Page 6 ——————————— A. W. EDGE C0. DISTRIBUTORS 2nd Avenue - Prince Rupert BEAVER BOARD FOR WALLS OF If it hasn't the Beaver trade-mark it isn’t Beaver Board = > Finish of your attic—partition mm in the basernent—put new your garage. Do it with rd. For yoursummer cot- tags, for your new home, for the elub, tore or the office—Beaver Board. ccs the place of lath, plaster and w per, giv you better walls and ceilings, more handsome, more san- itary, more durab’e. ay we There is every reason fur—and nene againat your « Beaver Board. Get the geanine. f y ve to be particulas. A. W. EDGE CO. Distributers,P rince Rupert Ct SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1848. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON®SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SLCOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 ROYAL) Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO one owe FOR SALE ' Seven-roomed house with bath and finished basement. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. $2875.00 Very Fasy Terms. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. ete emer meee coos Sedeiianepetengeasapecennenecen DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: 6 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:80 p.m. OR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Biock, Third Avenue. Phone 454. : Se ee oe PPD Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. PIRST-OLASS CAFE A La Oaprte. THE DAILY NEWS BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS OPINION E. L. Pease Who is Expected Here Tomorrow is Optimistic Re- garding Next Loan. E. L. Pease, president of the Canadian Bankers’ Association who is expected to arrive here tomorrow, said in an interview in Vancouver that the east was in a very prosperous condition with greater demand for labor than the market can supply at the sent time. rhis impetus to some extent is ascribed to the working to ca- pacity of the manufacturing plants so that they may take ad- vantage of the exchange between Canada and the United States and already this activity is affecting the premium wall. New Loan Will be Success. That the new Canadian loan ill be a complete success is tue opinion of the visiting banker and his directors. “The people have learned that Canadian bonds a good security and it is my opini: that the small investor will be a large factor in the marketing of this new issue,” said Mr. vease. “Canada’s paper currency has a greater gold covering, per capita, than that of the United States, but it is not policy for a country like Canada to extend long term eredits to foreign countries, Which have small probability of ying within the next iv years. Canada that money to de- velop her own She must produce and ship abroad more, that her own debt may liquidated.” “IT can hardly think,” continued Mr. Pease, “that the Canadian government has discontinued het shipbuilding pelicy, as it is con- sidered in financial circies as tie salvation of the country, for Can ada to own her own merchant ma- rine.” Mr. Pease failed to agree wiit the opinions of some of the Unit States financiers that the clearing house of the commerce of the orld will move from London to New York, and he pointed out that ‘all the British colonies woul: continue to draw on London and despite the fact that Great Britain had sustained a severe blow in tlhe war she was still considered a sound financial institution. needs resources, he — > Sport Briefs x~ x The Prince Rupert football league in the year before the war consisted of four teams: Callies, Drydocks, Hornets, Merchants, and Sons of England. When the call came nearly every playing member was lined up for the greater game against the Hun. Of these at least a full eleven are among those who lie “where the poppies grow on Flanders fields.’ The names and teams are’ James Stewart, Callies; 1. Eardley and W. Elliot, Drydocks; Capt Adair Carss, V. A. G. Gamble, and w. Entwhistle, Hornets: Lieut. A. M Brighton, C. Dennis and Ai{l Hardy, Merchants; Lieutenant W Reddihaugh and Lieutenant G. Garnett, 8. O. E., amd Lieutenant c. R. Garden, Hornets. The Canadian Amateur Hocke Association is starting business early this season. The announce ment issued from the oflice of the secretary in Regina indicates at least that there is one sport or- ganization in Canada that is alive the present opportunity to place sport on its proper footing im the eountry. * * * The organization of the Calgary to baseball and recreation company has been announced. It is « purpose of the association to place a team in the Western Can ada baseball league in 1920. by J. H. Birch is president, while F. W. Kolb is secretary. Prominent business men constitute the di rectorate. Several players have already been signed on, while Nick Williams, well known as a baseball leader on the Pacific coast, is favorably mentioned as possible manager. * * * In the Indian football game of yesterday the Aiyansh eleven trimmed the Kitimats by the score of 2 to 0. The playing through. ‘out was not exeeptionally bril- liant although some of the players showed that they knew the game, A few of the players appeared to be novices and it was rather amusing to the fans to note the way in whieh the ball was tackled rat times, It was not a rough game and referee W. E, Williseroft had only to blow his whistle for th: throw-ins, LAND DISTRICT CHARLOTTE pis ISLANDS SKEENA QUEEN TAKE notice that Ester Mahelia McMii Winnipeg, Manitoba, occupation # niends to apply for permission to prosp+ the following described lands for coal and petroleum | mmencing at & post planted about om mile east f the mouth of Steele Creek; Port Louis thence south eighty cha ns, | thence east elghty chains thence por! eighty chains, thence west eighty chains) to the point of commencement | ESTER MAHELIA McMILLAN Per Albert Jacobs, Agent } July 14, 1019 | SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTR! QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE otice that Harry McMann of Victoria, B. C., tends to apply the following petroleum Commencing at 4 post planted at the mouth of Steele Creek, Port Louis, Graham Island; thence south 80 chains, thence east &0 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment HARRY McMANN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent 1919 j occupation carpenter, tn for rmission to prospect described lands for coal and _ July i4, ae npiiilias SKEENA LAND DISTRICT WVUEEN CHARLOTTE pmistt ISLANDS f Victoria, B. C., occupation grocer, i tends to apply for permission to prospect) the following described lands for coal and) TAKE notice that John Joseph Fenerty,} petroleum Commencing a1 @ post planted about tw miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek which fows into Port Louis) Graham Is land; thence south eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north chains, thence west eighty chains to the | point of commencement. JOHN JOSEPH FENERTY, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent July 14, 1919 ca SKEENA LAND DISTRICT-——DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. UF GOLDBLOOM’s They have reduced all their Ladies shot This is a genuine sale As soon as this sale is over concern and with the stock low it goods to a point where every a; next week some special oflerings will be made of LADIES’ COATS AND DRES‘Fs That will prove unusually attractive ild not fail to see our 850 and & bargains in ladies’ wear Goldblooms will offer can be secured for a small price. again li Now Selling at from $25.00 up of genuine ladies of the city. NEW STOCK OF LADIES’ HEAVY PURE WOOL WINTER coarTs, Also Waterproofs in Leather and Fancy Silk Stripe, Etc GOLDBLOOM’S and their bi ——. ee ¢ ot to sell 2 their Business $50 AND UP. is TAKE notice that William E. Simmons, of Victoria, B. C., occupation inspector, | intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and) petroleum .-Commencing at a post forty 40) chains south of Coates River, Jraham Island; 80) eighty chains, thence south eighty) 80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, | thence north eighty 80) chains to the point of commencement. “WILLIAM E. SIMMONS, per Albert Jacobs, 1919. planted about! the mouth of! theace west| Agent july 14, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that A. Harper McKechnie, of Winnipeg, Man., occupation engineer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at @ post planted about two miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek which flows inio Port Louis); thence south eighty chains, thence west eighty chains, thence north eighty chains, thence east elghty chains to the point of com- Inencement. A. HARPER McKECH s:t, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John J. Fenerty, of Victoria, B. U., vecupation grocer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at a post planted about one and one half 1% miles north of the north sbore of Otard Bay and at the south- east corner of Coal Licence No. 10028; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement. suns J. PFENERTY, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. i4, OF ne 56. Ses ae’ SKEENA LAND DISTAICT-—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE notice that Walter Govan, of in- dian Head, Saskatchewan, occupation farm- er, intends to apply for permission to prospect the fotlowing described lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing at a post planted on the shoreline of Port Louis, about one mile south of Queens Island, Graham Island; thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence « 80 chains to the point of commencement. WALTER GOVAN, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. july 14, ivid. ; SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF | ’ TAKE notice that Robert McCaubrey, of; Victoria, B. C., occupation merchant, in- tends to apply for Fy oy to prospect the following described lands for geal and) petroleum :— Commencing at @ post planted about) elgnty (80) chains east of the mouth of | West River, Graham Island; thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (> chaius, thence north emhty (80) chains, thence west eighty (80) chains to the point of commencement. ROBERT McCAUBREY, ! per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 11, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS OF TAKE notice that Edward Charlies Francis Allen intends to apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum:— Commencing at a post planted about forty chains northeast of the mouth of Joseph Creek, and at the 8. E. corner of C.L. No, 10149, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 ebains to the point of commencement EDWARD CHARLES FRANCIS ALLEN, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 12, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Louls MeQuillin, oc eupation accountant, and ©. Norman Dal- | gieish, occupation barrister, of Winnipeg, | Man, iatends to apply for permission to oF $5.00, $7.00, MARTIN O’REILLY Ours is The Particular Man likes a flat knit all under wear. wool made from the finest of wool and is the only full fashioned under wear made in Canada. While quality is always the main consideration, here you will find the prices right. $10.00 and $12.50 a Sui —lLL——__;_——_—{——_—_{2{2—__E=E_ SKEENA LAND DISTRICT——-DISTHICT ‘+ QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John Moffatt, of Vic toria, B. C., occupation retired farmer, in- tends to apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and) petroleum :— Commencing at a post planted on the shoreline of Port Channel, hear the mouth of Mace River, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to the point of commencement. } JOHN MOPPATT, r Albert Jacobs, Agent eDaved july Tot 1910 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF Veen. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. } TAKE NOTICE that M. L. Sands of Vic- | — —— ——— — | SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF woccococcococooccsosortttenn, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that James V. Connell, occupation medical doctor, and A. Leith, occupation meucal Goctor, of Kegina, Sas katchewan, intends to apply for permission to. prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum;—— Commencing at 4 St planted about two miles and one half east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 Chains to the point of commence ment, JAMES V. CONNELL, A. LEITH, per Albert Jacobs, __ Dated July 12, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT 01 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Agent 1019, ; | } | | ' veaceTasBles Wholesale and Retall General Contractors aud Labor Exchange Prince Rupert B.C ‘ » O, Box 1% | Phone 547 etl ; te | toria, B. Cy cecupation undertaker, intends TAKE notice that John Wesley Connell! pregnecs ~ Sowing described lands for! to apply for permission to prospect the|and Albert 8, Lock, both of Victoria, B. .. | sail rernict & gall gets eg following described lands for coal and occupation brokers, intend to apply for|SKEENA LAND | re ISLANDS ae ng at @ post planted about one petroleum:— peruizsion to prospect the following de- | QUEEN ih o- Rives oe from the mouth of Con Commencing at & post planted At the | seribed lands for coal and petroleum:- i st James ¥ a a pm + heanel, Graham Island; mouth of Mace River which empties into| Commencing at a post planted about TAKE und B hae, CASE SO chains, thence north §° port Channel, Graham Island; thence north | forty (40) chains in @ north easterly di- | occupation © . medical dels hain. ‘hence West 80 chains, thence | so chains, thence east 80 chains, thence | rection from the mouth of Rock-run Creek, | Whitham 1s to MPR a SO chains to the point of commence: | cout 80 chains, thence west 86 chains to|Kennelg Sound, Graham isiand; thence ; Re ging, Saska wa a a wowih , LOUIS. MeQUILLIN the point of commencement, jsouth (80) eighty chains, thence west| Permission to Prorihs' ig pecrolelll C NORMA “DAL ol ISH M. L. SANDS, |elghty (80) ehaies, thence north eighty | ** ribed lands . pla ute 7 oo 1 —— : per Albert Jacobs, Agent. (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains) Cormlben se ae os OS per Albert Jaqgobs, Agent. Dated July iSth, 1919. lo the point of commencement. | Swo and ae sham Bad ira ues , Se Ii JOUN WES CONNELL, por Cave wn ty SKEE... LAND iS TRICT—DISTRICT* «© |SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTNICT OF | ALBERT SCOTT LOCK, | land tence : _ QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. per Albert Jacobs, Agent, | thence eas! «i sins, tent ccsaiieals ian ’ ——— te July 16, jhorth eight the poll _ TAKE NOTICE that A. J. B. Bookey, of TAKE NOTICE that John Mair of Vie- —ae..2 : sete a leigtity 8 4 Victoria, B. €., occupation retired farmer, | toria, B, C., occupation retired, farmer, in-|}SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF | mencemen! 7 VNBLL intends to apply for permission to pros-| tends to apply for poe to prospect Wuei CHARLOTTE ISLANDS JAMIN WHITHA ah pect the following deseribed lands for coal | the following described jands for coal and TAKE notice that Robert Dowswell, of | i ‘Ibert bs and pesroleum :— petroleutn :- Victoria, B. C., occupation retired# hotel) we ae, 1088 —“ Commencing at a post planted near the Commencing @t a post planted at the; keeper, intenus to apply for permission) Pate J"') uO qct # shoreline of Port Channel and about a mile|mouth of Mace River, where it empties!to prospeet the followlay described lands|~ STRICT Dis tng West of the mouth of Connell river, Graham |into Port Channel, Graham Island; thence | for coal and petroleum |SKEENA LAND | re ISLA Island; thence north 80 chains, thenee north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,| Commencing at a post planted on the| QUEEN CHAD qoule west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains,| thence south 80 chains, thence east 80|shoreline of Port Channel, near the mouth inat _ Charles ceil, thence east 80 chains to the point of com- | chains tw the point of commencement of Connell River, Graham Island; thence TAKE not saskal news ol ‘ mencement, ’ JOHN MAIR, south 80 chains,’ thence west 80 chains,| Paradis, of Kewlls tends wine & A. 3. B. BOOKEBY, per Albert Jacobs, Agent tpence north 80 chains, thence east 86| tion medical t the yf" per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Datel July 15, 1919. ains to the point of commencement permissior ral and Pele bgt Datel July 15, 1919. — ROBERT DOWSWELL , seribed lands Post planted Same —2 nnn | KBENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT 0} er Albert Jacobs, Agent Commencns ries east Of Naam tae SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT 0! VEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Dated July 15th, 1919. and of My ngranam Bay, Oring, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. BAe ao wr James V. Connell, oc. | eS = Crees, ent 80) “pense ioe : --—- cupation medical doctor, and A. W. Sher. | SKEE? iT , , pence hains est rAKE notice that Kenneth Sutherland of | wood, occupation medical doctor, of Regina, . > LAPS pat mer ae 7 .o jeast els ha thenes ne Winnipeg, Man., occupation agent, intends | Saskatehgwan, intends to apply for per TAKE notice that lasec Waxetock, of CeO oo, two the point to apply for permission to prospect the|‘nission (© prospect the following described | Victoria C., occupation billiard room| ‘°” chain ri panabls following described lands for coal and|lands for coal and petroleum manager, intends to apply for permission |?" cuanies ROUDOLTN yy Mm petroleum : Commencing at 4 post planted about] to prospect the following deseribed lands per Albert a Commencing at a post planted on the} two and one half miles east of the mouth| for poe and petroleum ‘ 1019 — shoreline of Port Channel, about two miles|of Cave ¢ ck, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is ommencing at a post planted about a| —22—“ east of the mouth of Connell River, Graham | land; thence borth 80 chains, thence west|mile west of the mouth } ‘Cont elt River Ivation aemy Island; thence south 80 chains, thence west/80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence} Port Channel; thence south mo shains se neal” 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thenee| east 80 chains to the point of commence-| thence west 80 ‘apainn "ee north 80 gs Tuee sees Se e to the point of commen: | ment, JAMES V. CONNELI cpeias, thence east 80 chains to the point Publi nes — jp days al » + FO EN bboy OF oO . » Salil KENNETH SUTHERLAND, A. W. SHERWOOD, oe Ee Thursdays and Rawr” r Albert. Jacobs, Agent. per Albert Jacobs, Agent er Atbe 4 Jacobs, Agent , jays at 7:30 P Dated July 15th, 1919. Dated July 12, 1019, Dated duty Phen r obs, Age m Sunda ee, Pure Wool Underwear | | ! |