Christian Science Society First Pr i.- 'in Prince Rupert Daily News esbyttri As 1 See It H Service iteti m rue Saturday, April 7, 1951 Second Avenue West Prince Rupert, B. C. Branch of The First Church o! Christ Scientist, in Boston, Mass ' ) Independent dally newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince I Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: j Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations , Canadian Daily Newspaper Association i 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director j V L i Saturday Sermon Elmore vtnuri, rci vuc, uuf rvr ftiomn, oc; rer xear, r-"vv4 $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 Subject "I NItKAI.ITV" Services Every Kunday at 11 a.m. r.unday School 11 a m. Wednesday Evening Meetinp Second Wednesday of Each Month at 8 p.m. Reading Room Open Wednesday and Friday from ; tu i p.m. DIRECTORY OwTlro. In all rhittvn Mr I' t.m nil T Ml pii, ; tt. liO.ll 111 12:15 rxrrul as elumn. AMll.H'AN CATllHiHM 4th Av. W l Duiiamuir Bt Holy Communion 8:iu ra. Sunday School 3:00 pm. Canon Basil 8. froekter, H A , B D. Rector: (Blue 7U) FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. K it Young St MtLintei-: H. fr'r4 AutruDu Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. We exu. to V.Sil.,l, to (By REV. FRED ANTROBUS, First Baptist Church I "Father forgive them, fur they know not what trwy do." - Lukt 23:34. The impressions made on the different groups around the Cross the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus were varied. On the soldiers, who did the deed, 221 pi "urtti n Minister: rtny. g OLD MAN TAKES PLUNGE BOMBAY, India. - A professor of sociology introduced me to' the librarian of the University of Bombay as "the oldest journalist in 0 a n a d a." FIRST UNITED CHURCH Cancer Drive THE CANCER Fund drive is one of those cam-1 'paigns which has become -long since recognized and generously supported in Prince Rupert. The annual canvass will be on again here next week. The good work of the Cancer Society in its it made no impression, except on the centurion, who FIRST fMl.hltf TI K1AS 4th Avpnu East Rev. E. A Wright. D D. (Orei-ll M82) FIKKT I'MIKIl et em Am uitt lOfitn SIS) confessed Him as the Son of God. The inemlwrs of IThaf murlo m onlt-t uith en... Jlm ('urie ,. 8b.JIH; Murniiij War h-Sunduv f." Kv.-iit.lK !:, "lift hi yis.Hj. tUi Martin: - Kiiejjherct." "Renwmbfr the to Keep a Hoi,- propaganda ana pvevt-m.'ve eiions, aner many years prue, but u put uu in a laugh-now, ' has been amply demonstrated. It has brought ulLm,??' . , . , , . , ,7 , when a good friend of our C:tH Kixtii Avenue West 1'iince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence 3. Kleber 11:00 a.m.- Morning Worship wit li Sci'imm ami Children's Sermon. Junior Anthvni: ' f.uve Divine" - R. S. Morrison. 7-30 p.m.- Evening Worship with Sermon. Anthem: 'T.ead Me Lord" 8 S. Wesley. COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOLS At First United all at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall all at 1 p.m. M i l, (il)M'l l, T4HI UN tl lf. 202 6lb Ave Wei) Pastor: C. FawiM Bervtcis 11 a m and ? bi) p m. Bundiiy tk;liuiJ in IS (UiHtn ami the Sanhedrim, and the others who thought witii them, were thrown into convul- stumped on tlieni the linuije of s,ons of angry opposition. Even "f; ( ulul anc(. was a irBy,.r the friends of Jesus saw only a alld Ilis lirst wortl Father." very little way into the meaning Pray,.r was Uie naturui language of what was taking place before of Jesus nnd at lnis moment it their eyes. The victory of their ,eapt lQ Hifj ,ips u proved that Master over sin, death, and the lhe faith 0 jcsus was unshaken, world, appeared tu them a tragic by all through which He had defeat. passed, and by that which He The true meaning of Calvary was now enduring. He did not would be revealed if we could see doubt God, even when everything it as it appeared to Him as from was at its blackest, when He was itAI.I'ATION AKMV IrtTwf H Uriel CO: Citot w oulUJt iupHuiir t;iti 9 u p i Biiudny b UmmI I Wi in (Blacil IUl T. f! I '8 I I IHUM th Ao. at UibitUa bl PatMf: f. Hotumi iHM inn !)l TlmOK ftv A'anuil A rtKwi Jli- imr elect,,, Preft rv in will b "&U!lll!ii!d sijyj e Uu: uwm sign I,, ill C'irri'..ii,i,(inl HUN I. IB nun, lid Puiiiv.. si v His painful station, He looked ! baited by a raging pack of wolf trade commissioner's, Bjb Ren-wick, invited us all to the Bombay race track, I accepted gladly. After all, they had gone temple hunting and sh.-ine seeking wit'4 me, and turn about is fair play. We had lunch at the Turf Club, the bfit meal which I had had since leaving Delhi. Our host was Njzim Chinoy, whose uncie Sir Sult an Chinoy, had six hordes running in vaious races that day. The race track was-about the only place in Bombay I ever did get cool. J was able to forget, fur a few hours, that I am cove zed from head to foot with "pri-kly heat," or as we call the affliction in Canada, hives. forth upon the scene. Now the sentences He uttered, as He hung FOREIGN TERRITORY Various Portuguese possessions in India cover a total of 1,540 square miles, with a population of 024. 000. 1 there, provide us that glimpse SI. I'l-.rm'H AKt.l.K4k Sunday hia.: 11 .00 in. CvcuUii Prayer ?;) vi an like enemies and when He was sinking into the depths of pain and desertion. Could good by any possibility rise out of such an abyss of wrong? Well, the salva- 1 lion of the world came out of It ; all that Is noblest in history came out of it. : lne prayer which followed this Invocation was still more remarkable. It was a prayer for th pardon of His enemies. Think of the treatment He had received from His arrest onwards, from into His mind. They are mere fragments of cours-e. Yet they are charged with eternal significance. Words are always photographs, more or less true, of the mind which utters them. These were ttw truest words ever uttered and He Who uttered them, KKia i.AK BATIMT 020 6th Aw B. Blue B03 Pj.liir: Krv. Iuitur4 A. '1mi" REMODELLING? YOUR BUILDERS AND CGNiRACl aoout a new outiooK, nas clone much to remove Diin'i fear and to spread the gospel of the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Doubtless, much benefit and blessing has thereby accused, lives saved, suffering obviated and health and happiness given, ! Not a few Prince Rupert people have been aided directly by the Cancer Society's facilities. Some have received treatment which, had it not been for the Society, they could never have obtained. Generous support of this campaign can be unhesitatingly recommended. 'Just Propaganda Contest EXPECTED, the long drawn out meeting of AS Big Four deputies at Paris has developed into .little more than a propaganda contest which is now petering out. The conference has got no further than the suburbs of nowhere, The British and French indicate & desire to keep on trying. The United States seems ready to quit. That attitude may in itself be partly a maneuver to press the Russians nearer to reasonableness. But it throws some doubt on the efficacy of American preparations for a conference which nearly everyone guessed would turn out to be mainly a propaganda contest. What is a propaganda opportunity for the Soviet goose ought to be a propaganda opportunity for the western gander. ERBOX LETT Pilate, Herod, the soldiers, the mob! The comment of Jesus on It oOo TRUE TO MY SCOTTISH half ancestry I decided not to risk any real money. However. I hail to bet something. 8o I changed my plane ticket to go by nignt and thereby gjt a refund of 51 rupees. Also, by going at night instead of next morning, I saved an ext a 17 rupees. Thus I had about 70 rupees to play with. I did not tell my genial h?jt "ANCIENT" SADDKM'.D the U.S.A. The places whera Britons shall never be slaves," Greer & BriddenL1 all was: "father, forgive them." I Long ago, it i true, He had J taught men : "Love your enemlvs . . . pray for them which despite-1 Editor, Daily News I We read, with disgust, the i I'.O. Bo Til Prim-e Itupcrtt "the land of the free and the home of the brave," make one wonder what next. They remind us of what happened In Russia about 1917, what Jias happened in mast of Europe since then. howls from tenants about rent control. It reminds us of the howls of the Ru-ssians and Chinese who want the land taktn from the owners and given to l(fiitfe that I had only been to one other 1 rse race in all my life. But I silently remembered it was on the 24th cf Miy, 1915, when I fully use you." But this moral standard of the Sermon on the Mount had been considered, us' the world still Inclines to-consider It, a beautiful dream, a list of platitudes. But Jesus practised what He taught. He was the one ' teacher of mankind In Whom the sentiment, and the act completely coincide. His teaching was th? very highest too high It often si'ins for this life. But how GARDEN TOU what happened in China and Korea, the asinine mess made of all these situations by our so-called statesmen. We can think ol only two who have shown any intelligence Churchill and Stalin. Under these conditions we are them. We have no use for thieves or for governments who will steal. We spent billions fur democracy, fighting Hitler and other swine, but it appears to us that we are fast approaching that very system ourselves. The socialists, unions and Communists nearly ruined the world today. They have long since passed the old conditions, where was a ycung Hid in the Field Artillery at Kingston. There was to be a matchej race betwjen the fastest ho se owned bv the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and :i brown plug owned by some jther army unit. In our crowd we we-e a'l tacttinj against the RCHA I horse because the regular artillerymen we e so cocksure. But wondering about those days cf "The Great Tribulation." Just how much worse does it need to Gard1 af.1 Broom 0 1 ran the greedy capitalists were maK- 'If Is Rakes , ing nogs 01 uitin.r ivt-s unu guuc my gamr-'ini instinct onlv me it bet 53 rents, which t get before we reach that place in the destiny of the world? Jurt where does Armageddon come into the picture? God will not tell us. Possibly our ministers cannot do so.. But we would like "to know what happens after Armageddon, when we understand that Ciod and his army, Why Is there such a lousing shortage? No one but a fojl would build houses today and m 11 niucn more practical u appears when we sve it in action? Then it can be realijted. Moreover this prayer Is a great revelation of God. All His life, the tord Jesus had been revealing God. But on the Cross the dvine life and character flamed in His human nature, like the fire in the burning bush. It, ut-tened Itself Jn the words: "Father, 1 forgive thorn;" and what did it tell? It told that. God is love. It told alto that men were not the mere creatures of circumstances . They w'ere responsible ' for their actions. The Lord knew that all these people needed for-1 giveness, which implies Dial they I were guilty, although they did not know the full implications of have the idiotic governments j set the rent at 1940 levels, while! i finishes the battle, and Christ Spades FertiSixers Insecticides lands on the Mount of Olives, and takes over tlip job ol running the world. After all of this it seems time to .shut up but we are also r- GORDON & ANDES thought I had last when the RCHA rnr? left "our" plirr so far behind it was painful. But luck was on cur side after all, for abru thrw-f urtr way around the track the RCHA black demon jumped the fence and made for home and our nag won in a walk. oCo AT THE BOMBAY RACES I started out by belting 10 rupees on each race. But it seemed that utmost every horse I picked came in .-second, never fir.'i. After a few races, when I saw my dwindling roll of bills, I cut down my bets to five rupees. Usually Rosemary Renwick, wile of the t:ade commissioner, would go 50-50 with me. But even that did not change my bad luck, nor hers. After I had lost on the fir.-,, second, third, fourth and fifth minded of Lot and Sodom. Ho j iluiii was destroyed because of I Hi. ini. ill' lliw npimlp hrnit.i! the price of wages and everything else has advanced many times. The governinenUs of the United States and Canada have gone completely nuts and the property owners and the employers are being rubbed und swindled at every turn.. Talk about "Britons shall never b:r slaves." The poor doie.s of bUM-neasmen so-called are working for nothing and boarding themselves and haven't tin-heart to do anything about it. The government is stealing from the "HAVES" and giving to the "HAVE NOTS". The businessman Lot could not find tun jut mi n their deed. It was ilis vivid ap-; prehension of the danger to therein. In B.C. we have so far with the' wl1'''1 t,l,,ir Built rxijosed tin-in only TWO persons iimt maue mm impel ins own courage and intelligence to walk i i sufferings and fling Himself be across the floor of the leglsla ture, in ol our socialistic, dictatorial, urder-in-councll tween them and their late. . He died for your sins and mine! I Take tlu place nf a lost sinner , and come to the paviuiir! Sea Cadet ........1 ..r .1 .11 . ...1... of today spends half his time !"'"'" , ' l,a , " C' I','et l keeping botiks for the govern-!""'" Wlll,lt ,ls V' mpnt ,ithmn niiv u.l,i. i, is : '"t is a" Independent majority, TOMATO LAND swindle and pays an army oi Willi Will WiJJC UUl lllUftb VI M1IT actions of the Johnson regime, luniauijes are euiuvuuto in large races I really began to ponder quantities in tlie Uahamaa. an but what a hope that is, with the evils of gambling; in fact had just about cached the con so many wanting to get some-1 archipelago extending from no rida to Haiti. thing for nothing. clusion that there was a lot to parasites to drive around collecting Workmen's Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Income Taxes, Union dues, Hospital boodle and 3 percent laxe.s. That reminds one of the Isreal-ites having to make bricks without straw. Where does this place the Now being reorganized undert sponsorship of the Navy League oil' Those interested apply H.M.C.S. "Chatham Tuesday, Thursday and Frl 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Age limit 14-18 years Sadly yours, "ANCIKNT" be said for banning horse racing and other forms of gambling. But then Nazim took us all out for tea and we perked up a bit. "Now just watch the way they act when they find it in the hole.' Nazim was telling us jukes abmt businessmen and the employers, his days at the Chmeral Motors school in Detroit: how he froze uit.hoilt. whom there umnlH hp ltoyul Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE, 1951 the tips of his ears by wearing a no jobs for tnose wn0 want mh turban in Feb uary to celebrate wages, for little work, and free rent? The next step will be Just what happened in Russia and we his grad .latum. oOo BUT WHEN I LOST ANOTHER NOW AS miR BIFORE Northern B.C. Power .should like to be where we could see what these people who are now stealing off the landlord and yapping about high cost of ApplirallciH ni fl mu,l nafh riM Conservatory not lolor rhon IS, 1951. Ill COUEGI STREET TOIONTO 21, ONT. 0U CiVK ASSURE HIS rUTURE DOESN'T HAVE TO STAV Editor, Daily News: In answer to "Another Disgusted Tenant's" hitter in Friday's Daily News, I would like to call to his (or her I attention that there are trains, planes and boats leaving here every day, and if they aivs so down on this city, I for one would be only loo happy to see them take advantage of these services. This type of people come here with nothing, contribute nothing, yet expect we, who call ourselves citizens and try to better our town, to break our necks so they may have the best of everything. To me this knocking is like waving the proverbial red flag. Sure, things could be better here and elsewhere but they could also 10 chips in the seventh race and still another in the eighth my only consolation, was that anyway that day's gate receipts went to the Assam relict fund. oOo WHEN THE NINTH AND last! race came up I decided that the situation called for desperate HaveSprki living while getting $15 and $20 for eight hours loafing, will like it when there are no unions, no eight hourB, five days a week, or soft snaps. Today the person who talks about the high cost of living better do some figuring the dopes in the government, also. . There was never a time in history when living was so luxurious and so cheap as it is today. Does Your Car Call 363 HK BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing measures. I did not look at the horses ,nor try to pick, one with a nice name. I ignored the record of the Jockey or the weight I the nags carried. I wailed foi- the odds ti go up on the board and said to my companions: "Which one has the By means of the Junior Adjustable Assurance plan you can now make systematic payments on your son's behalf which will be of great value to him when he peaches manhood. Investigate this remarkable new fun J.ife plan under which the assurance increases from $1,000 to $5,000 at age 21, with no increase in premium. Many other valuable provisions contained jo fhis policy. Applicable to children from one week to fjfteen years. be a lot worse as "Another Dis The cost in be money may more usted nant t kmmr r0 . .... . " he wouldn't have to come here less. An hour's work will buy . koo , ,, , ,,,K You know the nymptoms loss f pfP-cranky "digestion," poor gas slops anil starts. We'v' got the cure. A low cost time P session in our "iiier.linf room' will bring about your car's fast recuperation. Drive lip! longest odds?" The answer was "Number 11 Takaiul." So I placed 10 rupees on Tak more than it ever did before. ( f nmirca (vinnnn t n lit4 In You don t care if you never see rib urLndlndTn'.H' ?' ain-we return your v,Q have , to ., ,Z T. feelings we don t care if we never see you or your kind again. 1 Thank you for your space, Mr. Editor. live off their savings, those on pensions, etc., re getting It in the neck. Even government bonds are not a good investment any more. The value of property of any kind also is a question. BILL COLLINS. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! To: SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA .,o5, Prince Rupert B.C. Black 837 flttst tend me, without obligation, dttait of tht Junior. Adjmtabl jUsuranct for m) ton, eg tJAME. -. aiul and, believe it it not, that brown Indian-born four-year-old filly won nicely. I gat back 94 rupees for mv investment of 10. thus ending the day with quite a (tidy net profit. Still my warning is shun gambling especially horse racing, un-le--s you too "an nick a long shot winner in the last race. Superior m The only people who have it HISTORIC TLATE ADDRESS.,... .o-... . .Tlk il 1 soft are those who get controlled I BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP) The rents; Workmen's Compensa- historic Queen Anne communion tion. Unemployment Insurance, nlate. Dresented bv Queen Anne d AU'" ' STUDEBAKER n MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractor Repairs HISTORIC MARINE Third Avenue at Parlc 03EJ The Indian Navy traces its history from the foundation of the East India Company's Mar- baby bonus along with $12 to to the Mohawk Indians here in $25 every eight hours, which is' 1712, has been returned to the increased by overtime. ' j Mohawk Institute after being on All of these conditions are j display at the Royal Ontario the same in Britain, Canada and) Museum in Toronto. nun- IN Tint MA hi-' CLASSIFIED ADVEHTISINO Une In 1612.