'TV Prince Rupert Daily News -ei Financial Independence (i Be Built on Instalment ; 1 IT Wednesday. October 3. 1P51 i - .: 'A - ft.'. " Reflects and Reminisces veryhmal '-'aym St n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Princi . Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ,, Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. a. PERRY, Managing Director ...A SUBSCRIPTION RATES: in ruMinaunjr noi)Dy-( "o!lectinK ftj" "Despite the high cost of living that rv "3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, ' QjilK. .'i.e'eC $8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 7jc; Per Year, $8 00 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd , 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupett. ""i'unmuic, a good, many Dft I found a way to build a solid nest-el ture," according to Ernest Paulding, p,.; 'j ; manager for the Bank of Montreal.' In the course of a con versa- ' S'!' Sp' : British Election Bonds on the itls:iJ and he extend to the re-sident,! tt , tkm yesterday on the subject of : building financial independence, i Mr. Paulding asserted that the ! first requisite to saving money I wan to "go Into debt to yourself I fur a definite amount, no mat-1 ter how small." 1 "i mis Da ,, , ' r? i"And,' he added. , ft rr ",u,r nen Von w- j "The best way I know to go I Saving) b. f t "I ser.t it to Mother after It read the story and dcvjurcd th pictures." is the way a leltt lecemly rc?ivd here, ended. It ail abojit Pn:;-.-e Rupert and Th Fcst Bill Wordcns ...'ta.lt'J dts e.-lptton of the crlhi'.ose planl and the colorful scenes i:i an around Prince Rupert. M liion have read that Vtsjn Is'.aiu tale and feast r 3 tacir eyes c th? vivid illustrations. Ft.- ex aniple, that lokoiu ir. the Can adian National Parse. M irjaiv-CI .-cone looks to pleased wit' herself, and wh wouldn't wit! i;ujh a setting. L.:n Ma.Ar'.hur'. sca.iet tunic, the fantast.t creation calied a to. -m poi. miles cf ne x s'.re 'ts bong lick into shape, the whiteness of fai off ceaks and the startling difference from other places give i all a novel distinction. Incidentally, it's a'juut as valuable i bit of publicity as hince Ruper has ever had. Doubtless, loner? this, many a Yank has dc ela-.Pi, j.;-irtmg to t."e pane: "There, what did I tell you? That's Canada. S?e the moi'it: 'n the rc:I ,-oai? And that's a t:,em pole. Just the way I told you, ain't it? about this is to sign yourself i sure Utlns i in whatever amount you feel you can squeeze out of your ln-, coiue ovel h t'r of $,'h, iiuo, :$5()0 or $1000 denomination. "You can buy a bond on the ' Instalment plan with a very COUNTER-ATTACK Members ot a fiie-fisdiUn , titw lithiiim a fit-stiy bUitt liear Nuimimo. which threatened the suburb of Extension are s.cen here building a back-fire to halt the omush of the flames. Nine hundred men and 26 bulldozers fought the big blaze. (CP PHOTO) small down-payment. For example, with as little as $2.30 down you can make the first payment on a $50 bond. On a don-Lynn Lake line represents a heavy capital investment." he said, "but everything I saw convinces me that the construction Donald Gordon Sees Grain Loading at Churchill And $100 bond the down-payment ts of the railway line is completely $5 Thp rfmalnlng livslaiments ; justified In light of the sie and can be Made on an ea-sy, regular I unit' i rtf tV-ia mititna nnurutlnnc uf w ...... ... u..v.w... basU ovt,r the following 12 aireany aecioea upon as wen as months " New Railway Line Building1 TO .HAVE a shaky government at home does not jKti-engthen a nation's hand in time of international crisis so it is well that Britain should be . settling its domestic political situation by means of thetfOi'thcomin general election October 25. It will "in all' probability bring to the helm a cabinet with a clearer mandate from the British people than is represented by the Labor party's recent six-vote .--margin in the House of Commons. There is no question but that the United King-' dom .faces a hard pull this winter. Although coal ' production per man shift is higher than it was dur- j I ing or before the war, there is every prospect that j ; industries, homes and power plants will be short j of fuel. j At the same time things have taken an adverse ' turn for Britain in international trade which is j ' about 30 per cent of her living. An adverse trade ' balance has cost $300,000,000 of her gold reserves j in a few months. " Whether the Conservatives can do much better v than the present government has done in coping : with the tides of international and economic affairs i j" if they should be returned to power remains to be j shown. Possibly, the mere experience of a change, j with the expectations aroused by it, would give a j 'v lift to Englishmen, Welshmen and Scots. From all accounts it need not be expected that j ) even the election of a Conservative government ; would mean repeal of extensive social legislation j which has come to be characterized by the welfare uiose m prospect. . ,, , V r op hoi tinbuiv va EW PKOdRA.M 'Lssue is the high rate of Inter- SHE HAS A NOTION A woman will buy anything she thinks a store is losing money on. Abe Martin. He pointed out that Sherrltt est, the B of M manager tm- SHERRIDON, Man. Pleased with the progress Ooi uoraon don Mines mines Ltd. Lia. had naa announc- announc- phasized. n'"1".1". Each cam bond wuu bears un 10 in ., . , , , . , . , - -v i :.., a u,, . that has been made to date and visibly impressed "Y j Cd last May a new $28,000,000 de- coupons at the rate of 3.5 per velopnwnt prottram. including cent. The first coupon covers a the engineering ingenuity that has been shown m - - - F.-ince ....... Ruuert rannct say Roy- the me esiabii establishment of a 2,000-ton period of 21 months 1 equal to "-.-! . . . . t . . .. 1 a.Ly has never teu re -eiveA, the Undertaking, Donald Uoraon, cnaliman and) ln, , , d conP.ntrator 2 per cent per annumi, due at the mine site and $17,000,000 "ugu.si 1. i-jdj. rrom uiai aa.e. nlckf 1 refinery to be established on eoupon at 3 5 per cent Is Govc.-nor General of Canada! j president of Canadian National Hallways, yesterday and son of Queen victoria was concluded a five-dav inspection trip which included in w-jsU'rn Canada. This pro- payaoie annuany on August 1 received in the city during ths- , XTr), ,,A ,,...., i:i. ; f;,..,t- ctn. nf i pram alone airi inrile.t rt , until 1962. This replace? tne old Tii 1 1939 the tne viMt S lou-iiuie iu jiiijv ""w . . t - - and present, tne L'y- Lake towiwite of 2.75 .per cent nT, nrt a 1 o f, t idU!' Sani con.stimction between Sherridon and Lynn Lake. would house a population of be- amount to 3.2X per cent over ada. and. though honoring Van-, .... . .. . - c 1 , the life of the bond. and Victoria with their' A visit was aiso macie 10 , .. j,, w....u u --- - - . couv?r did nc erne this fa. Churchill wlwre he Inspected the M idges and three major steel ;vy aiiuu umm. viuier meiai ! air. rauio.ng muu mat inou-I elevator and docks and saw the i.ri('t s More than 510 culverts discoveries and their develop- sands of B and M customers presence, north. last two snips of tne season being wm De rec,ulred ta carry the line ",c ,v uitiraae um tomu- , i"a i-.- uiuui a nest-egg of Canada Savings Tf p -!- v:wn,u ..j loaded with urain for Great . ,.,.rn wnti-r courses. ,craoiy Mi. Oon and hii left Britain. prty Duke of Edinburgh planned 0.1 ; w,rD IMIRElI) including Prlnc Kupert in then I At Lynn Lake he went under- , , , . Sherridon early Wednesday t 4 j western visits wnicn will be . as' ground to see development work : . Major Charles stated emphaH- morning on their return to tally, however, that all of the . eastern Canada. of the nickel lar west as Vancouver Island,; in the ore body state. But it would mean a change in the emphasis of the operation of it. It would forecast, too, pos- Grits Stay In Election the city would have known about and copper mine whose existence 1 ng.nt .-rmv, pruuie..-, ...,o it, long ere this. Th-y will p-w responsible for thv decision carefully surveyed and studied turn east the same way they U build the new line. .and appropriate soH.t ons found came west. There will be no 5a0 Accompanied hy S. F. Dingle, in every case. "We are working mile sail the continent has vice-president, operation, J. R. to a deadline completion dafo nothing better and alpine McMillan, vice-president, west- late In 1953." he said, "and we , grandeur nsver. seen before. In- rn region; Major J. L. Charles, have every confidence we can i stead there will be more of what regional chief engineer, and B. meet it." 1 has alreaav ; ft Lynn Lake. Mr. Gordon and been seen. L. D. Dalv. a director of the LONDON. The British Llb- r'anariUn National. Mr Gordon's his party w:tc met bv otncials erai party today rejected a su- VEGETABUI..JJ ' rrbelliouslv Drae-Vrty flew in one of the mining. of Gheirltt Gordon Mines Ltd.. ge.-tlon that It should leave the; I illlo oirl on development general election fight to Labor B"u- .iwr,fi niintnri hw'ncw engaged ' "u" uu P'ano 10 latner. . . .-' ,. . ii,.. M11H rvnrvoiio. ,1 "Another f, .7.y.: wav for I L m ,:l.Pe to be pova noDu--a!Ph iwinstnn Shapland siim- with oraham mecnamc into uled to bring it into production The - party Issued Its manifesto. e Sherrlt Gordon property at a"ut the tun- the lino is finish-' The Liberal party Is necessary ,'th J ine presioeni s paity went na u.i,t.ri nrs. n up-. n sr. i 'ft ,T4u, . most i ow mat i-nnce Kupert has'0; a ;t unt.erBraiir.d with officials of peais lor support 10 the a daily train service, it is fit- 01 ....... ;! tu .. .a m.t (he .wk rea.onab:c clemenU in to h ! " "" "" """ "" ' wm ting that Prin t Rupert shauid ' . , , Laurie River Wolf that has already been dona to parties. - The ii:e Kuvm government's nun-lit s i re-, e-i ioeaV"-hieveHy 'Tn ".Lake and chm'cnlH River, and prepare the ore b.xJy for mining armament lament program program is is approved. approved.; ; 'wViak X tT L' the returned -oarly thla operations. When th new pro-wui lake eHort io party J ' elfoit. A lot of the lat- ? pprtv goes into production, it Is ter was . remti.-ed ieiui.ru to tn nrnvir).- nrovmc tviinng. " "... tj ( . .,, . dnn . , . ... , Prince in' presidents visit w mis - . - . Rupert with a station ff.- . 01 mtku. .400 tons cr topptr. the Hudson Bay division ithe first nhr Year nnpd point on 100 tons of cobalt. 1,500 tons of; bef-re th-Ve was anvthinE hfce cl the railway was taken as an , ! 11 Indication of his deep personal copper sulphide and 70.000 tons: the ine g-v g.ving na ot of serious wtow attention ten ion . of ammonium sulphate, and the to the request. Pas;:?nprs a lghi- "''e-.st in tne nroiert project. Mr r. ow- Gor- . annual report of Sherr t Gordon tha' hls ofrirp" in-, at the terminus of a trans-.'"'" continental system received the were keenly interested in all such , staled that annui. sales would reach at least $1 1 000.000 anr.u-; a' under-, surprise of lifetime. Haw was development programs one to make th" underside of a taken by the railway and that all. ..! ram,-, loading . - h -f r the onlv wav thev could be guo-1 Mr. Gordon a'd .,.,!... that his visit sinie-return ot tlie steel ana miciung muusines iu j private ownership plus introduction of some com-i petltive elements in the management of nationalized ( railroads and coal mines. However, II r. Attlee cannot be resigned en- tirely to defeat but must have some hopes that Labor might even strengthen its position. In any event, there is assurance that both contending ' parties are committed to rearmament of Britain, ' the Bevan faction of Labor notwithstanding. Brit-' ain's traditions, based in the true principles of ; representative government, afford a referendum in which those who value encouragement of individual ' initiative can oppose a continuance of socialism. ( Scandalous Situation IT'S BEEN just by chance that Prince Albert has I I heard about Prince Rupert's silent and unused ' grain elevator. Someone saw something in a maga- zine and he passed the word along. It may become a live issue. Prince Rupert should cultivate the other Prince or in other words pound away at the waste and folly of spending more than a million and forgetting all about it. An elevator that never works has no business on any coast in a country that produces a good ' ; deal of the world's wheat. And it's nothing short of scandalous that the ;., houi? should remain monumentally empty when the I ' crop is going to waste because there is no place to ' ' put it. fo. a station" " " iervised Intelligently was by per- to the property confirmed his J , ; r0nal inspection. O iKlnal beli f that the Lynn I "You can learn only so much ' 1 ' "tv" ""pment "i "my ! fiom studying maps, blue prints , e vital to the Canadian def.-nce , and enginver's reports," he said. ! cfiort by providing a new source "But it is not until you have of strategic minerals required for , defence supp'les but that it' ipn nvt-r th- ptonnri that vou Conferring on Douk Question lean get the real (feel) of a con- i would contrlbul-,; also the future Industrial development of north struttion operation like this. Thif one is so big. so important, western Manitoba. "Construction of the Sherr!-; VICTORIA. A special com-; ancj interesting that we are mittee dealing with the question keeping a very close eye on it." The party flew over the stretch where clearing and grading has already begun and followed the preliminary ftirvey line through tc Lynn Lake. From the air and of Sons of Freedom relocation reported yesterday to the provincial cabinet. Federal authority will be conferred with at later meetings. The choice of AH.mc tali, ir, n,-oi.v. rv.i,,. c HiNESE DISHES bia has been suggested but this 1 ?n ?vB ..a w?J hand the rocky hills and ridges, has been opposed. the valleys latied with lakes and streams and the long stretches of muskeg that will have to be crossed before the line is completed some time late ln 1953. During tlw trip Major Charles pointed out the more than seventy stream crossings that will have to be bridged by timber ripture passage for Joclay "For my strength Is made perfect in Weakness." II. Cor. 12:9. Chop Suey - Chow Mcin Open p.m. - 3:30 a.n. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 MOVING IN: electric automatic co MOVING OUT: teful,oU.fashioncd To buy an electric range is to give your wife new h" It relieves lier from no much ilriidry . a"1' Piv, 1"'r "",..:...! lii'mg. 1 "'I'lity, i"""" .mm more time to live . . . anil so much more energy to enj) .lied High School Girls j Shown New Desks TORONTO A desk on j wheels complete with shelves for i snack-bar and radio that's what the modern teen-ager may find in her room one of these daya. The piece was among Items at a recent showing of furniture In a Toronto department store. The desk on whepls was the main piece of furniture in a room designed for the high school Miss. The exhibit stressed that colors In rooms should suit the personality of tneir occupants. For the girl who is blonde there was a room with red maple furniture and evergreen walls. A sophisticated background of Chinese .modern furniture with touches of blue and yellow in t.rapes and walls was the setting Clocl-wntr"! No dirt, no dust, no imlics . . . ami no worry. riirht ... turns itself off. TNolliing to M about if peoilo don't turn up on the dot for nieaU And ... for tlie rest of tlie family . . . meals mat - j . ,i,rllt III l"e 1 Miscellaneous New Records 2 for 97c Rupert Radio and Electric and are better because tlie mitrimeiu in And it' economical Electric cookin? makes t10. (,fi further.. . And tlie average electrical bill for nie ,.)lte, families usiiiR electric water heater, lights a"1' ,hrr "IP !; en in run around $2.00 a week. lor the dark-haired girl. CHESTERFIELDS Famous names such as Converto, Kroehler, Standard and others Be sure to visit the furniture department on tlx 2nd floor. GORDON & ANDERSON R. (R.'gi Helme, branch supervisor for Kelly Douglas Co., arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. He will be here until Saturday on company business. mjvs 'w"" lilt HJnrrrrK hllHSh. tiJfii