p penson As ' i in \ inn ygaruk boploll ves. Wm Frank é amuel ¢ ee . gmuel 6 . ob gmuel ¢ bene? Jennie es, samuel © Weeks al a4 Weeks samue “e xs, samuel ©. 4 samuel ¢ k samuel ¢ re samuel ¢ Werk : we bert Ibert ya .. i kK 1 Mining Go., Ltd, ‘ gham, T. ! yt, Frank ¢ frank ank W., Finnie, Alex W Finnie, Alex * W.. Finnie, Alex ' eo. W., Finnie, Alex ich son, Ge W., Finnie, Alex. vk Geo, W., Finnie, Alex. ickerson, 6 Icke rst W Fionte, Alex g. 1 k ! i } i mF oey, EB. 1 yramidt wecddle peddle tate? idle, Jos - weddle, Jos \ t Jos ii Jo ' los idle, Jos id) Jos \ J eddle Jos idle Jos idle, Jos le, Jos tle Ine ¢, Jos e, J a - ha lie, Jos t f t k Wm. Hu bing, Jor 4 Wm. nore, Sidney It arthur miock, Chas, E., & Colburn er fenry Dona i 1 P Robert Hitere, Arthur chic, Jessie M e “Jay 6G i ' i u | Mrs. A. OE Ida Maria ae ebar, Alex rrison, A ellen Peter w h rk eregarde, , s 8 « eearde J . ! H " i Stephen & enry. ‘ Frank 1 eter J., Estate of W ‘ichi, Kabayashi wish, Jos. 5 Kan, Jn« + Ane myth, Fy state of : i ‘a Smy ’ Kitamura th, J. 4H dul Fred. 5 we lh Jas , ' sami un, . one Young (has o 1. W Pras, Napoleon lv hs "On, Hugh ¢ Wibert, Robt ceed, A, te snventa Nnson a mone Syndicate Ltd " foes ate Chengie qinent “Yodicate Lid ezeland j c » veel Chalmers’ y PUR, Llke oberts ind Geoftrey mt ka *UZle ' balmens j h Pi rene 4 Jos sy! Nest ; Ed. j ayl An@ie tev, Lianie ‘, a Peek, Henry a Ihe . : loy Lins" ; Pll, Jas soy h wert Sem * vty THE DAILY NEWS Arthur SHORT DESCRIPTION oF PROPERTY Subliv. of Lot 3903, Range 6 Coas'* District, Pian tous, °°" Lot 8, 0.512 acres Lot 1¢@, "s 229 acres Bubdiv. of ... 18 of Lot 360, saree 6, Coast Ditirict, Pian 100 Lot 6, 1.07 acres Lot 8, 1.075 acres Subdiv. of Pt. Lot 1746, Ran ¢ @District, Pian tore" ~°*** bik. 2, 1.40 acres Bik. 5, 1.07 acres Bik 7, 1.41 acres Bik. 9, 1.11 acres Bik. 10, 1.41 acres Bik. 11 1.41 acres Bik. 12, 1,07 acres Bik. 18, 1.07 acres Bik. 14, 1.07 acres Bik, 15, 1.11 acres Subdiv. of Lot 4408, Range 5, District, Plan 1034, .7 Hiock 3, 4.63 acres Block 10, 5.92 acres Block 12, 4.26 acres Subdiv. of Lot 4406, Ran District, Plan 4 a bebe’ 6.19 acres ubdiv. ©; Lo. 2600, Range 6, Coa block 1a, 72lettlet Pian 10897. 1IOCK ¥, ‘.¢¢ OcrTes Subdiv. of Lots 4409, 4416, Range 5, Coast wr eiriot, Plan 1041, Biock 42, 5.46 acres e 6, Coast Subdiv. of Lot 420, Q.C.1., Plan 1061. Bik. 15, 1.06 acres Bik. 44, 1.27 acres Bik. 45, 1.52 acres Bik. 48, 56 acres Subdiv. of Bik. 20 of Lot 360, Ran Coast District, Pian 1064. °°” Bik. 2, 1.068 acres bik 4 1.008 acres Bik 4, 1.068 acres Bik. 5, 1.068 acres Bik. 6, 1.068 acres Bik ¢’ 1.068 acres Bik 1.068 acres Subdiv. of Bik. 15 of Lot eee, ener 5, -etrict, Plan bik. 2, 1.02 acres : Bik +, 1.04 acres Hik i 1.09 acres Bik 5, 1.05 acres Bik. 6, ol Ot acres Bik. 7, 25 acres Subdiv. ‘ot “pt. Lot 746, Q.C.1., Plan 1079. Bik. 51, Lot 12 Subdiv. of Lot 980, Pt. Lot 979, Range 5, om Coast District, Plan 1097. acres Bik +, 0.51 acres Bik 4, ¥.51 acres e Bik. 5, 9.51 acres Bik. 6, 051 acres Bik. 7, 9.51 acres ‘ Bik. 8, 14.01 acres ° Bik. 9, 8.62 acres , Bik. 10, 9.78 acres Bik. 11, 9.78 acres . Bik. 12, 9.78 acres Bik. 13, 9.78 acres . Bik. 14, 9.78 acres Bik. 15, 9.78 acres Bik. 16, 8.79 acres Bik. 17, 7.95 acres Bik. 18, 8.86 acres Bik. 19, 8.80 acres Bik 90, $923 acre Bik. 21, 8.97 acres Bik. 22, 9 acres Bik. 26, 10.02 acres Bik. 27, 10.09 acres ae... of bt 474, Q.C.1., Plan 1116. > 20.03 acres Bik. 13, 38 36 acres ‘ Subdiv. of Lot 476, Q. 0.4, Pian 1116. a SS 6, 19.87 acres Subdiv. of Lot 1103, Range AY Coast District, Plan 11 Lot i 10.10 acres Subdiv. of 8 ‘» of Lot 374, Range 6. Coast District, Plan 1137. Bik. 5, 7.86 acres Subdiv. of Pt. of Lot 124, Range 3, Coast District, Plan 1761. Bik. 2, Lots 10, Ti Bik. 9, Lots 8, %, 10 Subdiv. 6. W. ‘4, Sec. 31, Tp. 1, Range 3, Coast District, Plan 1908. Bik. 7, Lot 7 Subdiv. & Portion of Range 3, Coast District, Plan Set Mat Bik. 8, Lots 1 to 3 Bella Coola Townsite, Plan 873. Lot 28 : Lot 07 Bitter Creek Townsite, Subdiv. of Lot 704, Cysts District, Plan 963. ots 23, 24 Cloyah Park, Subdiv. of Lot 646A, Range 5, Coast District, Plan 820A. Lot 32 Bik. 10, Bik. 14, Copper City Townsite. Subdiv. Lot 312, Delkatiah Townsite. Subdiv. of Bik. a of Lot 234, Q.C.1., Plan 1032 Contd 1.004 acres of Subdiv. of Blk A 1.061 acres Plan annexed Wo Cert. of No. 57401-I of Blk. A one Townsite. Subdiv. of Bik. 8, of Lot 234, Q.C. 1, Plan 1032 Contd 1.046 a of Bik. B Bik. 31, Lots 6, 7,8, 14, 15 Uk 0 Lot 21 Vitle Essington ona Subdiv of Part Lot . Range 6, Plan 637. Bik. & Lot 1 i Essington Townsite Addition (No. 1) Pian 537A. Bik. 17, Lot 1 Granby Bay Townsite. Subdiv. Lot 766, Caseler District, Plan 1007. Lots 29 to 38 Subdiv. of Bik. 2 Massett Townsite. Portion of D.L. 7, Queen Charlotte Dist., Plan 946. Rik. 1, Lots 1, 2 Bik. %, Lot 30 Bik. &, Lot 22 Bik. 14, Lots 1, 2 Bik. %, Lots 31, 32 Bik. 16, Lots 1, 2 Massett Townit®. Subdiv. of Part of Lot 7, Charlotte Dist., Plan 946A. Bik, 22, Lot 24 Bik. 52, Lot 4 Bik. 52, Lot 5 Nicholl Towneit Supcte. of Part of Lot 8, Range 5, Pian 997. Bik. 1, Lot 15 445 ae Bik. 5, Lot @ ° goo Bik. & Lots 1, 2 ; Bik. 9, Lot 16. bdiv. of Part of Port vot "aa, “an ‘mange 8: Goa Su ‘" mistrlet . % BIN 20, Low 22, 23 Bik. 21, Lot 19° Bik. 28. Lots 7, & Bik. 24, Lot 8 Bik. 25, Lot 30 Bik. 27, Lots 5, 6 Bik, 27, Lots 7, 8, ®, 10 Bik. 27, Lot 14. Bik. 27, Lot 15 Bik. 27, Lote 45, 44 Bik, 28, Lot 10 Hik. 34, Lot 54 Kik. 33, Lots 18, 10 Bik, 93, Lot 238 Bik. 43, Lots 18, 14 Hik. 51, Lot 80 Bik, 60, Lot 31 Bik. 70, Lots 11, 1@ Bik. 75, Lots 1. 2 Bik. 74, Lot 8 : Kik, 76, Lots @8, @4 . Bik, 76, Lots 25, 246 Kik. 81, Lots 19, 90 Hik. 83, Lots 26. 27 Bile 84, Lots 34, 95 | 16nk 96, Lot 10 nik. 97. Lot at |Rik. 98, Lot 4 Wik, 104, Lots 16,°97 Rik, 107, Lot 16 | Bike 11%. Low te Pt. 361, Range 5, Coast District, Pian 933. Bik. 5, Lot 27 Bik. 11, Lot 16 Bik. 21, Lot 4 Sotasten, F Fpweste. Subdiv. of Lote 234, 2 C.1, Plan 1032. Bik Rik ps Gay ee eee 2 ieee oe Bik. 15 Bik 13 Bik. OUT bd 6 cc eedes «out ae <9 Bik Oe Bik. 23 Bik. 7:3 63 32 06 32 06 32 06 32 06 3206 32 06 47 24 29°04 33 20 32 42 33 20 32 62 32 62 33 90 18 20 27 00 20 82 942 15 28 15 26 15 28 11 38 3°74 20 00 a0 R80 3168 19 00 195 1944 5 85 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 — Oe ee FesSusre@nw NeSoco@e--—-© 643 16 80 504 278 3.48 el ee e-e- Ve oof SA te ew Cwroeowtwevrus ~erecrwx enVsuvrese@s oro “8 Interest ww o> } 29 ae OAD ON a DWDM Oe eee mH & 48 OOO me BS ND Oe WS OND OL DD 2 we - co 48 mM ~ a 44 Vvauaawa wre rwenwnrw wre wwwe ase sd aed BVuUmawrna 2 ~~ a saws Paw wow ~ a nO OS SS BV BS YBSOWHKHWBBWHKYYSWBBWUYBYWY ~ o ~ 375 275 275 mere ~~~ veo 09991 ww KS ee aan Faguvudnn# ~ ae See Mar owen oo ogc or “o<“«< sas) woe wtten Pa ed "Pou 44 NI a ee ee SSeS SOS SHO Kee Me Bec ee CBee eM eE eee CVF EF VSEEFVsFFRsVFgGCFFgseZsFFFveuVeVFoDo Total 4070 3658 wa 22 ~- 600 Paden ar me srs SOc es oo www NK wow 25 20 3244 900 23 66 29.98 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 5458 35 00 39 4 2 < 39 47 BR RS 38 85 39 47 233 32 80 35 84 13 38 2020 2018 20 20 15 99 40 08 25 27 7122 38 89 1451 356 2eunw nner we Se ~——e Vaso ee 21 63 9 75 a ued Cue o— 10 06 691 i201 - “HRS 300 84.87) 2925 8 37 481 685 959 68 ‘AM Voyer, A. Ric poles. White, Willmott, Munro, Wolf, Mrs, Whitney, ¢ Williamson Lersten, Ric hardson, Mortan, D. France, Whitney r, « Hutchinson, Bergauson, Kincade, White, White, Ewing, Gr Skinner, Dalton, } Maynard, Maynard, Maynard, Liewe ly n, Snyder, Che Mumimes, Marks, J Lombard, Lombard, Smith, G, ¢ Platt, Mrs, Ahiberg, Jc Cavins, Sargison, Lombard, Hickey, Kirby, Mrs. Smith, D Hickey, P Hickey, I” Hickey, P Hoefle, Hoefle, May, Max Max Bruce, H. Hindle, Teesdale, Hindle, Marsiand, Parsley, Balmer, Teesdale, Murfitt, Schaaf, Parsons, Keith, J. Hatteran, Luke, Porter, Jas. Ross, one Gray, Penland, Penland, C Penland, Penland, C Penland, Penland, Terlecke, Tylus, Dehlin, Tylus, Crotts, Alexander, Penland, Penland, Penland, Ross, A, C. Banberman Neale, Ellard, Vic Mason, I. sherberg, Ross, J. Grubb, BR. Puckle, Stewart, R. Siewart, J, |} Puckle, H. Mary | Puekle, a eed Luna, Albert James Piggou, Stewart, Stewart McFarlane, Williams, Blair, Stewart, R, Stewart, R, Prince Stewart, Stewart, KR. Williams, rerry, Medford, White, Mrs, Dated af Prince Supers, B.c., Meee Lemershand, Lewis Birkness, C F Leme ae Rene Ge France, Waiter Enoch ha W. A, tee Mrs, A Sadie ), r Thurman, Yes. Durrwachter, e John >. or Nae SOD eh ti nsets y. ‘ie Fire COO. H. fieses Brit, k. = and ‘Fontaine, Mrs. 4. Mai E. ry ). EB. S86 A. Alvin T. Se eeessone Sa ee Enoch amer 4 , and Clinton R Clinton RK. Clinton R., Rene Manvell, Harry Me Intyre, Mrs, Arthur gE. Hutchinson, P, Fowler, G. M, Ward Agency jude . M. nas wm as F. R. Sargison, F.. Rh. Sargison, F. R Sargison, F. R&R. Ada. Patrick Ss. Gregory , ‘Harvey | H. Margaret ©, « Te see. Ada Ada B. PERSON ASSESSED, HB. ccccdisevcccvececenses ees Mrs. H. Ross Hawksworth, John ur L. ari Pentand, Chas. F. Sarah Augusta © has. Tylus,® Stanley Penland, Augusta C. Penland, Chas. King, Fred. J. A. Tworskowski, Mark Penland, Augustd C. Stanley wee; Stanley Singh, Jagat . Penland; Chas. Penland, Chas. Geo. W. a Us satne-ebe @ chas, o* Chas, F. Chas. & Puckle Frank toria Williams, ¥° T. Williams, Alice Oliver Langley, W. ... Wi seat Geo. Harold t, Hawksworth, Geo. Emil Thos. Robt. . Ross Chas. 9:0 ¢ Brown, Joan M. i aeidas Ella M. Hindle, Harold C. Yorkshire Guarantee & Securities Co., Engman, Chas. Ges Prince Rupert Dovetepenens Syndicate, Arth oat Prince Rasseet Development Syndicate, _ Rants kage PD: +. ce. are page F. f. a, Stewart, J. W., & R.M., & McFarlane, H. Land Co, WwW. RK Alice Greece +, 4d. ruppe - F. y.’ H Willams, W. T. W. T. Wallace §& ; Williams, W. T. 4 Mable Cayzer, Wm, | Rarnard, G, Williams, W. T. Willlams, W. T Mrs, H. Oo Jane Puckle, H, ° Wright, W. 0...) °: Campbell, Geo, Wra. Stewart, R. M. and James Rupert Agencies ames “eae at Ltd, Ltd. Lid ee Mesee Bian Ww. R. age eenerenere “ a ’ SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ed | 1 Port Simp*on, Bubdiv. of Beotions 33, 34, and Section 32, Tp. 1. Range 6, District, Plan 401. Bik..A of Lot 1, Lots 1,2 .. ‘ 2 02 19 275 te a ES” £ meeeereece i 68 06 275 Bik. B of Lot 1, Lots 17, 18 |. beuae 240 | 2 6 |)6 68 7 bik. D of Lot 1, Lots 19, 20 ° ‘| 203 19 275 Bik. B of Lot 2, Lots 9, 10 167 | 17 | 275 Bik. A of Lot 3, Lots 1°10 es | 604 59 | 275 ee Oe OO Be ee is7 | 26 275 Du. 6 OF bee bbe 80 ee s 440 | 15 276 Bik, © of Lot 15, Bas BD cnssons oh ee } vo | o7 | 276 Bik. C of Lot 17, Lots 0. 10 .....,.....- 68 06 | 875 Bik. D of Lot 17, Lots 6, 7 bess oat 186 | 23 | #=875 Bik. B of Lot 18. Lots 1, 2 Dead 161 17 275 Bik. A of Lot 19, Lots 19, 20 ......... 112 | 08 "| 275 | Bik. © of Lot 20, Lot 13 ...... ‘ 151 | 17 275 Bik. D of Lot 20, Lot ti ..... ao1 | 68 | 275 Bik. D of Lot 20, Lots 13, 14 203 19 | #275 Bik. A of Lot 21, Lots 9, 10 . 187 8 | 276 Bik. © of Lot 22, Lot 2 Pe ve | 07 275 oe © 0 hee tee’ y. casececest 140 18 | «275 a C.F tae Oe, fame 4, 6... ss. oe 163 | 17 | 87% Bix. A of Lot 86. Low 1,8 ....:.... +t 68 | 06 275 Bik. & of Lot 29, Lots 4, 5 A 1 37 15 275 Bik. D of Lot 29. Lot 4 sé 116 ig 275 Bik. © of Lot 35, Lots 1. 2 wey 146 =| 16 | 875 Bik. B of Lot $6, Lot 4 J ha 04 | 275 Bik. € of Lot 36, Lot 8 .. sie i2@ 14 275 Bik. C of Lot 36, Lots 19, 20 a 07 o7 | «8% Bik. B of Lot 44, Lots 3, 4, 8 as 2 90 ” 275 Bik. A of Lot 45, Lots 3, 4°... i 55 04 275 Bik. © of Lot 48. Lots f, 2, 3 4 60 | 0 | 275 Bik. © of Lot 49, Lot 1’. ak dE 136 | 14 | 975 Port nw" Townsite, Subdiv. of 8. E.| “% of - Va, Section 16. Tp. 1. Range st District, ws 412. Bik . tn Oc heaeas as se 117 07 | 9% oe. S GF sascei 244 | 19 275 Bik. 3, Lots 1 to 6 13 50 152 276 a a Oe De sgicae ete 183 | 4 | 275 SS ee ey ee 183 14 | 275 Bik. 114, Lots 10, 44, 12 551 | 43 | 975 Dm. Sh; baw We te we 8.6 otc te 2412 2 39 275 Bik, 12, Lots 1 to 11 2010 197 276 soe eo, 6... 540 | 61 275 a, Bay GeO. Vid taevcroel 184 14 275 Bik. 14. Lot 18 154 11 275 Bik. 14, Lot 19 ‘sake aoe. 4 275 Bik. 15, Low 10, 14; 40 .....:55. 723. | 72 275 Bik. 16, Lots 1 to 6 ... 1906 | 449 | $9465 Bik. 17, Lots 1 to 24 4824 | 476 | 275 Bik. 18, Lots 1, 2 582 | 48 275 i. Vi Ob weiss ake he athe y a 240 | 24 275 First Addition to the Hudson Bay Co’s. Townsite, Port Simpson, being part of Bec. 4. Ti Ye eS Range 5) bk. 3. Fe 7 wiertict. 413. pi MP: 00% 0% ose eies Ce 402 ee Si Ce De @ ois ab. Ke Oaic civ ben ve 2010 197 278 a i Meee @ , attecbiewah ss 612 4% 275 —— BB 2 Se Ber or er Goce 804 79 275 am (i, BO D. @.. occ ign ks oe alias 8 04 79 275 A SO RS a, See ors OF “Oe 8 04 79 275 Port Simpson Townsite, Subdiv. of 8. 2 of E. }2 of N.W. \4 Sec. 21, Tp. 1 Range Coast District, Pian 443. eB i? A ae tt cee pereen 295 39 275 Bik. B, a i OO 6s tesenaamna bi 238 31 275 Bik. ROTI ere os 05 275 Port “duneeen Townsite. Subdiv. of Part Lot 9. Range 5 — District, Plan 967. EGG Oo éeses ° CeSC eee eeeeererecess 179 15 275 Seen Charlotte Me weg Subdiv. of Lot GA and Part of Lot 46, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte District, Plan _ ee ge Boe ee rer Pw 55 | 04 275 eee wile 460 | 24 275 Bik 5, Lots 23, 24 . 80 06 275 Bik. 6. Lots 13, 14 75 05 275 Bik. 7, Lots 13. 14 1 00 07 | #75 aM Ne els 6a sirens 75 06 2 75 Bik. 11. Lots 23, 24 120 09 275 ED Bh. Bt A re ete “65 | 04 275 eS us caus ine camauaiiie 160 | 24 | 875 Br OR ere aes oc re 60 | 04 | 875 a Wh MeO kd v6 cs Giese YOURE oneare 58 | 04 | 2875 a Sly MO ne as | és aed cee 60 | 05 275 aS BR ere RH epryper*. 1295 | 11 275 em Oe CD OG OF ice acs 0 a es ae | o7 | 275 Part of Queen Chariotte City Townsite. Subdiv. and Portions of District Lots ~ and 1 Queen Charlotte Dist., Pian 934/ am Se BD SO) UO o.5% 005 eee eds 195 | 11 275 Bik. 2, Lot e atess coe ark Beret scess 65 0S | 275 mes ©, ONES iv bs cn ce ieas Peele 930 158 275 Sliver City re Subdiv. of Lot 63, Cassiar D ane, sup Pian 969. OO, @.. Gi eh. sth avWeecicns bao cca cee 240 15 975 Skeena at enn, Subdiv. of Lots 188 and Range 5, Coast District, Plan store mie 00. Same 6 & FT oie iss seb cuhl 168 | 17 275 , OR ee le. . cnmedine chi 508 130 14 { 275 ee eRe. RR ae ae 211 | 16 |) «275 De 3b006.0+¢ ceeeeteahaei sree 262 17 } 275 ee cena hs oee 5 26 56 275 > May MD hace ceawnese amen 50 ot a es WE no t-0 40 640 200s 8 2°95 29 ; 275 South Prince Rupert Townsite, Subdiv. of Lot 641, Range 5, Coast District, Pian 8650. Ps. Tp MME Wie Oe oc ons séSbhaeeecaeet 120 os 275 a, tc We Web WE vcs ceebueeseamen en 75 05 275 ie, Mk Be Cp othiiwhenciceteteun vanes 65 05 275 a i Me Dl - eshes bt cbeh os eeneneen 65 05 275 a Se, Mee eR OD vice bud bpiaes 65 * 05 275 at, aie ee Sikind d's oranseed baeaneen 55 04 275 ee, Ge Mee os gos ss ci howemaade oA 55 -— | Ge Oi Be Do sibks ohdcls'dae Cheb aweos 55 04 | 275 South Prince Rupert Townsite, 80 >< 6, 864. i) to Gee BO Cha OO acésvecieen ceea 95 07 275 es Me StS 9 6b needs ohn ddan 50 04 275 ae, & See SD hs eC AGSSSs toe r beeeel 50 04 275 ey GA OU ns ns puedes OA Ra bes 04455 50 04 275 eh OO Sk, ous ck hdeee caked 7 06 275 Pn, © ROO BO aks. Cas » 115 | it 275 7 i ee ge ee eye 140 =| 10 275 ty ie Oe Oe ot, che tae bn dls LOE 75 (| 06 | 275 es Uh ROU OU 5 ss called beet cbe 4s ; 65 | 05 275 Bik 7 | 06 275 Bik 120 (| 08 275 Bik a o4 275 bik. ss | 04 | oes Bik. 55 o4 275 RIK. 90 07 275 om | | aR N : Bik 3 55 | 04 275 Bik. 105 | 10 275 Stewart Townsite, Subdiv. of Part of Lot 466, Group 1, Cassiar District, Pian 818. Oy RAD MO cee s ots eeseeaivaweaben 175 7s . 2a — SE OR Beer pee sgh he 200 7 Tf to a Pe cee ans Meesee snes 140 | 2 2 Se i ai din ad a cle 6 wae bik ede gee 200 | 17 275 Bik. 6, Lots 10, 41, 12 8 40 | 89 | 275 ee a ee Oe ih nese s 6 wasab ; 200 17 | 275 Be YF Spee! eee ost kanel 400 |s 32 275 a i Vee Om OE otsh ish cbedk caus 610 | 44 275 ee See BONO Be &. conics cveceusicsace 10 00 } 82 275 ee, ad aha 5 60 58 275 ae, Gm, Ge Ok, BAR BO ko ic ick e 0c oben 903 ) am 6}. ee Dee, 80, Sc Me BOE-OS. vaccse@ nck ets . 445 | 32} 75 Bik. 10, 1-4 int. Lot 15 .°.... 445 | 47 275 on, 66, GOED . cde ewes 2060 | 216 | 275 a, BG BARSOD csec es ban ckeeesecen can 10 55 7 275 ae, @0. Ge Oise ee ae cg 860 | 8 | «6275 Bes. 63, BAB OD: wen vaaess 230 } 20 275 oe 86. "Ree OO can dead aden dabkne OA 8 00 66 275 Ee ae Se eg 2p ae Rp penpgtat ee 1120 119 275 Stewart Townsite, Subdiv. of Lot 466, Group 1, jet, Plan 818A. i: Bik, 18, Lots 4, 16, 9% OB, O4..0...+-s+ 4450 | 358 275 13, ; 2600 | 261 275 15 500 4i 275 490 | 40 |. 376 400 | 51 275 560 | 58 275 175 | 13 275 , 350 | an Bt BE, We OR BORD nce ndcnnsceseses 125 [| 10 275 Stewart Vounaite, heh cE of Pept se of hee 468, Group 1, in, &, Bee Ol Pea sok dindectecnanenee 200 30 275 ee a Se ere rear FS 416 64 275 ers = Bo pee eer, 3474 354 275 > Ee Re feet pe Sh pegs. € 650 | 68 275 i. oy Gee OM: canaehind tau benk ch che de 1600 | 445 275 ae, 8 BOON De Bae pdves dereke 1160 | 121 275 Bik. 10, Lots 23, 24 ... 20 00 213 275 Bik. 13, Lots 91, 99 ...... 1020 106 275 Stewart Vowaaiee Subdiv. of Lot 3333 and Part of L Cassiar Dist., Pian 1087 Rik 14, Coad rr ick oriatncaanen 12 30 120 ™® 275 Bik. 15, Lots 7, 8 39 20 831 275 Stewart Townsite, Subdiv. of Lot 469, Cassiar nn, 968. ; Bik. Sah Ws OO ich aweass beaks 270 30 275 Bik. 34, Lot 7 ‘ 1a6 | 0 | «975 Bik. 40, Lots 3, 4, 7 Bia | 25 275 Bik. 41, Lot 8 . 145 15 275 Rik. 44. Lots 8, 0. 250 | 23 275 Bik. 46, Lots 8, 9, 19, 90 380 20 275 Terrace Townsite, Subdiv. of Pert of Lot 969, Range Coast District, Plan 872. gg eyed peeing ede ow? 2704 245 97 September 4 Qnd, 1919. Assessor and Collector, ©. W, tousn Prince > om ha tty tsi etnctittttbaan, — Se I ke ee Ree Oe er Oem SR BWW BOM SHSM. LH OVO SSe SES CHRO FSSC EABIEE CHO. HHO KHECCESOS~'- ER Sewn ee eee ewe 876 -3ocree owns ccouce uu ves eon eww - ee Onn FFrwe= 2enrenw~ G2 ee OS -—2ee SOVZEaveauww & sssesssesy a—-oF ait 345 3 638 Fetuuee Suscce Ceuweeuve CLD eeTO ne augue ee OCU LEH OUEMS CBWE 2 WOOP H AW OM wD Ww SSSuS oc laever=scecy 2 = -_ ee ee ee ee sevooreutsSvece - Sm Od SAMS AOA ~ we -- -eeennEe-o -aerowes=-«@ cwuxsese> & czeeoco sve eve -- re —-ED- eVFere> Seen ere oe aa t4 Oo aeenes “tiniie io