, M.ui.rii mu a.wi ... m, s.mlt Ste. Marie to trans- v Moose Women Destroyer Rescues means nf travel hnvo piu o ' n timber to the U.S. border Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. October 3, 1951 ;ltl time to Sff ' ', ! loss of some $70,000 annually la U"t funds rim out when the line , i ll'..,tnnrf ,1,11 t)mt Q'flt Apply to Abandon . One-Tinip PoDLilar H. ..... '1 i ""oyer uni t, Discuss Bazaar Helicopter Crew anil sw,i ., , t,J!: the road and the j At one time, thousand, of pas- the end of unuer comiT Plans for the cimibis bazaar TOKYO Ri.eiie of n h.n. hi, .. "u" '( li ALdf ris wcrivijr JUUC Hie brum " i i lm,ur fore f,r under Uirimr The line was sold vacation month I c were discussed by the 1 u'.'Uclty PODtM. in distress- u-hlle on th. .hi... r Central Interior RAVELS Ontario Railroad 1903 and a new in i v, u th nnv rvr.,1,,.,4 t elosure '-"or g,., and membership conimif.ee of rescue mission, was a highlight 1.. jj. ..rnntCfl H 11 Hie AtUUU LWll- ... - ,..,. . " . . . rfitiliji $16i) in passenger revenue. " .. ,rf,.n.rpH its bond interest lnc omen u. .e of a recent patrol by the Cana- drew N B The locomotive, hauiing sev- " Q1V and the line was sold to lr'l' iast nlgnl ac lne "ume ol dian destroyer Sioux off the Tin . . . iancjc(ine Uami's ianj eral Height iiupi, cars and u a a shabby snauoy ', .,n,iinn Canadian Northern Northern, subs, subse- Mr?. W. D-ckens. west coast Oi voiea. mui bark t ' it r oiiowiny me oat,.ies.' Bc..l'l ni miw.a.v uom u rirltish ;rii;f,n !!.rtak, :;. 'rM'iok wooden coach, makes the round t! absorbed by the CNR. tiip to Westport each Thursday. 9ue"u C A. Moo.e Four other days cf the week it Conducr r, re- rf. shn.er.ts were served by the -a"er uau ueru urcea uocrj on lor t.ie 1 ., . j .... ti . Liue-rnii on me enemv Kniir-p ..v..,-.,,,.!.. goes to Napanee by way of Forfar "" Z " 1 J. J ss Te crew was p.cked up Lv a atta EROCICVILLE Ont. (t A railroad that brought thousands of United States and Canadian dollars in to the Rideau Lakes country for mo-e than half a century may soon cease to exist. The Canadian National Railways has applied to the Board of Transport Commissi ir.ers 1 1 abandon the line, connecting th.s city with Westport, 40 miles nest of here. Spins Her Own Yarn A Gould and an agent for them. Cirizzlv Tale Moose Huntin- He said tha: mine made him think the Jap were coming, and - HOUSTON. Walked along the he fet like .sleeping under the i-iver bank and took , some photos becj of the mountains, which looked rnnversatiun in the evening which is about 10 miles from ...h-,, nnA vncationisu . . he... -pter a. .ached to the car- operation w, w - ii Mimp- i thu nil l ha HH" era ra - -i ... . ... ...... u . ... . ... ..... rlPri m lrr conur ran out of uietcri n.vi Westport. Re-entiv, on wnai may nave br.mt'lit a twinge of nostalgia to iue' vr. rut: e to Its mother ship ' F.ND OF DKKAM been the last summer's excursion The men whj built the line thv line will ever run, a group of .Italian, agents in the six com- and landed on a small island D V. s v intended it to connect Brockville Brockville beauties dressed in inunitit:: aiuig tne line. ine tiioux, dispatched to the p ane for Vancuuv I ,i i rjrjr r. r';-','''-?' 'awwwrorwiw'tp'-w i - Kv -.v r- Vtivtt-.-t-r - ,. glorious. Encountered some very pleasant people. Was invited u p.irtake of some very ex:el:ent Indian relish which was in the making. Wa.s akeb by an old gentleman. "When are you gohij to return?" Meaning, of :ou:s;, to the old country. So it is evident where I hail t.-uin. H)a-ever, I was also told that. dj.. that I had the ilt of the b ir-ncy. ' Met Mrs. E. Watson, v.l.o liu : been in Tclkwa for lour e.ir, bul had previously Ihed i:i Tj.o-ley. since 1923. She was knr.t.n socVs for a member of her family? The wool wi h which w'a knitting had b?en expe..!; pjn with her spinning!-.:, and previously earned with ha. Carjdmg macnina. Sr.e v. is us.i-u tans of finely opun wvol. Slid wa.s knktmg tne'heeis dou-b.v, khi had no. wi.:hei aithc Lio.ii0 out. Vne:i 1 as.-:ed 'her turned to bear hunting, and a tale was told of a grizzly who threw ties at a man who feigned death and buried him, but who lived to tel! the tale. A fellow traveller had travelled on the same slip on the Australian run. and conversation turned to mosquitoes, flies and white ants, and that one could buy a pound of steak, a dozen eeirs and a p mnd f butter for the equivalent of a dollar. Had a night-cap with Mr. and Mrs. Bassinger, and the M Auanix Was itiown by Mr. Vau.-1-..m, a Prinze Rupert Board ji Ti acie Certificate. No. 91, issued January 31. 1913. to Charles A. Vaaghan, Esq.. of whi:h he rineu cry rroud. E'.ir.e; Dyck and Gerald Bates jf Telkwa packed away from 12 j 13 hui.intd pounds of meat lvm two tuii moose- killed to-e.i-.ur. 12 iai.t-5 fo.it.icxst of didn't whom ou. fro.n. .-he said sne i.r.Sw as the -"'lan irom ASK FO SCOTIAND'S fAVOURITI SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY o; uej 10 get it oiau t raise .-p a..y ni'. re. " ' Ruined a p..!r cf nylons, from; i .a . .n :ny shoe, which M.'--. .;...o.i kn.diy fixed for me. V.-33 luit a Smith-Coronal I i u - t ;;e'r.ter by Don ' . . ,- i Naiural Gas Making Power! VIC . CKIA U;e of natural gas . :u.i it; two dioss-1 electric gen-i i at:".g units at Dawson Creek liar- resulted in a fuel saving of 5ii per cent, it vas levealed in ,..t niuii h y cprations report of t.ie British Columbia Power Commission. 5 nee .f the commencement of u c ol gas for the engines last D cembPi, fuel cost per kilowatt hour gene ated decreased from 1 419 cents to 62 cents. 1 Being of the tluai-fuel type, t'. 865-hoi Sf-piwpr Coopt-r-Bes-' s'mc engines formerly used ilicse! o l, thus a ready comparison was available. .. f jEm Bom 1820- ) Distilled, Iilendfl una ' Hot tied in Scotland Content! 2tH on. OHM WALKER & SONS LfO. Scotch Whisky Distillen KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND Students Protest Closing of School This advertisement Is not publish? SALMON ARM. Suspension of or displayed by the Liquor Conarol . tho nnhli- sehnnh help ra.isp.-i Board or by the (.lovcrnment o! . . - - I v ns v - r; ---- r-;i i rZ--- s"t-:-, ' " ! C . ? v, t, vX',V V' --Lr-s',- "V-" ---V ' British Columbia a demonstration by school stu dents who. to the number of 300, ftormed the school. and snake-paraded through the streets yesterday. They carried banntri Hiui p.a:k.,rci.s on which appeared the woi Is "We Want School." INDIAN' f IT.:"-! foi.d crcps occupy fju'-fiflno i'f th" cu:ivated land in th? Ke- ''"i c of India, the average ' ii ' iy having iers than ii.e CHILI SAUCE 25 average rip tomatets 2 green pepperf 2 red pepper 8 onions t tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon of ground allspico 1 large stick cinnamon V teaspoons Colman't mustord 1 qt. vinegar Peel and slice tomatoes. Chop peppers and onions and combine with tomatoes. Mix other ingredients and pour ovef vegetables. Cook until thick and seal in sterilized jars. . , ,. ... , MR. DONALD MacLEAN . . . Sfit : TtM :. ere What do you figure to do with your Bonds ? I'm going to keep them for my old age. It's a long way off yet, but if I keep on buying Bonds I'll really have something to fall back on when I'm too old to work. Haven' you any idea of buying a car or a houso or something like that with the money from your Bonds ? No, not for me . . . just for my. old age, that's all. They're kind of extra insurance. NOW BETTEK THAN EVER , Canada Savings Bonds 6th Series mature in 10 yean , and 9 months from date of issue and bear ten 3 coupons. a Donald Macltan drives a big Diesel-powered twitching engine in the Com-dian Pacific Railway yards at Sdw brooke, Oue. Scotfuh-born, he tai lived in Sherbroolct most ol hit m"f years in Canada, and is a contented railroader. He lives with hit wife duplex at 97 Mount Pleasant Avenue, a quiet Sherbroolce flreef. They have no children. Mr. Moclson is one ol mo Canadians who " (hart a million regularly with Canada Savings Bon. Why did you buy your CanadaSavings Bond, Mr. Maclean ? My Bond ? Man, I've bought Bonds every year. I buy them to save money. It's an easy way to build up a little something. Did you buy them through your bank ? No, I didn't. I bought them through the Company. That is they took the money for thg payments off my pay until they were all paid for. That's the easy way, to my thinking, to set something aside, without missing it much. , Mr. Maclean, have you found it necessary to cash in your Bonds, say for some fami'y emergency? , I have not. I have every one of them, and I bought them every time they came around. I think they are really worth having, that's why I buy them. The firsl coupon covers 1 year and 9 months and is payable on August 1st, 1 953; subsequent coupons come due August 1 st yearly thereafter until maturity. If cashed before August 1st, 1953, sinple interest is paid at 2 per year, calculated monthly. If held to maturity the overall yield is equivalent to JAW1 T ' " - 'r 4 " K t , J J.l o per year. The limit for holdings in any one name is $5,000 in the 6th Serie. The bonds are cashable at full face value, plus interest at any time at any bank in Canada. They are registered in the owner's name. They are non- assignable and non-transferable. AT WVSWJ DfAUKS, AND THROW" THEPAmOU SAVINGS CANADA SAVINGS BONDS soom on sale PI way Leading : With the Best in Watches ....in. )i.uiin tm ii iMUBWl