r. 5 ' e. Krince Rupert Uaiiv News Weclr.vsdav, October 3. 1951 HERE and Five Pins See Action NOW r ' , piiin.'. This score was closely fol-lo-Afd by Larry Di;her, of the , i Moose, anil McLean cf the File- , 1 men, bctfr scoring 2iJ(i Ed Mus.se-lam of Bud's turned in a high ! tluee-game total of 730, with ' games of 226. 271 and 193. Low single game was 60 and low ; three games totalled 333. ; Results: "A" LeaRue 1 w nart my nonius. 1 examined tne ivad lot Uacks to detei mine the extent of traffic. What I found mad.' me no happier. It was evident no other vehicle had been along for days. Probabiy none would come for again that lone I had to have water, or I was marooned. The nearest potrit of civilization of which I knew was more than 30 miles away. I had a couple of cold drinks about wo mouthfuls left in my ther-;u s Lius already parched. I ..-wallowed this and took my iiuich bucket in quest for water. Even if I had to carry it drop by drop. I vowed I would get some water into the radiator of the car. I set out cross-country, leaking for a possible stream or water hole. Men's Five Pin Bowling League went into action Monday ni'jlit with th-' hii'li jst three pame tot a' taken by Eudd's team, and tiie highest single by CNRA No. 1. Him-le high M-jre was 1213. and Bud's .'cored 3.122 with names ol 1024, 1154 and 941. Hero of th" owner was Jack Mi'rhKl if O.e hish team, who bowled a hir-h of 287 in a .single A . - " ! " t . 't - , Dud's j Thorn Sheet Metal .... j Bulgei's I Malison's . 3 3 3 3 ! Ey LARK if ST AN WOOD ANOThf.'R KKCOKIJ has bee i established in Prince Rupert. A ntw- item yesterday told us that st far we have never had as much funshir.-' in nnv year. Th.it is a healthy indication. Sunshine is a wonderful element. It contains health giving lord valur, and is especially appreciated here whei "canned sunshine" ups our living custs c-nriderably. Sunshine also' Is an effective germ killer. It is a stimulant to growth. Great for summer sports. Wonderful for holiday time and an advertisement to tourists for any place. Oh, there if nc end to the benefits jt sunshine. But there Is another sld? to sunrhiur, a harsh, bitter, cruel side. When it turns against man it'j?'l!w.!'?'W1 ... - .... th:1 p. Toronto M:,p;e Leii h,,., ro (hern Or.tar'o f.j, Fport Shop 2 CNRA, No. 1 2 i Rupert Butrlv.rs 2 I Shcrt Circuits 2 Home Oil , 1 j Misfits 1 I Firemen 1 j Moose 1 ! "B" League j Kaien Industries 4 ' Royal Fish 4 1 Hot Shots , 3 i DISPUTED END A new court battle on the international fo-Jtball horizon involves husky N e 1 1 1 Armstrong, Winnipeg Blue Bombers' classy end. Philadelphia Eagles of United States National Football League seek a restraining injunction against Armstrong on grounds they picked up their option on his 1950 contract. i CP PHOTO) BARILKO REPLACEMENT- Three candidates 10. defence pst ..it vacant by the disappearance t: Bariiko ilstcn to coach Joe Primcau. Lett to rig ,t. lurton are u from farm team FitUbua'h Hor i t Ku;.;!i Ejlton, Fn.!u Ma;;! in t'.u- An.e kan H, i . ",'.'' Primeau raid one of the thriv po:.-ib!y will in :kc the team, nuw traiiua at E! c. TliD Sl'N WAS a white ba'I of fire smoldering in the pale blue t-i, its incandescent rays stab-binH at the rolling hills and at m? with fing rs of flume. The thin grass crinkled under my feet and was brown and lifeless; i even the earth seemed to have ; turned brown from the heartless,' blazing sun. The air was close and stifling, sultry and terribly depressing. On. arc the orp,;.? ., Rookie Hurler t- 'ai'i' brc..i v... then begins the trouble. It can There was no wind, not even a turn into a killer. jltU victorj p I wen a G'2 .obn; t if .it tu p:(; J;. k'e.i "I tU At, ai tht Wer:i S:r Cuffed Giants grass toward a pile of rocks. The haid. reddish fianite sent bam a glare that made my eyes ache. Other rocks were there now as I approached the ravine, and each 3remrd to multiply the heat. I could feel my lips cracking in 'he rearing atmosphere and I redoubled my efforts to reach the spuik'ing rivulet I felt so strongly was just ahead. Canadians, Japs, in Puck Meet VANCOUVER (CP) Possibility or a Canadian senior hocke.v team making a trip to Japan within the next few months was dLsiiased here today by Doug Grimston, president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association. Grimston said the association had received a letter from its Japanese counterpart requesting a Class A team ami 15 team-members exhibition series be underwritten by the Japan association, Grimston said the association would probably send the Trail Smoke Eaters, winners of the we.ite.'n Canada intermediate championship last year. i 1 NEW YORK f Brooklyn Dk1- Gluntu yevt Ii'tday g jrr'E and New York s miracle 'Oiante are deadlocked in the jNatonul Lmeue post-eun tie oh y-olt and are crashing heud- Northwest Const 3 I R. Amusements 3 Pai amounts 2 Canadian Legion 2 Jaycees 1 Coastal Painters 1 Bulkley Market 1 CNRA No. 2 0 'els 0 NtXt week's schedule: Coastal Painters vs Para-mcunts: Northwest Const, vs. K :ya! Fish: Buikley Market vs Canadian Legion: CNRA No. 2 v I R. Amusements; Jots vs Jaycees; Hot Shots vs Kaien Industrie;. Rupeit Butchers vs Misfits; Short. Circuits vs CNRA No. 1; Manser. 's vs Bulger's; Firemen vs .V..c:e: Sport Shop vs Bud's; Home Oil vs Thorn Sheet Mdtal. Fain Named Batting King CHICAGO (CP) Ferris Fain, Philadelphia's left-hand-hitting first sacker, today was unofficially crowned as the Athletics' first American League batting champion in 18 years with a .344 percentage. The first As star to win the title since Jimmy Fox did in 1933. with .356, Fain finished 18 points ahead of Chicago's versatile Minnie Minoso, the Cuban Negro rookie-of-the-year candidate who had .326. 1 SHALL NEVER forget my most practical lesson. I was motoring alone through gome out-ol-the-way territory in southwestern California, commonly known in that area as the "badlands." The yellow dusty road wound tortuously through the rolling grey hills. It was still early morning, but hot the air stifling. What I had feared for some I clutched by lunch but k"t in which I would carry the water In the car and rushed forward. Yes. there it was. A very tiny stream r'.reui., I.ubi;.(- ij.-. telle, piuriodatr thrnupn-iu' h, s,.rt P!.:.c und f),;ti, di-jpite Bi- if.r, ., -tiy a iit:;e ca muu'.hs. tm today with each manager . lluotint, the works. Stan Manlie of tiie Giants and 'Dm Newecatbc of the D.;dL'eis movement of air to relieve the monotony of just plain heat. I topped a knoll and looked a-'ourid, studying Intently -tho area for any sign of water. I saw it. Not more than a mile, I thought it would be to that clump of shrubby growth which loilowed the contour of a ravine. There must be a little stream th rt. At first, I hurried, but soon I cut my pace in half. The hills were patched and every crack in the dry, hard earth cried for water as I did. Through the intense glare of sunshine, distant heatwaves I saw, shimmering and undulating over the hot earth. I heard a hissing sound, then a rustle, and bef ire me a small snake slithered over the dead lanoed over rocks and ren a valley of luscious green a thousand feet below. But the source of the water was only a hundred letl away. I had made it. Bl'T THERE IS still another kind of sunshine, and it never turns against you. It is the sun-fhire in a human smile. When you're g.-eeted with a happy fac?. .or know yii have a frivr.d. H The'e are r.ot enough happy W;.ke Ll.ied. i face. A finl'e is infectious and from Hanai; v- i !. s re:.p!ocal, but to also is u .o H '; ! K n ii'.t. dour attitude. . m.le in c.ca. Vi: ve already established a' , .ccrd lor natuial sunshine. How f-..vit 31 rr:s-abuu', some human sunshine? If abl? area d ih( L,r v;j try hard, we can even smile tins m thf Indian c. -tir cwn'trout'f away. cd in if,r stt r time, came true. The car's motor was heating and steam issued from the hood. I stopped to investigate and found the radiator ir) , the engine block fairly glowing. Lots of time, I told myself. Just camp by the roadside and someone will come along with a help-'" hand. But after two hours I .' V;. - V;-' CN TOP OF FLAY Coaeh Julinny Sawatzky of ih" RC.' tr.am at. Sheai water bae Halifax lanes no chance,; on missing any or the inside p a a., he puts th? .quad through a practice. Inm hit- helkoptjr quartcr-dsck coach Sawat ky provides a new twist in Canadian fastball. i CP from National Defpncai V v -' V4 Mi . M: ' " - i ' . I t i01D CAIYEET I I 1 r "vm - IT I r-l Sl C- Served with pride U -on those special occasions J I ' ..1 ! il f .' 1 I It . X. I j l viien umy uie iinesi willsufficej; The newesf trainer pone of fhe Royal Co" Air Force he hvo-seofer 'e T-33. '1 it ! in s Get 1f6orre iv'fj fie Force anadia Royal nding f" For the young man who wanis to build a future for himself in a modern, expo of action, ond opportunity who recognizes his responsibilities Join a Service '':'"'; ' Whose Expansion is himself there are immediate openings in the R.C.A.F. Men are nee train as: PILOTS, RADIO AND NAVIGATION Off See the R.C.A.F. Career Counsellor or mail this coupon - K.C.A.F. 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