dae eal Page 4 -t-— _—-- ene ) TAX SALES THE DAILY NEWS Sale of Lands for Unpaid Delinquent Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assessment District | HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that list hereinafter set out, 3ist day of December, on Thursday, the 9th day of October, A.D. 1019 of the Provincial Assessor and Collector, in the city of Prince Rupert, 8... I Will sell of the persons in said list hereinafter set out, for deljnquent taxes unpaid by and for ipterest, costs, and expenses, including the costs amount due for period ending 3ist December, 1917, is not sooner paid The Collector will be pleased to fecejve any information respecting the following the Allied Forces and entitied to NAMES OF PERSON ASSESSED Spencer, David Newcomb, CC. D. wee ecevee Mardie, Norman ...4.++++++ Sherman, Frank M. Behnsen, ©. L. Dean, Kubert K., and Sandford, Ed Grant, Jessie B Urmond, J. P., and Deakin, Pemberton, Mary b eee Fr. B. ° Pembertou, F. B. ......- Pemberton, F. B ; Pemberton, F. B Scott, Edith Rose .... . nee «8 Wilkerson, Geo. Ed. Pemberton, Mary A. D. Beli, Ellen Pemberton, Pemberton, Pemberton, Vemberton, Pemberton, F emberton, Pemberton, Finnerty, Joun J. Pemberton, Pemberton, r Pemberton, F. Pemberton, fF. Pemberton, F. Pemberton, F. KE F F. PPNeNPP. Pemberton, Pethberton, Pemberton, SPEeroeer, Lucas, Oscar, Exc. « Trustee of the Wi! of Chas E. Revans (deceased Pemberton & Som ...... Pemberton & Son ...... Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberwi & Son Blow, Dr. Thos. H. Mcintosh, Julia ate ae Conkey, Jos snl tne Gibeeee, Path. C. ....-ses- , Pemberton, F. B. ........6 Lacey, Chas oeteben er ee Se ee WV. dike de veces . Williamson, L., & Allen, Thos. Macfarlane, D. MeV. ...... Macfarlane, 3. W. .....+-4+5- Laugiie, Regna, Sangstad, Johanna, Ericksen, Louis Conkey, John A McDonald, M. P. Rolston, Henrtetta G. Far West Investment Co., Lowe Inlet Cannery Co., Ltd. Jobn, C ace, ©. Laine és a es Wiliams, W. Almerta Land Co., Ltd. Wes epopeccc ees ee Johnson, oe Ds Lines, R. W., G. Lita. Johnston, J Victoria Canning Co., Vietoria Canning Co., Ltd Victoria Canning Co., Ltd. Victoria Canning Co., Ltd. Federation Brand Canning Clifford, Cc W. D., Est. of Clifford, ©. W. D., Est. of Singichurst, S. A., Est. of Collison, Wm. Ed. Dobbie, 8. w. Tweddie, Jos. eee ©. We ooo dnr's Neidecker, Frank Federation Brand Canning Co 3 fiwillim, Prank L. fell, Wm., & Orde, E. D., Hactings Dr ©. J funning, Chas. W. Dunning, Anna M. E. Waghorn, Jas. R. MeDaniels, Frank Proctor, Fred. Jas. Koss, Isabella, Margaret Ross, Alex. C. Orde, Ernest D ‘ Orde, Ernest D. ...,... err, Geo. A. or: Sesh a Bingham, H. Tweddle, Jos. Dyer, John E. Knom, Frank, & Keng, _; Stephens, Thos. Carss & Bennett Corbett, ¢ Ww Bath, Geo 7 Munro, Dr. 8. A Myarald, Andrew Valmer, Albert rattullo, T. D., & Driver, Vattullo, T. D. tconsides, Ed. 8. Stephens, T. J. Siepmens, FT. g. .... Hastings, Dr. C. J. McFadden, M. . Des Brisay, James renbere, Isabel Cunningham Carr Lakelse Valle Hughes, T. 1. hudge, Geo Riricker, Sami. W. White, Thos. lind, 6, ‘ earns, G. E. “ibbaid, Wm. bis fallerday, Walter L. Seo, Mise K. 8. cot, Miss K. 8. (iruchy, John P. Peterson, Chas. Wilson, W. R, Smith, John P, ‘Iberta Land NT eae er Clarke, we nh Ue Wh os scG « oud be fiendron, hit, Wlair, a>. 203 8 eenedaeen Ee oh ise deemed Nall, BR. H. Penny, John L. Velntosh, Donald Mann, Donald D. Monceck, Guy H Cray, Gladys, R. K., and G. B Bjo: felt Veidweman and Simpson Porton, Sidney C, a. "urton, Sidney Cc. norton, Sidney Priae Ernest F...... sr y Prais Lands. at the at public for advertising said oMice the ‘said persons on the , if the total LotLot 1105, Except 4.15 acres of NE cor., 155.85 acres Lot 1312, W. 100 acres Lot 1328, 171.80 acres Lot 1337, 457.4 acres Lot 1340, 150.8 acres Lot 1272, 234 acres . Lot 1389, 45.904 aeres Lot 1390, 244.25 acres Lot 1395, 180 aeres ‘eee Und. 1-5 int., 63.33 acres Lot 1433 Lot 1434, Und. 1-5 int., 14.4 acres Lot 1445, 160 acres . Lot 1452 160 acres Lot 1440, 214 acres Lot 1906 160 acres Lot 1908, 160 aeres Lot 2284, 9.37 acres of N.E. \% of N.E. 4, Lot 27%), Sthiy. 116 acres Lot 3063, 26.1 acres Lot 3070, 74.4 acres Lot 3095, 344 acres Lot 3096, 507 acres Lot 3081, 158.9 acres Lot 4357, 160 acres Lot 4487, 105 eeres Lot 4488, 164 acres Lot 4940A, 57.80 acres Lot 5048, N. % of 8. %, 20 acres Lot 5048, N. & & 8. %&% of 8. \%, 60 acs Lot 5497, 40.3 acres Lot 5504, 67 aseres RANGE 5, eaneT as DISTRICT, 18 acres Und. \% int. W. % of N.W. & See. 11, 20 «acres ; NW. 4 of N. W. &%, See. 15, 40 acres DISTRICT. Lot 216, 160 acres Lot 468, Except 8.8. \Y and Assigned Blks 4. & B. of S.W , 119 aeres Lot 468, 8.2. 4%, Assigned Lot B., 0.296 acs Ww % of Assigned Bik. B. of Lot 468 50 acres Lot 6008 17.2 acres Lot 700, Except O-T.P. BK. of W., 265.3 ace Lot 741, Exeept G.7.P. BP. of W.. 979.47 abs tot 742, Except G.T.P. BR. of W. 76.04 ace eston. Stanley ¢. fot 779. Undiv. ™% int, 18.6 acres ES rr ee. Sub Lot No. 1, of Lot 1709, 9.76 acres Lot 1710, 156.05 acres J Lot 1727. 640 acres Lot 1737, 160 acres Lot 1745 N. 80 arres OWNGHIP 1. Und. %& int, % of N. 'e 4% Sec. 10, 10 72 oo 00 149 80 70 20 400 12000 i8 00 78 00 24 00 18 00 81 75 40 13 00 37 50 103 20 15210 1600 20 00 73 50 1200 28 50 10 00 42 00 70 00 44 00 ee ee aw wee 1486 16 58 4601 12 00 158 en BRS 14 95 earo mie eat 300 isan seo 00 wn OF OF OF OF OF OR OF OF GF oH OF “oO SEE TE ee dd rr we we sree WOR Or OER © NN == ee ee | oe SP BPRBSHWE SOB SBWHHBWOWWHHWWWEWYBEOWwWeUuUD SNS St FUAQawe 4 Fr % of Fr. N.W. & Und. 1-3 int. Sec. 10, 19.733 acres : 1448 197 ease 3, COasT DISTRICT, Soman 6 Ss %, Sec. 26 136 acres 0 if RANGE 3, COAST DISTRICT, yownne ° S. %, Sec. 32 (269 acres) 26 00 17 RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT. Lot 309, Und. %& imt. (31.75 acres 22 4 43 Lot 309 Und. % int. (63.5 acres i480 53 il * RANGE 6, COAST DISTRICT. Sec. it, Blk. 1, Unsubdiv. Portion, 01.4 acs 90 00 485 375 100 ¢ Assigned Bik. E of Lot 9, (6 acres $4 00 855 $75 963 Assigned Blk. PF. yf Lot @, (3 acres 5 00 61 275 & a Assigned Bik. C. Lot 9 (3 acres 56 11 1220 375 720 Lot 40, 6 100 00 7 61 375 4114 Lot 63, 60 00 457 $75 683 Lot 64, 15 80 00 609 375 a08 Lot 66, 157 8000 6 09 375 ay Lot 68, 132 acres 92 40 941i 375 105 5 Lot 88, 124 acres . RA RO 057 375 rT Lot 8%, Unplatted Portion 137.8 acres 96 60 10 67 375 itt Lot 151, 160 acres . 120 00 2437 375 348 18 Lot 212, 50 acres hae 21 90 245 375 ? Lot 301, Except G.T.P. R. of W., 25.92 ac 20 00 152 875 vi2 , NE. & and N. & of N. & of ° 1 ED BOE cccdbci ets q 4876 a75 56 2) , Except G.DP. KR. of W., 85.61 ace 16 00 375 20 97 36 acres 440 375 & 46 28 acres eevee : 60 90 375 70 72 , Except G.T.P. RB. of W., 417.3 aes 52 11 375 607 , Except G.T.P. Rf. of W., 142.4 aes 98 00 375 1117 121.2 acres ; , ° 58 50 426 375 », Ungiv. 4-6 int, $7.17 acres 79 30 siz 375 916 Undiv. 1-6 int, 57.17 acres 79 80 812 375 916 Undiv.*1-9 int, 60.66 acres 10 60 233 375 36 68 i Undiv. 7-27 int., 141.95 acres. 98 70 10 0% +75 122 4s Lot 6 91, Undiv 1-9 int. 60.66 acres 50 60 233 375 6 6 Lot 601, Undiv. 5-27 int., 101.11 acres 70 70 719 375 81 64 Lot 691, Undiv. 2-27 mt, 40.44 acres 28 00 285 375 ‘4 6 Lot 693, Undiv. % imt., 160 acres 262 80 28 28 375 2048 Lot 604, Undiv. % int, G.T.P. KR. of W Excepted, 60 acres Tr ve 8 80 375 68 5 Lot 924, 187 acres 15 00 375 42 04 Bik 4 & N#. 10 acres of Lot 974, 15 acs 21 00 375 26 9 Bik. 2 of Lot 974, 5.35 acres 750 375 116 Assigned Lot 1 of Lot 983, 50.2 acres 487 375 5 Lot 99%, 155.6 acres 108 50 375 125 Lot 996, Undiv. % int, 79 acres 12 00 375 16 Lot 1004, und. 1-5 int, 34.2 acres 12 75 375 i 47 52 22 74 245 88 5127 1307 423 191 & 1425 523 is 8 aie 29 5 go 7 ' hee BPORe One ee) oo — 197 21 65 5450 39 65 178 05 13.05 91? 20 On 170 34 201 i” e3t4 19 80 Sag te ; arm Lands Investment Co., Ltd sm Lands Investment Co., Lid farm Lands lInvestinent Co, Lid North Coast Lamd CO, ceessess Burns, Albert Sequin, Ed Craddock, RK. G Work, David MeKay, Esther bertson, John and Susan it Leon Farm Lands investment Co., farm Lavds Investment Co., Merrill, Ueo Collinson, W H Collinson, W. B ox, Sarah McDiarmid, J. A Steadham, J eseee McDiarmid, 8. J Dudgeon, £ Vidershaw, D Simpson, W Brown, Mary Tull, Geo ihompson, | Brown, D Weish, H Welsh : cease Welsh, Burns margaret ws ish, H eDiarmid, James rout t ’ Jardine, Jas McDiarmid, Jas Burns, ©. Ff ne eee Moneur, Andrew Nesbitt, J. C 6 bee Seieee Frost, Albert C, ese Northcoast Land Co. Ltd Northcoast Land Co, Ltd > Queen Charlotte Mining Co., Prince George Townsite, Lid Gore, T. 8. Longhurst, Jarvis .......... Sut herland Sutherland Jones, Dr. Thos. J Laney, Wm. 8 GOwillim, Frank L. Maser, bs ..sssece : : ome, GOO. Be cececceces Wormotld, Chas. 5. Robb, Geo. A coos Cochrane, EB. L. ...... Leary, Wm. Jd Leary, Wm. J Collison, Henry A. Rupe, Rosella Donaldson, Wim. H. Graham, John Hillier, Geo. Sr. Hillier, Geo. Sr. liilier, Geo. Ir. Hiller, Geo. Jr. Baker, E. W. Henderson, Alex Baker Fs Hannay, J. K. jr. Thomas, Evans Dunlop, Louisa A Sundeen, John Geduhn, Fred E Hansen, Birdie M. Sulton, John E Sewall, Clara Eliz Nagle, Thos, Ed Henderson, Alex Henderson, Alex Ekman, JonO ... 656. Henderson, Alex Van Desputte Emiei Henderson, Aiex Henderson, Alex Stacey, George Mehay, J. Harrison, Eli Harrjson, Victor B. ... penmmeees, & G. weiec Goodacre, Lawrence Vetter, J. M. oland, Theordore land, Theordore - _ Spee Dariey, Darley, Me tveces eee Williams, W. T. .. John, Katherine K. Dallian, Helen M. Dallian, Helen M. John, Katherine K. ... Dallian, Helen M. ..... oe. Katherine K. allian, Helen M. Dailian, Helen M John, Katherine K. . ; Dalian, Helen M. ....... Jobm, Katherine K. : i Helen M. john, Katherige K. Dallian, Helen M John, Katherine K. Dallian Helen M. John, Katherine kK. John, katherine K. Dallian Helen M. Dallian Helen M John, Katherine K. John, Katherine kK, clifford, Clifford, clifford, clifford, ' D,. Estate of ‘ «. Clifford, ©, C ‘ f f D,. Estate of D,. Estate of D,. Estate of » Estate of D,. Estate of }.. Estate of D.. Estate of D,. Batate of . clifford, clifford, clifford, Cfford, esenecece Mankin, Clint Pinder, Mrs. CC. H. ee” Pinder, Mrs. ¢. Hf. Pinder, Mrs. ¢. H Pinder, Mrs. ©. H. Jackson, Alice H ' Myehyk, Wm Olack, F. Booker, Clarence Hi McCartney, Jos reeme, @. vseece Willmore, Sidney Lakelse Nurseries, Leo Lakelse Nurseries, Ltd Lakelse Nurseries, Ltd. a or oe Rockwell, Martin : Martin, Isaac ook, Jos NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Weish, Ethel eee ewer eewere Farm Lands investment Co., Lid Savannah, J., end Meyers, a. & Shannon, Wm., Martin George, Shannon, Wm, Martin George, The Home Estate Corporation Ltd Alien, Albert &. 6. ....5.64% Goodacre, Lawrence ........ Jones, Mrs. Jane .. halt aidan cones, Mra. JQM@ ....cccec: Lolland, Fagordere, Livingstone, Ser ME ec, rraate ce ‘olland tmeordste, Livingstone, ‘olland, Theordore, Livingstone, Darley ; Solland, “Weerdide, Livingstone, an a en ee olland, T heordore, " Livingstone, SHORT DESCHIPTION oF Pr Let 813, 640 acres Lot #14, N. % of N. %, 44.6 acres ' 0 Lot #15, Except G.T. W. 424 Lo: Si+, 423.6 acres Lot 821, 180 acres Lot 828, 77 Gere Lat 840, Bie acres Lot 1203, 320 acres | Lot 1316 wy. 139 acres Lot 1321, 5.W a: aches Lot 1524, Portfon ing b f Kitwan River, -136.08 acre Lot i524, 240 acres Lot 1379, 635 acres 675, Lad. & it 12 a 709, 242 acres Lot i711, 160 acres Lot 1880, 640 acres ot is82, 640 acres Low 1883, 640 acres Lot iss84, 640 acres Lot 1886, 640 acres Lot 1887 20 acres Lot i588, 640 acres Lot 1889, N. %& & S.E. \%, 480 a Lot 1889, 8. W i, 160 acre Lot 1890, 320 acres Lot 1591, 640 acres Lot 1892, 640 acres Lot isov3, 320 acres Lot 1894, E , of E, 1 i acres Lot 1894, W. %, 980 acres Lot 1804, W. % of E. %&, t¢ ar Lot 18595, 5. %, S21 acres Lot 18956, A.W. %, 160 acres Lot 1895, N. EB. %, 160 acres Lot 189¢ 640 acres Lot 1899, W %, 160 acres Lot 1897, §& \%, 320 acres ot 2129, 160 deres 2130, 160 actes : ), 640 acres 118 acres 7 332 acres 2037, 30.3 acer l i i i i Lo QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DISTHICT. i i i i t ot 1150 acres Unsubdiv. portion, 663 acres i Unsigiv. portion, 174 1 ut 28, | i-3, i114 acres Ol ig 576 acres Lot 227 ee 17 «acres Lot 232 %, 320 acres Lot 266, 160 acres Lot 281, 584.04 seres Lot 370, 182.8 acres Lot 405, 160 acres Lot 423, NE %, if acres Lot 4 160 «@ . ; ‘ 0 acres Lot ! acres Lot i, 124.41 acres Lot 750, 268.7 acres Lot 78 5 WwW %, 160 acres Lot s.zA, 405 acres a SSSA, A.W. &, 160 acres t #8 27.05 acres aot 887,.N. %, 320 acres Lot 887, &. %, 320 acres Lot #806 ‘ ly 32 acres Lot 1007, Fr. A.W. & & Lot 1008 Frac 5. W s. 156 acres Let 1417, 350 acres Lot 1505 109 acres Lot tS! = “ of a5 b, ‘ nCres Lot 1516, 8. BE. \& of S.B. &, 40 acres Lot 1516, NJ % of N.W. \%, 40 @ 108 15179 80 acres of N.W. \& a per plan atiached ts Cert. of Tithe N 405 Lot 1579, 5. %, 280 acres Lot 1581, SE A) tf &.W %. 40 acres Lot 1581, 5.W % of NI acres Lot 1582, N.W Yor &.1 % and 5! . f st oy 5.77 acres + ot 1582, SW. & of N. W. & and N. W % of S W. \&, 78.7 acres Lot 1587, S. %, 320 scres Lot 1630, 319 acres Lot 1631, W. % of SW. \&, 80 acres Lot 1631, E. % of SE. % and N.E \ f NE. &, 120 acres Lot 1632, N. % of &. & of S.W. and 5. %& of N. %& of S.E. &%, 80 acres 1 52, _ wf NE 4%; 8. &% of 5.E “ ; » of S.W. %&; and N.W. \, 435 acres Lot 1646, 617 acres Lot 1637, Except N.1 \“s cf ALE ‘ 596 acres i 1637, Nb. & Of NB. &, 40 acres Lot 164 71 acres Lot 1684, NJ \%, 160 acres Lot 1727, BE. % and &.W. \, 481.75 acres Lot 1727, N.W. \%, 160.25 acres Lot 2652, 37 acres QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DISTRICT, TOWNSHIP 5. N. W %. Sec. 32, 660 acres QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DISTRICT, TOWNSHIP 6. a %, Sec 5, 160 acres Subdiv. of Pt. W. W..\4 of N. E. ‘4, Sec. 32, Tp. 1, Range 65, Coast Dist., Pian 457A. Lot 6, 5 acres Lot @ > acres Lot 13, 3.32 acres Subliv. of & W. Cor. of Lot 73, Range 6, Coast District, Pree TBIA. Assigned Bik. 8, of Lot , Range 5, Coast District, 5 acres Assigned Bik. 9 of Lot 73, Kange 5, Coast Miswiet, « sciee Assigned Bik. 14 of Lot 73, Range 5, Coast District, 5 acres Assigned Bik. 15 of Lot 73, Range 5, Coas District, 5 acres Assigned Bik. 10 of Lot 75, Kange 5, Coast District, 5 acres Assigned Bik. 20, of Lot 73, Kange 5. Coast District, 5 aeres " Assigned Bik. 21, of Lot 73, Range Coast District, & Subdiv. of 6. ', “of Lot 90, Range 5, Coast District, Pian 783. bis Lots i, Bik. 3, Lots 5 6 7 Bik. 3, Lots 15 te 21 Bik. 5, Lots 1 to 7 Bik. 5, Lots 15 w 21 Bik. ¢ Lots 1 Ww 7 Bik. 6, Lots 22 to 28 Bik. &, Lots 1 Ww 14 Bik. 0, Lots 1 t 7 Bik. 9, Lots & to 14 Bik. 10, Lots 8 to 14 Bik. 10, Lots 15 wo 2t oik. tt, Lote ® to 14 Bik. 11, Lots 22 to 2s Bik. 13, Ldts & Ww 14 Bik. 15, Lots 22 to ve Blk. 14, Lots 8 W 14 Bik. 14, Lots 15 to 21 Bik. 15, Lots 18 to 2s Bik. f Lots 2 to 11 Bik. 1%, Lotsa 1 to if Bik. 19, Lots 18 to 2s Bik. 21, Lots 1 to 11 Subdiv. of Lot 89, Range 6, Goast Distr Pian 783. Bik. 2, Lots 1 to 28 Bik. 3, Lots 1 to @8 Bik. i, Lots 1 to 2a Bik. 5, Lot« 1 Ww os Bik. ¢ Lots 1 to 2s Bik. 7, Lots 4 to 9s Bik. 9. Lots 1 to @8 Bik. 10, Lots 1 to es Lot 20 Subdiv. of Lot 194, 6, Coast District, E. 231 ft. of. Lot 42 kK. 291 ft. of Lot 59 W. 231 ft. of Lot 64 Lots 1939 to 185 Lots 146 to 148, 054 Subdiv of Lot 307 Renee | 6, Coast District Bik. 14, 5.33 aeres Bik. 45, 5.33 Subdiv. of Pt. of Lot 645, Range 5 838. Coast Sictriet, Plan Block 14, Lots &, Block 2&5, Lot 22 Hioeck 26, Lots 44, 1 Block 37, Lots 17. 1a Block 48, Lots 6. 7 5 Subdivision ef Lot 361 nge 6, Coast Lot 5. 9 7eblatelet, Pian ‘beet ) / 5 acres Subdiv. of Lot 362, woeege. 6, Coast District Bik. 1, 0.30 acres Bik. 2, 10.17 acres Bik, 4. 44.28 ee os Subdiv. of DB. L. District, "Phan Lot 4, 10 aeres Subdiv., ef Lot 1798, Range 6, Coast Die'rict, Plan 876. Bik. 5, O05 sere. “= oat 0.97 acres ubdiv, Lot 1744, Range 6, Coast District, Pian 1006. Bik. 6, 8.02 acres Senge 6, Coast Al agrear- otal Cost- tt ee =eux