TODAY ONLY SHOW STARTS 7 p.m. Prince Rupert Dai! News Wednesday, October 3. 1951 Valued Pianist Leaving City SHIPS AND Moose Brass To Be Honored At Banquet WATERFRONT Aiulv McNauehton. who has THELOVlN'ESTMllCALlNMANYa) Keteilt V-t'lected sllDlt'llie UOVemor of the MoosC been Prince Ruperts musical t t P 14 if at , l, bumiuet .,,,,,( standby for the eight-and-a-half Jamos R. Ballard will be honored tonight a e has ln the city ls Canadian National Steamship I ri ni-niim- tji Vancouver whence here. Prince George arrived In port at L,y all members of the MoOSf A WALLACE BUDGET ACCOUNT The convenience of a Wallace Budget Account entitles you to buy anything in the store and pay by the month. Enquire today. , he came here. He leaves Friday iu:3l) am. '"day with wun 17: in pas Mr. Ballard, accompanied bv Mrs. Ballard and four other arrived here today on the Prm sengcrs. Three ot tne snips oi-ficers havo been replaced for several weeks with steamer i Apple Day riiinrno pnrnnto 4 n K AK.. r morning by plane. Outstanding pianist and one-man orchestra. Mr. MeNaugtiton will be missed in dancing and social circles where he has been oii -li a valued enti rtalner. Prince Hupert officers including Association convention ,r 4-7. Ketchikan, October Coming up The new supreme governor is II m m The Gyro Club, for whom Mr. ! McNaughton has been generous 1 r r . t,3 :- it . Prince Rupert Gyro Club will be having its annual Apple Day this month, probably on October 20. Ben Parker, who made a suc YARD GOODS DRAPERY BEDDING TOWELS LADIES' WEAR GIRLS' WEAR INFANTS' WEAR NOTIONS C'apt. William Eccles. Chief Steward .Top Whitfield and Purser Don Jenkins. Those disembarking here ncluded Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Miming, Mi. and Mrs. O. Weber, Mr. and M.-s. C. WvthereU, R. Wallace, J. Huphries. Mr. and Mrs. Whalen. Mrs. Annette Man-cl. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sessions. Mrs. R. P Howell. Perry Jones, l Ik'iee. Miss MrDuugul and ?,.;-. Smith. with his services over the years, made a suitable presentation to him at luncheon today. The presentation was made by W. F. St -me. If you want to sell it, advertise It. News classified. cess of it last year, over $t00 being raised for playground fund oi the club, will be in charge. 1. gave his Instructions to Gyro members at today's luncheon. The Gyros will again go through the telephone book and take orders for luscious Macintosh Reds by case lots. Wallace's Dept. Store M Ho 1 Sidney, Ketchikan ts in this i!,SBaBB3i3MaBasiBiii,ia4(RBiraaf;rk.' THE BIST IN .r1-n:r,'; by Cat. John Sivertscn. with, a , :; of four carloads ot In-a-n sti'mim for transship-uu-'it F ist. o-, er Canadian Na-lional Railways. on the last leu; of a two month.-.' tour of the States following his election at Buffalo in Augast. As a feature attraction at tonight's dinner, Mr, Ballard will play transcriptions of dedication services of the House of God at Mooseheurt, Illinois, last year. Tne church, said Mr. Ballard today, is the only place ln the w rid where the Protestant, the Catholic and tne Jtx can wor-;:::p together. At a cost of $1,300,000, this church represents tne uream oi some of the hardpt work:!1.1: cier men in the country." The governor is a practising altorney-at-!aw in Seattle. Ac-c.iiipanyinj him, besides his are W. (J. Leckey, secretary of tiie Seattle Moose lode and past aupreme governor, and Mis. Ltrkey; Dr. Arthur Mon-ini.;;er l-1 Ealtimore, supreme o-Ui.ctlmun, and Herman Fisher, ti . '.veiling auditor of the lod.r,c. Mr. Ballard's last visit here was in l'J-Ja, on his way to or-raaie the Alaska Moose 1 VI 11V.V TALKS (Continued fioui page i&JW QUALITY t.r.oitt.t-; dawks AUCTIONEER I'hmie Hreen Kill end Red 117 Last Fishing Area Closes ball ir,o'isc which cl lalMCt. but were advantage of their )c;i:g without the Victoria Session i an into a lav;; offered a i; i: unable to talc iuB''ksnian: h'i RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE G AS AM) I I K "I'll IC RANC.KS PACIFIC ELECTRIC IMione lilue 9!2 ! mi Till RSITAV to SATl lthAY Lvenines 7-9 p.m. Sat. .Matinee 3 p.m. TOTEM A I-anion. Ph,.. si:i: i s for . Delayed 3 Days VICTORIA. Thursday, October 23, is the new dale on which' the special session of the Legislature will meet. Announcement wa.s made Tuesday that it had been postponed for three days because of the royal visit. P.. liner Johnson annri'j'ieed the postponement of the opening dl in specia' session which is cal'eri to deal with old age pensions. L ,! Vn-i 1.5 pilvar.eed frr m th-j pri'vi-easly anr.oim" el ('a'e "oceau e rf dcav in the v'sil ' Pt -necs': EU'nbeth and the Duke cf Edinburgh. jvii inn. Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PIIONK 234 Dibb Printing Co. KKSM'il BLOCK Last of the remaining areas on this coast open to cemmei cial net f.shing closes Thursday. 6 p.m. Fisheries Department announced today. All seiners and glll-r.ettcvs will withdraw before that time from Rose Spit, through the north of Graham Island to llipoa Island. Meanwhile, the whole of Queen Cha-lo'.te Islands area still remains open to trotters, where some springs and eohos still are lii-ii; caught. SI ream conditions are changing for the better, however, as Ik -aw rains the wcvk gave many salmon the chance lo head upstream to spawn. facilities to handle the carcass. Wii'ian1 Kinn y left for Prince Gco.g.' on Sat ji nay, having received wort! of the death of his : talher. Ml. and Mrs. Harold Malt left for Vancouver with their young son Calvin w ho will undergo an eye operation. In their absence Mrs. Badcock is looking after the two other children in Telkwa. M . and Mrs. Geo. MacAdams oi Terrace were here while mak-n;: a lei.'.utvly trip home with a t' utk ioad of .supplies after being on a vacation Ibroiigiiout the . immer nv ntiis. They are spending a few clays here as guests at th-- Telkwa Hotvi. getting in some fishing and huniing before TODAY Hoists, All-Slevl Dump Bodies, j winches all sizes. Heavy and ' Light Trailer Frames and j wheels. Power Takc-Offs. All Certified Operators I for hii'h press-ire and ' sPiirral weliliiijr fcIO PINZA - JANET LEGS in "STRICTLY DIMKImhub, 7 - 9:0(1 CN Steamer Huns Ashore MONTREAL. The Canadian National steamship Lady Nelson ran aground on a harbor shoal here Tuesday after the pas-bi n.ars had landed and the vessel was shifting mooring. Four tugs pulled her free. Damage is not believed serious. nn- INDUSTRIAL WELP9NG' CO. i -1st F,. rimue Green 884 STARTS TOMORROW FOR 3 DAT! LAUGHING -EST PICTURE . . . ... in nine urr RrSUBARB The Millionaire Turn Cat 4 CAKTOON'.Sii their journey to Ter conipletin; i ace. Wa'ter Iiiedies, who is in charge of live management lie-t . c' d -partment of the British Columbia Forest Service, is a vislto- in the city and district ! ' ff iriu! business. ;!icTnnr. Prill. e George: Mr. GOING If you want U- sell It, adveriisi it. rws classified. Mr. v'ancu RAY M II. LAND ete: Mnviii;, Paektnir, Cratinj; Shipping ami General ('intake and Storage ttiminli i.'-. Reliable and Effi-, lent r.i'rvi'-e .V.-o aernls for Canadian t.uioid Air Co. Ltd. f,,r Acetylene and all n-vld 'i! supplies Mrs. L, O. Frascr of wt re visitors at the .'el and also enjoying ' hunting. JAN STERLING - few day and Mrs. Dor ton of Prince Rupert, who are vaeaticning; W. J. C. Fleming. H. Rudd of Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Baldwin of Oiian, New York, win ai " on their way to Terrace on EvrniiiK Shows 7 - 0:09 Saturday Matin- 14 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE ft STORAGE LIMITED Cur 'od a id Park Avenues Olh'-r vet -rdht gu eats at the tel !nr Ihc past week have included: !! S. WaVida. W, J. Milk. R. A. Daykio. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gerove. J. M. Galloway. R. F. A'lxiei. a-id E. K. Newport a'l of Vancoueer: Jack Ford of V etur-ia. G orge Jay a id C. Bell (if P. ince George; Ler. Kmilson, Betn'ce Lf.vinaviway and Eddy Stoltz and Mike Goda. a company of entertainers from l'h...i-N M and 68 I Chr'3 WE HAVE JUST THE SHOES YOU WANT For both Men and Women or Jatlomuj Jc "Hospitality and Good Food" lhat is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out TOY D ii'. Ma' E -n. !r c PMW.y v.-i'h Li.n Properppi from Burns Lake, were here on business tor ,'n- cay. having registered at the Tcik'A?. Hotel. They returned o'l Saturday. Word was received here thai H B'on.."ti, former station agnt who moved to Summerland. BC, utter retiring from the railway and who had been in ill heal'h a long time, passed away at Ins sons home in Kiilarney, Mani-t -ha Ladies uri, I Gentlemen 1 fashion footwear most ccmuleto sclnriion of Tty? Late arrivals at the Telkwa Hotel were Harold Lanning. '.ravr:!er; George E. Ashley, Mrs. :j. Kirllei, V. B Blair and C. ir . a 1 of Vancouver: also P. B'-rry. Knn'o-ips; J. S. 1 wt c-any 1.1" Commodore Cafe NG L 1 1 mmmitm 1 in j 1 1 '' 1 n I v vi a ! r arvi r-v t -ill. It OverflAUL It! i-V ...-p 1 IT-JSia X KTTWs ' J ! During October I' x(M$$Z7 a low-priced ; vt) K; ' f A 1 Z MiiT Kor ,hc cl"'d 15 - 1 jui 11 111 nntrc e-Mtrnf rant W'li-'.l' 0 vi I Way. Oct I h l-ta ?l 'l ,f . m Ddl LOLP ih- WM :,i( '? krrm m NEEDYQUjj? ' b 1 : t Mi ' i f kmm0fT s S t GENERAL tuii iCg f Lq U 1 : APPLIANCES y If JZ ( I L J T19 Toaslor ' r 1 Think of it- new low prtoure, i MVJ low-priced tire embodyingall the ' I Jl ... 'ft ft JZ&J&'& Tl2t-S& & ' famous Dunlop feature, of ,ta. SIZE 6.70,15 4-PLY . Tl, TIZToCStCr Tr.. fgfl ,f Ji'Z?& 4 bilitv. road grip and sturdy con- T?2 -iorrtr , t ; ! f f W'N struttion plus the cushioned comfort of low pressure tiding plus an entirely ,,tm 'v'-i f M" f!Q jfe, ToW new 7-rrb tread pattern for rugged strength and hih mileage. fQ-, ' ron t mJD f,,w"" tS W A'oi there' low-priced Dunlop Tire to meet your every need; ... ' ' 4 (juJf Wk 4-p.y rW.SKom Iron - j AM fffttfVi 25 MORE Tire Mileage if you buy NOW EH'tr'c Krlc 1 Su'' iSZr:'k Tires hou((ht in the fall give top traction in winter cooler running in lummeri !, M--V Pm,l 1' ' &A $1$ You save money-get 2 5Vc mure mileage by buying Dunlop Tires now. , riC..rrj r"U crtlpi,! " t JCt.t' 'fi0' s" yo" N,ana DuB,ap D'al" 1oday 0 ',Wq' fe-h o"ow' Vac;imCl:ancf,tonktvp2c Once your engine reaches "middle ogo" won parts overtax zoz otlicr ard the motor deteriorates rap'dly . . . UNLESS you orJcr an expert overhaul job by our rnasr mechanics. 'i you plan to keep your car !ong, you'll snvo money in trie lor.n run. Sen us' SUPERIOR AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED