&s 1 1 .06 Si&ii sjii "" i J f Prince Kueir Uoily :iel W C j Wednesday. July 11, 1951 hotel arrivals RADIO DIAL 124U Kilocycles CFPR Blackwood on Bridge. By Easley Blackwood (Prince Rupert) (Subject tc Chance) A. i rr J. M. Matthews. F. Morris, H. Elliott. A. E. Waiters, Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Haywood. N. D. Dew-ai, A. C. Argue, T. McCaskell, G. WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Stars of CBC Opera Co. i This is the last hand of a rubber in which Miss Brash, paired with Mr. Meek, had taken a lot of punishment and a lot of kidding from Mr. Cham W. Johnson, . N. Moi ley, Vancouver; H. Barnett, Ontario; F. Howard, A. H. Elliott e.nd L, B. i WASHING CARS pion. I She was just as cheerful asi Smith, New Westminster; Mr. ever but I noticed a steely gllat; In her eye. I suppose she didn't j bid four no trump to check upi THURSDAY -ft.11 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News ; 8:10-Here's 3U1 Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC Naws and Com'ty 9:15 Music for Moderns &: 30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment : 59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Thi3 Week's Artist" 10:45 Invitation to the Walt 11 :00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time , 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1:45 Scandinavian Melodies 22:00 Mid-Day Mrrudlt T.T. 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm B:oadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 Eay l ikening 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 A Book I Like; Cqmty. Rub 1 teaspoonful of Colman'i mustard in powder form into your roast before placing it in oven and taste the difference! For free recipe book, "Culinary Art", write to Reckitt Be Col-man (Canada) Ltd., Station T, Montreal. TIRE REPAIRING GENERAL CLEAN-UP We specialize in servicing for long trips Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTORS am' Mrs. iP. w. Hrowse and Mrs. . Wood, Smtlhers; G. Adams. Edmonton; Mr. and Mis. A. h. K ng, Nanaimo; T. G. Ruthei ford. Calgary; Miss E. Graham. Hamilton; Mi. and Mrs. Luck'.; and family, i.andsplt; G. Titus, Prince George. JAPAN DEVrXOPS (Continued ;rom page 1) East dealer Both sides vulnerable NiM-th (Mr. trek) 8 S H 10 9 7 8 3 a I) K Q J 2 C K 10 t i:st Olr. AIh-I) (Mr. ( liamplmi) B 10 4 3 2 H-K 7 H None H- K J 4 L A 10 8 5 D 7 C 8 7 5 4 C q J il 6 3 Hmitll (Mi Hraxh) ri A Ul J 8 H A W 8 a I 3 C A 2 The bidding: .Kant Ki.ilth Went North i-UM 1 8 f-UMH 2 U Ftu 7 H All pass 4:15 Mus'c by Goodman 4:30 Favorite Stories 4: 45 Stock Quotations & Int 5-00 -inwnatinnal Ccmtv. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:25 Canadian Open Golf Summary 5:30 The Question Box 5:45-Sow. -thing In Harmony 5:55 CBC News G:(;0 fJuppe-r Serenade C: 13 Three Hons fa:3t) -Miis.r.al Varieties 7:00 -CUC News 7:13 CBC flew? Roundup 7:3'J Albert Praty gCC The Bartered Bride 9:23 The RuS;aiy taof Omar Khayyan 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News Round-up 10:15 Lets Find Out 10-30 Vnf9 F-vital 11:00 -Weather Report Fish Arrivals on aces because she thought Mr. Meek was so far gone that he would pass that bid. To give Miss Brash whatever credit she deserves on her bidding, I must tell you that she had the trey of diamonds mixed In with her hearts. In other words she thought she wis blank in diamonds. Mr. Champion had no way ol knowing that his partner hail the ace of diamonds and .so he got off to the opening of the queen of clubs. When the dummy went down 7rtrif- I I Mr Meek puled and dropped' 3. There is no fundamental conflict between Japan and China, but only between the U.S. and Russia. Therefore Japan should not Involve herself. 4. There is little chance thi'.t the U.S. can win a third woridi war. j 5. The Japanese should Lake a "generous" attitude toward the ConynunLsts, adopting the gool parts of thfir program without actually becoming a Communist nation. T.su)i says his estimate of the East-West conflict Is based on extensive material on Russia's several cards on the floor. After j retrieving them he played low : from dummy and won in his hand with the king or clubs. He was certain he was down on the heart was picked up and all four of Mr. Meek'a diamonds were discarded on dummy's good spades, A vulnerable grand slara bid and (phew!) made. Sorry If I frightened you for a moment, partner," said Miss Braj.ii. "I thought I had five hearts and no diamonds." ; hand and that it was a question of how many. He led a low heart and, not caring what hap-j pened any more, put in the six spot from dummy after Mr. alt Lake Ferry oves Cow Bay Float THURSDAY p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. W uihcr pi-rmittini i mn I I I'1' ill IMMfllBII 1 nA SSr in economic and military' strength gathered by Japan's army before the end of the Second World War. Champion followed with the four. When the six spot held the Pi "If that's all he was nervous about on that hand," groused Mr. Champion, "he'd better have his head examined." Mr. Meek said nothing. He was limp and dazed but happy. ntr One of his conclusions is that, ! trick Mr. Meek dropped his en-I tire hand on the floor. This time because of the Soviet's planned decentralization of Indus try, Mr. New, the eager kibitzer, j picked them up for him. 'perhaps 50 atoro bombs In Rus Mr. Abel totalled up the score. Miss Brash and Mr. Meek won It with a score of 2840 to their opponents' 2780. sian hands would be more de structive than 500 in American " If your money is running you, it's time you started PERSONAL PLANNING. It will show you how to live within your income and like it . . . how to get the upper band on your finances and keep it. Aik for your free "copy of the booklet "Personal Planning" at any branch of the B of M today. Personal Planning will help you save . . . and you'll like saving at "MY BASK". s ADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE ' CAS AND Kl.I-f TlilC RANGES Phone Blue 92 possession." Tsujl also believes any heavy When order was restored Mr. Meek musteied, the strength to reach over and pull the a:e of spades from the board. Then he led a small spade and ruffed 11 in his hand. On this trick Mr. Champion's king of spades ped, setting the balance of the if 1 1 !Mif F industrial system built fn Japan now would only be destroyed by PACIFIC ELECTRIC NAVIK, Norway W This Important iron ore shipping port, situated above the Arctic Circle at the foot of Ofoften Fjord observed its 50th anniversary on June 30. Narvik was the scene of a spectacular British naval suit on the board. Now another heart flne.i.e Stasis iii9 JOHN H. di "MY BANK was taken, Mr, Champion's last victory on April 13, 1940. American forces on their withdrawal to prevent those industries from falling into enemy hands. "We should never be involved in (war between the U.S. and Russia) at any cost. Fortunately, MacArthur told us to become the Switzerland of the Far East. We should stick to this advice. However hard it my be, it will be much better than beins; involved in the catastrophe." BULGER . . . Housekeeping . . . Ojifomc 0fSmit$OF TH FAMOUS &"wh,SKV 'hii -advertisement Pi not publisliea or displayed by the Liquor Control linarri or hv the Cnvernment of British Columbia fri.it WORKINO WITH CANADIANS IN tVEY WALK Of llfE SINCE 181 cabbXge is king of july dinner table John Bulger Ltd. Third venue Remember the quotation fromTand cooked quickly to retain Its Alice In Wonderland . when th maximum food value. When buying cabbage, always look for heads which are firm and heavy for their size. They should be green and fresh, properly trimmed and with no signs of worm injury or decay. Cabbage !s th-a basis for many At Home and Overseas SERVE CANADA 0, i mi n Walrus said : "The time has ' come to talk af many things?" ' Among those things were cab-j bages and kings. While, cabbages : and kings may seem far apart, green summer cabbages may I appropriately be called th king jof. the July dinner table. The : fin, firm heads ol cabbage In nourishing dishes,' especially those served by Canadians who th shops today are some of ? have come from European coun- op jucy - Lhow Mom nature's prize packages. Wise " Fronf lines of Freedom 1 Opi ii G p m, - 3:30 a.m. the HOLLYWOOD CAFE tries. For example, there are thovi little stuffed cabbage rolls which so many like so much, to say nothing of that favorite German dish, sauerkraut. Then, of course, there Is Jiggs' old standby, corned beef and i ui: .We Orders Phone 133 -r i y yyi yn bomemakers will Include cabbage often in their meals while it Is plentiful, for, though low in calories, It stands high in vitamins and minerals. This flavored, grev-n -color d vegetable may be served In many ways. Cooked or raw, It may be used equally well at luncheon or at dinner. Cabbage is easy to grow, keeps well and travels well. Air, water and heat are the thieves that ro'o water of some of its goodness so R should be stored as short a time as possible in a cool place GUAUTY STORE i J M AT v v iv v i vv As with most vegetables, thei ? Is rmht and wrong way to cook cabbage. In years gone by when granuiuama cocked cabbage It was no secret to the neighborhood, for the odor nenetrated far and near. Unfortunately, grand-mama did not realize that that-same odor indicated that valuable nutrients were disappearing into thin air. Nowadays care Is taken to cook cabbage quickly in 'I'ETTENUZZO'S) 5:i HI.TON STRKET rklnn l.ile? Tiled of coftk-' C'l'.ii! on a Picnic? I'avt,. salad -i, eold meats, f;M'cializiriB In RpaRhrtU, knl Chickens. Phone 479 7 J . Ja 1 1 on tin for 0 Modern inventions have not taken away from the Infantry its all-important part in victory. Again and aguin, in the bullies of l9.'59-l5 and in Korea, Infantry has proved itself 'Queen of Battles". The job of the infantryman has become tougher, more complex.; He must be able to handle more weapons and to meet a' greater ' variety of situations in defence and attack. ' MORE PEU ARB HEEDED MtEDMTEtyf f'r I a small amount oi ooiung saiiea water, in a covered saucepan, until Just tender. If cabbage Is cooked beyond the pouit of being Just tender, the leaves lose their delicate green color and the flavor tends Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor to become, bitter. Once the cabbage has been properly tled, it may be seasoned with salt. pepper and a little butter or may Enrolment Standards: To enlist you must: 1. Volunteer to serve anywhere. be served with a cream sauce, a Phone 649 220 Sixth St. cheese sauce or with grated p ANOOUVKIl VICTORIA cheese sprinkled on top. '"'"lay, 8 p.m., Coqultlam Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45). Meet Army requirements. Married men will be accepted. To many, cabbage Is more satisfying raw than cooked. On its own merits cabbage may Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun 77 lfE ARM, STEWART AND stand alone or may be mixed Conditions of; Service: Current rates of pay and allowances. Serve for 3 years or make it a career. Veterans' Benefits: Reinstatement in civil employment. Unemployment Insurance and other appropriate benefits under Veterans Charter as extended by Parliament. Other Ranks Retention of present Reserve Force rank or the rank held in Second World War,' subject to proving qualifications in service within a 90-day period. Officers Short Service Commissions will be granted to officers who do not wish to enroll in tj:e Active Force on a career basis. Further information should be obtained from your own unit or the nearest Army Personnel Depot. with other company, either meats or vegetables. Here are same suggestions from the home econ POUT SIMPSON Jfiday, Cumosun, 11 p.m.. fOU NOUTir Ql KKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam omists: Terms of Engagement: You will be enrolled in the Canadian Army Active Force for a period of three years. All men are eligible for Overseas Serv ice. If the military situation permits, married men after one year's service Overseas and single men after two years' service Overseas may be returned to Canada at which time they may request discharge even if they have not comnleted full three vears service. Cole slaw is one of the old favorites which many families serve often. Shredded cabbage and salad dressing are the basU iiuy 20, 9 p.m. For soi'tii oi een CHARLOTTE ISLANDS C'l'tultlaifr! July 13 and 27 July 13 and 27 9 p.m. F"ANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent "d Avenue Phone 5G8 4 i Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4050 West Fourth Ave., VANCOUVER, B.C. j.V ' : k - f 1 ml l silrrfeA of a cole slaw, but there are many simple variations. A little grated onion, diced celery or diced green or red pepper may be added to the cole slaw for extra flavor and color. Some diced, raw, unpeeled red pepper and a few seedless raisins are other welcome additions to the crisp, shredded cabbage, while shredded green and red cabbage may be combined to make a cole slaw of rather unusual color. A special note of interest Is added to the salad bowl if it is lined with several of the attractive crisp outer leaves of the red or green cabbage. A cole slaw may be easily turned into a vegetable salad by tossing in a few sliced radishes, chopped spinach, chopped cucumber or grated carrot. The plentiful fruits and vegetables for July are raspberries, cherries, apricots (West), blueberries (East), melons, lettuce, green peas, beets, green beans and cabbage. Th Hnt axtarler houM palal wmy can buy! Provkta lasting prolKtlon and beauty for your horn. Available in a wide cheic of attractive modern cojonw ' Rupert TOBACCO STORE Av'. - Opposite Ormes A, t MAGAZINES and pIKlOI)ICALS 'J'OBACCO and C0NPKCTIONERY 6twk Always Moving and Fresh I III.. . , J" , I i 1 tS V- Jt T r """Mr -4i .. fit rf t w . trs- ON SALE AT GORDON & ANDERSON B B B I f 'oereu th. '""V f able coal-mining in Brit- Em IN M IN MR M Ml Ml