r 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 3, 1951 News of the District .En route home they spent a few' Barbecue Grounds Being Improved TELKWA The Telkwa Barbecue A&soclatirn held an emergency meet.ng to formulate definte plans to purchase and Instal wire fencing with steel TERRACE I OPICS I days at Telkwa. j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oortion ; visited in Terrace on their return i homp to Prinrp Runert. from th I Smithers Road Tragedy Shock Stewart News... Injured in Fall at Riverside Mine Replacing Sidewalks Logging Operations at Bear River Mrs. Philios Rossignol, the for-! RMITUfDO T , were shocked by he u Mm S!d.by two strands of J mcr Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, left byjhoUd" death of Tommy Hoskins in . w.1- .m 8unas i car on Tuvsday for her home at car accident and also taklnB ln a spring that j R,,y.iton, Vancouver Island, after Scores of cars viewed the mass WUld be auUe an. asset to the a weeks visit here with her) Thursday night s Hospital AhXt, of wreckage that was once a ts"-'""u;, lur wuiemig oi siwn, i son-m-law and daughter, Mr. : lliary meeting, the first after ELKWA r)ni,,iforj c "-ui,v "uuiu i ann mis. vie uiraua. Accom- summer recess, was wen auenitfid ... shining new car. flocked to the scene tragedy. of tjg " -'"""wij jj.iuy nr on me trip were wilii many new memueis oein - $800. This would go a long way Miss Mary Turner, x-ray tech- i present. Mrs. Ivan Frank, presi-'' (n mnHnnr tV. npmmrle ...t(U . r . ... I , . ... , . .t Falling off the roof of one of the buildings at Riverside mine, Hyder, Alaska, Jim Lan?don, who is In charge of the property, sustained injuries which necessitated him being flcwn to Prince Rupert for medical attention. The C-ray equipment here is out of order and an accurate diagnosis of the injuries was not possible locally. ALKS... . inn i m mi him i ! - I fa, ,"" V ill : - . M - I it ' J '' I J - !'- , J ' v ... J - 5 s- , , " :. ' i . -: It was pvirinnt th t T,, s b'u.iuo, ' iiirun ui urj Louraes nospitai, i aent., was in in-a cnair. a report tried trbrinE trip , back othcr Planned improvements, Campbell River, and Miss Edna ; of the Hospital Ball was given,.,'; lh hj h " " : . i vue iuu.il, up-iAj-uaie ana nnesi Dobbie, RN., formerly of Copper! by the general convener, Mrs. W. , ill tho pnnntrw Tt nmnll nl.n rtiiu, ill UUlIlg BU, Mr. and Mrs. T. Christiansen causea rc to buckle and somer- eIminate any possibilit y of brief visit ult He had been the daughter paid a given Br,ss-.on on the part o gome of Citv and Pr.nce Rupert and now j C. Osborne, who felt that, the of Campbell RiVer. j effort had been worth while and ,,, . I th3 Auxiliary had benefitted ! considerably financially. Plan ,,, Mr. nnd Mrs. G?orse McAdams were made for the Thankseivirm , . with the Paulson family before car lor about la minutes and the public. There is considerable losr of revenue through this nro- The recent McFadden discovery on the Marmot River is being operated by a new company ent.tled Marmut Lead and Zinc ,AnrK I.imitpH Dnrinrr thn na o returning to Prince George. gathered two of his friends and . went lor a short drive. Coa.it- The Royal Bank of Canada has luIlg ,s":eflch " tLir - went on a soft erected sign on their new ceriure and the committee feels . tiirnnl home on Sunday, driv- Tea to be held in the Credit..., Justiflvd in taking steps to abol-; irg f-om the south wlr?re they Union hall on Saturdayl, Octobec'i i tsh. Regular meeting will be have passed the past six months 6 and working committee formT he'd later in the month. holidaying on Vancouver Island, td. "'' . week work mi thp Li r,lart : sub-branch premises and instal very tieajheious on both sides. (has been pushed alon- ,-teadlly "ea onlce '"rniture ana nxiures. I under the direction of owner ! "H hoPe to Pen for business McFadden. A contract for 500 w'1""1 lti nexx. week or ten days. Pave Smithers- icet of tunnel has been let to ocnuui uiieiiuance is stui mi m the increase and now over the l6lKWa HlQIIWay MlK Benkovich. The heads of the new company are enthusiastic about the future of the iiuiit. i uc ii in cihsa iuijiii is iiuw j ready and awaiting another i tjacher when available. i property. ! At the regular meeting of the village commissioners, Cnairman i The Telkwa hall committee ! Ernest Love reported that, re- ! had a meeting to discuss the In-j placing obso.e wooden side- stallation of a furnace In the hall. walks, hard surfacing had been An appropriation of funds Is to - TELKWA Telkwa Citizens' Association gave a luncheon on Thursday for the Hon. E. C. Carson. About 25 guests were present. In speaking, Mr. Carton intimated that the Village oi" Telkwa and stretch of road between Telkwa and Smithers would most likely be paved next year when more . funds would be avaiiab.e. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION OPPORTUNITY Wc have an opening f ir an aggressive org inization, properly financed and with acv.quate facilities to merchandise, install and service commercial refrigeration equipment in Prii.-.e Rupert and surrounding territory. As the pioneer manufacturer of electric refrigeration in Canada, we can offer to the right party a franchise that has . great fa'es and profit possibilities. If interested, wiite giving some details of your present operations, facilities, territory, etc., and complete information will be furnished by return mail. Ke'vinator of Canada Limited, London, Ont. put on the east side of Columbia be sanctioned and work will start Street trom Sixth to Ninth ts soon as possible. Streets, along Sixth on the noith ' side west ot Columbia lor half Mrs. Kay Thornton left by car a block, along the south side of to board the plane at Prince Seventh lor half a block, along Georee for Vancouver where she One of the world's famous flat-topped mountains is Mr. Rorai- the north side of Ninth Street will receive medical treatment ,i;iE BANJO here a w"eK next Friday will be Wallie uom Columbia to bngntwell, ma, towering 9.1C3 feet in E it;sh i national star of radio and television. Vancouver- . joined the staff of Radio Station CJOR as Musical ana on me east side of Bright- Mr. and Mrs. Les Campbell and Guiana well from Kighih to Nin.n. ,unc family are moving to Smithers ; later joined th- ranks of Indi pi nd-nt artist i, doing will) cubs and theatres throughout California. He i.au iu oe uisconunuea on ac- where Mr. Campbell will be em-count of weather conditions but ployed by the City Transfer it is the intention of the com- ii( a lkmice Ilcidt talent show. nuti.oners to continue the work oi replacement next year. Mi. and Mrs. O. Lindstrom of Langara, Queen Charlotte Is- Trains : lands, accompanied by his father, Phil Crouch has been visiting C. Lindstrom of Rimo. are travel- 30 Dead In Brazil Saturday, October 6th is Newspaper Carrier Day. Honor Yours! i tinning here for the past week renewing ling through on a vacation. While old acquaintances. In the vicinity of Doughty, about i in frum Jasper RIO DE JANIERO CP) Thirty ib miles south of Telkwa, they siy-trains-a-wecK persons died and 40 were itv i.02iimir fineratinns for t.hp r?n- irimMnni m B.iS line is reported jured Monday in an explosion at lumbia Cellanese Company has! -' in ui-um-uii uine me oiaziuan army s ammuni- Deen underway on the Bear Fli. st extra train lion factory at Estrella, near River vallev and. it Is rennrted should see a fairly large crew at work on this nneral.lnn which iu unit.- ,u o u uiut-n. near, mice wnis ui me laciory ( will be prosecuted vigorously wni he of much benefit to the were destroyed. 'during the winter, Early spring district. N- For Everyone v V f23r I Pi Prince Rupert Civic Centre 1951-52 Schedule SPORTS CRAFTS AND , HOBBIES JUNIOR HOYS WOODWORK Monday and Thursday -4 p.m. (1KI.S HANDICRAFTS Friday 4 p.m. TEEN-AGE HOYS CR-UTS Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. ETBALl. I ICKS , Mii::dn.v ', '1 hun iiay:, nul F Ulaya H:ai.! i; n.AV Tuesday iiivl Ram clay Er nings '!. i;i)Y ll.AUl I n.AV T'lCi. At 'Hairs. Ailerroo 's 1 RAiil'R IMii.'UKUS Saturday Mornins:!. 0:30 am. I ;n;i i ' Fii't.iy. B:00 p.m. Tuesday.' 4:6(1 p.m. Fridays 7:30 p m. our Newspaper Carrier f iNTON tllltl.S CRAFTS " ( ami;ka ( i.i i) ACUITS r.i ;iNNKi;.s' r rafts ADVANCKD (RAITS Al TI ROiN CRAFTS ( ami r c i.rn nil; inr-.tli.v:-,. 7:im 10:30 p ni. Mondays 7:30 p m. Thursdays 7:30 pm. Wed. and Thurs. 2:003:30 p m. ' Sundays, 1 :?M 5:0n p m. Fri'lavs i.'i Audt-riiim when nvailab'.e. . Tliirsl:iy i'lid Salr.itlay Aflcrnnon GIVES UP LEISURE TIME EACH DAY TO LEARN q RUDIMENTS of BUSINESS I AS! Al VMVKRSITY EXTENSION COl'RSES- -To be Announced. i i t ;-. H lialtiiday Evenin:.,'; Noun Ilimr i by ApiMvi.tmriit Thuisd-iy.-i, 6:3n pm. 9:30 pm. Saturdays. 1:00 vm. 5:30 p m. F;id:iy. :i:3') pm. o:30 p.m. n avai'abie for Jur.iurs arid Teen Club MITE: Craft Clashes are o ganizeel on a t.-n-weck tuition basis. A'l 5 oups start, during the week commencing October 1st. Tuition is fice of charge to members and some tools will be providyH for Junior and Teen Groups. The Staff will advise rc Iratlirr and equipment purchase. New groups will be reghtercd at the conclusion vt the len-weck period. SQL untl 0 to u p m. by Appointment. Rup-Rec Classes and Organized Games HA l' 'i Noon Heirs ami 5 to 6 y in. by Aneintmcnt i'ii.V' TI-NN,ST'.'R in Tern and Aduit Rooms. ';" ,NI INMr T'"-- In Tc-ii and Adult Rooms hi'vS" iivt BOW'-'NG For Jiiir.ors--In Tern F.oom. l,.f'''MnMW. Vcdnesrlays and F.k'ays. TINY TOTS GAMES anp nrr-Ki:c Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. Honor Your Carrier Who Serves You While Serving Himself I The world events stand -still each day until your newspaper earner delivers the paper. The business training he gets from managing a paper route after school will be more helpful if you encourage him with a word of praise for his services and show an , interest in his youthful endeavors. No-- other, person performs a greater service ZZ to his community than your newspaper.-.'"- earner. Canada's future depends on his; . ' . ..-" training. s - - i 1 1. !! I TNi For Adults and Teen Seniors. ' Ry Appolnlment. JUNIOR ROYS' f'AiMES Mondays 3:30 5:00 p.m. GIRLS' GAMF.S Thursdays 3:30-5:00 p.m. HOYS' Rl r RFC. ..-.Flidays 3:30 5:00 pm. GIRLS' KIT RFC Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 p.m. TAT DANCING To be Announced Wufca I ion a l,Cu 1 1 u ra I and Social teen age GIRLS' Pi r-RK" Wednesdays 7:00 8:00 p.m. AltL FILM HOARD MOVIKS (Ten Roiitn): I Stir'ruls Fridays 7 p.m. . I Adults Friday!" 8 p.m. .4vJ? 1T"I'ATUK Mondays -8 pm. N M,' , W'.xlncsdays 8 p.m. Ernri.1'1? ,?AM) Mondays -8 p.m. BOYS' Rl'F-RF.C Fridays 7 : 00 8 : 30 p.m. TL'KN TOI RNAMENTS Thursday Evenings KQI'ARG DANCING To be Announced TAl' AND BALLET DANCING To be Announced ADULTS W OMEN'S KEIiP I IT Wciinc day 2'3C 3:30 r.in. Thursday 8:00 10 p.m. MEN'S GYMNASTICS Tuesdays 8:30-10 p.m. SIJl ARIl DANCING To be Announced Jt'UO ... . To be Announced "VI. 1 1,1 IS I Ft . 1U UL' niuiiJuiiutu. ' SI'EAKIVn r i to - . . j U.Ni . '" v ittxa io D." llllioum cu. WITY EXTENSION COl'RSLS To be Announced. LL GROUPS COMMENCE WEEK OF OCTOBER 1st UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FREE WITH MEMBERSHIP OF COURSE! , I I II I I '