PHOVINCIAL LlErtAt t 113 ORMES VICTORIA, B. C. DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER STAR V ...... ttviii.ik CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Pert -"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 , him - VOL. XL. No. 271 FRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1951 PRICE FiVIS CENTS TRUCE " ' jrv-"" ' i i; - .A V - - f '-r' End of Fighting By' Christmas Unlikely Red Charges of United Nations Atrocities Called "Pure Fabrication" TOKYO (CP) An abrupt top-level switch in Communist truce aims and charges of atrocities today dampened hopes for an end to the Korean fight- Barbara Has Had Enough of Tone HOLLYWOOD W The seven-wiek marriage of Fran- chit Tone and Actress Barbara Payton is on the rocks, Tone's lawyer said today. The lawyer. Robert S. Feder, said the couple had sepal 1J yesterday. Miss Payton plans to file divorce action, possibly next week, he said. May Divide Up Trieste Italy and Yugoslav to , Share Adriatic Port BELGRADE r New-signs cropped up here Monday that Yugoslavia and Italy may soon divide the free territory of Trieste . despite Russian objections. (Th United States Monday rejected Russia's latest protest on the status of Trieste as "nonsense." The State Department fired the Kremlin's own accusa- London Women Shop by Boat LONDON Pi Housewives went shopping today by boat in parts of the flooded Thamps Vo'ley. Rains have ben very heavy. Business men living near Reading, in Berkshire, were carried to communler trains by punt. C C.L. On Price Fix OTTAWA WThe Canadian ing before Christmas. Official Red broadcasts accused the Allies of killing 17,000 Si BATTLE TERRAIN Brig. J. M. Rockin -haia, left, Commander of the 25th Canadian iry BriRjde in Korea, shows two new olfl c s the country over which their troops will be lit Centre is Lt.-Col. Norman O. Wilson- miiti, commanding officer 1st Battalion Princess or prisoners of war, killing 14,500 North Korean wounding civilians and shipping out 1000 O. Brooks, commanding officer 2nd (CP from National Defence) unit, Royal Canadian Horse Artllh-ry. New Threat Of Floods ROBIGO, Italy Threats of Fighting To Continue I'nited Nations Command Says War Will Carry On TOKYO General Matthew B. Rldgway Tuesday said that Reds for atomic experiments. A United Nations spokesman called the human atom bomb test story a pure fabrication. There was no immediate com- Congress of Labor said today it!,. , . , . . . .,., Uon rlM back at Moscow- de-maintenance favors elimination of resale pile , practice but doubts claring that the Soviets arc to it a ban would bring much relief blanw for failure to reach an Colorful Welcome new floods in the already devas- from high living costs. agreement on making a free city ' tatecl Po Rjver appeared today ment on other charges. Canada's Naval Mystery Man Was Former Trappist Student .AWRKNCE, Mass. (CP) Father of the man Communists have promised u to " u.iinni tnrom fn Korea following heavy rains in northern In a brief presented to a out 0f the key Adriatic seaport), pecial committee of Parliament Rnnnsihl KmirC(.s said thfl di to United j " " new. . - f tn reply tomorrow Italv. . LONDON Traditionally -nlnrf nl u- o t ho u clcnmp hnmp Nations truce plans. on retail price fixing. Congress . i Water is running in the streets WI" camed on sa d it prefers to concentrate on!vlMon tniof many towns and thousands price controls which It believes j two Adiiatic neighbors through &re nomeiess. informed a series of "brilliant" operations on 'that was extended 10 princess will be more effective in dealing ; direct negotiations, probably in Flt-'ts of planes British, Am- y South Korean said Monday that, as far Sr&ES erda?" :, the only experience his son had had in med- the Lord Mayor was host at with living costs. The Congress has 360,000 luncheon a matter of weeks. rlcan and Italian have sup- 'the Pie food and medicine to those - However, a big part of . 7u . 1 marooned in the flood area, foundation for the agreement, was as an orderly at the Massachussets Eye !;ir Infirmary at Boston. Will VUllKlliU Viiv. u en-amy even though new proposals submitted to the Reds In truce talks are accepted. Headquarters said that "cease fire can result only from mutual acceptance of a complete armistice." It added: "There will be no cessation or slowdown of ground operations in Korea if new proposals of the United Nations delegation, submitted to the Communist delegation at Pan-munjon, are accepted." The statement came twenty-four hours before the Commun- was said to have been worked Mrs. Andrew Thompson re A toast to the Princess was proposed by Prime'Minister Winston Chu. chill who paid high tribute to the Dominion of Canada. There was no limit to the Atrocity Statement Backed Up father turned by air yesterday from ' out in lata September and Oc .r.aiid Demara sr. :ir.anti Demara Jr. Today's Stocks ( ..urteM 8. I. Jiilinntun Co. Lid.) Cana- nt at. Rsiniirmlt iLlnnro hp wiis New Westminster where she BthuritKs .said yesterday brouirht last week from Korean tober In Washington conferences. Western power representatives worked separately with Yugoslav and Italian diplomats there. of of the I ' possibilities expansion pprdue an(J lw new grand. .d as Dr Joseph Cyr. The waters where he had been ser- onara sulci ne naa recog- vlnir KUreeon-lieutenant on "ZJ", daughter ailU VII lie pcuJlc. lie utbiaicu. The Princess spoke of the inspiration of the royal tour. The affection and loyalty of the people had been deeply nis sun from newspaper h.M.C.S. Cayuga. ipfis Canadian immigration author-:iher .said ....v., hat his . Uies are mitigating the cir- frtrnt. quit Highicumslances Qf hu Bi ilit0 men he wa.s sixteen years Canada lo dct(,rmlnc whether he a Trappist monas- , th t illegally. Klve their answer TOKYO -General Matthew Pf . . lha Alitor! rrnnrtKfll fr on nr. Local Beer Drinkers Not Stuck Making It at Home I B Ridgway s headquarters said , jn tonight there Is "considerable I ue lwc"ly VANCOUVER American Standard 25 Bralotne 6.00 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.15 Congress '. -08 Cronin Babine .50 Giant Mascot 93 Indian Mines 25 Pcnd Oreille 9.25 Pioneer '. 2.00 Premier Border 32 Privateer 08 Reeves McDonald 6.30 evidence"' that Communists kil- The royal couple drove in stale :. . ii. d ...jr'.' The Navv however, did not loH civ thmiGQnH Ampri- Britain .Wants completely lift the veil of mys-j from Buckingham Palace to the terv which surrounds Demara. It Guildhall. Cheering thousands What is called beer, but not necessarily from a lined the Etraets he liitner said. nd con-stuuies at two Massachu-fhiwis to become a rellg- ther, o WnrM War 11 rianmru did not say what connection he has with the name "Dr. Cecil Finance Cut brewery is being made in , Prince Rupert. It's been like that since early in the strike and the stock of was served and cans wno naa oeen capiurea " the Korean war. ! A headquarters statement said bodies of 365 victims of Red atro-c.ties had treen recovered, j The statement backed up a re Champagne Boyce Haramaiiti" and "Dr. tne R0d pate was brought out the chair occupied by , thirst quenchers in the vendors shop became less and Bphhlri LONDON Britain revealed today --be- has .tnld he- VvHtA ved to have served in the . e"LU-M-rUOiuuf. Uie Unltedi Demara joined the Navy ln'lh. p,ilrrs, Ktoori tiiur Rnval cent rsport by Lt.-Col. James M NaW ; March, 1951. usiiiK the birth ccr-, Canadian Mounted Police officers Handley of the war crimes sec- States she wants a share of fin- Reno - . .05 ' Sheep" Cre-Jk 1.63 Taku River 07i Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 02V2 Spud Valley 24 tion of the Eighth Army advo- ancial aid under tne new Am-cate-general (legal) department erican mutual security act, fcr stating about 5,500 American support of North Atlantic de-prisoners have been slaughtered ; ljncc. who had been her bodyguard dmlng the trip abroad and who accompanied Ivor home to England by special request. iaa liut niaht the Roval : tilicate and medical crcden-aii Navv announced that ! tials of Dr. Joseph Cyr of mv.ieiy man called mundston, New Brunswlch, now Dr ph Cyr, was in understood to be practising in min.nid Wnlriri neman Grand Falls. New Brunswick. less. The new brewers belong in town. It seems they rank among our own our sisters, cousins and aunts, mothers, aunts and girl friends. With some, they have been more or less familiar with beer spilling since they were youngsters. It all comes down to I Long Range I Financing Advocated j by Communists since ihe begin- Richard A. Butler, Chancellor Silver Standard 2.65 Western Uranium 3 30 ning of the war. ' jof the Exchequer, in a Parlia- In ail, Handley said about mentary statement said: 13,000 United Nations and South I "We have made it known to Korean soldiers had been killed , the United States authorities by the Reds after being taken that the British government ex-prisoner, pects to receive its due share of I'.rmerly ol Lawrence, ' HI fame as a surgeon spread 3ii-Ui across Canada following a series' HI. STANDING I of major surgery cases among) ra win be discharged in South Korean troops who were t ur" from the Navy for brought aboard the destroyer i Juct. namely fraudulent Cayuga. It was then that a pro-1 the Navy said in a 150-' test came from the authentic lateiuent He Is at pres- Dr. Cyr who reported that his i certification documents had j Russia Offers Aid to Egypt LONDON Russia was reported here yesterday to have offered this! It's not exactly beer, but OTTAWA (CP) E. D. Fulton, it's a pleasant enough drinks Frogressive Conservative mem-when there is nothing else. Be- ter of Parliament for Kamloopi sides, it's not such a drain on the tcld the House of Commons yes-wallet. terday that Canada may event-But home brew manufacturers uaiiy be faced with bankruptcy Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.R0 A P Con 46 Calmont' 1 58 C & E :. 15.50 Central Leduc 2.60 Home Oil 16.75 Mercury .1 22 Okalta 2.80 Royal Canadian 17 are warned that, strictly speak- unless plans are made now to lng, a permit should be obtained finance social security measures to make spirituous liquors under and long-term defence expendi- Fuller, who has been In- mysteriously disappeared. I lr tlie past few weeks, Demara will be taken ui be up attain and is from Esquimau under mmiderably better. I escort. ' east economic- aid to Egypt If the naval latter country will continue its I resistance to Great Britain. lures. any circumstances. Superluxury Amphibian To Provide New Direct Vancouver Air Service Prince Rupert will have a preview on Friday of a new superluxury amphibian aircraft the Canso deluxe with which Canadian Pacific Airlines plans to shortly inaugurate a new direct air service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. A 20-passenger aircraft, planl oveir ? oWi IE Supply P TORONTO Athona 08 'j Aumaque 23 Beattle 21 Bevcouri 56 Buffalo Canadian 19 Consol. : 172.00 Donalda .'. -36 Eldona 16 East Sullivan 9.45 Giant Yellowknife 10.75 God's Lake .36 Hardrock 13a Harricana 08 Heva 10 Jacknife 06'2 Canada's defence and social security committments now total $2,759,CJj,tJ3 yearly, nearly six times the federal expenditures in an average prewar year. "If we do not start now to work out and to take positive steps to meet these expenditures involved in these undertakings, I believe that they may well bankrupt this country," Fulton said. "I am not talking blue ruin and I hoi:? that nobody will take Weather 1 Following is the of a series of articles designed to uive The Daily News readers a better jnriersUnding of what they '.ire voting for when they face the city-held, plebiscite next month: Are you in favor of asking B lower Commission to mipplv clef trie energy lo this area? These articles will feature the views of Northern B. C. Power Company Ltd., of the city, and facts about the Commission.) Is to employ it in giving a four- I that I am doing so or that 1 tables for added passenger convenience. Similarly, there is accommo Cloud After est A-Blast VEGAS ( -There was no a'e formation of the cus- ' atomic cloud visible here :,y after the first of a 's of atomic clctona- Synop.sis Patchy clouds covered most of British Columbia during the : l- j ...Ull. c-nnur fliit-fino nrPlir- am advocating decreasing the and-a-half-hour service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert, eliminating the present calls at present social security committ- Northern R. C. Power Co. Ltd. "is definitely" interested in continuing to supply electrical energy dation for four passengers in the n.giH W.U.C "" ments of this country Sandspit and Port Hardy, on forwftrH comnartment reel m u vuwuuv. FuUon guggested lnat tht for Prince Rupert. And if the people of Prinee Rupert rra T. . r S1 could be met only by Joliet Quebec 42 Lynx . llVi Madsen Red Lake 2.06 Negus 66 Noranda - 80.00 Louvicourt 33 Senator Rouyn .15'4 Sherrit Gordon 3.75 Steep Rock 6.80 Silver Miller 1.37 Upper Canada 1.51 are willing to see the power company r? SKS second flights which are now j Between second and forward operated three days a week be- compartments Is a stewardess' tween here and Vancouver via station Where light lunches can those points. be prepared for passengers.. , Designed to give maximum There are also Iull lavatory passenger comfort, this land-, facilities, ' sea-air liner Is the first of a .... ,vn u'i hptnn immediately to e.xpaiiu, 1 nc cold air spreading over me ...-. - upc , " the northeast will V PI slr province from n1 r savs General Manager i. n. iwck. e all 0 BC by tomorrow. Patchy cloudiness along the coast TIDES will give in ,ira tn to rlpuriniy clearing skips skies ' i " way demandthat is our plan," he declares. fleet of three CPA has ordered "'"ihi irir.n.iun for its Pacific coast service. Interior of the aircraft is fin-When the first aircraft goes lshed in blue and grey leather into service later this month, it fabric. The walls are panelled Wednesday, November 21. 1951 ! ANUt.NI l-UKl Although Mr. Black would not High 7.00 16.6 feet I Fowey In Cornwall, England, mii'ln indicate that this " uiid.'rgrciund explosion had been expected but "k1 Atomic Energy Com-,; "id ma niimeuiaiely con- i "'' Sxlli explosion lids 'lie other five, ranging 1 baby a-bomb to a full mountain shaker, came n October 22 and Novem- 18:37 16.0 feet was a leading port in early limes will be the first time that peo-,ln light plywood. say wnere me propraea nyuiu installation was planned, he Low 0:17 7.1 feet land ships for the crusades were An independent heating sys pie of Prince Rupert will have stated it would detinltely not 12:51 11.0 feet fitted out there. and colder temperatures tonight and tomorrow. In the Interior the colder weather and scattered snow fulrries will extend to the U.S. border by tomorrow morning. Skies will clear slowly from the north tomorrow. Forecast N01 th coast region Variable cloudiness today. A few clouds tomorrow. Colder. Winds, north (15 locally northeast (30) in mainland inlets. Lows tonight be at Falls River, the company s present hvdro Installation. DIVt KSIT Y PROJECT "And we can't sec now me projeetcd demand of thts area can be satisfied with installations of less than $4,000,000. H Is our intention to launch such a program." In regard to rates, Mr. Black says Hie entire situation Is now In the hands of the Public I tilities Commission who will decide the future rates of the company. Investigation into company affairs by the Commission is still proceeding and It is not until end of January "or even later that we expect to hear the result of their decision." "But we feel the PUC is com Huge School Bill in B.C. "We are planning on a diversity project, which is the only uiactical and sensible way to develop power. Especially in this had a direct non-stop scheduled air service to Vancouver. On Friday when the flagship of the new fleet makes its special trip to Prince Rupert it will be on display at Seal Cove and the public is being invited to inspect the aircraft during the dy. The interior of the aircraft is divided into three sections. THE THREE COMPARTMENTS The rear section, with accom Ns Present tem allows the aircraft cabins to be comfortably heated while it is on the ground and before the passengers board it. Entrance to the aircraft is by a gangway which is an integral part of the aircraft beneath the tall, eliminating the use of the old moveable ramp. The gangway folds up into the fuselage before it takes off. With the new aircraft CPA will operate a 4Vj-hour non-stop schedule between Prince Rupert and Vancouver. area where the rough country Phenomenal Growth Of Province Causing Tremendous Outlay I fession through marriage 1 or I ether reasons and these, plus 400 new ones, must be found. and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 36 and 46; Sandspit, 33 and 38; Prince Rupert, 30 and 38. r Farmers 'ill: VANCOUVER H Education Minister W. T. Straith said Monday night that up to $150,000,000 will hr Kiipnt on ci'hnnl rnnstnic- "About 750 of these are now Using trained at our two normal schoo's and the university." the "-Rt. Hon. C. D. minister of trnrlc and t,..n in Dritkh rAinhin riiiriniT minister Said. "The remainder petent to judge ana mat 11 findings will be unbiased and fair in every respect." Mr murk savs that first move modation fer eight passengers, is Vishinsky plays such a hardship on trans-mi-ssion lines, we couldn't alford to put all our eggs in one basket. "In other words, we require two sources of power so if one source fails, the other will be ready for service." Only since 1948, says Mr. Black, has there been any Indication that Prince Rupert was expanding. At present, the peak demand of all industries 'and domestic users of electrical energy has not exceeded the peuk demand of the war years. the next ten' years. of the 250, we hope, will be avail- In an address to the people of able thiough Immigration or by unique in that the passengers have an urtlimited view through towards expansion would be to iBiitish Columbia, Mr. Straith at- .return of rome teacners to me Dimrantee Prince Rupert ciu Impassive PARIS (CP) Soviet Foreign zens a continued supply of power during emergencies by uridlnir to the cliesel plant which tributvd the need for such con- -"" "obstruction program to the phen- At present; each year sees omenal growth of the province. 12.000 more children in British While Canada's population Columbia schools than the year irrowth was nn 17 ncrcent from before. Mr. Straith said. ,cc- announced yesterday final average payment UaO-51 prairie wheat crop ' 6ac per bushel. The - Mil be issued to the farm- 'Jre Christmas. final payment will mean ""ers will have received !)r " 1 hard wheat and w feed wheat. .'Cocker, president of the ,a Wheat Pool at Wlnnl-11(1 that th finoi 1 While final plans have not yet been completed, it is hoped that the new aircraft will operate on the present three-times-a-week schedule now operated with DC3 aircraft from Vancouver to Sandspit and by Canso. from there to Prince Rupert. The present daily schedule will not be changed. Ab Chambers of CPA traffic department and possibly other officials will be here In connec "is now completed to 50 per cent two plexiglass blisters, one on either side of the aircraft. These blisters are entirely new to passenger air travel. They are similar to the blisters so well known In many types of military aircraft. In the compartment amidships there is seating capacity for eight more passengers In conventional aircraft seats. At each Minister Andrei Vishinsky lis nf nur 'dans.' scnoois in fonori in,ni.i oioi-Hnv isilSMl. British coumoias scnooi opening 01 new "But we can see that this condition will not last. We have United States Secretary of Stale : population had Increased by 42 British Columbia was becoming lalth in Prince Rupert and have rjean Acheson urged all countries percent. 1 a weekly duty, said the minister Then a hydro project would begin, which when finished would supply at least 10,000 kva. "And this project, regardless of who institutes it, must be completed within five years to not "to turn into noisesome al-l Mr. Straith said that 10U0 new wno reierrea 10 ins leys or propaganda" but to "open ! teachers will be required in the wreks ago to Prince Rupert to a "broad highway along which we province . next September. Six open new schools there as well than had been ex- every reason to oeneve tnat n will grow. If the people in Prince Rupert want us, we will expand also." . . . place there is a large view win tion with the speqial flight this iJV." would be very ac- dow and .permanently fixed, week. lean all inarch together." .hundred will be lost to the pro- as a new scnooi at ucean ram,. j keep up with Prince Kupens