumped the creek and got beyond tho range cf the mill hoses. The mill itself, li'iving a good sprinkling system, &'. not in danger but, by early evening, the fire had advanced the Moose Lodge, and also Village Commissioner. Mr. Garlick also held the pnsi- V TATCil 'l' STARTS Till; I W I CfYl -U tion of Secretary for the School P, einier Board, Zone 51. Roy Sharp is replacing him as secretary. At the same party another resident, who is leaving the dis- up the mountainside where it ! ! raged all night. Mr. Smith and Harvey Camp-) stEWArt NEWS i bell ot the lorestry department NEWS here were on the scene immediately with their fire fighting equipment and crew and with TERRACE I OPIGS Art Scammell has returned after spending holidays at his home in Vancouver. While there, Mr. Scammell and his wife celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary with a gathering of their family and close friends. to-use patterns with directions printed right on every pattern piece. j See our wide selection of exciting new fabrics in a dazzling array of colors. Style them in Butterick. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE (i KEMPTVILLE, Ont. W A 69- Neil MoGillivray, President of the Silver Tip Mine, arrived from Victoria on Monday and is paying a visit to the mine this week. He is the guest of W. R. Tooth, a local director and manager of the company. Coming To Civic Centre DICKSON Master of Ma$ The Greatest Show of its Kind in Canad MAGIC . . . FUN FOR EVERYONE Mysteries that you'll never forget . . . Two hours of Mi Illusions, Ventriloquism with Danny, the Talkative Block!: . . . See him escape from the Death. Cell of Devil's 1st their speedy and efficient organ- izatlon they were able to get the j blaze under control by Tuesday ! afternoon. Early on Tuesday morning 50 men from the 'Columbia Cellulose were out fighting fire augmented later In the day by crews from the Public Works and all , the mills in the district. Approximately 200 acres have Noticing smoke passing her kitchen window as she was cooking dinner late on Monday af Bill Johnston returned by plane Thursday from vacation in Toronto. Mr. Johnston travelled by air" both ways and he reported a smooth trip with excellent flying weather. ternoon, Mrs. Harvey Doll, who lives on Park Avenue, west, went out to investigate and found smoke issuing from the basement. ea'l to the local firehall got inch stalk of timothy hay was been turned over, so far, but found by T. J. Coppinger on his none of the saleable timber has farm near here. Average height been touched. the firemen on the scene immediately and the blaze was soon Thursday and Friday, Ju!y 12 and 13, 9 p. of the plant, used as noise ami Ed Dodd is acting postmaster relieving Mrs. J. C. Smith, who is on vacation. Prior to his coming to Premier, several months a, s s S s S S extinguished. The front porch cattle feed, is throe to four feet. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moxey arrived here on Monday for a two month stay. Mr. Moxey is here to relieve Roy Sharp, Dominion telegraph operator, who goes on his vacation at this time. Fred Sprecklln of North Vancouver is here replacing J. P. Garlick as liquor vendor. Mr. Garlick is being transferred to Gibson's Landing in a like position. she carried a colonial bouquet. The junior bridesmaids, Bar and window were damaged and Adults 75c Children 50c Kiddies 25c Under auspices of Prince Rupert Civic Centre : a new floor will be needed in the ! ago, Mr. Dodd was on the post. Are' Wedded At Terrace basement , Smoke and water did office staff at Salmon Arm. a lot of damage to the furniture ! . For the MEAL that REFRESH:! but, with the help of Mrs. Percy Skinner. Mrs. H. Cote. Mrs. G. West. Mrs. Albert Haugland, Mrs. T. Turner, sr., and Mrs. Eric Turner, the house was cleaned PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Greer 136 Hox 418 bara and Margaret Pongracz, wore floor length gowns of rose and helio taffeta, respectively, up without delay. FINEST OF MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH ' HEATING BEST OF FOOD styled similarly to their sisters' Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartace and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Est. 1910. Phones 68 and 60 C00KIN1 TERRACE. Attended by her four sisters in blue, helio and rose, Mary Pongracz, daughter of Frank Pongracz and the late Mrs. Pongracz of Terrace, became the bride of Paul Frank Obzero, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Obzero, also of Terrace, nt an interesting morning ceremony last Friday at the Church of the Sacred Heart. Given in marriage by her brother, Frank, the bride was a picture of loveliness in her white bridal gown of satin which featured a full skirt, embossed yoke The Terrace company of Jehovah Witnesses were hosts to the Witnesses of Prince Rupert and the interior for three days at the end of last week. Meetings , were held in the Kingdom Hall where also the visitors were served their meals. On Sunday afternoon a public meeting wasj held in the Tillicum Theatre with F.. J. Franks speaking on FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS THONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE gowns but had shoulder veils of net and ruffled coronet. They, too, carried colonial bouquets. Each attendant wore a necklace of pale pink pearls. Groomsman was his brother, Steve -Obzero. . Rev. Father Racette, O.M.I., assisted by Father Leray, O.M.I., and the two altar boys, Matthias Ponaracz and Edward Bis- and long pointed sleeves. Her Seras Srt m$ surviving inis Worms fciui. Later in the evening the vlsHors '"ft by bus for their homes in Frince Rupert,, others goins up 'ountry by car the following day. mm inmiir-n i mm i long, double, . lace-edged veil was held in place with a coronet of ruffled lace and she ca-- ried a bouquet of pale pink car- nations and fern.- Maid-of-honor was the bride's si.ster, Elizabeth, who wore a I floor-length gown of blue nylon i taffeta featuring full skirt, ny- Ion yoke bordered by a deep (pleated frill. Matching mittens, i ruffled net hairband and colon j sonnette, officiated at the nuptial mass and Mrs. C. Kofoed presided at the organ. In the evening, a wedding reception was held in the Credit Union Hall made gay with wedding bells and pink and white streamers and vases of f'owe-. Here a toast to the bride was proposed by Frank Pongracz. Following refreshments and the cutting of a three-tiered bridal cake, the Terrace Ramblers played for the dancing Vhlcn lasted until the early hours of the morning. The bride and groom plan a short honeymoon mp into the interior before set tling down in their new home "Hospitality and Good Tood" That Is Our First Aim Plume 17 for Orders . To Take Out Commodore Cafe Frank Howard, president of h lnea' I.W.A. Union, is spending some time in town lr the "ursc of his union duties. He is beginning the organization work necessary to start negotiations nrt'-n-'s in? lnr;glnt; and sawmill companies in the .strict in an attempt to get the v'-vls'onr of the coast master -ontract the same as the recently igned Columbia Cellulose N 1 V-i - IaV- a ft " ial bouquet completed her cos-,ume. . Another sister, Mrs. John To-manacy, wore a full-skirted, floor length gown- of blue nylon taffeta with sweetheart neck- '.V , . ' ,V'.,1 1 i a k tun 1 v rv ine, short sleeves and matching .l.ltcns,. ruffled hairband and cfn the Keith estate. : 7 AT At - 1 ii ri il 111 it A'jtZXJ&' to' ' fl4r 'I1 1 v fr t Dependable Auto Scivcco firm C Tilt-.. I:n't-i in! i -i alike:'.."; lien! i-ohs'.'int i hey net that 'V, ladint'v . . . the; .s-rvicc, and fcrvice here Here's simple hospitality-good food and Coca-Cola. Coke is so welcome-so easy on the budget. ..and so easy to serve. cold, right in the bottle. eVTy ,im? you drive up for : is! Re wi ;o. Drive up here for expert service today and every day! Shop at the sign of June and July KEEP IT RIGHT Inside and 2I JUtWrod hrftlw it b-felt tMm mitrail ftk CC 114. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. J Bottle Carton Out. DRIVE UP AT r Including F.d.ra Salt and Exciw Jo" Plus deposit Icptrbottl "Cot.' BEAUTY CONTEST ENTRIES at the Prlncj Rup jrt Exhibition were these comely eight Misses, with top honors going to Gilberte Smith (fron rw, centre i. Runner-up Iona Hardy, (front, right 1 was selected as Miss Prince Rupert for candidate in the Miss PNE contest, because Miss Emith did not qualify In age. She is only 16. Third place was taken by Margaret Giske, (front row, left). Other contestants, from left, are Dorothy Weiss, Edith Jonason, Joan Dawson, Benlta Windle and Gilberte Belanger. ' BLONDIE , : By CHIC YOuj iiP T7 . L , pmiiii" 7n TSl SoMi m?m ki" Superior Auto Service LIMITED Sun Dresses Sun Suits . Sec our large selection first The Stork Shoppe Blue 810 Studebokcr and Austin Dealers ' Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 Xtia dvnlmcnt b not publlitwQ er dliplayed by the Liquor Central i