Prince Kupert Daily News Saturday, April 7. 1951 7 j oca Al and PERSONAL Cancer Drive j Starts Mondayi Prince Rupert Cancer Society! will shoot this year for $20t0 1 when their campaign opens on I YOUR SPRING SUIT presented by Cash for old old. Bulger'3. MLss Joan Cross returned on Miss Thelma Nelson arrived the Cniicotin yesterday from here by train Thursday from olldays Vancouver and Cali-Terrace. She will reside here fornla- with friends. j For having liquor ln a restaur. S.O.N, meeting on Monday ant" Richard Beare and Ralph April 9 at 8 p.m. Installation of Menzit's were fined $50 and costs officers. (83c) ln clty Pollce court Friday. Robert Hatch ami William United Church men's Strav- and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 C-4 w - - ? ! rTr ; ; 1 t If 4 K- , j Monday. Plans far the drive were announced last night at a public meeting of the society by D. C. Stevenson, campaign manager. The city has been divided into 28 districts, he said, and it Is expected each canvasser will be able to cover his district in two Keig arrived in the city yester- berry and ice cream social and day on the Cniicotin from West-1 homecklng sale Thursday, I view to holiday with Mr and April 19- 7 P m- ,H j Mrs. Nelson Brew at Haysport. Rlchard Callume was f lned $25 See the new G.E. Steam Irons and cosis on a second offence of now in stock at the Rupert il'u'xit;aUon in cilv pohce court Radio & Electric only $24.50. j tnls week- " j ttf-c) j infraction of the city parking, Leaving for mission fields in 1 bylaw cost Lawrence Hanna a ' bert & McCaffery afternoons. Volunteers from the 22 persons at the meeting were few ; but representative? of thre? I IODE chaoters and the Sons of j Norway pledeed their suonorl. Twentv-ei'ht canvassers will b-1 needed, said Mr. Stevenson. f r LIMIItU the north, Joseph M. Hawryluk ,lne of f ive dollars and costs In sailed on the Princess Norah ' citv Police court Friday. iff iv 3r6Xl ill ' ) yes William Priest of Queen Char- away or two months, visiting . Housekeeping . . . her father, H. B. Birtch. ADVANCE PARTY COMMANDER Maj . John Price of Toronto, commanding officer of the Special Force advance party which recently sailed for Korea, is shown aboard the troopship Pte. P. Martinez chatting with a member of the ship's crew Joseph P. Martinez of Kinsburg, Calif., no relation to the U.S. war hero "in whose honor the ship was named. (CP from National Defence) SPRING CLEANING IN AIR -JOBS FOR EVERYBODY See Japanese folk dancing; sponsored by Job's Daughters. Cast of Japanese children and adults. Civic Centre, Saturday,! April 7, 8 p.m. Authentic robes and colorful staging. (82c) For driving without an adult holder of a motor vehicle license' in the adjoining seat. George Si on A lorwaii more music, more I more written Nurse is Favorite the campaipn is to be completed in two weeks. Mrs. William Rothwell volunteered to organize the canvassers. Headquarters for the campaign will be the hospital office. President Rev. F Antrobus said last year seven persons in Prince Rupert had been helped by the Cancer Society. Fare of trip and expenses were paid for thosi ecommended by their physicians to attend the cancer cllnh at Vancouver. "This can. only be accomplished through your contributions," iaid Mr. Antrobus. Mrs. G. V. Hanley, secretary-treasurer, who had attended the semi-annual convention of the B.C. Cancer Society in Vancouver, told the meeting how the contributions from the campaign were spent. For research cf the disease $74,000 had been used in 1950; more than $15,000 had been spent in direct aid to cancer sufferers; $3000 were used in Mill Finish and Hard Finish ' nil an king than hdoui any ,on of the year. To there is no fiemakers tetry to spring because McDonald, holder of a learner's ' license, was fined the minimum! charge of $25 and costs in city police court Friday. ! MOOSE FACTORY (CP) lien.: (Fran) Mann nips sickness in ie word spring means anlng. Home econo- I the bud in the Indian settle-io'ments near this Hudson Bay Len Ryder was admitted Worsteds in new smart shades and patterns. Check thv fabrics, the linings and packets, the coat front, workmanship, fit and styling. You will find that Fashion-Craft ranks among the first in all the important details of suit making. PRICED FROM spring cleaning too. at this time, home are revising for Can- post and the Indians love her, neither know the importance of homemaking nor are they very sure how to go about homemaking. When actually cleaning; the kitchen perhaps it would be easiest to start with the refrigerator. It should, of course, be religiously cleaned out and defrosted but right now it needs that extra special cleaning If there Is any spilled milk which has soured and dried on the surface of the refrigerator it is most important to remove it as soon as possible because acid stains are very bad for the enamel and hard on the refrigerator. When washing your Thirteen tables were In play at the Sons of Norway whist-dance last night. Prize winners were, ladies', first, Mrs. O. Glske; second, Mrs. Olga Pettersen; first men's, R. Hundelde; second, Frank Schroe-der. On the refreshment committee, under Mrs. C. Strand, were Mrs. J. Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Jensen, Mrs. O. Giske, G. Selvig, O. K. Olsen and K. Dehll. nisewives bulletins on the local hospital - Thursday night after being flown here from Juskatla, Masset Inlet. Employed with the Kelly Logging Company, Ryder suffered a frac and freezing of Can This tall girl's job is to trek to lonely settlements on James Bay on her mission of preventive health education. She herself treats cases which iotle Airlines left on yesterday's plane to attend the funeral of his father, who died suddenly in Vancouver this week. Notice Midland Pines reopening on 24 hour service. Imperial Oil products at your Highway entrance. Credit cards accepted. (83c) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parkin returned from Vancouver on the Chilcotin yesterday. Mr. Parkin, northern representative of the United Fishermen's and Allied Workers' Union, returned from a provincial union conference held recently in the south. Here on their honeymoon, Pte. Wallace Scharif, RCASAA and his wife, nee Mavis Standing, arrived ln yesterday on the Chilcotin. Married Wednesday, In Vancouver the couple will visit here with friends. The groom's mother, Mrs. M. Scharff, lives at 852 Summit. Mrs. Wallace Scharff attended school in the ctiy before leaving for the south in 1948. Her husband is stationed at Picton, Ontario, having recently Joined the active service. Miss Olenna Moore returned to the city yesterday on the Chilcotin after a fortnight's holiday ln the south. She visited with her brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. John Ken als and vegetables, so tured leg. He was flown here in may include the many different methods of nd freezing that were the regular Queen Charlotte i aren't suf ficientlv serious to be Airlines flight of Norman Jer- removed to the big new Indian niyn. j hospital he-e. A native of Camp- (all. Now, as spring Is visiting home patients. Since in- $57-50 to 68-00 Watts & Nickerson Check room was in charge of;ception of the society in 1943, bc'lton. N.B., she also wages a Mrs. Julia Slatta. 341 persons had been assisted. continuous campaign to Improve remgerator all the food and! Mike Colussi played the accordion for t.hi rinnrp with Nile sanitary conditions. she said. After the meeting, films were shown. lose tests must be tast- fully checked in order which is the best i. which is the best reci-e to the Canadian I kitchen starting out The cupboards pro-a little cluttered, there raoks should be removed and the refrigerator turned to defrost. All compartments and racks should be washed with hot water and a nan is a ueia nurse or me : Gundersen of as master cere-Indian health service of the De- monieg rartrner.t cf National Health j J nnd Welfare Ph fcis bn ing her job since the service was m II JOHN H. SOUTHERN DOMINION stnrted 18 months atro. New Zealand Is about 1,200 miles east of Australia and its three islands themselves extend 1,100 miles. From Vancouver (Friday l R. Fider, Mr. Mclntyre, J. E. Fhinn. Mrs. J. Smith, K. F. Harding, H. Nuttall, Mr. Radisics, Mr. Bosworth, W. Solnik. To Vancouver (today) A. Fiel Ins and ends of numer- Th ee times a week she is i mild solution of soap or one of the new detergents. The refrigerator should then be rinsed well with clear hot water and wiped dry., A mild solution of ammonia and water may be used if there is any odor present ln the refrig and left-overs of other BULGER Oplomefriil take" t3 th- no th end of the settlement hy snowmobile. She Are Named fian to sort out the i now and use up the works the rest of the wav and i der, 8. Smith, H. James, A. E. Open packages, bans back on feet; house by house.' Census commissioner for' McMillan, W. R. Newton, W. H. I of food are invitations which live on food. If ny, White Rock, and Mr. and Mrs., Jonn E. Wilson c-. Seattle. A py food In the cupboard John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Hall, Dr. L. E. Wood, V. Miller, 1 Another three days are spent in skeena, H. F. Glassey said today A. Mosher, CD. Slack, L. Husoy, calls to ratients requiring regu- he expects to have about 80 E. D. Forward, H. Weiss, Don lar treatment. , enumerators working ln the rid-! Chong. There is one call that she ing when "the nose-counting" j To Sandspit .(today)D. Kelly. , makes evc.-y day to the Indian starts, June 1. erator, i Perhaps the pots and pans and baking dishes are beginning to look a little worn out from winter I use. They too need new faces for J spring. If the utensils are aluminum they should be washed well I with a mild soap and hot water. ) brother, Larry, stationed with the American army at Camp Lewis and a second brother, Richard of Seattle, were met by Miss Moore. From Vancouver (today) Mrs residential school, where sr.s Appointed field supervisor of have just received WE our new ihipmcnt of ROSE BUSHES i Don't forget to see our complete lines of GARDEN SEEDS Prince Rupert Florists Phone 777, 300 3rd W. Box 516 B. Dougherty, J. G. Lee keeps an eye on the welfare of prince Rupert and the coastal RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE I more than 300 pupils. Tempera region Is Alex McRae. For the Interior, Walter Wilson, Burns Lake, will be supervisor. From Sandspit (Friday) Mr Quealy, K. Jones, J. Smith, L Reid, E. McWilliams. To Masset (today) Mr. Vyse, Mr. Corbutt. ) GAS AND KLECTRIC RANGES Phone Blue ))!)2 PACIFIC ELECTRIC nnunn.ct'tn en I i Use Classifieds for Results. The use of a dilute acid will brighten the aluminum immensely. It Is Important to remember that soda, lye and strong soaps all darken aluminum. If the utensils are the stainless steel type with copper bottoms perhaps they too are dull and stain r 1 How Can I ? ? By Anne Ashley For the MEAL that REFRESHES I STARTS TO work17- y IN 2 SICONDS Kjta ture.'; frecfuently are taken, as are X-ray examinations for tu-beiculcsis, the d'sease ti which the Indian is most subject. Fran moves through the village to the accompaniment of howling sleish dogs, staked and. chained before each home. Many are vicious,- but they, ton, have got to know her. She's never been bitten. Hers was a lonely jcb till last autumn when the new was opened. Now there is a big staff and Fran has plenty of company. s j Sh? takes her work calmlv. "The Indians are good people," she says. 'All they need is Canadian Legion card party April 11. Presbyterian spring sa',e, April 12. The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., homecooking sale, April 14, Gordon Anderson. Conrad Street School P.T.A. White Elephant sale and tea April 14 at 2 p.m. Jpears to be infested ill's or moths burn it l:y. because If this is i Insects will quickly f other foods. Always l-stuffs in sterile jars t them tightly covered. t the back of the cup-feome cans of fruits and I which have been there r maybe some Jams or li'h are two or three I Start now to use up "rgoUen food-stuffs. momists mention that In homes each member Iraily, particularly the be included in the faning schedule for ifc-ay !' for each and every work shouldn't all wther. If she works luny days she will bj pble and worn out. if should be entrusted !i household tasks, not H is helpful to the I but also because it f 'in them to do house-!d to realize the im-fl homvmaking. Too -S boys and girls today Q. How can I remodel a slraw BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING hat? A. If it is desired to change the shape of a straw hat, pour boiling water over it and, while Card party. Catholic Hall, I it is hot and pliable, reshape it with the hands. Take a bowl or vetsel that will fit the crown April 19. ! United Church men's Straw-1 berry and ice cream social and i homecooking sale Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m. i FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE anu yuice me nai on ims wnne:a ime help" j Fill BETTER FAST! Tonight's train, due from thc ed. To polish copper bottoms use ' a soft cloth or a soft brush and rub with a cleanser suitable for polishing copper. If there is evidence of corrosion a dilute vine- j gar solution will help remove it. Wash well with hot soap suds or a mild detergent, rinse well and wipe dry. Stainless steel should need very little cleaning but hot soap suds and a good polish won't do it any harm. After this treatment the warm shiny glow of copper should glisten through your kitchen. Enamel utensils are used in many homes and perhaps they too are stained and grey looking. If they are soaked in a solution of washing soda and water they should come out white and shiny. They should j then of course be washed in hot soap suds, rinsed well and dried thoroughly. Iron frying pans or dutch ovens should be washed well with a stiff brush ln hot soapy water. A little abralsive cleanser may be used if neces-l ary. They should then be rinsed ' ' . well and dried very thoroughly. numiug, ttustj leaving n, uil til bowl to dry in the sun. Q. How can I tignten the handle of an umbrella? A. If the Umbrella hande becomes loose, fill the hole ln til? handle with powdered resin. East at 10:15, is renorted three-and-a-half hours late owing to connections at Jasper. This will bring the train in at 1:45 a.m. W.O.T.M; Spring Bazaar, Aprn 20. Conrad School P.T.A. card party, Friday, April 20, 8 p.m. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 26. THE NEW CREDIT RESTRICTIONS heat the rod, and then press j United W.A. Spring sale, May 3. ! firmly into the hole LICHFIELD. England fCP) HOW THEY AFFECT YOU Sonja tea. May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 16. Lutheran tea, May 26. fej. How can I prevent the Theological students in this peeling of onions from affeo : Staffordshire city will work for ing the tear ducts of the eyes? !six months in mines, factories A. By dipping the onions for land shops. The idea is to give a moment in boiling w,ater anil j future clergymen in. Britain then beginning at the root an l i first-hand experience of how the nerlin? uowards. .average man works and lives IT ARRIVED! :F F Y u i t s For Action Advertise! FORK SHOPPE I CANADA'S COST-OF-LIVING INDEX 193539 100 CLASS OF GOODS I MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM I DOWN PMT TIME TO PAY INSTALMENT ' GROUP 50 not less 1 ,,,,. $2,511 Weekly or Motor Vehicles than 10 00- months m MonthIy GROUP 2 Consumer Goods boueht will) !ii notlcss than $2.50 Weekly Budget Coupons & Cerlificates. $10.00 6 mnt" . or , io per .,. monlh monln (Includes Clothing, Kitchen Hardware, small purchases, etc.) GROUP 3 ' All Consumer Goods nut inclml- '-s less than SS.50 Wceklv or ed in Groups 12, includes $10.00 12 months Silo per month Furniture and Appliances (Nee exceptions Below) 21 Oi When pots and pans are thoroughly cleaned they do not discolor the drying towel. This Job of cleaning of cooking utensils is one which the children may easily do on Saturday morning. Father may help too, perhaps he wouldn't mind cleaning the garbage can. This is one piece of equipment which is so often neglected . It Is not necessary to describe how disagreeable and dangerous a dirty garbage can may be. It should be cleaned regularly with hot soap and 200 DEC, 1784V i '90 180 : 4 i "Wlrf'ch Sport ' water and a long handled brush. A little washing soda may h j used to keep the can sweet smell EXCEPTIONS These Regulations do not apply to: Books, Fuel of all kinds for heating purposes, building materials, house trailers, personal or household effects (including a car that you have owned for at least six months continuously i. real estate. URVOLVING CREDIT ACCOUNTS, PERMANENT JUDGET ACCOUNTS If you have a Revolving Credit or Permanent Budget Account (in which you can run your credit up to a certain fixed surm, the minimum down payment is now 16 of the credit agreed upon, but not less than $IQ. Maximum Period of Credit is 6 months and the Minimum Instalment is $2.50 weekly or $10 Monthly. If you had such an Account before March 19th. and vou buv ing. The brush should be scaled-ed thoroughly afterwards and ' hung up to dry. j These hints should give a start ' on the yearly clean-up. fc ""' i7i i i so!-' ' 179.7 1 CANADA J71' 140 - ' 1 30 - 1201- - - 1946 , IQA7 . IQ48 , 1949 . 1950' 1 ,0r 1951 cr 'y:Ll2 ' j IQO f M A J u A s O N hotel ' arrivals roods on tl. after March 19th and the amount of the Account is less than $60, the payments must be increased to $2.50 weekly or $10 monthly. If you are rcplnclnu or rcuHlriim property lost or dmaKed by Ore. flood or other catastrophe, you con Rpplv to the Minister of Finance to have the Ir tnsaction exempted Irom these Consumer Credit Regulations. Broadly speaking, these Regulations do not apply to loans made for purposes other than the purchase of Consumer Goods at Retail. In any cases of doubt, It Is wtse to refer to the Consumer Credit Regulations (SOR51-31. These can be obtained Iron your local bank. It should be clearly understood that this Is only a simplified digest of the main parts of the Regulations, and the Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert Is not responsible for any consequences arising from wrong Interpretation thereof. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT !fiG safe buys! lfer ft. I (Prince Biinert) F. S. Bonney. Nanainn: D. i Boult, Prince George; L. O. Swan, i W. Solnik, K. Bosworth, F. Soor, A. W. Christie, J. S. Brok-e and K. i Hinton, Vancouver; R. Vyse, Nelson; Peter Oottsellg, Victoria: L. lOrr and H. Harper, Terrace. BIGGEST BOOST Canada's cost-of-living index took the biggest jump in its history during February, rl. in? 4.5 points to a record 179.7 as of March 1. Higher food costs were the main lactoi in the boost, although every sub-index s lowed an increase. Tha solid line represents the Canadian index, while the dotted line sho vs the U.S. Consumer's Price Index which stood at 1815 on Jan. 15. Figmvs are not directly comparable, but merely indicate trends. (CP PHOTO)