Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 3, 1951 r Your Building Needs J Try our service first Loca Scottish Reunion Would Make Streets Safer Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce asked Its civie mm. a n d I in General Buildinq Supplies and Specialties PERSONAL ully 250 members of thv; Can- mitten m,.h.... . . i iff although' the appeal opened only a couple of days' ago. M.-. Boulter asks the Daily New? to suggest that ths mailing subscriptions be sura and give their names so that official receipts may be Issued. Already there have been a few subscriptions with no names attached. tcniPh ' Jr., 0 8,n adian Scottish Regiment, corning . It1,- CUy c""nell lo from all over Canada, as well as Ladies Auxiliary to the run. k. ythj o, i oumii ljfKlon meetlMtr Thi,r.,u """"""'3 -aimui De aone i,rcn m ,. w,,. a number of street traf- Victor las TatdaT foVV 4, 8 p.m. (237c,' Blind Appeal j Is Under Way I Fairly satisfactory response is eportect by Treasurer Edward Bnu'ter in the annual campaign .o. funds for the Canadian In- ti'.ute of the Blind which Is now in prugivse litre. The objective Is $2500 and ibout S100 In cash Is already In ' ff.VvV)ti &s!I AMI DOOR ftrTSIilltdll PAINTS , ispim.T TH E Catholic Fall Bazaar, Octoblr 3 and 4. ate Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sessions returned today en the prince O-o-je following a vacation in Lhe south. o.tuaujns wnich were cam- . . . .. . . p uinej about in qui. sue- 'T ,fe-unlon and Mmor' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wha'en "on at Monday nit's montri y , cation remony. The un- following u brief trip to Var -mea.n, r the loJal chamber ! tZ" TTtf9 . .-.turned today on the n aU,UBtod fle I First of an. C A Bemer ... - ""2" C-.orBe. i Bested that there should bV 1 and City Builder's Supply Attention all Elks. Important Badminton Meeting, Civic ffiZSr"1 which lie n,t seen one anoU. Jsince in? ST' meetmj Friday, October ennxlrl- T-it) Din. Election of nffiMr L-enire, Wednesday, O.rt. 3, at 8:3U p.m. Bring your racq ies. ( 232c) Mtririr Street Fi.-st Great War, having scat- ered one of the mcst dangerous J'llaiie Blue :07 ill tak-j place. (HCi Intersection i tne U'"d far and wltle- city and at , which there had a.reauy been L '' the 250 were veterans No delivery of milk Monday, Mis.- t. M. Smith and Miss L.I number of accidents. .uiuaiiu, c,i,u,,6 nmnu, i lianksgiviiif Day October 8 NY, Toronto, California, Ham- Oct your ,.xtt la'ili: Saturday.' Success of Convention Jhf.L Pall, t mum erf on jC. McDougall, of Vancouver, ar-; rived Uiday on the pi Ince Oeor-j i for a few weeks' relief work at j the Royal Bank of Canada here. I W. F. Btohe thought something should he dune about marking off diagonal parkin"! spaces -say 'iri-luot u,Ifiih -I ft iuhiu ana uiaciicany nn mat: e.uurauu-ed Northland irom all the cities of any size in Dairy. 23&c the pruh le provinces. a i. Mrc IJ I.' -.i , . onoree I so belter uilvan.o. ,ii,i t .' l"e vewrans were lor- " inunwu ui Due to the capable management of W. F. Sujne. wiio was the chairman of arrangements. 4akca of itict " wn of Prince Rupert, ""- -ny i n'.ncisy afternoon's A surprise hov. cr was held lust , t riday night for Hilda Potterton 1 Mention was also mad. of tu'T0 Bert ZZ J. c"" lP , lack or rn-siMi-f hu , 7Z.,, ",umn- Maiooim i,anib, H. L. mt iuuuiwu ia- bv me nome of Mrs. J M Rhu Fifth Avenue East. Miss Mamie lts for the safety croin, soaces n ,nd C' Le.Slle: . i For the parent's gift to the bride we have chests of silver plate in all the new patterns and at standard nationally adver-tLsed prices. Bulger's Jewellery Store. dtc) Art Williams was the Junior Chamber of Commerce repre-rt ntative Monday nlcht at the teW HILLMAN j)ke nrw .7 PONTIAC urn wuiger acl,-d as joint hostess forwh had been marked i off oil on on'd ' rt., ' ,,, ,b'Tm " , I, MP,ace , .P'aCe SKtUr" bmr' Akx Alex Mii.lir MiL';i' il entertained nt.TUined the the uie oeeasr n. i iura Avenue inter I x MacLennan, M.C., unir after ii... u,e i-.,f.,.,,! recent , ml ,,,. ri 1.1, .,.. ,,. nt , .i..t .,., Miss Fotterton's murrlaup ti There was some su'!ii Kiiim this crossings mif;iit be too ,, fre Foster Husoy takes place Week. which regim.nlal movies were :iaoi,t,.r : i , iquoutly placed. However it u,u eld. They included Irenes uf ...i.. ," . ....,.' .1"'.. . 1 Whist was played, after which 1 tne consensus that too little l monthly dinner meeting of-tlie ------ .... Uic una team ioo'I !.. n r. . , rl,1 .f'"?f,HUon 1,1 hit'h honors in mternationai the many lovely gifts were orj the lecent annual convention of the Associated Boards of Tradw of Central British Columbia cost lhe Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce only $6 87. That was the deficit as reported to the Chamber at its meeting IViO.iclay night by Mr. Stone. A iniittiiig the good show that M.. Stone and his committee Bad put on, the Chamber accorded h!m a hearty vote of thanks. V, J. Scott Immediate past president of the Associated Boa.ds, joined in the acknowledgment and also paid tribute t j splendid work of the resolutions committee which was headed bj K. G. Perry. n;ilcly owned -..B.u..u i nuiiaiiu, return cotiijetilion. P esidenl E D ot the oautalion irom overseas Forward was in the chair and 'n IMG and recent activities nf there n r, i ,..,h .. JOHN H. BULGER Oplmtrfri.f John Culger Ltd. Third Avenue buiuiueiaium was ueing given by motorists to the rights of , pedestrians and that tiie chamber should suppoit Parent-Teacher..' repre-.eidalions that these safely crossing lane t-rince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. He was duly welcomed by President J: C. Oilker. j Rchard Sephton, district agent, Mutual Life of Canada,' the regiment. niembo.-s with a f-w guests. se n t e d. Kcfresinnents were served. Invited wei. Mrs. L. A. N. Potterton, Mrs. A. Husoy, Miss Jessie Potterton, Miss Rusty Thain, Miss Myrtle Sat her. Miss L. Elliott, Miss S. McHue, Miss O 'the unveiling and dedication 48 DoSOTO ol the Canadian Scottish Mem- UB COUPE Adult Niyht School. It Is ne.-es.sury to have a minimum of litteen to form a niaht jsrhnil sfuuia -jc sutjiji-iea enactment. c.ial took place at Pioneer Square is in the city at the Savoy Hotel, phone 37, where he will be glad to receive- personal or phone calls. ,23.5c) Kurylyk, Mrs. lomlinsori, Mrs E- D. Forward spoke of the Cri-V, me nour tv;ini ?t, three fe -"elock o'rliu-k R. Huu)un, txirs. S E. Alexander, "Presentations that had been I ' ,"!c Jf""? 4 ' 1 'f Mrc r Peij..-..n iw.. r u ' iimde hv n... r. .... suvice inc.uded Coionel C. W. class. We have received the following registrations: Bookkeeping 12. Tjping12, English for Pe.k, V C. DEO., whn nprfmm .., xjuntti-y, j viuuc au- Mr. E. Dawes, Mrs. T. J.'rstad, thoilties lor a 15-nule speed Mrs. M. 11 jlkestad and Mrs X '""It on Second Avenue oast the n mileage IANIO'3 iil'ECIAL" Graham 4-door sedan ed the unveilinir: Rev w Pi,,. -anaoians-u. inere are wo other courses being offered gum, ripe Majors of the Duvis. inent. Very Rev. R. L. Seaborn. if enough wish them: Art-Metal-work and Beginners' Band !.' you are interred, phone Ml. (2320) t-ivic ventre. Many motorists were today swinging around the McBride bueet corner and tear- nig up Second Avenue at 50 or I BO miles p r hour. Ii was only by tile grace of Ood thai there ! were not serious accidents. $300.00 L.L., Lieut.-Oovernor of British Columbia, the Premier of British Columbia, lepresentatives of ber- : eaved families, representatives ' ct the Royal Scots, lfith Battalion. Canadian Scottith Regiment, Canadian Scottish Regimental I Association, and Mavor of vie. air passengers To Vancouver (todavi - Dr. VV. S. Kii;in, R. I.uhb, K. Donald, Sniilh. B. OBiien. Miss K S. Ualley, B. Brandon, A. Thomas. ERT MOTORS toria. S. E. Johnston. ' Supper Dance by Cambrai Chapter A supper dance was enjoyed by members of the Cambrai Chapter, lODE, and friends last Saturday, held in the Legion viudiionum. A dulic.ous bullet up;er was .served, followed by Uaiiia;; to mi..r.e of Andy P. ince Rupert, was among tho.-.e attendiiiK. LIMITED .rime at 1st Street Mir KMi and &fifi Resolution cn Human Rights Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has endoised a resolution on declaration of human rights wul be presented to this year.'colivention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 'ine resolution, emanating from the New Westminster Board of Trade, wis highly commended bv J. T. Harvev. chair 6.15 p.m. Civic Delegation Seeks Air Field j ' Mayor H. F. Olassev and Aid STRAITS b -Vi-l'iKeil ll l id I'l il.U'd .I'MIT KKKVICB 1 LISTEN TOMB George Hills will be armed with' iMII.I It S KI'lilMO " BcJinlitlon Meeting TONIGHT ' Civic Centre - 8:36 p.m. . Everybody Welcome Itc I reef Box 645 1 ,e (heell 3BJ 'i' e K.ipert man ot the national affairs lne D'ieis of the Prinze Rupert committee of the local chain- Chamber or Commerce see :inj ber, at Monday nilrht's meeting. a'r field development for Tuijif It advocates human rights, fun- well Island when they go tj damental freedoms and dignity ! Harrison Hot Springs next week of the individual. ' . TO Earl Anfield to aiieno, among other ings on a convention tour, ses-'sions of the British Coiumaia LEARNS SOMETHING NEW Aviation Council. They will add All P.T.A. Members and others interested, .'ease note: PUBtfC MEETING New King Fdward Sjftcxul AuJitorium Thu:sdoy, Oc. 4 t "vm. Bp'iiker. MRS. E. EVANS, V . ,-ideut lit'. P.u ent-Teacher Veil, rut'on. Refreshments. Mrs. tivanf will meet mem-1 1 rs of t!ie Prince Rupert I -T 'oui( i at Dinner, Gijll p.m., Tliuisdav, Broad-May tife, fur a discussion. H j weir voice to the pressure mat 11 SUIT Phil Ray New Chamber Secy INDIAN SUPERINTENDENT. Special Appeal to the Native PeopSe uu5 iut u.i auLiiuriiiti ior an air field here In view of' greatly expanding aviaticn trainee out of here which is already being seriously hampered through lack of an air field and teiminul air facilities. k.Vi!!(0NS . . ! I fclsonie styles . . . iiy fain ics iji'ls s:ire lo .iie tl.c liaiklione ' f.r new Fall Philip M. Ray, pioneer local shipping man, naval oliicer in two wars and former managing secretary of the Canadian Legion, has been appointed ON BEHAL? OF j Little Theatre secretary of the Prince j Prince Rupert General Hospital ?e: Begins Casting pert Chamber of Cummer He takes over November j Modernization Fund 3L Fall Clearance Of Used Cars from P. H. Linzey who, on account ol pressure of otner business, is resigning. Mr. Kay's appointment ha.s Just been euiilrinod by the ix.vulive 'ui the chamber. Casting will begin next week at the Little Theatre for thj comedy, "Ask Me No Questions." the club decided Monday night at the. regular meeting. Eight parts two male and six female will- have td be filled. .One of the Jar jest meetini held, the Little Theatre group enjoyed a lihn, "On age,"i which shoed production of a stage play. new incmberj were added lo the club. "Something , umcthmg: atw, (omefftng harrowed, omefhiog oluo" "Whoever wrote this rhyme must have realized how blue is to happy home-making. For instance, to get the whitest wash the kind that makes a bride proud I've found one must use Iteckitt's Blue. Just a swish or two in the rinse prevent anv vellow Air post Bridge In Dad Shape Condition of the bridge insiuj THEY PAY OFF IT'S' EASY ' . IT'S lJiUI 1 1 Af'.l i lb Use , : DAILY HEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form tinge in my beautiful trousseau, the airport area at Seal Cove i 0 H" , individual tecome m a miubL-r ol i.i i n - " :,bn t0,Hie 8 l'nt.h'" f the Civic CVntre A.sso.iatron. so . than anu net-Kitl nine costs lei two cents a washout." tile city council by the Prince I hat use if uie itae nu.Uit be obtained at no additional co.rr 'Ml MFTKOK Coupe tm PI V MOUTH Sedan 1il MOMAItC'II t'hili ( mine 11,47 WHIY'S Station Was"" 191! I'l YMOl TII Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS lr,0 F.iltl) .".-ton 176 W. B. 1!M!) FORI) 3-tnil 1711 W. U. IH47 I OKI) 3 tin l.")H W. II, lS9 HI V. Srilun-di-livriy. All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. I OKI) - MONAfttll DKAI.KKS Prince Rupert, BC. Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Mention of the dilapidated and hazardous condition of the span was made at the Chamber meeting Monday night. Ea'ly repairs will be uiged. For the MEAL that REFRESHES BEST ' OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING Increased Train ' Service Liked 1 Princ: Rupert Chamber of Commerce lias communicated with the Canadian National Railways, expressing satisfaction at the inauguration of six days a . ek. tram service on the local railway line. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE f I hmn vm III 't Sttxycams Crown Royal Seagrams V.O. Seagram's "83" Seagrams King's Plate Seagrams Special Old VANCOl'.VKK VICTORIA Sunday, 3 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun UC'E ARM, STI1WAUT AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS September 28, 9 p.m. ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHAR!,OTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, October 5 and 19 9 p.m. FRANK a. SKINNER Prince Rupert Apent Third Avenue Phone 568 Number of Times Enclosed Pleose Find 13c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cqst, 75c. -Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if box number required )n '!"' Style, Today" I :; tte Mansell 1 lies Wear ;3 . 3rd Ave. Name .... Address n-n Phone No In li y results. This advertisement is not published or displayed by Uw Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia