i9, 1919 yjlembet } Zam-Buk ends the pain, and stops bleed. ing. Try it! “All dealers, 50c, box. NOW OPEN P.R.CAFE ae Rest in Town —= Second Avenue, Near Empress Theatre ; neonrnerrreeeeeeeeeeeeenneere P.R. FEED Co. PHONE 68 GOR RT OS CL OL OS OL OI OF OL OL OE OL OTs Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P.0. Box 333 908 Srd Ave. Phon® Green 607 1017 Srd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Bpecialists ght and Heavy Con t Repairs and Alterations. Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully First Class 10K AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS i. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. B mouldings and erior finish lumber al- ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood, Estimates Given. PAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. i, doors, MITH & MALLETT UMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS “Stiinates furnished. dress, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. one 174 -_ P.O. Box 274 iw... OR ELECTRICAL WORK e0. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones ACK 367 __ GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. er coccccccscccsonoonaanee “Garland” Roarding House. 416 Sixth Avenue” East , Near Drydock by Month or W eek. Phone Red 245 ee IN PROBATE SUPREME COURT oO} “OLUMBIA ~ MATT Py y AC BRITISH Y THE \DMINISTRA ind F THRE | }USTA STATE oF rt LITTLE, DE MATT Py) RKGAKE “TICE thas ist) ul i. : POF the a “pdolnted — ar ainst the (Md. all parties > = | @State are . 9 1» NINE, property ‘ * aaa the ist of I t tee att Parties in ith *Gulred to pay ble Mess to me j tt 0% MeMU LLIN US ity 1a ta) Administrator ' Sept tiber, 19 19 In the Letter Box ee Te ot A Ht oi an pee > SETTLEMENT BOARDS Editor News,—It is question ible whether the government con. sidered the question of settling returned soldiers on land in close roximity to the fishing grounds of the north. There are many spots of ten or twenty acres ad- acent to Prince Rupert on which families might live the year round, while the men could en- gage in trolling during the sum. mer and preparing gardens dur- ing the fall and winter, The rais. ing of strawberries, poultry, vege tables and fruit would give em ployment and a lucrative means of living could be found. The Indian fishermen raise potatoes, turnips and other vege. tables by planting in the spring before the salmon season begins. ‘They then engage in trolling and gather their vegetables in the fall. These people own their houses; almost all of them have gasoline launches, and they are becoming fairly well off. With lishing settlements on the adja- cent islands where each resident would cultivate a few acres of land, there are better prospects than in clearing farms out of tne vilderness of trees and stumps. Some fishermen made five hun- dred dollars in a few weeks tish- ing on the rivers and along the coast. The climate is not against clearing and gardening all the year round. To prevent isolat on families could form settlements if fishermen and make a good comfortable living away from the turmoil of the city. They would earner food from a more prolific than from the land with no trouble in planting. ‘he price of fish this year shows that that industry is profitable for those engaged in the neigh- orhood of Prinee Rupert. NEMO. ilso source SERBIAN LADY REPLIES eo UCU Editor The News: Please allow me a space in the Daily News for this article. I wish to express my opinion of the party, whoever it was, that criti- cized the Serbian orchestra. Their praise Was very enthusiastic about the musie and ft would also be of the singing if they could have understood. And it is there that i and many others do not think the criticism was just. It must be remembered there were many Serbian people attend- ing the Chautauqua and it was only proper that there should be some singing in Serbian, and they also tried to please the whole public by singing some American airs and some people had enough nerve to eriticize. it also must be remembered properly unless it is fully under- You may be sure that your songs, if American, are just as interesting to a foreigner who could pot understand them as our songs are to you. | think it isa folly for anyone to eriticize any- thing of which they know prac- tically nothing. stood. SERBIAN. “CHRIST'S COMING” SUBJECT OF LECTURE “Christ's Second Coming.’ How? When? Where? will be the sub- ject of a lecture to be given in the Empress Theatre on Sunday even- ing at 8 o'clock by W. Tinney, of Vancouver. Mr. Tinney has been lecturing regularly at Hamilton Hall, Vancouver, and his lecture here will be given under the auspices of the International! Bible Students Association. All seats at the Empress Thea- tre are free; there will be no col- lection and a hearty invitation 1s given to all to attend. LIMOUSINE LIFE IN EMPRESS THEATRE At the Empress Theatre tonight Olive Thomas is featured in @ first rate picture, “Limousine Life.’ Olive Thomas is the lady's maiden name, She is now mar- ried to Jack Pickford and is said to be a real star. The Seventh episode of The Great Houdini in “The Master Mystery” is also-on the cards for toflight. DEMAND SIXTY PER CENT per cent, Cleveland, Sept, 18.—The wage increase demanded by the United Mine Workers is said 4o be sixty Case Ming Phone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read when they want anything It brings results ie WANTED. WANTED Stenographer. Apply at local auditor's office, Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company, Prince Rupert, B. G WANTED—Woman cook. Wages $75 a month, with board and room. Apply to matron, P. R. _ General Hospital. tf WANTED—One bookkeeper, male, and two messengers. Apply personally to G, T. P, Telegraph _Co., Third Avenue. tf GIRL WANTED for the Coney Island Bar at once, wages $25 a week, 219 WANTED—Laborers for Swanson Bay. Apply Westenhaver Bros. office. 221 WANTED—Reporter for the Daily News, commencing Sept. 24. WANTED—First class carpenters _ Wanted, Mitchell & Currie. tf WANTED—Girl for office work. Apply box 298 Daily News. i NOTICE IF YOU ARE PAYING UP ON Government lots, can save you large part on payments. Call at onee, Westenhaver Bros. tf OR SALE FOR SALE—Cabin launch, 25 by 7%, suitable for trapper, sal- mon troller or Jogger; 6 h. p. 4-eycele engine. Best offer takes this. Also 33 by 8 Jap fish boat, 6 h.-p. heavy duty Buffalo en- gine. Will consider any offers. Apply J. Field, Government lloat, Cow Bay, or address P. ©. box 84, 220 FOR SALE—22 foot cabin launch, ribs and keel; copper fastened; 4%" x 5” Pierce two cycle motor; burns gasoline, distillate or coal oil. Has just completed voyage from Vic- toria. Speed 8 miles. $300 to first comer. Apply to owner at Orwig's boatyard, Seal Cove. al Ax FOR SALE BY TENDER — Lot 3 Block 39, Section 5. Six rooms. In good condition. Water. Light. Clear title. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and including September 20. P. Dawson, Norfolk Rooms, Phone Black 329. 222 FOR SALE—Norfolk Rooms—22 rooms well furnished. Heating plant and all modern con- venieneces. One room vacant. For quick sale $1,000. Apply Norfolk Rooms, Phone Biack 529. that a thing cannot be appreciated |STRAWBERRY PLANTS for fall planting, $2 per hundred, post free. Also fruit bushes 50e. each. Order now. Fruitland Nurseries, Remo, B. C. (G.T.P.) MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- ing Loans. Apply Prince RKu- pert Housing Ltd. Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALE — Old stove heater, suitable for campers, Daily News. Office. FOR SALE—Rowboat with Evin- rude engine. Phone Red 156. FOR SALE — Large baby buggy, good as new. Phone 161. 19 FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten cents a bundle. ROOMS FOR RENT or reom and board, 225 Ninth Ave. West. 21 LOST — Fawn colored rain coal marked “Burberry.” Finder please return to Daily News office. tf MISCELLANEOUS SEE McGOWAN, the Cycle man, for new and second-hand bi- cycles, repairs and parts. Easy terms, All kinds of light re- pair work, Second Avenue, near McBride. Phone Blue 4 3. THE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Sealp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m, or by appoint- ment, Phone 493. tf JOE BROWN'S MOTOR TRANS- FER and Passenger Service stand, Empress Hotel. Phones 176 and Black 334, Let Joe do it. BRASSIERES MADE TO ORDER. Mra. Director, phone Blue 92. Advertise in the Daily News. THE DAILY 7 en -| desires to have NEWS LANDS WANTED FOR SOLDIER SETTLERS. ——— Powers have been granted to the Soldier Settlement Board of Canada to purchase agricultural land to be resold to qualified returned soldiers settling on land, fo assist soldiers in jocating in any suitable district of British Columbia that they wish, the Soldier Settlement Board filed with them full de- and lowest cash prices on & number of select quarter sections avail- able for purchase in each district of the province Purchases by the Board will be paid for in cash, The public are scription is for purchase by returned soldiers, and must be of good agricultural quality, and reasonable price, making possible the success of the soldier as a farmer. it should be within seven miles of a rail- way, open, free from weeds, water supply assured, and of moderate price In giving particulars, mention nearest market and school. In comparison With the vast sup- ply of vacant lands, the number of farms immediately required will be very Jimited, Owners, therefore, will kindly assist the Board by offermge for the present only land which fills the above requirements. No commission will be charged or paid, No offers to sell will be binding on the person offering, unless a sale is effected, and no obligation will be on the Board to accept any offer If application from be received for the purchase of land, an inspection end valuation of such land may be made by the Board, If approved negotiations may be entered into for the purehase and sale thereof An approval list is desired for each district in British Columbia For lands on Columbia, address, dier Settlement Vancouver, and for lands on Island, address, Soldier Settlement Board, Pemberton Building, Victoria, B.C. SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD, CANADA. j NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, RK. 8. C. Chapter 115. The Minjster of Public Works of the Government of the Province of British Columbia hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries at Ottawa and in the office of the Distric Registrar of the Land Registry District a Prince Rupert, B. C., a description of the site and the plan of proposed renewal and extension of the Provincial Government Wharf at Prince Rupert, B. C., in front of Waterfront Block “F.” Take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publi- cation of this notice the Minister of Public Works of the Government of the Province of British Columbia will, under Section 7 of the said act, apply to the Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries at their offices in the city of Ottawa for approve! of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said a returned soldief mainiand of British Superintendent, Sol- Board, Rogers Building, renewal and extension. Dated at Victoria, B.C., this 2ist day of August, 1919. } A. BE. POREMAN, | Public Works Engineer. Dept. of Public Works, ____Vietoria, B. C. i ala TIMBER SALE X 1806. Sealed tenders ‘will be received by t Minister of Lands not Later than noon 0 the 13th day of October, 1919, for th purchase of Licence X 1805, 296,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Shannon Bay, Mas- set Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island District Two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B.C., or District Prince Rupert, B.C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in Range 5, Coast District, lying thre miles on each side of the Kitsumgallum River, notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the 2nd July, 1908, is cancelled. G, R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1019. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of which appeared in the British Columb: Gazette on the 25th February, cancelled, G. R, NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B. c., 15th July, "1010 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HBREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands on Porcher Island, Range 5, Coast Disteict nouce of which in, the British columbia usta Re Gon March, 1908, is cancelled, G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands De tment, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1019. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands on Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District, notiee of Which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the 30th July, 1908, and the Srd July, 1913, ts cancelled, G. BR, NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., iSth July, 10190 When an invitation is sent it should be on a natty card. We have the very latest in gilded deckle edge just like they use in New York Daily News Job Depart- ment. informed that this land? Vancouver | | | Forester, the) reserve existing over certain Crown iis the reserve existing over certain Crown lands on the Naas River, Cassiar District, ss 1909, is Page 7 wi } } 4 We Pride Ourselves upon the fact that many of our new customers are sent to us by the old ones. . You know what that means—no man recommends without reason—and belief in what we sell is amply shown by our steadily increasing list of patrons. 3# We are sure ot the goods we sell —just as those who buy them can be, because we feature the highest ;rade merchandise that good materials and a, conscientious workmanship can produce. Acme Importers Ltd. Outfitters for Men and Boys THIRD AVENUE Don’t forget that we would be pleased to have you call and examine our large stock of High Grade FOOTWEAR You will need a pair of shoes for the winter OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT : McArthur’s Shoe Store : THIRD AVE. ' ie i tmwee =_ —S_ = — DENTISTRY VISITORS! Don't fail to have your teeth examined while you are in the city, thus having the advantage of a thoroughly modern dental office at your disposal. I have made special arrange- ments to accommodate those who are in the city for the week only. | would suggest those requiring dental attention call at their earliest convenience for examination and appoint- ment. All visitors are invited to visit and inspect my office which is the most middern in Northern B. C. and second to none on the coast. Dr. A. H. BAYNE Morning, 9-12 Afternoon, 1:30-5:30 Evenings, 7-9 Dental nurse always in attendance. Rooms 4-5-6 Helgerson Block - - Phone 109 Royal Ineurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London @ Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Fideiity-Phenix Fire ineurance Oo. David H. Hays General Real EstateAgent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention | on oy iter ; Fe ~~ a a a3 *,