PnOVINCIAL frcvi:::ial U3?.a?.x, FA VICTORIA, 3. C. VJ Doiy V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ) X Delivery msrATfHKP Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest1' Phone 81 X VOL. XL. No. 82 SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1951 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., PRICE FIVE CENTS n on 1 Is Not listing m I jfroops StahbinB Tories Back I AWAIT ENFRANCHISEMENT Metlakatla incorporation Vp) United Nations d deeper uuv iv-;u against little op- Local Village To Make Mrs. Rolston ORMSKIRK, England (CP) History Soot A struggling n.oup or British Lciions of the west- old country FOOTBALL X w i, Communists lAfi!! Have to Move iff Peace is Wanted Secretary General Tryqve Lie Does Not Expect World War LAKE SUCCESS (CP) Secretary General Trygve Lie said today that the United Nations must fight with all the force it can safely commit in Korea until the other side signals it is willing to negotiate for a cease-fire. Lie said also that he does not now expect a third world war although it will take time iiitral batliciroiun; wiiiih"' mum mc auu.. u had withdrawn1 make history In Canada. With strangely. I the Incorporation of their 17,- ,V behind roadways ,000-aere reserves under the utes leading north I "white laws" they will be the booby-! flrgt band enfsanchised in the with mines, ;ar sneus aim yiva i - Numbering 153 from what was links. Forward pace Conservatives retained their House of Commons seat in this traditionally Tory Lancashire town in a by-election Thursday. Both parties showed big drops In voting strength. I Nearly 10,000 voters who cast! ballots in the 1950 general election stayed away Thursday. Figures announced today showed Sir i Arthur Salter, former Independent turned Conservative, received 24,000 votes and the Labor can-' didate, Lt.-Col. H. A. Kelly,: 8,969. The by-electlon was made necessary by appointment of Sir Ronald Cross as governor of Tasmania. Cross received 28,654 votes In the general election to 14.583 for Labor's L. C. Edwards. The Conservative victory whit once a population of 1900, the Metlakatla Indian near Prince Rupert are awaiting the first order-ln-councll from the Dominion government for enfran- siVtlc am art r Movi nrdl Wa a nrl in contact with the ;iles" north of the used mast Allied English League, Division 1 Arsenal 1, Liverpool 2 Burnley 1, Derby County 0 Chelsea 1, Aston Villa 1 (tie) Huddersfield Town 2, Blackpool 1 Middlesbrough 1, Bolton Wanderers 1 (tie) Newcastle United 0, Tottenham Hotspur 1 Portsmouth 0, Sunderland 0 (tie) Sheffield Wednesday 2, ;Ful- ham 2 (tie) Stoke City 2, ManchesterUnlt- ed 0 West Bromwich Albion 3, Charlton Athletic 0 English League, Division II " ' , T-i Itlon for incorporation as a B.C. "fi' .municipality, ol the 27th Com-, . 7 " 1p t kind in Canada." said In- "UCh "Ian Superintendent P. E. An-a and South Korea. k exolainln that the to restore calm. Lie, at a press conference, shied from a storm over statements by General MacArthur, United Nations commander in the Far East. He said any questions relating to MacArthur led tlie brigades natiVp. win hp pnfninrhlspri in n a ew miles of the a bady Instead of Individually. Fortunes in Sweepstakes Young Ottawa Man Gets $140,000 Vernon Man Picks Up $20,000 OTTAWA (CP) Ernest Reid, 26-year-old immigration inspec then patrolled the should be addressed to the uni "The end Is now In Bight. We tled down Labor's effective working majority In the 625-seat Commons to seven. 1 and other Italians wU1 0"f hope w QnJy & months," Mr. Anfield said. :hlo North Korea. met little Commu- APRIL 10 DEADLINE Finance Minister Abbott keeps his uncompleted 1951-52 federal budget safetly tucked under his arm in his office on Parliament Hill. The budget, to be brought down In the Commons on Tuesday next, is expected to include heavy tax increases. (CP PHOTO) :ice in the push rugged terrain. fied command (actually the United States government) lo which MacArthur was responsible. He refused to say whether United States forces should cross the thirty-eighth parallel but insisted that the United Nations aim Is unified and Independent Korea. "There has been no sign for many weeks that the North Koreans or those supporting tor from Emerson, Manitoba, today won $140,000 In the Irish Sweepstake on the Grand Na Spy Gets 1 5 Years On the enfranchisement board are Commissioner W. 8. Arneil, Mr. Anfield and Peter Leighton, councillor of Metlakatla. With the Incorporation and white privileges, secret ballot; elections will be used, the super-intedent said. Formal negotiations have been under way since i4l but natives have pressed to rid themselves 'WAR" IN ALASKA Birmingham City 3, Sheffield United 0 Bury 1, Swansea Town 1 (tie) Cardiff City 1, Barnsley 1 (tie) Chesterfield 1, Doncaster Rovers 4 Coventry City 2, Southampton 2 (tie) Grimsby Town 0, Luton Town 2 Leicester City 1, Brentford 2 Manchester City 1, Blackburn Rovers 0 Notts County 0, Leeds United 0 (tie) Preston North End 0, West Ham United 1 was tional Steeplechase. On his visit to Ottawa! he said the first thing he plans to do with the money Is to spend his astic parents on a trip to their home them, are willing to open nego NEW YORK (CP) Atom spy David Greenglass, who helped doom his sister and her husband to death, got off today with a 15- "Aggressors" Thrown Back From Anchorage Air Base land Scotland. Reid now becomes one of .the tiations for a cease fire," Lie. said in a prepared statement. Horse Finish year prison sentence. It was his Unless and until there is such most eligible bachelors In Canada but he doesn't think he'll National in and Royal Tan reward for key testimony which l sign the United Nations has marry. Not at the momenr,, ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CP) "Aggressors" no alternative but to continue At. ' .. i u i. it:- m : 4. anyway. convicted the higher-ups In the international war-time ring of Russian-bossed spies. the fight to repel and, if pos England (CP) gallant nine-year-th sold for $140 as tnrew ou iiieuium uumuers au uie lAiiciiuiage muiiary j, ouimet, Hamilton, On sible, end aggression In Korea won the Grand Na- area today but were "wiped out" at Kodiak Island in another phase of Alaska's "Exercise Firestep" with all the force it can safely commit to that action." Greenglass could have gotten the death penalty or 30 years' imprisonment. tario, won $34,500, top prize In Quebec Legion Army and Navy sweepstakes. Second prize money in the Scottish League, Division A Aberdeen 1, East Fife 2 Dundee 2, Hibernian 2 (tie) Heart of Midlothian 1, Celtic 1 (tie) , Motherwell 2, Rangers 3 Partick Thistle 1, Morton 0 ' St. Mirren 3, Aldrieonians 2 mock war games. veterans' sweep $30.000 w ent of wardship since 1917. Prominent have been such men as E. A. Leighton, secretary of the village council for 34 years. Five miles across the harbor from Prince Rupert, Metlakatla, on the Tsimpsean Peninsula, was once "broken In spirit and skeptical of the white man." In 1888 Father William Duncan disagreeing with his church, took 1300 natives to lorm New Metlakatla, Alaska. Anglican Bishop W. Ridley succeeded him at Metlakatla. However, the B.C. village Tematned and recouped itself. Part of a trust of $100,000, paid to the band for the present Prince Rupert site by ithe GranJ Trunk Pacific Development Co. In 1907, will be distributed on enfranchisement, Mr. Anfield believed. when all but two of :i starters fell In a " Wore a crowd of 1 shot ran neck and aU the way with who finished six Sixty bombers, tne largest force so far employed, struck at to C. W. Kempton, 32-year-old garage mechanic of Vernon. He was the only big winner in B.C. Elmendorf air force base and Today's Stocks (Courtmj 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Tories Win By-election nearby Fort Richardson in a three-way simulated raid from Signatures 20,000 to 30,000 feet. , i:id. was quoted at 22 to 1 The bombers concentrated their attack on Elmendorf In Are Forgeries dustrial housing areas. Fire Destroys Galiano Lodge GALIANO, B.C. (CP) Volunteer At Kodiak umpires ruled that n ten But was finished third, starting an 8 to 1 one o( the 34 start- Coalition Conservative Snubbed at Point Grey Association Meet VANCOUVER. Mrs. Tillle M. Rolston, one of the bteakaways from the coalition government ranks in the Legislature at Victoria, was endorsed by her own Vancouver-Point Grey Progressive Conservative Association last night. A. R. MacDougall pleaded with Will Use B.C. Labor No Need for Worry About Importation for Aluminum, Kenney Says VICTORIA (CP) Only key men and trained personnel who have operated the Arvida, Quebec, plant of the Aluminum Co. of Canada will be used In the company's British Columbia development. Minister of Lands and Forests E. T. Kenney told the Legislature Friday that this assurance had been given by company officials. Mr. Kenney made the state-1 mcnt when Opposition Leader the entire "aggressor" army had been annihilated by defending forces in mid-morning. Most of the action took place in rugged terrain north of Kodiak naval air station. bucket brigades last night saved MING" DAY VANCOUVER American Standard .... .29 Bralorne 6,50 B R X .03 Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Congress 07 Hedley Mascot , 52 Indian Mines 21 Pioneer .,. : 2.20 Premier Border 19 Privateer 10 Reno 05 Sheep Creek ., l.Bl Sllbak Premier 37 Taku River ' .08 Vananda - 15 Salmon Gold 03 'i Spud Valley .04 '2 Silver Standard 2.52 pe Honor Ancestors .the association against endors this resort town of 260 persons from destruction by fire. The town is on Galiano Island In the Gulf of Georgia, 39 miles southwest of Vancouver. Fire levelled the two-storey Galiano Lodge with loss placed at $75,000. The hotel was unoccupied at the time except for a watchman The "aggressors" could not reach the main portion of the huge naval base, army, navy and marine forces which combined in the operation. VANCOUVER (CPl A handwriting expert testified in Supreme Court yesterday that signatures of two witnesses to the disputed $900,000 James Thomson will are forgeries. Henry B. MacLean said the signatures "were not written" by witnesses Angus Campbell and Charles E. Smith. Both men have died since the will was found In Smith's Vancouver real estate office in 1949. Distribution of the bachelor hotelman Thomson's est ate hinges on the validity of the will. Chief beneficiary named in the document is a city fireman, Gilbert Campbell, son of one of the witnesses. Campbell withdrew from the Ceremony in Cemetery ing Mrs. Rolston's action but made little impression. He said that, if the Progressive Conservative party could get together, It would "go somewhere." TheWeather i Ming" Day marks the beginning of the ""ew growth" and with this opportunity and no one was hurt. Billows of black smoke were "Where?" asked- one Harold Winch said he was "dis M last Thursday gathered at Fairview turbed" over reports that labor visible for 25 miles. The fireplace had been lit and the fire is believed to have started in the attic. 0 Pay respects to their ancestors, was to be moved here from Que bee. Synopsis A fresh outbreak of Pacific air has moved inland over the British Columbia coast during the night causing variable cloudiness over many of the interior regions lours were snenr. there hv a larro p-ath- The minister said that trained personnel to be brought to Brit 4 & o ning up the Chinese plots and making sure case several months ago, saying England Beats Scotland GLASGOW (CP) England defeated Scotland 3 to 2 in an International amateur soccer match today. there were Indications the will Western Uranium 1.79 Oils Anelo Canadian 7.45 . A P Con 42 Atlantic 3.16 Calmont 125 C & E 12.00 Central Leduc 2.47 Home Oil 16.75 Mercury 15V4 OkaVta 2 65 Princess 1.48 Royal Canadian 10'6 Royallte 13.00 Leaving or holidays in Jthe south, Mr. and Mrs. E. Loftus will sail on the Chilcotin to Vancouver tomorrow night. and scattered showers In parts of was a forgery. the Cariboo. The coast remained If the will is proven invalid, the $900,000 will be divided among uimect were well , is Is a bi-annual Q- W. LaCroix, with the hydro-Chinese, said Muh graphic service of the Dominion y merchant. The government, returns to Victoria Wemony will take tomorrow night, leaving hero 'Ptember whleh i! about the steamer Chilcotin. ish Columbia would amount to only 10 per cent of the labor force of 10,000 required in the Alcan development. "I don't think there is any cause for alarm," the minister said. Kenney repeated a statement relatively unaffected but fresh northwest winds will be general six cousins of Thomson. The case will continue Monday. In the exposed areas of the coast al waters during the day. 1 uy and means I Maimer. I each fa ml I.. 4 ' Si f 5Pects to their in. P lays, but here, I have died without I Z publlc Bather- Another rather Intense low pressure area is developing south of the Alaska peninsula. The centre itself appears to be moving northward but the leading edge of the associated disturbance will cross the Gulf of Alaska causing strong southerly winds over the exposed waters near the Queen Charlottes early tomorrow he had made earlier in the session that it was proposed to log off timber before it was flooded by water building up behind a contemplated dam on the Ne-chako River. He said he was satisfied Alcan would give "generous treatment" to persons on land which wouid be flooded. If not, the next re TORONTO Athona 09 V2 Aumaque 23 Beattie ,. .54 Bevcourt 48 Bobjo .13 Buffalo Canadian 25'2 C M & S 140.35 Conwest 2.40 Donalda - : 52 I ' ie ritual nf re- ''ve the memory of PRINCE RUPIRT "GETS" ONE Pioneer Engineer Back To Organize Profession Twenty-five professional engineers civil, electrical, mechanical and other categories the majority of whom have become located in Prince Rupert as a result of the advent of the Columbia Cellulose operation, gathered at the Canadian Legion dining room last evening as the guests of Col. Leroy F. Grant, field secretary of the Engineering Institute of Canada. They heard Col. Grant remin- ' isce nostalgically on the real , evening's proceedings, early days of Prince Rupert be-j After disclosing that Prince tween 1907 and 1911 when heRupert had figured vitally hi . r " ' we chi-C bellefs. he said. J1'1 if one demands sort was arbitration under the i Sir t rn "ueuis, in 7" e paid to an In only morning. It is not expected to affect the southern coast In the next 24 to 48 hours. Forecast North coast region Cloudy along the west coast of the Charlottes and clear over the remainder of the region today, becoming overcast tonight with rain Sunday morning. Scattered Of faith . .- ,. And It ler Water Act. Alcan would be controlled by federal legislation covering fisheries, the minister said. Plane, With 22, Is Lost SANTA BARBARA, California (CP) A Southwest Airways plane carrying 22 persons 19 passengers and three crew members is missing and feared lost in mountains or at sea near here. Ground, air and sea searches t ve Wn-H kind of as long as you M 1 y Y wiuweiB, . engineer on the original change in temperature Winds-f port and northwest (25) becoming south-1 of R t ,A erly (30) in the exposed weas place , . early Sunday morning. Lows to- named namea aIl aflPr r Col C01' night and highs Sunday at Port!" Hardy, 36 and 50; Sahdspit aM(" , . .v,, , this Prince Rupert. 40 and 48. They also heard pioncor ;n Rugby Eldona 22 East Sullivan 8.30 Giant Yellowknife 6.95 God's Lake 39 Hardrock 22 "2 Harricana IIV2 Heva 13 Jackknife .'. 05 'a .Toilet Quebec 65 Lapaska 04 Little Long Lac 75 Lvnx 14 Madsen Red Lake 2.15 MoKenzle Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt 2.80 Moneta 35 Negus 82 Noranda - 77.50 Louvicourt 20 Pickle Crow 1.70 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn ..; 19 Sherritt Gordon 3.40 Steep Rock 8.40 Sturgeon River .15 Silver Miller 1.73 Upner Canada 1.75 Golden Mantou . 6.70 3 ta"a Fran beat Wy ""'on j. .uUay. Waies his own career he had met ma wife here and It was from this city that he had joined the Engineering Institute of Canada Col. Grant observed that "Prince Rupertism is a disease that gets you. Once you have been here you never slot ULki.. lxut Prince Rupert." In the course of his travels his present duties carry him from coast to coast includln? Newfoundland Col. Grant told of meeting former Prince Rupert people at far-removed places. PIONEER EPISODES Then Col. Grant recalled some are under way for the Douglas DC-3, missing since shortly aftPr 8 p.m. Friday. The lost plane left San Francisco at 5:45 p.m. bound for Los Ur meeting TIdES i the profession had gained such strength in numbers here, a local section of the Engineering Institute of Canada .might be organized In Prince Rupert for the welfare and development of the profession and Its members along various lines. Fishermen's Anseies. finnrtav Anrll 1951 It has been estimated that theiHigh 2:15 21.7 feet first generation of Norman set-' .. 1A9 19.4 feet tiers In Canada numbered 800 Low 8:39 3.0 feet lna' ant. FIRST SEALER First ship to return from the annual Gulf of St. Lawrence seal hunt was the Nova Scotia sealer Truls. Three crew members display sking of whitecoats baby seals on arrival at Halifax. About 16 ships jointed the hunt. (CP PHOTO) ltc Ross A. Ritchie had charge 01 (Continued on Page 4) families with over 5,000 children. 20:38 6.1 feet) the arrangement of a pleasantL